Secure Programming: Jonathan Care

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Secure Programming

Jonathan Care
Secure Programming - Jonathan Care 2
An Observation

"Frequently the most important or

critical applications in a network are run
on the least secure machines, due to lack
of upgrades/ patches, mandated by the
very criticality of the application..."
Secure Programming - Jonathan Care 3
Statements for discussion

99.9% of bugs are avoidable (sacrifice the

remaining 0.1% to Goedel)

Most of these are due to slopp programming!

"e do not learn the lessons of securit# even $ith

hindsight and in the aftermath of reall ma%or
securit incidents...

&mongst the prime causes of this are commercial

'perating (stems# legac applications# and
Secure Programming - Jonathan Care 4
The really irritating thing about
computer security
)*+ (&M+ ,-'./+M( 0'M+ 1,
&G&23 &34 &G&23 &34 &G&23 &34
&G&23 &34 &G&23 &34 &G&23 &34
Secure Programming - Jonathan Care 5
Network attacks in a nutshell

)he same attac5s on net$or5ed hosts that

$ere used in the 60s# 70s and earl 90s are
still in use toda in the same $a as older
ones (smtp# ftp)

Moreover these get conceptuall re8 used to

attac5 ne$ protocols (gopher# http# 999)

Secure Programming - Jonathan Care 6

programmers are ignorant $hen leaving college

companies can sell $idgets better than securit to

the mar5etplace

legac apps hamper us (tr to convince a vendor

to drop sendmail)

legislation ties up technologies that can help (eg;

1( crpto e<port)

... &34...
Secure Programming - Jonathan Care 7
Personal Cynicism
(= pragma personal> cnicism 1)
2 strongl suspect that nobod reall cares?
(? e<cept for the people $ho have to clear up the mess)
Secure Programming - Jonathan Care 8
So what are the problems that
keep returning!


(tac5 over$riting

)rusting insanitar data

&uthentication spoofing (direct or indirect)

'@+-,'"+-A1/ ('A)"&-+ -13323G

"2)* +B0+(( ,-2@2/+G+

... and poor encrption session 5e generation (not

covered in this presentation 1st rev.)
Secure Programming - Jonathan Care 9
,ossibl the one form of securit bug that is
more !social! than !erroneous! in nature
/i5e life; so long as there is e<change of
data there $ill be the possibilit that
something nast is piggbac5ing a ride#
Secure Programming - Jonathan Care 10
Stack Overruns # blame the
0an cause;

denial of service

sstem crash (at protocol level)

hac5er infestation
Secure Programming - Jonathan Care 11
Stack Overruns # common causes

gets() (Morris "orm)




insanitar calls to read()

... into smallC undersiDed memor buffers
Secure Programming - Jonathan Care 12
Stack Overflows # a Ta$onomy
return address
Stac gro!th
landing pad
of NOPs
Secure Programming - Jonathan Care 13
Stack Overflows re%uire a
certain creative bent to

viral paload usuall hand8 tooled

assembler code

circumstances ma dictate that paload

contains no 3/s# 0-s# 31/s# etcE can
lead to ver creative solutions

... but an moron can e<ecute one that is

pac5aged up adeFuatel.
Secure Programming - Jonathan Care 14
Stack Overflows # instances

Morris "orm; ;unbounded gets() on soc5et

(endmail; sslog() routine called strcat() on

unbounded data read from soc5et

,ing; 32(G host resolver librar did

sprintf() on argvH1I from command lineJ
instant (124 hac5# no net$or5 involved.
(nb; made more subtle as reFuired 4//s)
Secure Programming - Jonathan Care 15
Stack Overflows

,robabl the most straightfor$ard of the

ma%or holes that $e $ill be loo5ing at toda
Secure Programming - Jonathan Care 16
&nsanitary data
2nsanitar 4ata

Aar more subtle class of bugs

generall due to meddlingC trusting things

that are beond our control in the first

so $hat ?is? under our control9

Secure Programming - Jonathan Care 17
'nder your control!
& good Fuestion# nearl metaphsical;

filesC filestore9

e<ecutable code9

input streams9

environment variables9
Secure Programming - Jonathan Care 18
(iles under your control!
Mabe# but $atch out for;

user8 provided filenames

direct input or thru env vars
(,&)*# termcapC terminfo# !at!)

fi<ed filenames
director perms# time races in code
(! ps!# !mail!# ...)

filestore perms holding config files or parent

directories thereof.
(! chmod 666 C!# G24 of !C etc!)
Secure Programming - Jonathan Care 19
Code under your control!
&las# probabl not.

stac5 overflo$sC buffer spams

ne$ dnamism;

shared libraries
(/4> ,-+/'&4# /0> 0'//&)+# runpath#
/4> /2.-&-:> ,&)*# ...)

ever since $e gave users dl> open() or

Secure Programming - Jonathan Care 20
&nput under your control!

4ata servers that are subvertable

(43(# 32(# 3A(# Lerberos)

old das; )2'0()2

ne$ das; )0, segment in%ectionC spoof

inbound spams (see further do$n)

!$ho 5no$s $hatMs coming do$n the pipe ne<t9!

Secure Programming - Jonathan Care 21
)nvironment under your control!

4o not e<pect contents of an env var to be sane to

child processes

-emember that env vars $ill propagate

.e suspicious of our abilit to unset a variable

before for5ing a child
PATH=/ bin:/ usr/ bin:...
(multiple instance)
Secure Programming - Jonathan Care 22
)nvironment under your control
'nl sane $a to approach env vars;
1) do not trust anthing
N) do not propagate anthing that ou did not
!everthing is forbidden e<cept that $hich
is e<plicitl permitted!
Secure Programming - Jonathan Care 23
Cinderella Attack

Aorge (eg;) poorl8 authenticated 3),


use this method to $ind the cloc5 on the

target host for$ard to r O0008 odd

(oft$are licenses for securit soft$are on

target machine e<pire

Aire$all bastion host turns into pump5in

3et$or5 turns into pump5in pie.

Secure Programming - Jonathan Care 24
*ow do & ensure that my
programs are under my control!
4'3M) )-1()
(and es# our code reall does matter# it is
important to 5no$ this)
Secure Programming - Jonathan Care 25
&nbound +ecord ,elimiters

one of the great# perpetual mista5es 8 totall

obvious $hen it is e<plained# but re8 occurs
a lotJ either programmers forget that the
problem e<ists# or become blithe in their
trust of some other service $hich leaves
them open to subversion.
Secure Programming - Jonathan Care 26
&nbound record delimiters bug-

2A( variableJ field separators define notion of

!$hitespace!# in a shellscript...
IFS=/ ; /bin/ ls -> "bin" "ls"

so# create CtmpC bin that does something nast# and;

ep!rt IFS=/
ep!rt PATH=/ tmp:" PATH
suidscriptname = calls CbinC ls# invo5es !C tmpC bin!

... $or5s for an char# eg; "IFS= n" -> "/ bi" "/ ls"
Secure Programming - Jonathan Care 27
&nbound record delimiters bug-
43( reverse loo5up hostname set to;
#n$"%/ bin/ se& -e '()/*"/ &'%/ bin/ s+"# nH:
)e<t interpolates into (endmailMs control file;
H$ecei,e&- -r!m: H.ST/A01. site. 2!main
H$ecei,e&- -r!m:
$"%/ bin/ se& -e '(./*"/ &'%/ bin/ s+"
H: .site. &!main
... ma5es bogus recipient record in config#
due to lac5 of chec5ing for ne$lines in input.
Secure Programming - Jonathan Care 28
"iral input bug- ./21s

/og into 320 to do !$hois! Fuer...

3 4+!is 5/ bin/ s+ 6 /&e,/ tt7 >/ &e,/ tt7 8>9 (5

... escapes from captive environment.

Secure Programming - Jonathan Care 29
"iral &nput bug- .//13s

... $orse still...

+ttp:// site/ c:i- bin/ -!!;< =>rm?< 82r-?< 8F< =>

(P rm 8rf CP gets evalMed b poor 0G2 script)

http;CC siteC cgi8 binC perl9...

Secure Programming - Jonathan Care 30
Authentication spoofing

"hat does this mean9

.road definition;
meddling $ith an established communications
forging credentials to lie about $ho ou are
cheating an authentication process
Secure Programming - Jonathan Care 31
Authentication spoofing

sniffingC guessing reusable pass$ords

replaing authentication coo5ies

eg; *)M/ document pass$ords QQ bRSencode(!
username; pass$ord!)

pre8empting challengeC response schemes

eg; hi%ac5ing (C Le sessions (a5a; !beat the cloc5!)

)0, stream hi%ac5ing or resetting through forged

addresses or seFuence numbers
Secure Programming - Jonathan Care 32
Spoofing e$amples
*o$ man people 5no$ that != is not a legal
character in a .rhosts file9
)$ea5 43(;

=. foo. ac. u5 N7700 03&M+ host. foo. ac. u5.

" pin: @
+!st. -!!. ac. uA is ali,e

Go one step further# set !=! as reverse ,)- record#

and log into an host $ith a bad .rhosts file...
Secure Programming - Jonathan Care 33
Spoofing )$amples
... but thatMs *&-4 compared to %ust plain

!G! in hosts. eFuiv# !m name is MrootM... honest!

forged !admind! reFuests from PP localhostMM

source routed 3A( traffic to implement a @,3

forged )0, -()s to disconnect sessions

(:3 flooding probabl fits this categor# too

Secure Programming - Jonathan Care 34
TCP4&P is not fit for use as an
so $h do people insist on using it as if it $ere9
Secure Programming - Jonathan Care 35

. no$# ou should be able to tell me.

Secure Programming - Jonathan Care 36
&rritations of e$cess privilege

&ttitude amongst 'C ( designers often is;

!files e<ecuted b root ma be o$ned b
anone at all...!

&ttitude should be;

!&s much as possible should be root8
o$ned but almost nothing should be root8
e<ecuted since this automaticall limits
Secure Programming - Jonathan Care 37
&rritations of e$cess privilege

perms on !C etc!# r$<r$<r8 <# uidQ root

gidQ bin
therefore anone $ho can get !bin can get

o$nership on older CvarC spool dirs Quucp

therefore anone $ho can get !uucp can
get root (eg; forge a sendmail Fueuefile)

... and so forth.

Secure Programming - Jonathan Care 38
)$cess privilege

,roblem cuts both $as;

not onl use of root permissions for programs
that do not reFuire them...
... but also e<cessive promiscuit of data that
shouldnMt reall be public

)he .&3+ of our /2@+(

Secure Programming - Jonathan Care 39
)$cess privilege

+ncrpted cipherte<ts
(ho$ man ears before shado$ pass$ords
gained common acceptance9)

4ata users donMt need to see# and data users

donMt need to be able to modif.
sslog data# etc...
$orld $ritable ttMs# CdevC console# etc...
lots of stupid little things# but...
Secure Programming - Jonathan Care 40
Security is holistic
Secure Programming - Jonathan Care 41
)$cess privilege # T*)


"h run as root9

!cho$n! mailbo<es to users9 1se groups.
protect intermediate files9 1ni< fileperms.
odds and sods9 1se (124 modules.
)0, port NT access9 1se inetdC fd8 passing

"hat is there about a mail daemon that

reFuires root9
Secure Programming - Jonathan Care 42
The principle of least privilege

4esign our soft$are such that it runs

$ithout reFuiring privileges that are
unavailable to normal users.

)r not to scre$ up.

Secure Programming - Jonathan Care 43
The )nd

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