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When working in Word, an message reading "Invalid Class String" happens

when you click on a button on the EndNote toolbar.

If you're using Windows Vista or Windows 7, click here. Otherwise, please

This error message has a number of causes, but the most obvious and easiest
one to check is that you're not using a different version of EndNote from
the version of the CWYW tools that are installed in Word. For example, if
you've upgraded from an older version, check that Word has the updated
tools (it will say the version, e.g. "EndNote X4") on the toolbar. If it
displayed an older version, close all programs and un-install the old
version, then Repair the installation of the current version via the
Control Panel.

Pick the part of this article which applies to you:

EndNote X and Before
EndNote X1 and Later

EndNote X and Before
This can happen if EndNote was installed under a different User Account, or
if the Registry didn't update correctly:

You must install the program while logged in as the user who will be
running the program, and this account must be an administrator account. If
it was installed by another user account, re-run the installation under
these conditions and the error should be resolved.

If EndNote was installed under the User Account which is experiencing the

1. Close all programs running on your machine
2. Start EndNote and open a library
3. Then open a new, blank Word document
4. Attempt to use the CWYW tools.

If You're Windows Vista or Windows 7
The first thing to try is to turn off User Account Control (UAC) and Repair

Close all programs, including EndNote, Outlook and Word, then...

1. Turn off User Account Control (UAC)
Windows Vista:
Start > Control Panel > User Accounts > Turn User Account Control on or off >
un-tick the box and press OK.

Windows 7:
Start > Control Panel > User Accounts > Change User Account Control
Settings > move the slider to the bottom > press OK.

You may have to reboot your PC after doing this.
You may find some additional steps in the Control Panel if your view is set to
'Category View'. For example, you may have to click on 'Users' then 'User Accounts'
then your username.

2. Repair the EndNote installation by going to:
Start > Control Panel > Programs and Features > highlight the entry for
EndNote and press 'Repair'

You may find some additional steps in the Control Panel if your view is set to
'Category View'. For example, you may have to click on 'Programs' then 'Programs
and Features'.

3. Start EndNote first, open a library, then start Word.

If the problem persists, continue reading:

EndNote X1 and Later

1. Close all open programs, including EndNote, Word and Outlook.
2. Go to the EndNote program folder. This is typically
C:\Program Files\EndNote XX
C:\Program Files (X86)\EndNote XX

Where XX represents your version of EndNote. For example, C:\Program Files
(x86)\EndNote X4

3. Right click on EndNote.exe and select "Run as administrator"

4. With EndNote open, Hold down the Windows Key and press R on your
keyboard to bring up a 'Run' box. In it, type REGEDIT and press OK. You're
now looking at the Registry Editor.

5. Expand the "HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT" folder and locate the key:
"EndNote11.AddinServer" (for X1)
"EndNote12.AddinServer" (for X2)
"EndNote13.AddinServer" (for X3)
"EndNote14.AddinServer" (for X4)

6. Right Click on the AddinServer key and select Permissions.
7. Click Advanced. Then click Add.
8. In object name, type Everyone and click OK.
9. In the 'Permissions' entry window, go to the Delete row. Click Deny and
then choose OK.
10. Close the Registry Editor and close EndNote.
11. Start EndNote, open a library, then start Word and try to use the Cite
While You Write.

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