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Justine Gibson: English


I made both major and minor revisions. I looked over
both essays and took what my professor had said to
change and also added things that I thought would
sound better and re-worded a few things to make
them flow better. I expanded on a few paragraphs and
did some additional research that I didnt do the first
time around. Overall, I think that the changes I made
during the revision process improved my essays.
Significance of
Topics: Essay #1-
The significance of
this essay was to
bring the concerns
of womens rights
and bring attention
to how women
arent treated
properly in certain
parts of the world.
And to inform
readers that
showing a little
skin is rather
empowering rather
About Me:
I am nineteen years old and a
freshman at California State
University, Northridge. Originally
from San Diego, California I chose to
attend CSUN to pursue a degree in
Fashion Merchandising. Ever since I
was six years old, my dream has been
to have a job in the fashion industry-
specifically as a stylist for television,
film and music. Currently I work for
Carmen Steffens, a Brazilian
designer in Hollywood and I cheer
for CSUN. I am looking forward to
all the amazing opportunities this
city has to offer and making all my
dreams come true!
Essay #1- Project
I chose this essay
because as a young
woman, I think that it
is important to voice
your opinion on
womens rights. I
wrote about
sexualization and
weather or not it is
empowering or
degrading to women.
Essay #2- Project
I chose this essay
because while learning
about the law that
grants transgender s
equal opportunity as
normatively gendered
kids I felt as if the
majority of the
populations safety was
at risk. I stated my
views on this and
voiced my concerns.
more on 2
Essay #2-
In this essay I
voiced my opinion
on trans-genders
and how I think it is
unfair that they are
given the same
rights as
gendered people. I
talked about the
passing of a new
law and the
concerns I have for
kids in schools with

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Just like anything else you do, I think that the more you do it the more you
get better at it. I feel like because I practiced writing more this semester
overall, my writing has improved and I learned new ways to approach a
paper. In addition, I learned how to created different types of writing,
specifically in the Project Web unit when we had to do the brochure as well
as this assignment. The things I learned in this class will help me in the
future at both CSUN and in
the real world.
Development As A Writer:
Strengths and Weaknesses:
I see some of my strengths
as being able to take
criticism well. If someone
has an idea or something
they want me to change, I
will do my best to change it
and make it better. As for
my weaknesses, I feel that I
find it hard to follow a
specific prompt. I would
rather be given a number of
different topics to chose
from and make my own
decision on what to write
Justine Gibson: English
Lessons Learned:
I would say the most important thing I learned in
this class this semester would be to work together
as one in a group. During the Project Web
assignment my group and I worked very hard
together to make sure we put out our best work.
Sometimes this proves difficult because of all the
different personalities and visions, but we ended up
pulling it off. This is something that will carry over
into the real world and be useful.

3 Dolor Sit Amet
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4 Dolor Sit Amet
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Etiam eu ipsum.
Donec ac arcu.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit
amet, consectetuer
adipiscing elit. Vivamus
semper sodales lorem.
Quisque venenatis
vehicula lectus. Donec a
odio eu eros lobortis
- sodales.

5 Dolor Sit Amet
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Mauris nunc neque,
faucibus vitae,
eleifend sit amet,
pretium rhoncus,

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