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SCRATCH PROJECT RUBRIC Name: _______________________________________

Category 4 Exceptional 3 Proficient 2 Developing 1 Beginning

Content area
(Add specific
targets as
___ Makes important connections
between subject area concepts,
shows in-depth understanding
___ Focuses on and understands
important concepts about the
subject matter
___ Includes a few ideas about the
subject, shows some
___ Does not include ideas about the
subject area or ideas are incorrect
Project design ___ Project graphics and creativity
significantly support the content

___ Has a clear, focused, developed
purpose with multiple layers of
complex design

___ Program is extremely interactive
and instructions are well-
scripted and integrated into
___ Project uses original graphics or
reuses imported images

___ Has clear purpose, makes sense,
and has structure

___ Includes a way for user to
interact with program with clear
___ Project uses graphics of others
with some effort to change

___ Has some sense of purpose and

___ Includes a way for user to
with the program but needs
some attention
___ Project graphics are missing or
a remix of another project

___ No clear purpose of project or

___ Does not provide a way for
other people to interact with

Programming ___ Uses a variety of blocks from six
or more categories

___ Multiple Backgrounds/Stage are
added to enhance project

___ Project shows advanced
understanding of blocks and
programming scripts

___ Scripts show advanced
understanding of sequencing and
parallelism to enhance project
___ Has at least one block from six
of the eight categories

___ Backgrounds/Stage are well done
and enhance the project

___ Project shows understanding of
blocks and programming scripts

___ Scripts show sequencing and

___ Has at least one block from four
or five of the categories

___ Backgrounds/Stage are
incorporated in project

___ Project shows some
understanding of blocks and
programming scripts

___ Scripts show some sequence and
___ Does not use blocks from more
than three categories

___ Backgrounds/Stage are not used
at all or ineffectively

___ Project shows little
understanding of blocks and
programming scripts

___ Script lacks sequence and

Comment [jaw1]: This entire rubric needs to be
cleaned up for formatting.

___ Student made significant use of
design process to enhance project

___ Managed time well and
constructively to enhance project

___ Found ways to collaborate
beyond class structure
___ Student used the design process
to create project

___ Managed time well and

___ Collaborated appropriately
___ Student somewhat used the
design process

___ Managed time sufficiently

___ Collaborated at times
___ Student incorrectly used of the
design process or not at all

___ Did not manage time well and/or
project is incomplete

___ Did not collaborate
Audience ___ Purpose is clearly evident to the

___Project is extremely user- friendly
and appropriate for all levels of

___ Organization, content, and
design is are extremely engaging
to audience
___Purpose is clear to the audience

___Project is user- friendly and
appropriate for all levels of

___ Organization, content, and
design is are engaging to
___Purpose is somewhat clear to the

___Project is not user- friendly and
appropriate only for some levels
of learners

___ Organization, content, and
design is are somewhat engaging
to audience
___Purpose is not evident to the

___Project is not user- friendly and
appropriate for all levels of

___ Organization, content, and
design needs more attention or is
are lacking

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