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Topic : Holiday

Topic sentence : Spending my holiday in Yogyakarta

Details :
1. Visiting prambanan temple
2. Buying clothes in Malioboro
3. Trying to solve a myth in Alun Alun Yogya

Where do you usually go to spend your holiday? Do you go to somewhere? Maybe you stay
overnight in your family during the holiday, enjoy the new condition, or go to hometown, a
lot of things that we can do to spend our holiday. For me, holiday is a time to take rest for a
while after we are incited by a lot of projects that we can get previously. Those are so
exhausting. I prefer to spend on my holiday going to somewhere where are so interesting and
can refresh our mind.
I have an experience which is so unforgettable when I spent on my holiday in Yogyakarta. I
went there when I was first grade in senior high school. I was invited by my brother to spend
my holiday there, in Galungan and Kuningan holiday surely. I went there by bus from Bajera
at 4.00 pm and arrived in Yogakarta at 6.00 am. It was long trip and also exhausting me.
There I was so surprised, that was my first time I had been Yogyakarta. It was so difference
with Bali. In Yogyakarta, I was invited by my brother to go to Prambanan temple. A week
before earthquake happened in there. Looking at some temples was built long time ago which
was so great and beautiful. It was one miracle in the world.
Next day, we went to Malioboro, and Alun Alun Yogyakarta. I bought some clothes in
Malioboro which I would give to my parents at home. In Alun Alun Yogyakarta, there were
two big trees in the middle of park with short spaces between those trees. My brother told that
who could pass the middle of those two trees without seeing the road; he would get a miracle
in his life. Listening to his explanation, I am so challenged by it, and try to pass it. I started
blinding my eyes and try to walk without saying anything. Walked, walked, and walked.
Whereas I only walked straight ahead to pass the middle of its but my walking was turning
unconscious and kept away from the trees. When I opened my eyes, suddenly I had been far
from the trees. It is so impossible. I was trying again, again, and again even though I tried to
run to those trees but it was still failed. My brother also tried it on, and also failed.
Finally we gave up. We were so tired, and decided to go to my brother boarding house.
Maybe we could reach to solve the myth, but I got something which was interesting at that
At the eleven hour, I went to home and back to Bali. Many experiences I got it by going to
Yogyakarta and visited few objects there. That was not disappointing when I spent my
holiday in Yogyakarta. And I wish I can go there again.

Dear my friend,
Hello Rani my lovely friend. Long time no see. I miss you so much. I wrote this letter to tell
you about my experience. My important experience is when I was teenager. In that moment I
found many new things about love, friendship and dream. The first time I fell in love when I
was in Senior high school. I fell in love with my senior who was in grade XII. He was
charming. There were many girls who like him. It made me jealous but I didnt brave to tell
my feeling to him. I just became his admirer until he graduated. It made me sad because he
never knew about my feeling. Fortunately I had many friend who made me happy. I had
seven best friend when I was in Senior High School. They was my classmate. I would tell the
reason why we can be best friend. At that time my English teacher gave us assignment to
make a mini film. She asked us to make it in a group that consists of seven people. I had
seven friends in my group. In the process of making a mini film there were so many problem
that we got. We were so frustration at that time. But finally we could solve the problem
together. It made us more closer each other. From them I learnt about tolerance and not to be
a selfish person. Not only love and friendship that I got when I was teen, I also found my
dream. When I was child I always said to the people that I want to be a doctor. It was
common answer from the children who was asked about they dream. But when I was in
Senior High School my dream was change. My English teacher was inspire me. She made me
love in English. At that time I thought I want to be like her. That was why I took English
study program and I want to be a teacher. That was my unforgettable moment when I got
many new things in my life.
Rani, please replay my letter and tell your experience to me. Next month I will go to Bali. I
hope you can join with me to go there.
Categories Narrative text
first draft
February 13, 2013 //
My important experience is when I was teenager. In that moment I found many new things
about love, friendship and dream. The first time I fell in love when I was in Senior high
school. I fell in love with my senior who was in grade XII. He was charming. There were
many girls who like him. It made me jealous but I didnt brave to tell my feeling to him. I
just became his admirer until he graduated. It made me sad because he never knew about my
feeling. Fortunately I had many friend who made me happy. I had seven best friend when I
was in Senior High School. They was my classmate. I would tell the reason why we can be
best friend. At that time my English teacher gave us assignment to make a mini film. She
asked us to make it in a group that consists of seven people. So, I have seven friends in my
group. In the process of making a mini film there were so many problem that we got. We
were so frustration at that time. But finally we could solve the problem together. It made us
more closer each other. From them I learnt about tolerance and not to be a selfish person.
Not only love and friendship that I got when I was teen, I also found my dream. When I was
child I always said to the people that I want to be a doctor. It was common answer from the
children who was asked about they dream. But when I was in Senior High School my dream
was change. My English teacher was inspire me. She made me love in English. At that time I
thought I want to be like her. That is why I take English study program and I want to be a
teacher. That was my unforgettable moment when I got many new things in my life.

Lesson Plan Intractive and outdoor


Lesson Plan
English Education Study Programme
Subject : Outdoor ( Uploading Photo onto Facebook)
Semester : 3
(The Third)
Time Alocation : 1 x 60 minutes
Lecturer : Assistants Team
1. Method / Strategy : to enable the students to study :
(1) Learning Media :
1) Every student should bring a procedure text about uploading photo onto facebook
2) Writing book
3) Laptop

(2) Learning Strategy :
1) The students is asked to prepare a procedure text which contain how to upload photo onto
2) Every student should present their writing by their own language without text.
3) Giving ice breaking.

(3) Improving Thinking Ability :
After following this meeting the students will get new vocabulary and they will know the
sentence pattern in English, then they also can know how to say some word correctly.
2. Course Objective :
(1) Increasing 4 skill in English (speaking, listening, reading, writing)
(2) Increasing Language Componen in English(Phonetics, Vocab, Grammar)
(3) Increasing the students self confidence
3. Course Steps :
3 Opening The assistant gives Greeting to the students,
Assalamuallaikum Wr. Wb. Good morning
Students. The assistant asks something about
situation How are you today? Brainstorming on
students,Do you know the material today?. Do
you know how to upload photo onto Facebook?
5 Ice Breaking The assistants give a game about how to do
something, e.g. how to make a cup of tea and how to
make a fried noodles.
5 Lead-in The assistants ask the students to explain about
procedure text and then the students discuss about it.
10 Presentation The assistant gives an explanation about procedure
text (generic structure, language fiture, and the
purpose) then the assistant gives some paper that
contain how to do something and than the students
explain it.
10 Controlled Practice Every student present their writing in front of their
friends the steps of uploading photo onto facebook.
7 Semi-Controlled Practice The students discuss about language feature and
generic structure in procedure text and one of them
explain it.
15 Real-Life Practice The students practice how to upload photo onto
facebook with their own account.
5 Feed-back and Closing The assistans ask the student about their feeling
about learning activity, How do you like the
process?. The assistans ask the students if they have
some problems. Give information about the what
they are going to do in the next meeting. Closing the
learning process.Thanks for your attention, and the
last I say, Wassalamualaikum Wr. Wb. See you

Procedure is the set of steps which should be completed in the right sequence to get
the goal. In our daily life, we often have to perform some steps to make or get something
done. For example, early in the morning, you help your mother prepare cups of tea for all
members of your family. In making cups of tea, you have to follow certain procedure in order
to get a nice drink. Most of our daily activities are related with procedures. That is why, you
should understand what a procedure text is, how to make and use it. The generic structure
of procedure has three principal components namely (1) the goal, (2) materials and (3) steps.
A. Generic Structure of procedure
1. Goal : Title of the text (especially for a recipe)
2. Materials : Optional, not for all procedural texts
3. Steps : a series steps oriented to achieving the Goal
B. Generic Features
1. The use of Simple Present Tense, often in an imperative form e.g. Add some sugar, prepare
2. The use mainly of temporal conjunction (or numbering to indicate sequence especially in
written text)
a. As the sentence introducers (sequencers) especially in spoken text:
First Firstly
Second Secondly
Then Thirdly
After that Afterwards
Finally Lastly
e.g. Firstly, prepare some water!
b. As time introducers, especially in written text
How to Upload Pictures onto Facebook
For uploading your photos you need to create a photo album. You can store up to 200 photos
per album. There are multiple ways to use the photo upload feature on Facebook.
1. Go to and log on with your Facebook user name and password. Then
select the "Photos" link from the left navigation bar.
2. Click the "My Photos" link at the top of the page and then select "Create a Photo Album"
under the "My Photos" header on the next page.
3. Add the required album information such as the album name and privacy settings and click
"Create Album."
4. Navigate the site. You will be taken to a window where you'll be able to look through the
photos on your computer (at left) and select the photos you'd like to upload by clicking on a
check box next to the picture and choosing "Upload."
5. Surf on over to the "Try the Simple Uploader" link at the bottom of the upload window.
This will take you to a page that allows you to choose your photos one by one rather than all
at once. Make sure to agree to the Terms of Use before selecting the "Upload Photos" link.
1. Laptop
2. Writing book


1. What is procedure text?
2. Mention the generic structure of procedure text?
3. What is the generic feature of procedure text?
4. What is the first step of uploading photo onto FB?
5. What is the third step of uploading photo onto FB?
The Answer Key
1. Procedure is the set of steps which should be completed in the right sequence to get the
2. Goal : Title of the text (especially for a recipe)
Materials : Optional, not for all procedural texts
Steps : a series steps oriented to achieving the Goal
3. Generic Features
1. The use of Simple Present Tense, often in an imperative form e.g. Add some sugar, prepare
2. The use mainly of temporal conjunction (or numbering to indicate sequence especially in
written text)
4. Go to and log on with your Facebook user name and password. Then
select the "Photos" link from the left navigation bar.
5. Add the required album information such as the album name and privacy settings and click
"Create Album."

Scoring Formula :
Total Score = Correct answer X 20

Metro, October 2012
Academic Staff English Assistant

Ni Made Widi Supatmi, S. Pd. Novia Pamungkas

Head of TSU. Language Institute

Fahrudin Latif, S.S., M.Hum.

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