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Group 5 First Year Documentary Ren, Lex and Mike

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My Hero Script

Picture Sync/Comm
Seq: Montage of iconic London scenes
e.g. Gherkin, Canary Wharf, London
Eye etc.
Comm: London 2014. As the daily hustle
& bustle of people day-to-day goes on,
something else moves around under the
skin of the English capital.
Seq: Fast paced/short cuts of C/Us,
pans, tilts, of LoneDon and Strobe,
posing as superheroes on street.
Comm: Meet the Real Life Superheroes,
who have made it their lifes mission to
help those in need. Are they just
wannabes, or do they really make a
difference to peoples lives?
W/S Rain City Superhero Movement
(RCSM) members posing on street.
TITLE: My Hero (subject to change)
Seq: Montage of superhero related
things such as clothing, movie posters
and shots of the Comic Con event.
Comm: Our culture has grown
accustomed to the fantastical world of
Seq: W/S of pedestrians walking along,
image is blurred entirely and text
overlays the image. The text displays
Comm: Film culture has seen the biggest
change in the rise of the superhero with
mega-studios Marvel and DC
dominating the cinemas.
Seq: Images of film posters are on
screen. Text overlays the images.
Comm: Since the release of Iron Man in
2008, 30 superhero films have been
released and have grossed a combined
total of 12-and-a-half-billion dollars.
I/V: LoneDon in street LoneDon Sync: I love superheroes
because (answers questions about
Seq: W/S LoneDon walking along a
street where he lives, intercut with I/V
in street and photos of RCSM
LoneDon Sync: Introduces and
describes himself and talks about Rain
City Superhero Movement
Seq continues: I/V in street intercut
with C/U of the feet of Strobe.
Strobe Sync: introduces himself
ACT: W/S Strobe meeting LoneDon in
the street and greeting each other.
Strobe Sync: talks about how he met
LoneDon and joined RCSM in London.
ACT: Other superheroes arriving,
greeting each other.
Comm: This is X and this is Y.
(introduces other superheroes)
ACT: The superheroes sorting through
their bags of handouts.
Comm: LoneDon has recently got in
touch with a homeless charity and have
volunteered themselves and the rest of
the Rain City Superheroes to get
ACT: C/U LoneDon briefing the team
on their plan for the day, teams
reactions and responses.
LoneDon Sync: So today, we will be
doing handouts for the homeless etc.
ACT: W/S of team setting off from the
meeting location.
Comm: After LoneDon has finished
briefing the team, they set off on their
quest to help the homeless.
Group 5 First Year Documentary Ren, Lex and Mike
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I/V: LoneDon walking down a street
with the rest of the team, on their way
to the homeless shelter.
LoneDon Sync: Why he chose to help
the homeless, he used to fight crime
but moved on to helping the needy
ACT: W/S members of the public
staring and laughing.
Comm: Unfortunately, not everyone
quite understands their rather unique
ACT: W/S Members of the public
shouting and making derogatory
comments towards the RCSM as they
walk by. M/S RCSM members
Sync: Members of the public heckling.

I/V: Strobe walking down the street. Strobe Sync: Talks about how regularly
this happens to them.
I/V: LoneDon walking down street
intercut with W/S of members of the
public staring in their direction.
LoneDon Sync: Why they wear
costumes, what they get from wearing
costume, how they think members of
the public feel about it.
ACT: W/S of homeless shelter, C/U
over the shoulder of RCSM
approaching the homeless shelter and
going inside.
Comm: The Rain City Superheroes reach
their destination; the X homeless shelter.
ACT: Inside the homeless shelter,
intercutting between C/U of staff
serving and the homeless eating,
chatting, laughing etc.
Strobe Sync: talks about how he feels
about helping the homeless.
I/V: Strobe outside homeless shelter. Strobe Sync: talks about how getting
involved in the RCSM has impacted
him, and why he does this.
ACT: Homeless person being handed a
blanket by an RSCM member.
Homeless person Sync: what they think
of RCSM, whether theyve made a
difference to their life or not.
I/V: Homeless person sitting inside. Homeless person Sync: what they think
of their costumes, and if they think it
reflects what they do.
ACT: Homeless charity representative
shaking hands with RCSM members
and chatting, intercut with I/V outside
Homeless charity representative Sync:
talks about how they began working
with RCSM, and what they think of
ACT: Homeless charity representative
working i.e. handing out blankets and
food, chatting with RCSM member
intercut with I/V inside shelter.
Homeless charity representative Sync:
what they think of their costumes and
how representative they think it is of
what they do.
ACT: M/S RCSM leaving homeless
Comm: The homeless shelter has closed,
so the superheroes call it a day.
ACT: W/S RCSM walking away from
the camera in a row.
LoneDon Sync: talking about the day,
its success, its drawbacks i.e. being
heckled by members of the public.
Group 5 First Year Documentary Ren, Lex and Mike
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I/V: LoneDon sitting on a bench alone. LoneDon Sync: talks about what he
gets from helping those in need and
how its shaped him to become a better
Closing credits N/A

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