U Like Unicorn Second Grade Reading Comprehension Worksheet

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Sklll - 8eadlng Comprehenslon name_____________________________

!"# %&'( ")&*+,)
SLory 8y: Andrew lrlnkle

1he leLLer " makes many sounds.
SomeLlmes, lL sounds llke lL does ln -)&*+,).
Can you flnd all Lhe words wlLh Lhls sound?

Sue really wanLed Lo see a unlcorn.
Where ln Lhe unlverse could she flnd one?
1hey are very unlque!
She Lrled many Lhlngs Lo flnd one.
She wenL down a u-Lurn sLreeL.
She puL ouL a cup of [ulce and some prunes.
She puL on her grandma's ruby rlng.
She wore someLhlng cuLe.
She checked by Lullps and by a spruce Lree.
She checked over by Lhe spruce.

She asked a cool dude lf he knew.
Pe sald Lhey llked muslc.
She played a fluLe.
She played a Luba.
She sang a dueL wlLh Lhe dude.
She even wore a band unlform.
She used a loL of lnsLrumenLs.
She made a huge amounL of nolse.

llnally, she saw her unlcorn.
lL was Lrue LhaL Lhey were real!
Sklll - 8eadlng Comprehenslon name_____________________________

!"# %&'( ")&*+,)
SLory 8y: Andrew lrlnkle
use Lhe lnformaLlon ln Lhe sLory Lo answer Lhe quesLlons below.

1. Whlch of Lhese ls noL a characLer ln Lhe sLory?
A. unlcorn
8. cool dude
C. Lunlce
u. Sue

2. ?LS C8 nC: lL was easy for Sue Lo flnd Lhe unlcorn.
A. ?es
8. no

3. Whlch of Lhese does Lhe sLory nC1 say Sue does?
A. lay a Luba
8. Wear someLhlng cuLe
C. LaL a plece of frulL
u. Ask a cool dude

4. Whlch of Lhese u sound words ls nC1 ln Lhe sLory?
A. dude
8. aLLlLude
C. prune
u. unlcorn

3. ?LS C8 nC: uoes Sue flnally see her unlcorn?
A. ?es
8. no

Sklll - 8eadlng Comprehenslon name_____________________________

!"# %&'( ")&*+,)
SLory 8y: Andrew lrlnkle
use Lhe lnformaLlon ln Lhe sLory Lo answer Lhe quesLlons below.

1. Whlch of Lhese ls noL a characLer ln Lhe sLory?
A. unlcorn
8. cool dude
./ 0-)&*(
u. Sue

2. ?LS C8 nC: lL was easy for Sue Lo flnd Lhe unlcorn.
A. ?es
1/ 2+

3. Whlch of Lhese does Lhe sLory nC1 say Sue does?
A. lay a Luba
8. Wear someLhlng cuLe
./ 034 3 5&(*( +6 6,-&4
u. Ask a cool dude

4. Whlch of Lhese u sound words ls nC1 ln Lhe sLory?
A. dude
1/ 344&4-7(
C. prune
u. unlcorn

3. ?LS C8 nC: uoes Sue flnally see her unlcorn?
8/ 9(:
8. no

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