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Maintenance Management & Support Capability

The Project Execution Plan is the top level planning and guidance document for the project. It provides
directions to the project personnel concerning how the project will be managed and establishes the
project baselines. This will include the objective, scope and definition, framework, process flow, timeline,
and attachment.
Project Overview
ST!"#$%& Project is a 'endor Support (greement developed b) P*E for improving +eciprocating
Engine performance operated in ,orth -ava Sea area. &asicall) the agreement is consist of
.aintenance and +epair works during a specific time frame, bounded in an integrated Planning for
execution. The Project is developed b) making an arrangement for all resources and material re/uired to
perform the jobs.
Tentativel) the ST!"#$%& +eciprocating Engine Services (greement shall be started after the existing
ST!"$01( (greement is expired b) (ugust, with 23 months duration.
Project Execution Plan Objective
Identif) executable field activities that align with mid and long term planning
Prioriti4e and optimi4e the work plans
5evelop and communicate a 6fro4en7 optimi4ed schedule
Ensure the re/uired materials, personnel, tools, permits, and process e/uipment are available for
.anage opportunities and unplanned constraints during execution
.onitor and improve compliance with process and deliver) of value
(ll relevant interfaces between activities, resource usages, constraints, or opportunities are identified
and coordinated
(ll critical work on 2 )ears is identified
ontingenc) plans or likel) risk areas of the work plan are identified for all major activities
Scope of !or"
In 8eneral the scope of works of ST!"#$%& can be described as9 Providing .aintenance Support,
.aintenance :orks ;such as Preventive .aintenance, orrective .aintenance and Troubleshooting<, Top
=verhaul and 8eneral =verhaul.
5etails of scope of work are described on (ttachment!0.
Technical re/uirement ST!"#$%&
1.1. Maintenance Management & Support Capability
$. M$% PO!E& M$%$'EME%(
Organi)ation *evelopment
The proposed organi4ation to Support P*E :est operation is generated from >unctional model as can be
seen on the illustration below. The model was developed after mapping specific function within P*E
.anagement. &) setting up the >unction at the beginning, we are supposed to have a better understanding
on how the >unction should interact in order to achieve the main goal9 alignment with Specific >unction within
P*E .anagement.
+unctional Mo*el
&asicall) there are four groups on the model, the) are9
Strategic Planning groups ? Project @eader, ontract (dmin oordinator, .aintenance oordinator,
Project Engineer and 5ail) =peration oordinator. The main focus is to set the @ong Term Planning
and the .aintenance Strateg) considering Technical, (dministrative and ommercial aspect.
>ield =peration team ? This executor team is basicall) the 5ail) =peration team, which consist of
.ain Technician Team and the &ack!up Team. The main focus is to execute ever) single
.aintenance A +epair tasks defined b) the Strategic Planning 8roup, perform data collection and
control data validit).
Technical re/uirement ST!"#$%&
P,E O%!- +.%C(/O%$0 O&'$%/1$(/O%
ontract (dmin
1.1. Maintenance Management & Support Capability
Support groups ? S*E 5epartment, >inance 5epartment, Service =peration 5epartment and Parts
=peration 5epartment. The focus is to ensure the implementation accurac) and /ualit) of ever)
internal process delivered to Strategic Planning 8roup and Executor Team and performs technical
assistance if re/uired.
ontract =wner ? on behalf of the ompan), focus on 5eliver) commitment and 5ealership value.
Communication Plan
(ll members of the project team are re/uired to keep their Team @eader informed of an) matter that ma)
impact on the /ualit), timing or cost of the project. Brgent matters must be raised promptl)C routine matters
must be raised at the next team meeting. Specific 6Issues7 re/uiring action or decisions outside the project
team membersD normal authorit), need to be registered with the Project (dmin oordinator.
8enerall) the Project .anager or the &usiness (nal)st will be expected to produce summar) status reports
on a monthl) basis. The distribution of this report should be agreed with the Project =wner. The distribution
ma) be greater than, but will at least be, the =perational .anagement Team.
Communication Mo*el
+egular meeting to address =perational oncerns
External meeting with P*E .anagement, Internal coordination plan for action plan, define
.anagement concerns
+egular meeting to address .anagement E *igh @evel oncerns
External meeting with P*E, Internal coordination
Technical re/uirement ST!"#$%&
1.1. Maintenance Management & Support Capability
2. P0$%%/%' $%D SC,ED.0/%'
Planning ! ( process of detailing activities re/uired to meet P*E objectives. Planning defines the se/uence,
duration, materials and resources re/uired to perform the work based on the approved activit).
Schedule ! is a process of defining the optimum time to execute a set of planned activitiesC focuses on the
optimi4ation of resources and opportunities to ensure the most efficient execution of the planned activit) set
to support deliver) of the business objectives.
Maintenance Strategy
The general Strateg) is to align all +outine .aintenance ;P., =verhaul< as per .anufacture
recommendation with functional target re/uirement and serviced as a @ong Term Planning. In this case P*E
=,:- :est &usiness Plan is the reference for =bjective.
The overall Planning can be grouped into two, +outine and ,ot +outine.
The +outine consist of Preventive .aintenance, In frame overhaul, Top =verhaul and 8eneral =verhaul.
Summar) of Top =verhaul and 8eneral =verhaul of +eciprocating Engine ;(ttachment!F<
Summar) of P. Task for +eciprocating Engine ;(ttachment!2<
Trouble shooting, orrective maintenance E +epair, ondition .onitoring and Engineering Innovation are
grouped as ,on +outine.
Project Deliverable
Planning will be reviewed A monitored b) Guarterl) and .onthl)
5etailed (nnual planning report
5etailed Guarterl) planning report
.onthl) Project Status +eport
Technical re/uirement ST!"#$%&
1.1. Maintenance Management & Support Capability
C. (&$%S/(/O% P0$%
( Transition Plan model is designed as an enabler for the Project Support Team deliver flexibilit) b)
accommodating an) process changes process, materialEasset and manpower.
The overall process is started b) developing a kind of baseline and defining some change control parameters
b) which all changes will be /uantified and measured.
(ll changes that have the potential to impact the project end!date will be reviewed against other project
priorities E deliverables to identif) potential trade!offs. The objective of this review is to protect the project
(ranition plan ta"3
Task +esponsible A Team .ember Phase
oordinate transition planning meeting Project .anager Initiation
5istribute project Initiation Plan or Project Plan Project .anager ;business or technical< Initiation
(ttend transition planning meeting P*E Project Team Initiation
+eview development project schedule P*E Project Team Initiation
+eview deliverables list to determine re/uirements Project .anager , maintenance coordinator,
Project Engineer
5evelop matrix of re/uired resourcesEskills Project .anager A*+ 5ept Initiation
onduct skill gap anal)sis against all IS staff Project .anager A*+ 5ept Initiation
Identif) project activities to be completed before transition can
Project .anager A Project Engineer Initiation
*andover role A responsibilit) process ;vacation or
replacement team member<
P*E Project Team A *+ 5ept Initiation
Technical re/uirement ST!"#$%&
1.1. Maintenance Management & Support Capability
D. SP$&E P$&(S M$%$'EME%(
(s a aterpillar dealer, PT Trakindo Btama perform Procurement and Spare parts management in Parts
=peration and :arehouse is manage properl) in parts suppl) in using aterpillar Standard 5ealership :orld
The overall Inventor) S)stem is managed b) 5ealer &usiness S)stem ;5&S<, this world wide on!line s)stem
enable a 5ealer to source spare parts from the main 5istribution enter at BS. >or operational support, PT
Trakindo Btama develops operational rules and guideline called Parts =peration S=P ;Standard =perating
&asicall) the overall process can be grouped into 2 big processesC the) are Inventor) .anagement, =rder
Purchasing and 5istribution.
Inventor) management is a process to create spare parts inventor) as a balance for spare parts
support in/uir) generated b) e/uipment operation.
=rder Processing is a process to execute spare parts in/uir) from customers
5istribution will deal with transporting spare parts from a 5ealer warehouse facilit) to the end user.
Gualit) commitment on managing the inventor) is proven b) achieving 5 Star Warehouse contamination
control. It is a high standard performance set up b) aterpillar to measure the 5ealer :arehouse
performance which re/uires a )earl) audit. aterpillar certified (uditor at +egion @evel will conduct a monthl)
audit for ensure the consistenc) and improvement.
E. (EC,%/C$0 4.$0/(5 M$%$'EME%(
Technical Gualit) is a process to ensure the /ualit) delivered through technical aspects. The process is
started b) validating the number and t)pe of process re/uired to perform the Project Execution Plan and
identif)ing the Potential +isks. The next stem is developing technical procedure, check list or report re/uired
to manage all risks.
Technical re/uirement ST!"#$%&
1.1. Maintenance Management & Support Capability
(ec6nical 4uality Management Plan ta"3
+esponsibilit) for initiating and carr)ing out measures to ensure the highest /ualit) standards
Planning and implementing internal audits and supplier audits
Implementing G. reviews
5eveloping and introducing procedures and methods for process optimi4ation
Independent supervision of /ualit) improvement projects ;IP<
Process!risk anal)ses and deriving plans of action
G. advice in close cooperation with technical departmentsC training of emplo)ees in the Gualit)
.anagement s)stem
:hile the Project Issues +egister will be under the control of the Project .anager or the contract
admin coordinator, all members of the team and users are able to register issues. ProblemsEIssues
can be raised directl) with the Project .anager either verball) or in writing ;including Email<.
ProblemsEIssues can also be raised via Project Team meetings. The Issues +egister will be reviewed
at the Project Team meetings and reported in Project Status +eports.
(ction points not progressed b) the agreed completion date and which have a time or cost impact on
the project, will automaticall) be escalated through the project hierarch). :here issues remain
unresolved within the project structure, the Project .anager will escalate the issue to the Project
=wner as on =wn be half compan) ;Trakindo Btama<.
ProblemsEIssues will be identified and reported, monitored and controlled, and resolved via the Project
Issues +egister, maintained b) the Project .anager or the contract admin coordinator. This will record
all ke) dependencies and issues, which ma) potentiall) impact the successful completion of the
project. The Project .anager will escalate issues E problems where appropriate.
Technical re/uirement ST!"#$%&

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