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House leader seeks teaching of foreign language

and culture to out-of-school youth

A House leader has called on the House committees on Basic Education and Culture and
Technical and Higher Education to explore the teaching of foreign language and culture as
alternative academic and enrichment programs for the countrys out-of-school youth.
Rep. inston Castelo !"nd #istrict$ %ue&on City'$ chairman of the Committee on (etro
(anila #evelopment$ no less than the Technical and )*ills #evelopment Authority !TE)#A'$ in
its recent report$ recogni&ed that translators are no+ in demand here and a,road and that
numerous -o,s such as translators$ interpreters and call center agents are availa,le to graduates of
foreign language and culture.
.TE)#A director-general /oel 0illanueva has said that foreign language translation is fast
emerging to ,e the next hot -o,$1 said Castelo.
0illanueva said a tech-voc graduate proficient at the language and culture of his foreign
employer can easily communicate and relate to their needs
Castelo said the a,ility to spea* another language is an advantage in the glo,al mar*et and
the 2ilipino youth +ill ,e meaningfully empo+ered ,y e3uipping them +ith the necessary
language s*ills.
.)tudies have sho+n that 2ilipinos possess a uni3ue aptitude for language ac3uisition and
this a,ility can ,e put to a lot of good use$1 he said.
(oreover$ he said his proposal complements the declared policy of the )tate to recogni&e
the vital role of the youth in nation ,uilding$ and promote and protect their physical$ moral$
spiritual$ intellectual and social +ell-,eing.
Castelo raised his proposal through House Resolution 456$ +hich calls on the House to
direct the committee on ,asic education chaired ,y Rep. 7imi Co-uangco !8
9angasinan' and the committee on higher and technical education chaired ,y Rep. Roman
Romulo !:one #istrict$ 9asig City' to explore the teaching of foreign language and culture as an
alternative academic and enrichment programs for the out-of-school youth.
)o far$ TE)#A has 58 :anguage )*ills ;nstitute centers spread all over the country
offering six courses on language and culture namely< Basic English :anguage= Basic /apanese
:anguage and Culture$ Basic 7orean :anguage and Culture= Basic (andarin :anguage and
Culture= Basic Ara,ic :anguage and )audi>?ulf Culture$ and Basic )panish :anguage for
#ifferent 0ocations. All courses re3uire @AA hours of completion$ except for ,asic /apanese
language$ +hich should ,e completed in @8A hours according to TE)#A. !5A' rbb
NR # 3461
MAY 9, 2014

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