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Questions 1 - 4

Choose the best word to complete the sentence.

1 The rare collection of the Sultan of Malacca was exhibited at the __________.
A stadium
B hotel
C museum
D supermarket
2 He can make the obect spin for a lon! time. His hobb" is __________.
A fl"in! kites
B spinnin! tops
C sailin! boats
D roller skatin!
3 The __________ tree !rows well tropical countries and has a lot of uses.
A coconut
B berr"
C man!osteen
D oran!es
4 #aki is a stron! bo". He can easil" __________ up that bi! table.
A lift
B kick
C shake
D swin!
Questions 5 - 7
Choose the best phrase to complete the para!raph.
She likes to take part in sports. She __________ $%& and __________ $'& . (ast week
she __________ $)& in the swimmin! competition.
A likes sleepin!
B likes !ardenin!
C likes swimmin!
A pla"in! hocke"
B pla"in! netball
C pla"in! softball
D pla"in! *olle"ball
A won a troph"
B won a locket
C won a medal
D won a ball
Questions 8 - 10
Based on the picture given, choose the best answer.
A The fisherman is rowin! his sampan.
B The fisherman is ridin! his sampan.
C The fisherman is dri*in! his sampan.
D The fisherman is repairin! his sampan.
A Thomas walks down the sta!e proudl".
B Thomas walks below the sta!e proudl".
C Thomas walks up the sta!e proudl".
D Thomas walks o*er the sta!e proudl".
A (et+s bu" some fresh fish from the stall.
B (et+s bu" some fresh *e!etables from the stall.
C (et+s bu" some fresh fruits from the stall.
Questions 11 - 15
Choose the best answer to fit the situation shown in the picture.
A Can , learn how to do it-
B , would like to tr" some.
C .here did "ou learn to cook-
D ,t+s almost done.
A .h" are "ou in a hurr"-
B ,+ll be read" in a minute.
C /lease show me "our computer-
D Ma" , borrow "our laptop0 Dann"-
A The dentist will be happ" to see her.
B Don+t disturb her. (et her cr".
C ,+ll take her to the dentist.
D The clinic is *er" far awa".
A 1ou+re ri!ht. ,+ll do it at once.
B 2h no3 .e ha*e been robbed.
C 4ood3 The door is alwa"s open.
D /lease open all the windows now.
A (et+s !o home.
B ,t is a hot da"3
C , can+t pla" football tomorrow3
D Don+t worr". , ha*e !ot an umbrella.
Questions 16 - 20
Choose the best answer to complete the sentence.
16 5ither Miss (eon! or the !irls __________ to sweep the floor.
A need
B needs
C to need
D needin!
17 Mother wants to cook chicken curr". , __________ not for!et to bu" some chillies.
A will
B ma"
C need
D must
18 M" uncle dri*es __________ than m" father.
A carefull"
B more careful
C most carefull"
D more carefull"
19 , had to turn __________ his in*itation because m" mother was sick
A down
B off
C b"
D on
20 M" friends __________ , were tired __________ we went home earl" before the !ame ended.
A so0 and
B and0 so
C and0 if
D if0 and
Question 21
Choose the word that has the opposite meaning as the underlined word.
21 /uan 6atimah !a*e the !irl a piece of wet towel.
A dr"
B clean
C beautiful
D colourful
Questions 22 - 23
Choose the word with correct spelling. Use the picture to help you.
22 Sarah bou!ht an embroider" __________ for her mother as a present.
A handkercheef
B handkarchief
C handkerchief
D hankerchief
23 Mar"+s mother bou!ht a new __________ for her because the old one is torn.
A pinafor
B finafore
C pinafore
D pinnafore
Questions 24 - 25
Choose the sentence with the correct punctuation.
A 7stin!ra" and /ompfret are an!uin! a!ain07 said Shrimp to Shark.
B 7stin!ra" and pompfret are an!uin! a!ain-7 said shrimp to shark.
C 7Stin!ra" and /ompfret are an!uin! a!ain07 Said shrimp to shark.
D 7Stin!ra" And /ompfret are an!uin! a!ain7 said Shrimp To Shark.
A As , was walkin! around0 the Botanical 4arden last e*enin!. , met Chon! Men!0 an old
B As , was walkin! around the botanical !arden last e*enin! , met Chon! Men! an old
C As , was walkin! around the Botanical 4arden last e*enin!0 , met Chon! Men!0 an old
D As , was walkin! around the Botanical 4arden0 last e*enin! , met Chon! Men! an old
Questions 26 - 30
Based on the picture0 choose the best answer to fill in the blanks in the passa!e that follows.
Maria and her sister are in the !arden. There __________ $8'& man" t"pes of flowers in their !arden.
Maria is __________ $8)& the roses with a waterin! can. Her sister __________ $89& di!!in! the weeds near
her. She is usin! a __________ $8:&. The" are both wearin! caps because it is a __________ $;<& da".
A is
B are
C was
D were
A water
B waters
C watered
D waterin!
A is
B can
C ma"
D will
A hoe
B ladle
C spade
D spoon
A hot
B cold
C rain"
D wind"
Questions 31 - 35
=ead the dialo!ue below and answer the >uestions that follow.
=amli ? Sam0 let+s pla" badminton this e*enin!.
Sam ? , can+t. ,+m so sorr". ,+*e !ot to take care of m" brother while m" Mum cooks dinner.
=amli ? .h" don+t "ou ask "our sister to take care of "our brother-
Sam ? She can+t. She+s sick.
=amli ? 2h dear. , think ,+ll ask @onathan to pla" with me.
Sam ? @onathan is in /enan! *isitin! his sick !randfather.
=amli ? ,+ll ust pla" b" m"self then.
Sam ? Don+t be sill". 1ou can+t pla" badminton b" "ourself. 1ou need a partner. .h" donAt "ou ask Ashok -
=amli ? That+s a !ood idea. (et+s walk faster. M" Mum is cookin! fried rice for lunch.
31 How man" !ames are mentioned in the dialo!ue-
A 2ne
B Two
C Three
D 6our
32 =amli asked Sam to
A look after his sister.
B pla" badminton with him.
C help his mother to cook dinner.
D ask @onathan to pla" badminton.
33 .hen did this dialo!ue take place-
A ,n the e*enin!
B At ni!ht
C ,n the afternoon
D Durin! lesson
34 =amli likes
A to cook fried rice.
B to look after his sister.
C to *isit his sick !randmother.
D to pla" badminton *er" much.
35 .hich of the followin! statements is not true-
A =amli does not know how to pla" badminton.
B Sam is a helpful bo".
C @onathan is not at home.
D The bo"s walked home after school.
Questions 36 - 40
=ead the report below and answer the >uestions that follow.
2n 8< Ma" 8<<;0 B< members of the Cature Societ" of Sekolah Deban!saan Seri Cemerlan!
accompanied b" two teachers *isited the 6orest =esearch ,nstitute of Mala"sia $6=,M&. The aim was for
the members to learn more about trees and animals.
.e were told that trees are used to make papers. .e also learnt some plants can be used as herbs
to cure sicknesses. .e were shown the famous 7Ton!kat Ali7 plant and were asked to take a bite of its
leaf. ,t was so bitter.
.e could also see s>uirrels. The !uide told us that the word +s>uirrels+ comes from the 4reek word
for +shadow tail+. The" like to eat all t"pes of nuts.
2n the whole0 the *isit was *er" educational especiall" for us who li*e in town.
/repared b" ?
@a"a Se!ar
Secretar" of Cature Societ".
SD Seri Cemerlan!.
Duala (umpur.
36 .here did the members of the Cature Societ" !o on 8< Ma" 8<<;-
A The" *isited the /alm 2il =esearch ,nstitute
B The" *isited the =ubber =esearch ,nstitute
C The" *isited the 6orest =esearch ,nstitute
D The" *isited the Cational #oo
37 .h" did the" !o to the 6orest =esearch ,nstitute-
A To see forest
B To see animals
C To learn how to cut trees
D To learn more about trees and animals
38 .hat is the taste of the +Ton!kat Ali+-
A Sour
B Sweet
C Bitter
D Tasteless
39 ,n 4reek0 the word +s>uirrel+ means
A slim tail.
B short tail.
C smart tail.
D shadow tail.
40 Sekolah Deban!saan Seri Cemerlan! is
A rural school.
B town school.
C boardin! school.
D subEurban school.

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