Indoor Lesson Plan

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Indoor lesson plan

Name: Garrett Oleson

Grade level: K-2
Class Size: 6
Skills to be developed by students: Cardiovascular endurance
Lesson Objectives: To gain an understanding in strength, endurance and cardiovascular
exercises through a diamond race
Idaho Standards Tareted: skilled movement -demonstrates competenc! in motor
s"ills and movement patterns needed to per#orm a variet! o# ph!sical activities
$tudents %ill sho% smooth transitions &et%een running, push ups, sit ups, and 'umping as
the! ta"e part during this activit!
!ovement "no#lede -demonstrates understanding o# movement concepts, principles,
strategies, and tactics as the! appl! to the learning and per#ormance o# ph!sical activities
$tudents %ill sho% their understanding o# space, %h! %arm ups are signi#icant prior to
exercise, and %hat the importance o# this activit! is
$articipates %eularly in $hysical &ctivities' $tudents %ill esta&lish patterns o# regular
participation in meaning#ul ph!sical activit!
$tudents %ill participate and compete against each other as i# it %ere a real race, and
sho% that the! can per#orm this activit! outside o# the classroom
&chieves and !aintains a (ealth')nhancin level o* physical *itness'$tudents %ill
sho% s"ills and %illingness to accept responsi&ilit! #or personal #itness
$tudents %ill per#orm a series o# exercises, and sho% and improve endurance %ithout
+oal *or improvin teachin: explain the diamond race and demonstrate cardiovascular
),uipment needed: none in particular
!odi*ications -i* any needed.: girls do girl pushups and(or crunches, people %ho are
in'ured are recommended to either go light on their exercises or i# exercises cannot &e
per#ormed, at least 'og %ith group %hile group does their exercises
&lternative activities *or students #ith special needs: i# someone is in a %heelchair,
have someone push them %ith the group to the next exercise section I# other, have
students encourage them to help them &oost con#idence during the activit! as %ell as
lightening up the activit! #or them
Time and activities:
)-):*+: %arm ups ,-uads, &end.n.hang, right, le#t, arm crosses, arm circles, sit.n.reach to
center, right, le#t, sit-ups(crunches, push-ups, then stand up, sha"e &od! and loosen up/
):*+-):*0 explain activit! ,diamond race-a 1 station race that is "ind o# li"e &ase&all &ut
at each station !ou do a speci#ic exercise 2or example, %hen the teacher sa!s go,
students %ill run to #irst station and do *+ pushups, then run to the second station, and do
*+ sit-ups, then run to third station and do *+ 'umps, and a#ter each 'ump the! s3uat do%n
and stand &ac" up Then the! run to #ourth and #inal station, doing an exercise o# choice
#rom the #irst three stations 4#ter the #irst round students %ill &e given &et%een 2-1
minutes #or a &rea", then the round &egins again/ #or incentive, the %inner o# each round
%ill onl! have to do three o# the #our stations on the next round, &ut !ou can onl! %in the
race once, %hich gives e3ual opportunit! #or students to push themselves
):*0-):10: per#orm activit!, monitor participation and #orm o# exercises
):10-):5+: cool do%n, as" #or 3uestions(chec" #or student understanding

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