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Trainers Methodology Level 1

Name: ______________________________________________________
Shool!"nstit#tion: _________________________________________
"NST$%CT"&NS: This Self-Check Instrument will give the facilitators of the program necessary
data or information which is essential in planning training sessions. Please tick
the appropriate bo of your answer to the !uestions below.
Common Com)eteny
"perate word processing software#
"perate spreadsheet processing software#
"perate presentation software#
Core Com)eteny
1* 'lan Training Session
$.$ Identifying learner%s training re!uirements#
$.& Prepare session plans#
$.' Prepare instructional materials#
$.( Prepare assessment instruments#
$.) "rgani*e teaching and learning resources#
+* Failitate Learning Session
&.$ Prepare training facilities+resources#
&.& Conduct pre-assessment#
&.' ,acilitate training session#
&.( Conduct competency assessment#
&.) -eview delivery of training session#
,* S#)ervise -or.-/ased Learning
'.$ .stablish training re!uirements for trainees#
'.& /onitor work-based training#
'.' -eview and evaluate work-based learning effectiveness#
0* Maintain Training Failities
(.$ Plan /aintenance activities#
(.& Prepare schedule of maintenance#
(.' Implement housekeeping activities#
(.( /aintain training e!uipment and tools#
(.) 0ocument maintenance inspections#
1* %tili2e eletroni media in 3ailitating training
).$ Present a lesson through direct video footage/capture
NTTA TM Level I Form
).& Present lesson via film viewing method#
).' 1tili*e computer and multi-media technology to present a lesson#
4* Cond#t Com)eteny Assessment
2.$ Organize assessment Activities?
2.& Prepare the candidates#
2.' 3ather evidence#
2.( /ake the assessment decision#
2.) -ecord assessment result#
2.2 Provide feedback to candidates#
NTTA TM Level I Form
Evidenes!'roo3 o3 C#rrent Com)etenies
Evidence of Current Competencies acquired related to Job/Occupation
"nstr#tion: Tick on the bo if you have prepared the following evidences of your competency. If
you have other evidences of competency4 please write them on the blank spaces

C#rrent Com)etenies 'roo3!Evidene Means o3 validating
Prepare Session Plan
Complete session plan with the
prescribed format prepared by
the trainer
Submitted a complete set of
session plan
Prepare basic
instructional materials
Complete C56/ with the
prescribed format prepared by
the trainer
Information Sheet
7ob Sheet
"peration Sheet
Performance Criteria
Submitted a complete C56/
for one !ualification
"rgani*e teaching and
learning resources
Picture of actual workshop layout
of trainer following C5T 6ayout
Submitted the picture of actual
workshop layout certified by the
8ocational Instruction
1se Personal Computer
in .ducational
9ational Certificate in PC
Pro:ects such as presentations4
C56/4 session plans4 flyers and
other instructional materials
Submitted an authenticated copy
of 9ational Certificate
Certificate of Training
Please answer the following instrument according to the characteristics described below.
.ncircle the letter of your choice that best describes you as a learner. 5lank spaces are provided for
some data that need your response.
NTTA TM Level I Form
Charateristis o3 learners
6anguage4 literacy and
numeracy ;66<9=
>verage grade in:
a. ?) and above
b. ?@ to ?(
c. A) to A?
d. A@ to A(
a. B) to B?
>verage grade in:
a. ?) and above
b. ?@ to ?(
c. A) to A?
d. A@ to A(
e. B) to B?
Cultural and language
a. Ifugao
b. Igorot
c. Ibanag
d. 3addang
e. /uslim
f. Ibaloy
g. "thers; please specify=CCCCCCCCCCCCC
.ducation < general
Highest Ed#ational Attainment:
a. Digh School 6evel
b. Digh School 3raduate
c. College 6evel
d. College 3raduate
e. with units in /aster%s degree
f. /asteral 3raduate
g. Eith units in 0octoral 6evel
h. 0octoral 3raduate
Special courses &ther o#rses related to TM
a. 1nits in .ducation
b. /aster%s degree units in .ducation
c. "thers;please specify= CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC
Se a. /ale
b. ,emale
>ge Four age: CCCCC
Physical ability $. 0isabilities;if any=CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC
&. .isting Dealth Conditions ;.isting illness if any=
a. 9one
b. >sthma
NTTA TM Level I Form
Charateristis o3 learners
c. Deart disease
d. >nemia
e. Dypertension
f. 0iabetes
g. "thers;please specify= CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC
Previous eperience with
the T/
T/ Certificates
a. TG certified
b. T/ graduate
c. T/ trainer
d. T/ lead trainer
9umber of years as C5T practitioner CCCCCC
Previous T/ Training
Programs < learning
6ist down trainings program and trainings
9ational Certificates
Gualification 9C 6evel
6earning style a. 8isual - The visual learner takes mental pictures of information
given4 so in order for this kind of learner to retain information4
oral or written4 presentations of new information must contain
diagrams and drawings4 preferably in color. The visual learner
canHt concentrate with a lot of activity around him and will
focus better and learn faster in a !uiet study environment.
b. Iinesthetic - described as the students in the classroom4 who
have problems sitting still and who often bounce their legs
while tapping their fingers on the desks. They are often referred
to as hyperactive students with concentration issues.
c. >uditory- a learner who has the ability to remember speeches
and lectures in detail but has a hard time with written tet.
Daving to read long tets is pointless and will not be retained
by the auditory learner unless it is read aloud.
Special Current Situation a. ,inancially challenged
b. Eorking student
c. Solo parent
d. Eant to speciali*e in the field
NTTA TM Level I Form
Charateristis o3 learners
e. "thers;please specify= CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC
NTTA TM Level I Form

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