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Rudraksha: Wearing Procedure & Mantras.

The terms Rudraksha literally means the "Eyes" of Shiva and is so named in His benevolence.
Shiva Purana describes Rudrakshas origin as Lord Shiva's tears. He had been meditating for
many years for the elfare of all creatures. !n o"ening the eyes# hot dro"s of tears rolled don
and the mother earth gave birth to Rudraksha trees.
$or thousands of years Rudraksha beads have been orn by mankind for good health# religious
attainment through %a"a and Shakti &"oer' and for fearless life. Saints and sages roaming in
Himalayas and other forests have lived healthy# fearless and a full life by earing Rudrakshas
and its malas. There is no saint# (od incarnation or Shankaracharyas# ho can be identified
ithout these vibrant Rudraksha beads or malas
Rudraksha Utpatti (Origin) Mantra
Sat !a%o Adesh& 'uru(i Ko Adesh& O% 'uru(i&
Mukhe $rah%a Madh)e *ishnu +ing !aa% Mahesh,ar Sar-ade-a !a%askara%
Rudraksha)a !a%oh !a%ah.
)se the above SH*+*R ,antra for immediate effects. The ,antra can be recited before earing
Rudraksha - Rudraksha ,ala and after removing the same.
Above in English
Sat .amo *desh# (uru/i 0o *desh# !hm (uru/i# ,ukhe +rahma ,adhye 1ishnu Ling
.aam ,aheshar Sarvadeva .amaskaram Rudrakshaya .amoh .amah. (aganmandal
,ay 2hundhukara Pataal .iran/an .irakaar. .irakaar ,ay 3harna Paduka# 3harna
Paduka ,ay Pindi# Pindi ,ay 1asuk# 1asuk ,ay 0asuk# 0asuk ,ay 0urm# 0urm ,ay
,ari# ,ari ,ay .aag$ani# *lash Purush .ay +ail 0ay Seengh Par Rai Thaharahi. 2hira/
2harm 0i 2huni %amai. 1ahaan Par Rudraksha Sumer Parvat Par %amaiye )sme Se
Phootay 4 2ali# Ek (aya Purv# Ek (aya 2akshin# Ek (aya Paschim# Ek (aya )ttar# Ek
(aya *kaash# Ek (aya Pataal# )sme Lagya Ek ,ukhi Rudraksha# Shri Rudra Par
3hadaiye. Shri !nkaar *dinath %i 0o# 2o ,ukhi Rudraksha 3hadaiye 3handra Surya 0o#
Teen ,ukhi Rudraksha 3hadaiye Teen Loko 0o# 3haar ,ukhi Rudraksha 3hadaiye
3haar 1edon 0o. Paanch ,ukhi Rudraksha 3hadaiye Paanch Pandavo 0o# 3haah ,ukhi
Rudraksha 3hadaiye Shat 2arshan 0o# Saat ,ukhi Rudraksha 3hadaiye Sa"t Samudro
0o# *stha ,ukhi Rudraksha 3hadaiye *stha 0uli .ago 0o# .av,ukhi Rudraksha
3hadaiye .av.aatho 0o# 2ash ,ukhi Rudraksha 3hadaiye 2ash *vtaaro 0o# (yaara
,ukhi Rudraksha 3hadaiye (yaara Rudra 0o# 2vaadash ,ukhi Rudraksha 3hadaiye
&Surya' +araah Panth 0o
Terah ,ukhi Rudraksha 3hadaiye Tentees 0oti 2evtao 0o# 3haudhah ,ukhi Rudraksha
3hadaiye 3haudhah +huan &3haudhah Ratno' 0o# Pandrah ,ukhi Rudraksha
3hadaiye Pandrah Thithiyo 0o# Solah ,ukhi Rudraksha 3hadaiye Solah Shringaar 0o#
Satraah ,ukhi Rudraksha 3hadaiye Shri Sita ,ata 0o# *ttharaha ,ukhi Rudraksha
*ttharaha +haar 1anas"ati 0o# )nnees ,ukhi Rudraksha 3hadaiye *lash Purush 0o#
+ees ,ukhi Rudraksha 3hadaiye 1ishnu +hagan 0o# 5kkis ,ukhi Rudraksha 3hadaiye
5kkis +rahamaand Shiv ,ukhi Rudraksha 3hadaiye .irakaar 0o# 5tna Rudraksha
,antra Sam"urna +haya# Shri .ath %i 0ay 3haran 0amal ,ay *desh# *desh
Ganesh Gayatri Mantra

Rules for Wearing Rudraksha
5n general the earer and the orshi""er of Rudraksha is blessed ith "ros"erity# "eace and
health. yet there are certain "recautions to be taken such as6

Rudraksha must be orn after Sidhhi & method of "urification 7 charging ith ,antra'#
"erforming the "rayers and ritual rites for its sanctification and Haan etc. 5t should be orn on
aus"icious day# ,onday or Thursday.
8. Rudraksha ,antra and Rudraksha !rigin ,antra is to be chanted daily 9 times hile earing
in the morning and after removing before going to bed.& Rudraksha must be removed before
going to slee" and must be ke"t at the "u/a "lace.
:. Rudraksha can be orn in the morning after having +ath. 5t can be orn after reciting the
mantra as above and incense- ghee lam" etc must be used. 5t must not be touched before
bathing. !ne should clean his hands "ro"erly after using toilet.
;. The earer of the Rudraksha should not eat non vegetarian food and should not take alcohol.
He should s"eak truth alays and must go to Lord Shiva tem"le for his blessings.
<. Rudraksha must not be taken to the cremation grounds and funerals. *lso it must not be
taken to the "lace hile visiting a ne born baby.
4. .E1ER ear the Rudraksha hile having se=.
>. ?!,E. must not ear the Rudraksha during their menstrual cycle.
@. *L?*AS kee" your Rudraksha clean. 2ust and dirt can settle in the "ores of the
bead. 3lean these as freBuently as "ossible ith something ith soft# fine bristles. 5f
the thread becomes dirty or orn out# change it. *fter cleaning# ash your Rudraksha
ith some blessed holy ater. This hel"s maintain its sanctity.
9. *L?*AS kee" the Rudraksha oiled... *fter regular cleaning# oil the bead and treat it
ith incense. This is of )T,!ST im"ortance. es"ecially hen not using the bead for
sometime# or storing it for a hile.
CD. ,any get confused ith the sha"e and siEe. !ne should not seriously orry about
it. %ust see that the ,ukhi is ell defined# corns and contours are natural# and there
are no cracks near the central hole. .ormally the buyer gets a feel hen Rudraksha is
ke"t in the "alm. He-She feels that this is the one hich as anted.
CC. Rudraksha is hot in nature. Some "eo"le /ust can't ear it. Their skin shos
signs of allergy. They can never ear any gold# silver or thread chain. So better
not to use. 0ee"s the beads in Pu/a room and offer daily .amaskars
/k Mukhi Rudraksh& 1t is the %ost di-ine o2 a33 Rudraksh.
Do Mukhi Rudraksh ,ith its 2ront and side -ie,.
Panch Mukhi Rudraksh4 "he %ost co%%on3) ,orn Rudraksh.
Shi-+ing Rudraksh& ,ith a snake hood o-er it.
Pictures of different Mukhis of Rudraksha
Two Mukhi Rudraksha One Mukhi Rudraksha Six Mukhi Rudraksha
Three Mukhi Rudraksha Eight Mukhi Rudraksha Four Mukhi Rudraksha
Seven Mukhi Rudraksha Five Mukhi Rudraksha Twelve Mukhi Rudraksha
Nine Mukhi Rudraksha Ten Mukhi Rudraksha auri Shankar Rudraksha
Thirteen Mukhi Rudraksha Fourteen Mukhi Rudraksha Eleven Mukhi Rudraksha

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