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For more information, see List of CubeSats.
cube!", a or#egian Cubesat.
$ CubeSat is a type of miniaturi%ed satellite for space research that usually has a volume of
e&actly one liter '() cm cube*, #eighs no more than (.++ kilogram,
and typically uses
commercial off!the!shelf electronics components. .eginning in (///, California 0olytechnic
State 1niversity 'Cal 0oly* and Stanford 1niversity developed the CubeSat specifications to help
universities #orld#ide to perform space science and e&ploration.
Several companies have built CubeSats, including large!satellite!maker .oeing. 2o#ever, the
ma3ority of development comes from academia, #ith a mi&ed record of successfully orbited
Cubesats and failed missions.
( 4esign
" Successful pro3ects
+ $pplications
+.( 4evelopment of CubeSat technology
+." 5arth remote sensing
+.+ Space tether
+.6 .iology
+.7 8ther
6 Launch failures
6.( 4nepr rocket crash
6." Falcon ( rocket crash
7 0lanned pro3ects
7.( $S$ 5ducational Launch of anosatellites
7." 9.7)
: See also
; <eferences
= 5&ternal links
[edit] Design
>he term ?CubeSat? #as coined to denote nano!satellites that adhere to the standards described
in the CubeSat design specification. Cal 0oly published the standard in an effort led by aerospace
engineering professor Jordi 0uig!Suari.
.ob >#iggs, from the 4epartment of $eronautics @
$stronautics at Stanford 1niversity, has contributed to the CubeSat community. 2is efforts have
focused on CubeSats from educational institutions.
>he specification does not apply to other
cube!like nano!satellites such as the $S$ ?A50SB? nano!satellite, #hich is slightly larger than
a CubeSat.
Bn "))6, #ith their relatively small si%e, CubeSats could each be made and launched for an
estimated C:7,))) D C=),))) dollars.
>his price tag, far lo#er than most satellite launches, has
made CubeSat a viable option for schools and universities across the #orld. .ecause of this, a
large number of universities and some companies and government organi%ations around the
#orld are developing CubeSats E bet#een 6) and 7) universities #ere developing CubeSats in
"))6, Cal 0oly reported.
>he standard ()F()F() cm basic CubeSat is often called a ?(1? CubeSat meaning one unit.
CubeSats are scalable in (1 increments and larger. CubeSats such as a G"1H CubeSat
'")F()F() cm* and a G+1H CubeSat '+)F()F() cm* have been both built and launched.
Since CubeSats are all ()&() cm 'regardless of length* they can all be launched and deployed
using a common deployment system. CubeSats are typically launched and deployed from a
mechanism called a 0oly!0icoSatellite 8rbital 4eployer '0!084*, also developed and built by
Cal 0oly.
0!084s are mounted to a launch vehicle and carry CubeSats into orbit and deploy
them once the proper signal is received from the launch vehicle. 0!084s have deployed over
/)I of all CubeSats launched to date 'including un!successful launches*, and ())I of all
CubeSats launched since ")):. >he 0!084 Ak BBB has capacity for three (1 CubeSats ho#ever,
since three (1 CubeSats are e&actly the same si%e as one +1 CubeSat, and t#o (1 CubeSats are
the same si%e as one "1 CubeSat, the 0!084 can deploy (1, "1, or +1 CubeSats in any
combination up to a ma&imum volume of +1.
CubeSat forms a cost!effective independent means of getting a payload into orbit.
CubeSats carry one or t#o scientific instruments as their primary mission payload. Several
companies and research institutes offer regular launch opportunities in clusters of several cubes.
BSC Josmotras and 5urokot are t#o companies that offer such services.
[edit] Successful projects
8ne of the earliest launches of CubeSats #as +) June "))+ from 0lesetsk, <ussia, #ith 5urockot
Launch ServicesKs Multiple Orbit Mission. CubeSats #ere put into a sun!synchronous orbit and
included the 4anish $$1 CubeSat and 4>1Sat, the Japanese C1>5!(, the Canadian Can L!(,
and the 1S triple!CubeSat 9uakesat.
8n "; 8ctober "))7, a Josmos!+A launch vehicle launched from 0lesetsk carried three
CubeSats into orbit on the 5uropean Space $gencyKs Student Space 5&ploration @ >echnology
Bnitiative 'SS5>B* mission. >he SS5>B 5&press Satellite student!built satellite #as not a CubeSat
as it #eighed (+: pounds and #as the si%e of a #ashing machine.
>he CubeSats that did make
orbit on this launch #ere the cube satellite pro3ect from the or#egian 1niversity of Science
and >echnology and the 1niversity of >okyoKs CubeSat LB!M.
Seven CubeSats #ere launched (; $pril ")); as secondary payloads on a 4nepr rocket.
included a Colombian pro3ect from the students at the 1niversidad Sergio $rboleda. >heir
satellite, called Libertad (, #as ColombiaKs first. >he $erospace Corporation had their $eroCube
C0!+ @ C0!6 #ere on board from California 0olytechnic State 1niversity
, and C$05!(
from the 1niversity of Louisiana at Lafayette.
Bn a launch coordinated by the anosatellite Launch System, a 0olar Satellite Launch Mehicle
launched CubeSats on $pril "=, "))=. 8ne #as a +!unit CubeSat '()&()&+) centimeters* named
4elfi!C+ from 4elft 1niversity of >echnology in the etherlands.
[edit] Applications
[edit] Development of CubeSat technology
$$1 CubeSat , by $alborg 1niversity ! >he 4anish students in this pro3ect, beginning in
the summer of "))(, designed a satellite that #ould evaluate the technology and
demonstrate the capabilities of the CubeSat concept. Bn order to successfully sho# the
technology to the public, the team installed a camera on board the spacecraft, and
outfitted it #ith a magnetically!based attitude control system. .ut upon reaching orbit,
the radio signals #ere #eaker than e&pected and the batteries failed after only one month
of semi!operational activity.
$$1S$>!BB is the second student!built CubeSat built and operated by students from
$alborg 1niversity in 4enmark. Bt #as launched "= $pril "))= )7:76 1>C from Satish
4ha#an Space Centre in Bndia on a 0SLM rocket. $$1S$>!BB carries a radiation sensor.
$$1S$>+ is the third student!built CubeSat from $alborg 1niversity in 4enmark. >he
primary payload is an $BS receiver #hich primary task is to receive $BS data from ships
around Nreenland. 0lanned launch 9( ")((.
0W!Sat, by Warsa# 1niversity of >echnology ! >his e&periment revolves around
CubeSats themselves. >he test #ill involve developing a method to deorbit CubeSats by
engaging an atmospheric drag device.
>he missionKs focus #ill be the testing of this
foil deviceO its deployment to intentionally bring the satellite back into the thicker portion
of 5arthKs atmosphere to bring the mission to an end.
Bf successful the satellite #ill be
0olandKs first.
81F>B!(, by the 1niversity of LiPge and B.S.B.L '2aute Qcole de la 0rovince de LiPge* !
>his is a (!unit CubeSat that is being built by .elgian students. >he name is an acronym
for Orbital Utility For Telecommunication Innovation. >he .elgian satellite is scheduled
to launch on the maiden flight of Mega. >he goal of the pro3ect is to develop e&perience
in the different aspects of satellite design and operation. Bn the communications portion of
the device, the academic team #ill be e&perimenting #ith the 4!S>$< digital voice
mode and communications protocol that is popular #ith amateur radio operators.
>he satellite #eighs 3ust ( kilogram and #ill utili%e a 12F uplink and a M2F do#nlink.
CubeSat >est.ed (, by .oeing ! .oeing successfully completed all of its design and
operational goals #ith its first nanosatellite. Bt #as built and flo#n to e&plore the
possibilities #ith the ne# CubeSat standard.
.oeing satellites are usually much largerO
a .oeing :)( or ;)" satellite #eighs (,))) times as much as their ( kilogram CubeSat.
BnnoS$>, by $stronautic >echnology Sdn .hd ! >his CubeSat #ill test attitude control
and navigation technologies developed by five Aalaysian universities.
LS$S, by 1niversity of Aichigan ! >his pro3ect, based on graduate research, #ill house
an accordion folded solar array inside a (1 CubeSat. >he array #ill e&tend into a long
solar panel once in orbit, thereby increasing by many times the po#er available to an
attached CubeSat.
[edit] Earth remote sensing
For more details on this topic, see 5arth remote sensing.
9uakesat , by 9uakefinder ! >his satellite #as set out on a mission to help scientists
improve earthRuake detection. >he students are hoping that the detection of magnetic
signals may have value in sho#ing the onset of an earthRuake.
>he company that put
the satellites together is from 0alo $lto, California. >heyKre gathering data on the
e&tremely lo# magnetic field fluctuations that are associated #ith earthRuakes to help
better understand this area of study that has its skeptics.
>he +) June "))+ deployment
of 9uakesat #as along side other university CubeSats and one commercial CubeSat. >he
launch occurred on a <ockot rocket from <ussiaSs 0lesetsk launch site.
S#issCube, by Qcole 0olytechniRue FTdTrale de Lausanne ! >his pro3ect has been
selected to fly aboard a ne# e&pendable launch system being developed for $rianespace
3ointly by the Btalian Space $gency and the 5uropean Space $gency. >he rocket is called
Mega, and takes its name from the star. >he S#iss students #ill conduct e&periments #ith
the air glo# phenomenon in the 5arthKs atmosphere.
>he satelliteKs do#nlink radio #ill
transmit at 6+; A2%O the uplink #ill be at (67 A2%.
0L1A5, by the 1niversity of Leicester ! >hey plan to launch a CubeSat that #ill detect
cosmic dust, and #ill be the first 5nglish CubeSat to be launched.
>he students began
their pro3ect at the beginning of ")); and if successful #ill have a method for scientists
to look at the smallest ever dust particles from space.
>hey are publishing their
documentation and code freely via a #iki.
Firefly, by $S$Ks Noddard Space Flight Center and Siena College ! >errestrial gamma!
ray flashes have been detected from the Compton Namma <ay 8bservatory after its
launch in (//(. Scientists have theories about their origins and this ne# CubeSat #ill
have instruments that #ill observe both photons and electrons simultaneously. >his, in
turn, #ill allo# scientists to better determine if lightning is the source of the gamma ray
[edit] Space tether
For more details on this topic, see >ether satellite.
$S$Ks NeneSat (
A$S> , by >ethers 1nlimited ! >he Multi-Application Survivable Tether e&periment,
based in the 1nited States, #as launched (; $pril ")); aboard a 4nepr rocket. >his ( km
multistrand, interconnected tether '2oytether* is being used to test and prove the long!
term survivability for tethers in space. >he three A$S> pico!satellites e3ected from the 0!
084 successfully, but the separation mechanism did not function properly, preventing
full deployment of the tether. onetheless, the e&periment operated for over a month and
do#nloaded over " A. of data on tethered satellite dynamics as #ell as images of the
While Stanford 1niversity formed the academic portion of the team, >ethers
1nlimited, from Seattle, Washington, formed the commercial portion of the team.
>empo+ , by >he Aars Society ! >his operation is called the Tethered Experiment for
Mars inter-lanetary Operations and is meant to demonstrate the generation of artificial
gravity. >he pro3ect seeks to enhance kno#ledge about long term space flight.
[edit] Biology
NeneSat (, by the $S$ $mes <esearch Center ! Bn 4ecember ")):, a Ainotaur launch
vehicle carried this satellite into orbit from $S$Ks Wallops Flight Facility to carry out a
genetics e&periment. >he team assembled the biological gro#th and analysis systems to
perform e&periments #ith 5 coli bacteria.
>he pro3ect is not cheap by CubeSat
standards: the total spent on the satellite and its e&periments #ere C: million before the
launch took place. >he goal is to establish methods for studying the genetic changes that
come from being e&posed to a space environment.
>he satellite #as outfitted #ith a
12F beacon.
[edit] Other
StudSat , first Bndian satellite of 0ico!Category #as developed by a group of 7) under
graduate students at itte Aeenakshi Bnstitute of >echnology, .angalore, Bndia, and #as
launched (" July ")() by 0olar Satellite Launch Mehicle.
Cubesat <8.1S>$ , by Aontpellier " 1niversity ! $ mission to test the effects of
radiation on electronics.
>he goal is to specifically check the deterioration of electronic
components based on bipolar transistors #hen e&posed to the space radiation
environment. >he results of this e&periment #ill be used to validate a test method
proposed in the laboratory. >he French satellite is scheduled to launch on the maiden
flight of Mega.
>JUSat, by >homas Jefferson 2igh School for Science and >echnology, $le&andria, Ma.,
#hich aims to be the first CubeSat by high school students.
Latcobeo , by 1niversity of Migo and Bnstituto acional de >Tcnica $eroespacial ! >he
goal for this pro3ect is to test soft#are defined radio and to e&periment #ith solar panel
>he Spanish satellite is scheduled to launch on the maiden flight of Mega.
[edit] aunch failures
[edit] Dnepr roc!et crash
>he Falcon ( rocket lifting off at 8melek Bsland on July (6, "))/.
8n ": July ")):, (6 CubeSats from (( universities and a private company #ere launched aboard
a 4nepr rocket, the largest planned deployment of CubeSats to date.
>he rocket failed and #as
destroyed during launch, obliterating the CubeSats and four other satellites aboard.
>he launch
#as lost after the first stage engine shut do#n prematurely.
$ll satellite parts are believed
>he committee investigating the failed launch concluded that the failure #as caused by a
malfunctioning hydraulic drive unit on the rocketKs first stage.
>he control malfunctioning
brought about the disturbances, #hich led to the roll instability, e&cessive dispersions of the ya#
and pitch angles. >hrust termination occurred at ;6 seconds after lift off.
>he launch had been postponed numerous times because the primary payload, 5gyptSat (, #as
not ready. 4ue to B>$< concerns, the CubeSats #ere moved to a different launch site, #ith the
primary payload being .elJ$, #hich #as to be the first satellite from .elarus.
>he launch carried <incon ( and S$C<54, both from the 1niversity of $ri%ona. 8ther pro3ects
came from the or#egian 1niversity of Science and >echnology, 2ankuk $viation 1niversity,
Seoul, Jorea and 0olytechnic 1niversity of >urin, Btaly. >he $erospace Corporation, from the
1nited States, also had its o#n commercial pro3ect onboard.
[edit] "alcon # roc!et crash
8n + $ugust "))=, a SpaceL Falcon ( launched from the J#a3alein $toll launch facility '1S*
#ith t#o $S$ $mes CubeSats. >hey #ere the 0<5sat from $S$Ks $mes <esearch Center,
and the anoSail!4 from both $S$Ks Aarshall Space Flight Center and $mes <esearch
>hese CubeSats #ere lost due to a launch vehicle failure #hen the rocketKs first stage
inadvertently made contact #ith the second stage after separation.
[edit] $lanned projects
Further information: "))/ in spaceflight
[edit] %ASA Educational aunch of %anosatellites
$ ovember ")() launch is scheduled for three university CubeSats to be launched by $S$ in
their mission called 5Laa '5ducational Launch of anosatellites*.
>hese university satellites
include the Space Science and 5ngineering LaboratoryKs 5&plorer!( 0<BA5 '5(0* developed by
students at Aontana State 1niversity, Jentucky SpaceKs JySat!( #hich #as developed by
multiple Jentucky universities plus several organi%ations and companies,
and the 1niversity
of Colorado!.oulderKs 25<A5S. >he backup for the launch is 1niversity of FloridaKs $S><5C!
>he 1niversity of Aichigan Student Space System Fabrication Laboratory is e&pected to
launch their Cubesat at an unkno#n date by engineering students at the university. >he Bnter
$merican 1niversity of 0uerto <ico '.ayamon Campus* also began #orking on a CubeSat and
#ill soon post a launch date.
[edit] &B'(
>he goal of the 9.7) pro3ect is to use an international net#ork of 7) CubeSats for multi!point,
in!situ measurements in the lo#er thermosphere '/)D+)) km* and re!entry research. 9.7) is an
iniative of the Mon Jarman Bnstitute, 5S$ and $S$. 4ouble!unit CubeSats '()&()&") cm* are
foreseen, #ith one unit 'the KfunctionalK unit* providing the usual satellite functions and the other
unit 'the KscienceK unit* accommodating a set of standardised sensors for lo#er thermosphere and
re!entry research. +7 CubeSats are envisaged to be provided by universities in (/ 5uropean
countries, () by universities in the 1S, " by universities in Canada and + by Japanese
universities. $ll 7) CubeSats #ill be launched together on a single launch vehicle, a <ussian
Shtil!".(. >he launch is planned for mid ")(+.
[edit] See also
Canadian $dvanced anospace eLperiment 0rogram
Bsraeli ano Satellite $ssociation
Cubesat Space 0rotocol
[edit] )eferences
1. * ?CubeSat 4esign Specification <ev. ("?. !alifornia State olytechnic University.
http:VV###.cubesat.orgVimagesVdevelopersVcdsWrev(".pdf. <etrieved ")()!()!(:.
2. X



Leonard 4avid '"))6*. ?Cubesats: >iny Spacecraft, 2uge 0ayoffs?. Space"com. <etrieved "))=!("!
3. X

Leonard 4avid '")):*. ?CubeSat losses spur ne# development?. Space"com.
http:VV###.cnn.comV")):V>5C2VspaceV)=V+)VcloudsatVinde&.html. <etrieved "))=!("!
4. * ?5ducational 0ayload on the Mega Aaiden Flight ! Call For CubeSat 0roposals?.
European Space A#ency. "))=. http:VVesamultimedia.esa.intVdocsVL5L!
5CVCubeSatWCF0WissueW(WrevW(.pdf. <etrieved "))=!("!);.
5. * Aatthe# <ichard Crook '"))/*. ?0S CubeSat Launcher 4esign, 0rocess $nd
<eRuirements?. $aval ost#raduate School. http:VV###.dtic.milVcgi!binVNet><4ocY
$4Z$4$7)(7)+@LocationZ1"@docZNet><4oc.pdf. <etrieved "))/!("!+).
6. * Jos 2eyman '"))/*. ?F8C1S: CubeSats E $ Costing [ 0ricing Challenge?.
SatMa#a%ine. http:VV###.satmaga%ine.comVcgi!binVdisplayWarticle.cgiY
numberZ:)"/""";6. <etrieved "))/!("!+).
7. * ?51<8CJ8> Successfully Launches A8A ! <ockot hits different 8rbits?. Euroc&ot
'aunch Services. http:VV###.eurockot.comValist.aspYcntZ"))6);):@mainZ7. <etrieved
8. X

>ariR Aalik '"))7*. ?5uropeKs Student!.uilt Satellite <ockets into Space?.
<etrieved ")()!);!+).
9. * ?4nepr LM #ith (6 satellites on board launched?. Space Fello(ship. "));.
http:VVspacefello#ship.comVe#sVYpZ"(=(. <etrieved "))=!("!)6.
10.* Jonathan .ro#nO <iki Aunakata '"))=*. ?4nepr " Satellite Bdentification and the
Ak.BBB 0!084?. !alifornia olytechnic State University.
4nepr"!<ikiWAunakata.pdf. <etrieved ")()!);!+).
11.* ?>he $<<L Letter?. American )adio )elay 'ea#ue. "));.
http:VV###.arrl.orgVarrlletterYissueZ"));!)6!):. <etrieved ")()!);!+).
12.* ?4elfi!C+ delivered to launch site?. Space Fello(ship. "))=.
http:VVspacefello#ship.comVe#sVYpZ7);"]more!7);". <etrieved "))=!("!"6.
13.* Lars $lminde, Aorten .isgaard, 4ennis Minther, >or Miscor, Jasper 8stergard '"))+*.
Educational *alue and 'essons 'earned from the AAU-!ubesat ro+ect. Bnstitute of
5lectrical and 5lectronics 5ngineers. BS. )!;=)+!=(6"!6.




?S$ $nnounces Mega CubeSat Selection?. European Space A#ency. "))=.
$rchived from the original on "))=!);!(=.
Winde&W).html. <etrieved "))=!("!)7.
15.* 0iotr Wola^ski '"))=*. ?Space!related activities at the Warsa# 1niversity of
>echnology and Bnstitute of $viation?. ,arsa( University of Technolo#y.")Wolanski.pdf. <etrieved "))=!("!);.
16.* ?From the 0ublisher?. ,arsa( *oice. "))=.
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17.* ?>he $<<L Letter?. American )adio )elay 'ea#ue. "))=.
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18.* Steven Ford, W.=BA_ 'September "))/*. A --STA) repeater in space. .ST
19.* <obert Millanueva '"));*. ?.oeing Successfully Completes CubeSat Aission to
$dvance ano!Satellite >echnology?. /oein#.
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20.* 5laine Caday!5ames '8ctober ")):*. ?Small bo&, big potential?. /oein# Frontiers.
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21.* Ar. Jamaruh%aman Aat `inO $nita .ahari, or <okiah $lias '"))/*. /rea&in# $e(
Scientific Frontiers. Ministry of Science0 Technolo#y and Innovation 1Malaysia2."))=Vvol;.pdf.
<etrieved ")()!);!":
22.* 0atrick SenatoreO $ndre# Jlesh, >homas 2. `urbuchen, 4arren AcJague, and James
Cutler '")()*. ?Concept, 4esign, and 0rototyping of LS$S: $ 2igh 0o#er 5&tendable
Solar $rray for CubeSat $pplications?. University of Michi#an Student Space Systems
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23.* >ariR Aalik '"))+*. ?WhatKs ShakinKY >iny Satellite to >ry and 0redict 5arthRuakes?.
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24.* Leonard 4avid '"))+*. ?Cubesats: 8n the 0ro#l for 5arthRuake Clues?. Space"com.""W3uly7W)+.html. <etrieved "))=!("!
25.* 1niversity of Leicester '"))=!):!()*. ?Students prepare for dust!up ! in spacea?. 0ress
release. http:VV###"!releasesV")))!
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28.* Brene Jlot% '"))=*. ?0robe seeks relationship bet#een lighting strikes, gamma ray
flashes?. The -iscovery !hannel. http:VV###.msnbc.msn.comVidV";=/"+6+V. <etrieved
29.* Jelly _oung '"));*. ?5&perimental space tether fails to deploy?. $e( Scientist. <etrieved "))=!("!)7.
30.* ?Aulti!$pplication Survivable >ether 'A$S>* 5&periment?. $ASA. "))".
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0artnership For >he First!5ver Small Satellite .uild?. 0ress release.
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35.* Stephen Clark '"))/*. ?Commercial launch of SpaceL Falcon ( rocket a success?.
Spacefli#ht $o(. http:VV###.spaceflightno#.comVfalconV))7V. <etrieved ")()!);!(+.
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37.* >ariR Aalik '")):*. ?<eport: 4nepr <ocket Crashes Shortly $fter Launch?. Space"com.;":WdneprWfailure.html. <etrieved ")):!);!
38.* Leonard 4avid '")):*. ?<ecent CubeSat Losses Spur <ene#ed 4evelopment?.
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39.* ?SpaceL Sets $ugust " for Falcon ( launch?. )euters. "))=!)=!)".
<etrieved "))=!("!"6.
40.* ?$S$ Cues 1p 1niversity CubeSats for Nlory Launch >his Fall?. $ASA. ")().
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41.* ?Concept of 8perations?. Stanford University. ")):.
):):";W(7(7.pdf. <etrieved "))=!("!)+.
42.* ?e# 8pportunities for Space Nrant CubeSats?. $ational Science Foundation. "))=.
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43.* ?9.7)?. *on 3arman Institute. <etrieved
[edit] E+ternal lin!s
CubeSat 0rogram official #ebsite Contains information about upcoming launches.
5&tensive list of Cubesat missions
$msatKs list of CubeSats Nenerally kept #ell up to date
<alph WallioKs CubeSat Bnformation 0age 1p to date #ith current Jeplerian elements
and freRuency information.
<etrieved from ?http:VVen.#ikipedia.orgV#ikiVCubeSat?
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