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Year: First Year

Date of facilitation: (Second week of December)

With this activity, the students will now be able to view things, events, and
people in a different light. With this realization that every individual, every single
gift, every single thing and event in this world has its own worth, value and role to
play in the wheel of life.
It is also hoped that this exercise will bring about an appreciation of every
persons effort or contribution in the completion of a task. With this should come
the realization that every individual has something to share with each other.

II. Learning Objectives:
1. To encourage the students to appreciate and attach greater value on the
inner beauty found in each person
2. To make the students understand the real essence of Christmas

A. Activity: Christmas in our Hearts
Time required:
Materials: 5 copies of the script
Instructions: The facilitator may assign some students who are good in
acting prior to the activity.

St. Peter: King Melchor, what good deed you done on Earth?
King melchor: St. Peter, I have always been just and honest ruler, but most of all, i
offerered gold to the Savior of the world when He was born.
St. Peter: Hmmm...Stay aside for a while (points at his right side and faces the
King Gaspar). Your records tell me that you have been very generous, King Gaspar.
King Gaspar: Thats very true, Your Holiness. In fact, several years ago, I walked a
thousand miles so that I can offer the most expensive to Jesus.
St. Peter: Oh, now I remember. Please join us here with Melchor. (looks King
Baltazar)...And you King Baltazar, how did you contribute to the realization of a
better world?
King Baltazar: During my earthly life, I always followed the teachings of the
Prophets. I encouraged people to know God through my examples. And before I
forget, I was the third King who followed the bright stars on the night of our
Saviors birth and offered Him frankincense.
St. Peter: Congratulations, King Baltazar! You have truly led a blessed life. We are
all ready to meet the Master.
Narrator: St. Peter and the three kings were about to enter the Kingdom when...
Fourth King: (looks tired) St. Peter, please wait for me.
St. Peter: The royal clothes you are wearing shoe that you are also a King. Tell me,
did you sow any good seeds while you are on earth?
Fourth King: (looks sad...) your holiness, On Christmas Eve, I also saw the bright
star announcing the birth of Jesus Christ. I gathered the best gifts that I could
offer to the Prince of Peace. But I got lost along the way so I just distributed the
gifts to the poor and needy I met. I really felt sorry that I was not able to give
these gifts to Jesus Christ Himself...
Narrator: Suddenly, the gates of Heaven opened and the Masters Voice was heard
amidst the singing of the angels.
God: welcome, King! Be happy because you have seen my beloved son many times in
the faces of the poor and the needy whom you have helped through your gifts. For
whatsoever you do to the least of your brothers, you have done unto me

Process the activity by asking the students to give their insights.
Its time of the year again and December has come but have we ever asked
ourselves what is the real essence of Christmas? Is it about exchanging gifts,
Santa Claus, Christmas trees, carols, parties, greeting cards, decorations, family
and friends gathering or the birth of Jesus Christ our Savior? Nowadays, some
people misunderstand the real meaning of Christmas. It is the time of the year to
celebrate the birth of Jesus. It is time to celebrate it with the people we love by
sharing not just material things but love and affection and of course by spending
quality love with loved ones. Christmas relies not on the gifts which commands you
to spend more but on the love and unity that each one must build. Spend less and
give more. After all, Christmas is all about Jesus for humankind.

Source: SLU homeroom kit
Year: Second Year
Date of facilitation: (Second week of December)

Certainly Christmas is time for love and generosity. It is a time of giving and
sharing with those around us, but that sharing is not limited to those that we love
and care. It is also for the person that we never met and will never see. Those who
are less fortunate in their lives that we could use a helping hand.
We are gifted with God given talents-be it physical, intellectual, emotional
and spiritual. We realize that those talents are given to be developed eventually to
be used for the service of the community, out for the generosity of the common

II.Learning Objective
To make the students be aware of others needs and exercise their given
talents for it

A. Activity: Picture-Analysis
Time required:
Materials: picture/photo of a person who are considered great and
Each student will present picture or photo of different persons who are
considered great and successful in their own professions. They will tell in the class
how they contribute to human development in general and uplift mans dignity in
particular. Afterwards, they will post the picture on the board.

1. Which of these pictures show that the persons concerned have really shared
their talents generously? How?
2. Which picture struck you most? Why?
3. How do you feel about those who take advantage of situations like natural
4. Are you aware of God-given talents? How do you use them for the service of
5. How will you help others develop their talents and potentials?

Some of us are still in the process of discovering our strengths and
capabilities. We are still in the process of gaining faith and self-confidence. What
is more important though, is our desire to use what we have to render service to
others without thinking much our own self but for the development of others in
the community.
Giving comes from oneself. It is not simply putting aside some money for a
poor beggar, or giving away few clothes or canned goods for school project. It is
the total gift of oneself to others.

Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day.
Teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime

Source: Gush Forth; Awakening to Jesus
Year: Third Year
Date of facilitation: (First week of December)

Every individual has something to share to others. It would be much
encourage that every one come out of their shells and give of themselves to the
world around them. Whatever thing they can contribute to this world will be great
enough if it comes from the heart.

II.Learning Objective: To make the students identify their own strength and learn
to use it effectively

A. Activity: Talentadong Pinoy
Time required:
Materials: *the student will have to bring their own costume
Each student will present their own talent/strength in the class (the
facilitator will tell the students the instruction one week before the activity).

1. How did you feel when you were presenting your talent in the class?
2. Is it important to have a talent? Why?
3. How can you contribute your talent in school? Or in the community?
4. What did you learn from this activity? In relation, what did you discover
about yourself?

Christmas is a period of sharing but it does not only limit to foods, gifts and
Christmas card. There are a thousand and one items to share with other people.
We can also share our God-given talent to bring joy to others. It is very important
to remember that sharing what we have does not set conditions or give limits. It is
disinterested and unselfish. It plays no favourites. It is not one day affair...or a
momentary burst of generosity.

Source: Gush Forth Module One

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