Activity 2.3 Answers

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1. What Students Have Done to
Manage Their Learning and
1. Always do homework
2. Do revision at home for 2 hours er day
!. Do more e"er#ises at home
$. Do a own timeta%le
&. Do a study grou
'. (rou dis#ussion
2. What Students Would Like to
Do More
1. Wat#h tutor T)* informative T) rogrammes
2. Study at the li%rary
!. Send more time on studying and doing revision
$. Make more short notes for revision
&. Do a mind ma and aste it on the wall
'. Dis#uss lessons with friends
!. +hallenges ,a#ed 1. Too many s#hool a#tivities and events
2. La#k of motivation
!. La-iness
$. .asily get stress when do not understand the lessons
&. /oor time management
'. /laying game in the internet
$. Suggestions to Tea#hers 1. 0e aroa#ha%le so students are not afraid or shy to ask 1uestions
2. Have ersonal #onversation*#onsultation with students regarding
their learning rogress
!. 2se interesting and #reative tea#hing methods Make the lessons
interesting and understanda%le
$. (ive more e"er#ises
&. Do more e"tra #lass for weak students
'. (ive motivation to students
3. 0e atient and understanding
&. Suggestions to /arents 1. 0uy e"er#ise*revision*work %ooks
2. /rovide mini li%rary at home
!. /rovide a suita%le study room
$. Send #hildren to tuition #lasses
&. 0e more understanding4 oen5minded and suortive
1. Why might students learn %etter if they are en#ouraged to manage their own learning6
They have better understanding of their strengths and weaknesses. This enables them
to know their strengths in learning situations and find ways to overcome their
weaknesses. Students also learn better if they are encouraged to manage their own
learning because they will have self responsibility and self motivation to learn. They
will manage their time well and be more focus in their learning despite all the
distractions all around them.
2. What #hanges do you need to do to #reate a tea#hing*learning environment that
en#ourages and suorts students to manage their learning and studies su##essfully6
I explaining and giving notes of the content of the lesson, I encourage my students to
read, search the materials in the Internet and present the content of the lesson in front
of the class. Furthermore, I also will provide more opportunities for students to
communicate, collaborate, share ideas and respond directly with their fellow
I will also ask for students feedbacks at the end of each lesson. I will ask my students
to write down what they have learnt, whether they enoyed the activities, what have
helped or hindered their learning and what might help them next time. The students
feedbacks not only help me to improve my teaching methods but also benefit my
students in understanding their learning capabilities and needs.
!. How will you know you have %een su##essful6 What will %e the eviden#e6
Students active participation in class is the evidence to show that I have succeeded.
!hen students are actively involved be it in group discussion or individual
presentation in front of the class, this shows that they are confident and highly
motivated to learn.

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