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A GLIMPSE INTO DARK SIDE IMMUNITY Now, here’s the rest of the story from critics of the Bush
administration, unfearing of the consequences—well,
Only a small minority of Americans see that only liars are
perhaps not totally “unfearing.” This insightful weblog still
allowed to win the nomination for high political office—in
u s e s a p s e u d o n y m: “ T h e E mp t y w h e e l ” a t
this or any other country. In the end, it really doesn’t It begins with a
matter who is elected president—all the major candidates
relevant question: Who Is Carl Truscott and Why Did
have been co-opted by the control system and its globalist
Bush’s DOJ Protect Him? Here are a few excerpts with my
agenda. Honest statesmen like Ron Paul are shunned by
the media and the powerful elite. Sadly, even most people
would rather be lied to about what they want to hear rather “Carl Truscott is... the former head of Bureau of Alcohol,
than believe the truth about our declining situation. Tobacco, and Firearms who resigned in 2006 under
pressure for financial and other management abuses. But
This week, I will give my readers a glimpse into the
what I'm really interested in is why Bush's DOJ went to
various aspects of political dishonesty plus a rare view of
great lengths to protect him [A question few reporters ever
the PTB’s system of protecting their own from the
dare delve into for fear of losing their job].
consequences of their crimes. It starts with lies, and then
progresses to corruption and crime, which must be covered- “Domenech's complaint details Truscott's abuses,
up. In America it’s mostly the few at the top that are part of including:
the corruption racket although corruption inevitably creeps
* Creating his own personal security detail
downward over the years as underlings begin following the
example of their leaders. Many of the people closest to the * Dragging official photographers to all his events
elite, who are privy to wrongdoing, are compromised into
staying silent by the promises of future money and higher * Building a gym expansion in a building that would
position if they play along—plus subtle threats if they only be used for two additional years
don’t. However, once in a while the Powers That Be (PTB) * Adding $4 million in design changes to the new BATF
hire a person who won’t be silent. That’s how a headquarters
whistleblower is born—admittedly, a dying breed given
how they are threatened and betrayed by government * Hiring an unqualified former co-worker to an Assistant
agencies legally bound to protect them. Only a few survive Director position
to tell, so this week we get another rare but valuable Perhaps the best example of Truscott's egomania is the way
glimpse into how the dark side operates. he'd invite his buddies over for lunch on the BATF's dime:
Dan Eggen of the Washington Post is an example of how ‘On numerous occasions during Director Truscott's tenure,
the establishment media gives superficial coverage to a he has invited individuals representing private corporations
whistleblower, only to hold back essential facts that and businesses with no apparent connection to ongoing
demonstrate how the cover-up of wrongdoing goes clear up contracts or activities with ATF to have lunch at
to the White House—facts that only the alternative media government expense in his office or at nearby restaurants.
dares to present. [My comments in brackets] Many of these individuals are former members of the
Secret Service, or were referred to him by retired or current
“Edgar A. Domenech says he thought Justice Department Secret service members [The SS is part of the government’s
officials would welcome information about dark side (not all agents know that)—but, even the good
mismanagement at the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, guys have to keep a lot of sleazy secrets about presidential
Firearms and Explosives [It’s amazing how many misconduct in the White House. Past top officials of the SS
intelligent Americans in government have never read the have even participated in covering-up for government
accounts of America’s persecution of whistleblowers in the participation in the JFK assassination and the Reagan
80's and 90's. If you are one of those, try Rodney’s Stich’s assassination attempt].
“Defrauding America.” Maybe Domenech thought his
department was an exception—very naive, given the ATF’s “‘During the course of these meals, two female (GS-13 and
horrendous vendetta against lawful gunowners]. Instead, GS-12) staff members are required to serve Director'
the 23-year ATF veteran says, Justice officials ignored his Truscott and his guests in the Director's' Office and have
complaints and later retaliated against him by demoting been specifically instructed to announce to the Director that
him, denying him a bonus and attempting to give him a ‘Lunch is served’, causing undue humiliation to these
poor job review. professional staff employees and forcing them to engage in
activity at work which is outside the scope of their duties.’
“‘I realized I was committing career suicide at the time
[shows he did have principles], but I felt I had a moral “The complaint goes on to explain that Truscott's financial
obligation as the deputy director to protect the agency and mismanagement resulted in a net $20 million loss in
the men and women of the agency,’ Domenech said in an BATF's operating budget in FY 2006, leading to shortages
interview yesterday. ‘In retrospect, I was naive to believe of key equipment and capabilities.” While Truscott’s
that the department would welcome my honesty.’” financial indiscretions were bad, they are not atypical for
high government bureaucrats who regularly waste the
taxpayers money. Even Congress has its junkets. But Office of Protective Research and was responsible for the
what’s telling about the story, which the Post leaves out, is Secret Service’s investigative and protective intelligence,
retaliation from the Department of Justice under Bush threat assessment activities, technical security, information
loyalist AG Gonzales: technology, emergency preparedness, as well as science
and technology. Prior to his term as Assistant Director, Mr.
“In spite of Domenech's documentation of such abuses
Truscott served as the Special Agent in Charge of the
(which were confirmed by an OIG investigation), DOJ
Presidential Protective Division [beginning in the Clinton
protected Truscott. For example, in late 2006 and early
administration—so he was privy to all the Clinton secrets
2007, Domenech and the Director of Field Operations
too], where he had primary responsibility for supervising
twice approached the Deputy Attorney General's office
all protective matters relating to the President, First Family
with the problems, but got no response. Domenech again
and the White House.
approached the DAG in February 2007, but was dismissed.
“Note, there is not necessarily something suspicious about
“Truscott resigned in August 2007, but even after that, DOJ
Truscott moving from protecting President Bush to being
protected him. In May 2007, Truscott's replacement,
protected by Bush as Truscott trashed the BATF. Bush is,
Michael Sullivan, invited Truscott to the department's
after all, the kind of guy that appoints cronies of all types,
annual memorial service. In August 2007, Sullivan invited
and Bush may have just grown chummy with Truscott
Truscott to the annual awards ceremony and thanked him
when Truscott was protecting him [It’s more than that,
for his leadership [in other words, have Truscott resign to
though both Bush and Clinton got buddy-buddy with the
take the heat off the DOJ, but otherwise treat him as one of
men who bring them prostitutes and keep the secret from
the insiders that he is. This is all reminiscent of another
their wives–who, like Mrs. Bush, keeps an apartment in
insider, Rudy Giuliani, who kept disgraced Bernie Kerek in
Washington when she is “not supposed to be at the White
his employ at 6 figures even after Kerek’s corruption was
House.” Truscott works for and takes orders from people
exposed and his nomination for Chief of Homeland
higher than the president, so the president knows Truscott
Security was scuttled].
is both protector (if Bush plays along) and enforcer (if the
“On January 17, 2007, 41 days after eight US Attorneys president gets out of line)].
were fired en masse, Domenech was demoted three levels.
“But then consider the favors the Secret Service did for
The excuse was similar to the one used with the US
Bush. Truscott worked in the Secret Service during the
Attorneys (though Domenech is a career employee,
period when a gay prostitute started visiting the White
therefore presumably not subject to such political whims):
House for overnight visits. Truscott appears to have been in
the department was going to go in a different direction;
charge of Presidential Protection during the period when
Domenech didn't share Sullivan's vision of the department.
Abramoff was visiting the White House--the records of
But Domenech alleges he was fired because he's the one
which visits the White House later tried to hide. Truscott
who forced DOJ to deal with Truscott's incompetence and
was also at the White House during the period when the
Secret Service adopted its processes for records
“Why Did DOJ and the White House Protect Truscott? ... management with regard to visitors' records.
Truscott reminds me of Rachel Paulose [one of the US
“In other words, while at the White House, Truscott was in
Attorneys who should have been fired but was not]... DOJ
the position to do all sorts of favors for--or to collect all
made several efforts to help Paulose stay in her US
sorts of embarrassing information about--George Bush. It's
Attorney position. And when Mukasey came in, they
worth noting, too, that Truscott's abusive lunches and
quietly moved Paulose to another position in DOJ rather
inappropriate hiring involved buddies from the Secret
than firing her. But the thing is, we know why DOJ was so
Service--so even active officers were benefitting from
loyal to Paulose.
Truscott's little fiefdom [Keeping in touch with fellow dark
“In addition to being one of Gonzales' clique members, side agents, socially, is also very characteristic of this
Paulose had defended the GOP in an election-related case, inner secret club within government. People like Truscott
defended a faith-based healthcare program, and had fought know that other dark side agents can also execute orders
against non-American detainees claiming rights via from the real PTB against any other member and hope that
international treaties. Paulose had demonstrated, both by maintaining close corruption bonds within the
ideologically and through her work, that she was a loyal “Brotherhood of Darkness” they can maintain their
member of Bush's [globalist] team. So they showed her the immunity or at least get fore-warned by a buddy if they are
same loyalty in return. being targeted].”
“So what did Carl Truscott do to deserve the same loyal During the Ken Starr investigation/cover-up for the
treatment? Domenech's complaint makes it clear that Clinton/Lewinsky sex scandal and the Vince Foster murder,
Truscott's protection came directly from the White we also got a close look at dark side immunity. Secret
House.... After all, Truscott's chief preparation for running Service agents were subpoenaed to testify against the
BATF came from working at the White House ... as Special President and they covered for him. So did Arkansas State
Agent in Charge of the Secret Service's Presidential Troopers, except one who blew the whistle privately—Bill
Protective Division and after that, in charge of Secret Shelton—who allegedly committed suicide by shooting
Service's IT. And while there, Truscott appears to have himself at the grave site of his fiancee, Kathy Ferguson (the
gotten an award every year of Bush's term. ex-wife of Trooper Danny Ferguson). Kathy blew the
whistle on her husbands pimping for Clinton in the Paula
“Mr. Truscott joins the Bureau from the U.S. Secret Jones case. She supposedly committed suicide next to her
Service, where he served as the Assistant Director of the
packed travel bags, heading out of town. Does that look between the adviser, Austan Goolsbee, and officials with
suspicious or what? the Canadian consulate in Chicago, but Goolsbee said it
misinterprets what he told them. The memo was written by
It is also of note that during Truscott’s tenure at ATF his
Joseph DeMora, who works for the consulate and attended
bureau looked the other way while cocaine was being
the meeting.
smuggled into Florida on CIA planes. If you dig into past
whistleblower stories, you find the same story enacted “Goolsbee disputed a section that read: ‘Noting anxiety
many times before as high officials in the DEA cover-up among many U.S. domestic audiences about the U.S.
for CIA drug smuggling at multiple border crossings. economic outlook, Goolsbee candidly acknowledged the
protectionist sentiment that has emerged, particularly in the
One of the comments to the Emptywheel essay was a
Midwest, during the primary campaign. He cautioned that
blogger who cautioned “do not forget the role the Secret
this messaging should not be taken out of context and
Service has played in suppressing dissent at Presidential
should be viewed as more about political positioning than a
and Vice-Presidential campaigns and other public
clear articulation of policy plans.’”
Goolsbee complained that “that's this guy's language... He's
Truscott also oversaw IT technology at the SS though he
not quoting me.” That may well be a paraphrase, but it is
had no engineering training—indicating the political nature
highly doubtful that DeMora’s recollection is unfounded.
of the position, rather than technical. This is essential to
If anything, being a diplomat, he softened the language.
managing a cover-up over key electronic and physical
Note, Goolsbee said, “I certainly did not use that phrase in
records that must be hidden in case of Congressional
any way." but didn’t deny the substance.
investigations. Email, phone logs, and visitor logs must be
falsified, changed or sometimes hidden without the Then there is the constant lying about securing the nation’s
knowing participation of the good agents on duty who borders. Polls uniformly show that at least 75% of
might have entered the information correctly. Americans want the border secured. So everyone,
including John “Amnesty” McCain are claiming to secure
the border. Behind all the doubletalk, however, everyone
More Americans are becoming cynical about what involved with fencing the border keeps sabotaging the
candidates say—except when they are being told what they project.
want to hear. But, even those are often lies. Sometimes
politicians tell true facts but distort their meaning for evil
intent. For example, both Hillary Clinton and Barack Tony Blankley of the Washington Times (who I don’t
Obama were bashing NAFTA in front of Democratic voters normally quote because he keeps protecting the Bush
in Ohio. As part of the industrial “rust belt” Ohio administration) can’t resist pointing out the contradictions
Democratic voters are pro-union and opposed to free trade as everyone falls all over themselves to appear in favor of
with Mexico when it induces US corporations to export “The Fence.”
jobs across the border. Clinton and Obama were outright
“Over a year ago, Congress passed a law to spend over $7
lying in saying they would threaten to withdraw from
billion to build a fence to secure our Mexican border. Less
NAFTA if suitable reforms weren’t made.
than two weeks ago, Homeland Security Secretary Michael
However, news leaked out that while Senator Obama was Chertoff announced at a news conference that a high-tech
jousting with Hillary about who could outdo the other in ‘virtual fence’ project on part of the U.S. border with
bashing NAFTA, Obama’s staff was quietly meeting with Mexico was finally ready for service, and that the
Canadian diplomats in Chicago assuring them that Obama technology that was a substitute for an actual physical
had no intention of dismantling the pact. Canadian fence —— you know, cement, barbed wire, watch towers,
Television Network (CTV) News reported that “an Obama moats.
campaign official had contacted Canadian ambassador
“The secretary was very specific. He said: ‘I have
Michael Wilson to assure him that any criticisms of
personally witnessed the value of the system, and I have
NAFTA by the candidate would be simply campaign
spoken directly to border patrol agents ... who have seen it
rhetoric and should not be taken seriously.”
produce actual results, in terms of identifying and allowing
Naturally, “Aides to Obama on Friday again denied reports the apprehension of people who were illegally smuggling
the Illinois senator's campaign privately assured the across the border. [Sure, some are caught but most of the
Canadian government the candidate was not serious in his time agents can’t find them once they are alerted by the
criticisms of NAFTA.” The Canadian embassy also denied sensors because of time delays in getting to the area of
that any such conversation took place. That’s also part of intrusion—no barrier to slow them down or keep them
the big lie, protecting each other from disclosure of private contained]. The so-called Project 28 virtual fence was built
talks. near Nogales, Ariz. The $20 million project of sensor
towers and advanced mobile communications was
These denials prompted CTV to release a telltale memo
supposed to be ready by mid-2007, but was delayed by
that backed up their story, further embarrassing the Obama
software problems.
campaign. The AP reports: “After denials by Obama and
the Canadian embassy, the network reported Thursday a “Some of us want a regular, real physical fence. But the
conversation on NAFTA had taken place between Austan White House assured us that a virtual fence would be better
Goulsbee, a senior Obama economic adviser, and Canada's [Only for the military-industrial contractors getting the fat
consul general in Chicago.... The memo is the first government contracts]. And, by the way, both Sens. Hillary
documentation to emerge publicly out of the meeting Clinton and Barack Obama in last week's debate said they
were for the virtual fence-which in their view might obviate in Texas by declaring, “No woman is an illegal." Really?
the need for a physical fence... But only five days later, the Are American’s so sensitive about protecting women that
media reported that the Bush administration has scaled they are beyond prosecution for disobeying the law? No,
back plans to quickly build a virtual fence along the U.S.- but she was targeting Hispanics who lapped it all up.
Mexico border, delaying completion of that first 28-mile Hispanics don’t like blacks, in general, so Hillary’s playing
phase by at least three years and shifting away from a up to one race set up a natural backlash against the other,
network of tower-mounted sensors and surveillance gear. exemplified in Obama.
Technical problems in the same 28-mile project that Mr.
In Ohio, Hillary didn’t need to play up the race card
Chertoff had personally vouchsafed just five days before
directly. The old fashioned “Archie Bunker” mentality of
were cited by Homeland Security Department officials as
union workers was predictable in and of itself. As
the reason for the three-year delay —which, let me remind
Bloomberg News noted, “The white, blue-collar voters
you, the secretary had said just five days before it was
personified by the 1970s fictional television character cost
ready to go operational.
Obama this week. His Democratic presidential rival,
“So, instead of starting the promised for partially funded Senator Hillary Clinton of New York, beat him 54 percent
border fence on President Bush's watch, as he promised; his to 44 percent in industrial Ohio, and 58 percent to 40
new plans provide for the first 28 miles of the 2,000-mile percent in predominantly white Rhode Island. In Ohio's
fence to be started in the third year of the next presidency. I 10th district of Cuyahoga County, a suburban enclave on
guess he never really wanted to build that fence. But Mr. Cleveland's west side that includes a large population of
Chertoff did promise to ‘double the fleet’ of our unmanned Polish-Americans, Clinton trounced Obama 61 percent to
surveillance aircraft-from three to six for 2,000 miles of 37 percent, according to exit polls. In the state's Belmont
border [nice excuse to fund more “eyes in the sky” which County, an economically depressed Appalachian border
can later spy on Americans away from the border]. area that is predominantly white, she had a 50-point lead
over Obama, the first black candidate to have a shot at the
“About 75 percent of the public wants our border secured. I
White House.
guess that does not include the president —nor the
Democratic Party candidates looking to replace him.” This “‘Race played a significant factor in Ohio,’' said Cuyahoga
is the real truth, but it doesn’t stop all the candidates from County Commissioner Timothy Hagan, who supported
claiming the opposite. Blankley ends by quoting Mickey Obama. The state's white voters aren't ‘bigots, but the
Klaus: "In other words, we've all just been taken for a image they see every day of black America is drugs, crime,
ride... In order to do whatever possible to avoid building an guns and violence.’ Clinton's March 4 victories in contests
actual physical fence . . . Bush, McCain and their amnesty in Texas, Rhode Island and Ohio -- and just one defeat, in
cronies made sure a monumental amount of money was Vermont -- pumped new life into her candidacy after 11
wasted on a fake, untested, unreal fence to placate consecutive losses to Obama. She now has renewed
conservatives." momentum heading into the next big test on April 22 in
Pennsylvania, where the electorate looks much like Ohio's.
MEANS “The weak showing among the white working class in Ohio
and Rhode Island reflects a larger vulnerability for Obama,
What it really means is that Hillary isn’t going away and
said Joe Trippi, a former senior strategist for John Edwards,
we have to endure the agony of many more months of her
who had broad appeal among those voters until he dropped
highly charged political antics. This ensures millions in
out of the Democratic race last month. Obama, 46, has ‘had
free publicity for the Democrats as the media continues to
a problem with lower-income, downscale, blue-collar
focus every night’s news on “she said this” and “he said
Democrats from the beginning,’ Trippi said. ‘He typically
that.” John McCain will become somewhat irrelevant
appeals to better educated, upscale Democrats [all
unless the media goes out of its way to promote him.
We did see President Bush give a gushy endorsement of his
fellow neocon John McCain. Naturally, Bush focused on
John McCain being the best qualified to “stay the course” Above it all, as Larry Chin of Online Journal says, war and
in Iraq and beyond. At least that part was true. McCain fear will continue to push the electoral agenda of 2008.
will continue the warmongering agenda in the false name Neither Party is going to tell the truth.
of “protecting American freedoms.” Mike Huckabee is
“ The 2008 US presidential charade has already been
now bowing out of the race, now that his role as spoiler for
decided. Come November, the next White House occupant
real conservative candidates is finished. He candidly
(who will be installed via political malfeasance, computer
admitted that the VP slot never existed: “I don't think Sen.
vote theft and other election irregularities) will be the
McCain would select me anyway...I think that it's a little
puppet who proves to be the most effective in echoing
almost off the chart to think that he would end up selecting
Bush-Cheney’s ‘war on terrorism’ lies, and expanding the
Bush-Cheney ‘national security’ agenda. The American
It did appear that race was beginning to play a role in the populace will bow to the ‘next Bush’ who will ‘keep them
Democratic primaries—foretelling an ominous role in the safe’ from ‘Islamic jihadists [a favorite drum beat of
general election if Obama prevails in the super-delegate ignorant conservatives like Glenn Beck].’
contest (Hillary’s “wins” did little to alter Obama’s lead in
“Facing a new and increasingly brutal regime (probably
popular delegates). The race factor was inevitable given
under McCain), many brain-addled Americans will be
the nature of the two states where the primary vote was
stunned that ‘it is happening all over again,’ oblivious to
focused—Ohio and Texas. Hillary played to the Hispanics
the fact that their own acquiescence helped make it Chris Floyd has uncovered a dramatic corruption link to the
possible. Obama campaign: “On the domestic front, Obama has
become a blank screen onto which the hopes of millions for
“Washington’s bipartisan consensus ‘war on terrorism’ [is
some kind of rectification of the ever-worsening economic
a] deception. Amply demonstrated by the rhetoric of each
and social injustices in American society are being
of the prospective US presidential candidates, the
projected. And again, while an Obama presidency would
‘terrorism’ lie is also the key to the election. The candidates
not be as openly radical and predatory as the Bush Regime
know that the ill-informed US population remains petrified,
in the pursuit of elitist profits, his choice of advisers gives
and still thoroughly manipulated by fear of ‘another 9/11.’
every indication that his actual policies would differ largely
“As exhaustively detailed by Michel Chossudovsky, author in management and presentation, not in essence... the
of America’s ‘War on Terrorism,’ the ‘war on terrorism’ dichotomy between his progressive rhetoric on
deception is a manipulation supported by an elite socioeconomic justice and the agenda of some of his top
consensus, and a cover-up promoted equally by advisers and backers means he cannot escape the charge of
Washington’s political factions and both Republican and hypocrisy.
Democratic parties. This myth, which rests on the perpetual
“A new report from puts this in stark
fabricated threat of an outside enemy, has been the key to
relief. It tells the back-story of the Finance Chair of
the power wielded by Bush-Cheney. It remains at the core
Obama's campaign: a woman who was instrumental in
of every official and unofficial decision made by this
devising and pushing the same kind of sub-prime loans and
criminal regime, and its complicit bipartisan Washington
predatory lending practices that he now routinely
denounces in public: Penny Pritzker. Dennis Bernstein
“The Washington consensus has remained united behind reports:
the lies and cover-up of 1) the atrocities of 9/11, a US-led
“In 2001], 1,406 people……lost much of their life savings
false flag operation, 2) the fact that ‘Al-Qaeda’ is an
when Superior Bank of Chicago went belly up in 2001 with
Anglo-American military-intelligence covert operation, and
over $1 billion in insured and uninsured deposits. This
3) the use of ‘anti-terrorism’ as a pretext to invade and
collapse came amid harsh criticism of how Superior's
conquer Afghanistan and Iraq, and its use as the
owners promoted sub-prime home mortgages...Though
justification for future war across the Middle East and
Superior Bank collapsed years before the current sub-prime
Central Asia, Africa, and other vital geostrategic regions.
turmoil that is rocking the world’s financial markets –– and
“Which candidate will be the most effective mass pushing those millions of homeowners toward foreclosure
murderer? Clinton, McCain and Obama are backed by –– some banking experts say the Pritzkers and Superior
hawkish national security teams headed by some of the hold a special place in the history of the sub-prime fiasco.
world’s master war criminals (Kissinger, Brzezinski,
“‘The [sub-prime] financial engineering that created the
Albright, etc.).These elite connections, and their
Wall Street meltdown was developed by the Pritzkers and
ramifications, which promise the deepening of the war,
Ernst and Young, working with Merrill Lynch to sell bonds
remain unaddressed and ignored. John McCain is deeply
securitized by sub-prime mortgages,’ Timothy J. Anderson,
corrupt and ruthless -- the perfect extension of Bush-
a whistleblower on financial and bank fraud, told me in an
interview. ‘The sub-prime mortgages,’ Anderson said,
“McCain’s participation in the 1980s savings and loan ‘were provided to Merrill Lynch, by a nation-wide Pritzker
scandal, as a member of the infamous Keating Five, is a origination system, using Superior as the cash cow, with
matter of historical fact. Also a matter of record are many millions in FDIC insured deposits. Superior’s owners
McCain’s brutal views on war and killing, which are best were to sub-prime lending, what Michael Milken was to
exemplified by his 2001 op-ed, War is Hell. Now Let's Get junk bonds.’ In other words, if you traced today’s sub-
On With It.’” prime crisis back to its origins, you would come upon the
role of the Pritzkers and Superior Bank of Chicago.” These
McCain’s advisors will grow as the Giuliani team switches are the kinds of people that made Obama rich through
over to McCain. But we already know he employs some of insider trading, and that’s why he is beholding to them.
the worst of the neocons: Henry Kissinger, William Kristol
(Neocon Editor of the Weekly Standard), Robert Kagan HEALTH CARE MANDATES A NEW MAJOR
(senior associate at the Leftist Carnegie Endowment for THREAT
International Peace), Randy Scheunemann and Gary
Whether it is Clinton or Obama, the nation is threatened
Schmitt, both Senior Fellows at the Project for the New
with more forced involvement in the establishment medical
American Century which brought us the Afghan and Iraq
health system—which is quickly becoming the problem
wars, leveraging off of their desired “New Pearl Harbor.”
rather than the solution. America needs more freedom
“Despite their inexplicable reputations as liberals, FROM the establishment medical system and its costly
Democratic presidential hopefuls Hillary Clinton and drugs and more freedom to pursue natural healing
Barack Obama, are now locked in a bitter and destructive modalities. The major trap of insurance is that it doesn’t
struggle over who is the more Bush/Cheney-esque; who is pay for alternative treatments, thus forcing people to take
the superior ‘anti-terrorist’ and protector of ‘American the “free” route—the establishment medical protocols that
security.’” are prepaid.
OBAMA’S CORRUPT DOMESTIC ADVISORS The main thing driving people into the arms of the
establishment medical system is fear of cost and failure to
get healthy through proper nutrition and exercise. The
typical AVERAGE medical costs for a retired couple by children than the parents, even without proving parent
the time they die is $206,000! What they don’t tell you is harm. “This latest court decision granted a petition brought
that if you stay healthy and use good judgment to avoid by attorneys retained by so-called "child advocates" to
accidents, most people can avoid this trap. represent the two youngest Long children after the family's
homeschooling was brought to their attention. However,
Both Sens.Clinton and Obama differ little on the health
the Long's children did not have any say in their
insurance mandate. Clinton wants one, but Obama only
representation by these attorneys. While the lawyers
wants one for children—which will lead to mandates for all
claimed to be representing the interests of the children, they
later on. The Republicans are waffling back and forth. As
actually were representing the California education
with amnesty for illegals, they are aiming for mandatory
establishment. Critics say this is proof positive that in the
health insurance as long as they don’t call it that. They too
eyes of bureaucrats parents and families have no rights
will start with mandating coverage for all children. Sadly,
regarding education.
it is lost in this debate that there are several million
Americans that choose NOT to have health insurance, “According to information provided by Phil Long, the trial
because it’s bad for one’s health. court had found that keeping the children at home deprived
them of situations where they could interact with people
outside the family [often a key factor homeschooling
Lawmakers in Congress with constituencies that benefit parents desire—isolation from the evil influences of public
from Boeing work are threatening to not fund the tanker school children]. They also stated that there are people in
deal unless the Pentagon comes up with a rational the public school system who could provide help if there's a
explanation for skewing the bid in favor of the European problem in the lives of pupils [like providing contraceptives
Aeronautic and Space Co. (EADS). Les Blumenthal of or mood altering drugs if a school nurse demands it]. A
McClatchy Newspapers notes that, “The Air Force on judge in the case also said that children in government
Wednesday defended its decision to select a European schools could develop emotionally in a broader world than
airplane over a Boeing model to replace its aging fleet of the parents' ‘cloistered’ setting [a “broadness” many
aerial tankers even as a congressman alleged that changes Christian parents don’t want].”
were made in the bidding process to ensure there'd be
The case is an obvious attack on the right of parents to
competition for the $40 billion contract. Rep. Norm Dicks,
choose their own values and isolate their children from
D-Wash., said the Air Force engaged in ‘bait and switch’
other values they feel are harmful. The appeals ruling based
tactics by first indicating that it wanted a medium-sized
their findings in favor of the state on California’s
tanker, then opting for a larger one offered by Northrop
mandatory attendance law that only excuses those who go
Grumman-European Aeronautic Defense and Space Co.
to certified public schools and those “instructed by a tutor
Boeing would have offered its larger 777 rather than the
who holds a valid state teaching credential for the grade
767 if it had known that the Air Force wanted a bigger
being taught,” essentially banning home schooling. Many
plane, Dicks said.”
home schoolers in California have gotten around this by
As background, remember that there was a scandal in forming one room private schools. The Longs did not, and
2001where it was discovered that highly placed Air Force they are being used as an example. As I point out in my
leaders where in collusion with Boeing to replace its aging book Strategic Relocation, this is one of the reasons why
tanker fleet by leasing 20 Boeing tankers and later buying you need to look very closely at state laws when you
80–in a no-bid contract. But those were in the days when relocate to safety. California is proving its reputation as
Boeing was having trouble competing with the European hostile to liberty.
consortium of Airbus. Now, after the near Airbus collapse
via the 380 jumbo jet fiasco, Boeing is riding high. I
suspect that the new pro-Bush neocon leaders of France, Prime Minister Gordon Brown's Labor Party and Britain's
Germany and Britain called in a “favor” of the Bush two other major parties made election promises to allow a
administration to give them this bid in order to save Airbus. referendum on the constitution—now the majority is
reneging and playing Parliamentary hardball to stop the
minority from holding their feet to the fire.
Jim Kouri writing for reports that,
In contradiction to his promises, Prime Minister Gordon
“In a case that's almost guaranteed to have repercussions
Brown, according to the Financial Times, “dismissed calls
throughout the country, California appellate judges ruled
for a referendum on the controversial change to EU
that one family's children could not be homeschooled and
structures, insisting it was not needed. Clashing with
must attend a government school or accredited private
Conservative leader David Cameron in the Commons, Mr
school. The court's decision is the result of a civil case
Brown said: ‘If this was a constitutional treaty, we would
brought against Phillip and Mary Long regarding the
hold a referendum.
education they provided to two of their children. The Longs
currently have eight children in their home, all of whom But the constitutional concept was abandoned.’” –In name
they've homeschooled [without problems].... because of only. Brown signed a treaty and simply declared it was not
various anti-Christian influences in California's public a “constitutional treaty.” But, it clearly does what the
schools [teaching homosexuality, trans-gender ethics, failed EU Constitution tried to do. French and Belgium
radical environmentalism and anti-Christian dogma]. voters rejected it, and so the leaders decided to avoid
another referendum at any cost. This is what happens when
The legal shenanigans involved in this case are typical of
our leaders in America take us part way into a North
the degree to which the court claims superior rights over
American Union by stealth and then suddenly declare
someday that it is already a done deal and “NO VOTE IS announced a baseline military budget of $515.4 billion for
NECESSARY.” Watch for it. the next fiscal year, not including funds for operations in
Iraq and Afghanistan. This is the largest one-year Pentagon
request in real, uninflated dollars since World War II. This
Apparently Jeb Bush as Governor sat on the State Board of Fiscal Year (FY) 2009 figure represents a 7.5% increase
Administration that controlled what securities would be over the 2008 appropriation of $479.5 billion and is
purchased as part of the huge Florida pension system. I expected to be the first of many rising requests supposedly
reported earlier that Florida froze withdrawals by county needed to replace equipment lost and damaged in Iraq and
governments from a state investment fund. Prior to the to gear up for the security threats to come.
ban, counties had withdrawn nearly a third of the fund’s
“At first glance, all these additional funds will be used to
total assets because of concerns for the fund's financial
sustain the Global War on Terror (GWOT, in Pentagon
shorthand) and replace equipment destroyed or rendered
According to reports, “The run on the fund was triggered inoperable in the wars now under way.... But a close
by worries that a percentage of the portfolio contained debt examination of the FY 2009 request indicates that the
that had defaulted. A majority of this paper was sold to principal sources of future budget growth are not the
SBA by Lehman Brothers. Bush, as the state's top elected GWOT or other such low-intensity contingencies but rather
official, served on a three-member board that oversaw the preparation for all-out combat with a future superpower.
SBA until he retired as governor in January. In August,
“Not that China is actually mentioned in the public,
Bush was hired as a consultant to Lehmans bank.” Jeb
unclassified budget documents. Rather, discussion is
Bush was also in charge when the Board approved a
limited to the need to ‘invest in the strategic modernization
purchase of over $300 million in Enron stock.
necessary to meet current and future threats from land, sea,
RON PAUL GOING BACK TO CONGRESS air, or space.’ ...Look closely at some of the most costly
weapons being sought in FY 2009, and it rapidly becomes
Ron Paul won an overwhelming victory over his neocon apparent that they are not designed to fight insurgent bands
challenger Chris Peden. Paul won a 70% landslide victory or Third World armies equipped with third-class weapons.
in Tuesday's Republican primary. He faces no Democratic Instead, they are designed to fight some imaginary
opponent in the November general election, so he will be successor to the USSR, a ‘peer competitor’ equipped with a
returning to Congress, to the discomfort of the full complement of modern weapons.”
establishment. Paul has not conceded nor congratulated
McCain, and probably will not. Since Paul is still a This is a very good point. In a future analysis I will explain
candidate for the Republican nomination, he can demand why this preparation is in contradiction to our
the right to address the Republican convention. The PTB government’s hidden policy of covering for or
will try and make sure this doesn’t happen. Ron Paul’s downplaying Russian and Chinese war preparations.
supporters should be prepared to make the Republican Obviously, even though the globalists intend to provoke
leadership look bad if Paul is denied a slot to speak. WWIII, they do intend to win it—thus the preparations.
But what American’s don’t understand is that they don’t
AFGHAN CORRUPTION intend to win it on our behalf, but on behalf of the New
Paul Tighe of Bloomberg News reports on the growing World government which the war will justify at the onset.
criticism of Hamid Karzai's government in Afghanistan that COLOMBIA’S INCURSION INTO ECUADOR
has refused to stop the opium and drug trade. Recent DISCOVERS INCRIMINATING DOCUMENTS
claims by United Nations investigators state that
government officials are “protecting the drug trade in the All the ranting and raving against Colombia by
country that produces the most opium and heroin in the Venezuela’s Hugo Chavez and Ecuador’s President
world.... Drug traders are linked to corrupt officials and Raphael Correa is directly related to what Colombian
criminal gangs outside Afghanistan and their networks are military forces discovered in the FARC guerrilla camps
very powerful.’ they raided—safely tucked away (so they thought) in a safe
haven across the border in Ecuador. They found evidence
CHINA MILITARY REPORT –AGAIN that the guerrilla camp was secretly protected by Ecuador’s
As I continue to point out, the Pentagon every year rolls out new Leftist president Rafael Correa and that FARC was
its mildly critical assessment of Chinese military buildup being funded by Hugo Chavez. This is the first major
but never one word about the Russians, who have many evidence that Chavez and his Leftist allies are directly
more dangerous weapons. At least Defense Sec. Robert aiding communist revolutions in Latin America. Chavez
Gates was somewhat candid about the political nature of claims the evidence was fabricated, but Colombia’s
the report: President Uribe is willing to turn the evidence over to the
OAS for its inspection.
When asked if the US was concerned about the large
increase in the Chinese military budget (18%) Gates
shrugged it off saying that “I think that there's general
agreement that the Chinese military budget that we see is
only a portion of what the Chinese spend,”
But with it all, it does appear as if the US is secretly
preparing to fight China someday. As Michael T. Klare
reports, in Foreign Policy In Focus, “President Bush

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