Terengganu-Answer Physics P3-Trial SPM 2009

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‘SKEMA FIZIK KERTAS 3 PEPERIKSAAN PERCUBAAN SPM 2009 ‘SECTION A Question 1 ~Mark_[ Section ‘Answer 1 | 1(@X)| 1 State the manipalated variable correctly weight! /Ipressue, P ie “Slate the responding variable correctly Go ‘Volume, ¥ T ‘State the constant variable correetiy Gi) | Mass of air // temperature 7 |) [7 Tabolate the results correctly wo), 1 ati 77d, own te 2 sunita ome L 3) Thevaluos of P, ¥ and are consistent val : 48:5 All S values of are corest-give “ 13/4 vals are coect give one ~ We3 ,0¥ | 647 ansett ams wth dein pow ghee 4 J ieee ote mY We3 0% Wal ve Ten 50. tos [saa ‘Om20. Teo Tio a5 ‘Sat ——) Full marks: 7 150, m1 450 a 200 120, aes oe 380 133] ——a0a- Soo 1a. ws © 5 Drawn complete graph of Pagnnts Tek bused onthe flowing sees 1 tam gan nl} mae 2 ye? 2 © State the units ofthe variables each axis give ¥ 3 © Both axes sro marked wit uniform seale ‘And not od seale ( 1,2, 45,10) sive 4. © Allie points are ploted corecty (¢/- 1 mm/% square box) ive v7 ‘(Only thre points ploted corey , sivei ¥) 5 * Best ited sraight line is drawn Beri ¥ Gberdasarkan keseimbangan bilangan tk datas dan di bawah ‘garisan i sama banyak, 2:1 (3:2. Tuk paling Jouh dari garisan tidak lebih 05cm) 6 © Show the minimum sizeof graph square box (2 em x 2m) (Dikita dar alan hingas tk aie jka mula dai aslan. ka tidak mula dari 0, tengoktitk petama dan erat) Bei Feast S(vertical x A¢horizontal) ‘Sear 3 4 3 2 1 ‘Total marks: $ marks @ ‘State the correct relationship between v and m 1 asi ott Pity opt ¥ Teeter inn ae pus pene bl mV 16 marks usin? [eo ‘Section [ Marka “Marking scheme 2 ‘Siraght line from T= 00K ‘Straight line to Y axis at V = 6.74 1 0.72 ¥ (with wit) af o_|t Increase oft Tnarease wom fi ‘Draw a slficient large angle (7 ~axis >= 4 petak(2 em X 2 em, x- axis >= 4 petak 2m X 2m) * Correct substitution(follow candidate's triangle) * bacaan + 1 mm 7 (122 dep kota kecil pd graf) 1 * State the value /answer with 0.68 « (V= 0.2 and =0.68 A) =07+04x068 = 09921-V (2-4 decimal place) ‘ye position must be perpendicular to scale of animete/volimeter7 “The conection mus iedirepeat the experiment and find the average @ SECTION» eesti ‘Section ‘Answer 3 Sia aut s Immerse disc Toe water Tfloonoed by weight of te foal volume of water displaced infgenced by weight of an object ID, “Sia relevant hypothess (with direction) If weight an object nteae, the immerse ditance/volume of waler diapaced increase. xo Desribe a compet and salable experimental framework (10 mari) © State the aim ofthe experiment. ‘To investigate the relationship between weight and the immerse distance/voume of water displaced = fea lated var ‘Manipulated variable: weit Responding variable : immerse distanoe/volume Slate the constant variable (M3) ‘Constant variable: densty/sufac area. seu “Liston the iortantonparats end materials 0) “Test tbe,Jead shot , measuring eylinevruer water and balance Taty Ta ate te method of comoling the moniplated variable (M6) "Measure the weight of lead shot before put in the test tube. The weit is 10 g Iw ‘Slate the method of mecsaring the responding variable 017) “ncagute the immerse distance ofthe lest tube/ record the reading /volume of ean ylinder sei | i at ea Ta wil : Fepeat tho experiment 4 times by ad the numberof lead shot into th est tube sei) | Tminerse distance ___| volume? TD 20 2 50 a0 30 = a ets) ‘State how data wl be anayed aetch gaphtatement) (M10) ES Plo graph immerse distnce/olume agains weight ForaL | s se Tnswer [Stave a suitable Inference + Distance between two consecutive finges influenced by wavelength [State relevant hypothesis (with direction) ‘= Ifthe wavelength increase, the distance between twoe consssutve fringes] Describe a comple and sua experimental framework (10 marks) : of "To investigate the relationship between wavelength and the distance between two consecutive_node fines | Sate the manipulated variable and the responding variable(M2) JMlanipuated variable : wavelength WResponding variable: stance botwoon two consseutive_node lines | State he constant variable (M3) ‘onsant variable Spit sepration/distance observation line (depth of wate. aid wthet “Meter ruler, water, white paper and strboscope Sate a functionable arrangement of te apparates (MS) | ing ae Measure dstanes between two wavefront (wavelength) of water before strike met bar using meter ruler, The distance 03 cn [Stee the method of measuring the responding variable (M7) ‘The waves are freeze by a mechanical stroboscope and sketched on the seen, [ measure the distance two consecutive node lines lac(vity 1 [Reapeat the experiment at eax 4 dimes with different values (M8) repeat the previous step by increasing the wavelength to L0em.2em 14 em pod scm few a. =a ‘Wavelengivem Distance baiwecn wo ‘consecutive nde Fineslem tin) ute om dota wil be anahsed (sketch gaphsttement (M10) ot rap distance between wo consecutive ine gxinst wavelength TOTAL, 2

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