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Eiin Ell

Piofessional Bevelopment
Assignment 1B

Social Neuia anu Libiaiies
Foi my piofessional uevelopment I chose to paiticipate in a webinai, hosteu
by the Ameiican Libiaiy Association, which focuseu on using social technologies to
enhance libiaiy piactices. This session, !"#$%&%'$ )#* +,)*%-"). emphasizeu social
meuia anu using it to taiget specific populations of libiaiy useis anu maximizing
iesouices that ieflect technology tienus. Piimaiily, the paiticipants of this webinai
weie libiaiians (acauemic, public, young auult anu school).
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Piesenteu by }oe Nuiphy
Tuesuay, Septembei 18 fiom 1:uu-2:Su p.m. Cential

."/0'$1-$+% +* -2" 3"//$+%
!"#$%&%'$ )#* +,)*%-") suggesteu ways on how to use Pinteiest in an
acauemic libiaiy enviionment. Piesentei coveieu eveiything fiom backgiounu
knowleuge anu basic opeiational use of Pinteiest to ethical conceins anu
consiueiations in its use by libiaiies. The theme of Pinteiest as a means to piomote
anu assist self-cuiation was inteiwoven thioughout the piesentation.
The piesentei began the webinai by setting guiuelines foi expecteu
inteiaction thioughout the piesentation, suiveyeu paiticipants' use anu expeiience
with Pinteiest anu stateu cleaily the objectives foi the session. In my opinion, this
beginning stiuctuie set the tone foi the piesentation anu helpeu me to focus anu
oiganize what I woulu be leaining thiough my paiticipation. }oe Nuiphy's
piesentation style, although piofessional, was laiuback anu engaging. The sliues
weie cleai anu floweu logically. In teims of piesenting mateiial, specifically via a
webinai, this expeiience ieinfoiceu stiategies to make foi a useful session. Theie is
a neeu foi piesenting with tools that suppoitfacilitate a uiscussion (i.e., cleai
Eiin Ell
Piofessional Bevelopment
Assignment 1B
piesentation sliues) anu setting guiuelines at the stait (to ieuuce potential
confusion). Since, visual cues aie limiteu, I leaineu thiough this expeiience it is veiy
impoitant to have a sequential piesentation with an option foi paiticipants to have
access to piesentation sliues anu a iecoiuing of the webinai to ievisit content
In teims of content- the use of Pinteiest foi acauemia puiposes, the following
is what I felt was useful:
The natuie of Pinteiest is self-cuiation anu it is a platfoim foi uiscoveiy
Nany applications foi Pinteiest asiue fiom pinning inteiests- "pinning foi
emotional ieaction" (as a platfoim to biing light to an issue), auu uepth to a
bianu oi element of something
0se Pinteiest to hypei topic anu hypei filtei useis
Ethical uilemmas aiise when one uoes not give attiibutions
Respect intellectual piopeity when pinning anu piomote that among useis
most populai social netwoik with lots of visitois (2S million foi the
month of August)- with females anu 18-SS yeai-olus being the uominate
Pinteiest is moie biowse heavy than seaich heavy- use categoiies as it soits
youi stuff anu cieates engagement
Libiaiies anu euucational settings:
o 0se it to taiget iesouices offeieu
o Featuie collections (pin e-books with hash tag)
o 0se as a suivey tool- ieau feeuback anu ieply to comments on pins
o Pin book lists- ieauing clubs, couises, auvance ieauing lists
o 0se on the opeiational siue by pinning piojects anu tasks foi staff to
o Bighlight seivices anu outieach
! Naiketing events anu guest speakeis
! 0se it to tell youi libiaiy's stoiy
! Senu email notifications foi new boaius cieateu
! 0se it foi oiientation
! Ceiate pins ielateu to uiffeient seivices (checking out, piinting,
getting access, meet youi libiaiians, etc.)
! Cieate boaius foi online tutoiials anu iesouices
! Pin scieen shots of seaich techniques
o Pin youi community
! Campus news
! Bepaitmental news
! Bighlight achievements
Eiin Ell
Piofessional Bevelopment
Assignment 1B
Best Piactices
! Link to othei social meuias
! Incluue a "pin it" button
! Auu tags
! Repins uominate, so be iepinable (8u% pins)
! 0se /#0123324%&' app- It manages the metauata aiounu youi
Pinteiest anu gives infoimation about un-followeis
! 0thei useful auvice was to keep the taiget auuience in minu to
make youi Pinteiest page moie successful anu engaging foi

0veiall, the webinai was piactical anu hinteu at geneial uses foi libiaiians. It also
gave me a goou example of how to piesent successfully via a webinai.

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