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(12 Series)

Cable Tray Modelling

AVEVA Plant (12 Series)
Cable Tray Modelling TM-1102

AVEVA Plant (12 Series)
Cable Tray Modelling TM-1102

Revision Log

Date Revision Description of Revision Author Reviewed Approved
05/01/2008 0.1 Issued for Review KM
25/01/2008 0.2 Reviewed KM BG
04/04/2008 1.0 Approved for Training KM BG RP

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AVEVA Plant (12 Series)
Cable Tray Modelling TM-1102

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Printed by AVEVA Solutions on 16 May 2008

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1 Introduction.............................................................................................................................................. 8
1.1 Aim..................................................................................................................................................... 8
1.2 Objectives......................................................................................................................................... 8
1.3 Prerequisites .................................................................................................................................... 8
1.4 Course Structure.............................................................................................................................. 8
1.5 Using this guide ............................................................................................................................... 8
2 Cable Tray Design Basic Concepts .................................................................................................. 10
2.1 Entering a Design Session............................................................................................................ 10
2.2 Cable Tray Specifications ............................................................................................................. 11
2.3 Setting the Appropriate Specification.......................................................................................... 11
2.4 Cable Tray Creation Form............................................................................................................. 12
2.5 Cable Tray Branches ..................................................................................................................... 12
2.6 Cable Tray Branch Heads and Tails............................................................................................. 13
2.7 Cable Tray Branch Head / Tail Positioned Explicitly.................................................................. 14
2.8 World Co-ordinates........................................................................................................................ 15
2.9 Cable Tray Branch Components (Fittings).................................................................................. 15
2.9.1 Creating Branch Components (Cable Tray Fittings) ................................................................ 15
2.9.2 Selecting the Component from the Specification..................................................................... 16
2.9.3 Branch Component List Order ................................................................................................. 18
2.9.4 Automatic Positioning and Orientation of New Components ................................................... 18
2.9.5 Positioning and Setting the Orientation of Components .......................................................... 18
2.9.6 Arrive and Leave Points ........................................................................................................... 19
2.10 Save Work....................................................................................................................................... 19
2.11 Get Work ......................................................................................................................................... 20
Exercise 1 Create a Cable Tray .................................................................................................................... 21
3 Positioning and Connecting Cable Tray Components ...................................................................... 22
3.1 Connecting the Branch Head or Tail............................................................................................ 22
3.1.1 Connecting to the Head / Tail of another Branch..................................................................... 23
3.2 Connecting a Component ............................................................................................................. 25
3.2.1 Connecting a Component to Previous / to Next ....................................................................... 26
3.3 Displaying Cable Tray Fill Level ................................................................................................... 27
3.4 Positioning Cable Tray Items........................................................................................................ 27
3.5 Positioning Components .............................................................................................................. 28
3.5.1 Distance ................................................................................................................................... 28
3.5.2 Through.................................................................................................................................... 31
3.5.3 Clearance................................................................................................................................. 32
3.5.4 Plane Through.......................................................................................................................... 33
3.5.5 Plane Clearance....................................................................................................................... 34
Exercise 2 Adding and Positioning Components ...................................................................................... 35
4 Branch Re-routing and Connection References ................................................................................ 36
4.1 Swap Branch .................................................................................................................................. 36
4.2 Change Exit .................................................................................................................................... 37
4.3 Changing Branch Routing at a Tee.............................................................................................. 38
4.4 Changing a Component Connection Reference Explicitly ........................................................ 38
5 Positioning Commands for Branch Head/Tail .................................................................................... 40
5.1 General ............................................................................................................................................ 40
5.2 Distance .......................................................................................................................................... 41
5.3 Through........................................................................................................................................... 43
5.4 Move................................................................................................................................................ 45
5.4.1 Distance ................................................................................................................................... 45
5.4.2 Through.................................................................................................................................... 45
5.4.3 Clearance................................................................................................................................. 46
5.5 Drag................................................................................................................................................. 47
5.5.1 Distance ................................................................................................................................... 47
5.5.2 Through.................................................................................................................................... 49
5.5.3 Clearance................................................................................................................................. 50
6 Fixed Length Trays and Implied Straights.......................................................................................... 51
6.1 Replacing Implied Straights with Fixed-Length Trays............................................................... 51
AVEVA Plant (12 Series)
Cable Tray Modelling TM-1102

6.2 Replacing Fixed-Length Trays with Implied Straights............................................................... 52
Exercise 3 Create Branch and Add Fixed Length Tray.............................................................................. 53
7 Quick Cable Tray Routing using the Model Editor............................................................................. 54
7.1 Extend Handle Pop-ups................................................................................................................. 55
7.2 Rotation Handle Pop-ups.............................................................................................................. 56
7.3 Setting Increment Values.............................................................................................................. 57
8 Copying and Deleting Branches/Components ................................................................................... 58
8.1 Copy an Inline component ............................................................................................................ 58
8.2 Copy a Branch................................................................................................................................ 59
8.3 Deleting a Cable Tray / Branch..................................................................................................... 60
8.4 Deleting individual components................................................................................................... 60
8.5 Delete a Range of Cable Tray Components ................................................................................ 61
Exercise 4 Cable Tray Routing A Worked Example............................................................................... 62
Exercise 5 ....................................................................................................................................................... 72
Exercise 6 ....................................................................................................................................................... 72
Exercise 7 ....................................................................................................................................................... 72
9 Data Consistency, Isodraft and Reporting.......................................................................................... 74
9.1 Data Consistency........................................................................................................................... 74
9.2 Isodraft ............................................................................................................................................ 75
9.3 Generating Reports........................................................................................................................ 76

AVEVA Plant (12 Series)
Cable Tray Modelling TM-1102



1 Introduction

Cable tray routing is an important activity on any large project. It uses the same principles and concepts as
pipe routing, one of the major strengths of PDMS.

1.1 Aim

The aim of the course is to provide the skills required to use the Cable Tray Design application in the most
productive way and to introduce some of the techniques that are used in the other outfitting applications,
have a understanding of Cable Tray isometrics and to have a good basic understanding of the Cable Tray

1.2 Objectives

At the end of this session, you will able to:

Understand with the basic concepts of cable trays and branches.
Understand the use of cable tray specifications
Understand the concept of branch heads and tails and the importance of component list order
and flow direction within a branch.
Create, position and orientate cable tray components.
Apply obstruction level to the cable tray
Use the various positioning options to place cable trays
Run data consistency checks
Produce a simple Isometric from standard option files.
Generate Reports

1.3 Prerequisites

The participants must have completed the Basics and Functions course

1.4 Course Structure

Training will consist of oral and visual presentations, demonstrations and set exercises. Each workstation
will have a training project, populated with model objects. This will be used by the trainees to practice their
methods, and complete the set exercises.

1.5 Using this guide

Certain text styles are used to indicate special situations throughout this document, here is a summary;

Menu pull downs and button press actions are indicated by bold dark turquoise text.

Information the user has to Key-in 'will be red and in inverted commas.'

Annotation for trainees benefit:

Additional information
Refer to other documentation
AVEVA Plant (12 Series)
Cable Tray Modelling TM-1102


System prompts should be bold and italic in inverted commas i.e. 'Choose function'

Example files or inputs will be in the courier new font, colours and styles used as before.


2 Cable Tray Design Basic Concepts

There is a separate design hierarchy for cable tray routing which follows the same principles as for pipe
routing; each cable element may own a number of branches. In turn, branches may own a number of cabling
components like bends, risers and reducers.

The difference between cable tray and branches is that a branch is only considered to have two ends, while
a cable tray may have any number of ends, depending on the number of branches it owns.

The diagram below shows a cable tray with three ends and two
branches. The second branch is connected to the first at the tee.

This brings in another rule that says that although a branch only has
two ends, it may own components (in this case a tee), which connects
to other branches.

These simple concepts enable any number of cable tray configurations
to be developed, and form the basis of all the AVEVA Plant cable trays
you will encounter.

2.1 Entering a Design Session

To enter PDMS, select: Aveva> PDMS12.0>Run PDMS from the programs menu. The following Login form

Your trainer will advice you of your User Name and Password but typically it is as shown below.

AVEVA Plant (12 Series)
Cable Tray Modelling TM-1102

Enter the Project SAM, Username USERA, Password A, MDB TRAINA, Module Paragon and then press

Note: If you cannot get into AVEVA Plant using the training MDB your Trainer may need to run the
!!trareset macro from Admin.

Select Design > Cable Trays from the main menu
bar to enter the Cable Tray application.

2.2 Cable Tray Specifications

In the same way that design offices have standard cable tray specifications for different materials, AVEVA
has a set of specifications from which you can choose. In fact all the components you use must be defined
in the Catalogue and be placed in a Specification before you can select them. In the Training Project there
are three such specifications:


These specifications contain all the fittings you will require for the course exercises.

2.3 Setting the Appropriate Specification

The first task when building a cable tray is to decide which specification you are going to use. Having
decided on the appropriate specification, this is then set as an attribute of the cable tray. Any subsequent
branches will automatically be assigned with the same specification (although this can be re-specified if

When you enter the Cable Tray Application the
Default Specification Form is displayed

AVEVA Plant (12 Series)
Cable Tray Modelling TM-1102

If the default specification is required to be changed then select Settings > Default Specification, and
select the new specification
If the specification need to be changed for the Main or the Branch select Modify > Main / Branch >
Specification from the pull down menu and select the new specification required

The Cable Tray Toolbar is used to manipulate the
cable tray specification.

SCTG is the default cable tray specification.

Clicking on the Icon to the left displays the Default
Specifcation form.

2.4 Cable Tray Creation Form

To Display the Create Cable Tray Main form, select
Create > Main from the pull down menu.

The Create Cable Tray Main form is now displayed

Before creating the cable tray we must first navigate
to the correct position in the hierarchy using the
Design Explorer, then in the Create Cable Tray form
key in the Cable Tray name, CTRAY_YY3, select
the required Cable Tray specification SCTG, then
press OK

The Create Cable Tray Branch form is then

2.5 Cable Tray Branches

Branches serve two purposes:

They define the start and finish points of a cable tray route (known as the Head and Tail in AVEVA Plant).

They own the cable tray components, which define the route.

AVEVA Plant (12 Series)
Cable Tray Modelling TM-1102

The position and order of the cable tray components below branch level determine the physical route. In
AVEVA Plant you only ever need to consider the fittings, because the cable tray that appears between
fittings is automatically set according to the specifications of the fittings.

2.6 Cable Tray Branch Heads and Tails

All branches need to have a start and end point. These can be a position in space (3D co-ordinates), the
flange face of an equipment nozzle or pipe, a tee or various other points in your design. Heads and tails are
set up via a series of attributes that belong to the branch element.

The attributes for heads of branches are: -

HPOS The position in the zone where the branch starts.
HCON The connection type of the branch end (BOXI or OPEN).
HDIR The direction in which the start of the branch is pointing (as if you were looking down the
tray / ladder).
HBOR The width of the cable tray (this can be metric or imperial).
HREF The name of the item to which the branch head is connected (e.g. Href TEE 1 of BRANCH
/CTRAY_YY2/B1). If this is not set, then the branch is open.
HSTU This is a reference to the catalogue, which determines the material of the first piece of cable
tray, between the start of the branch and the first fitting (this still needs to be set, even if
there is a fitting connected directly to the head).

The attributes for tails of branches are: -

TPOS The position in the zone where the branch ends.
TCON The connection type of the branch end (BOXI or OPEN).
TDIR The direction in which the end of the branch is pointing (as if you were looking back down
the tray / ladder).
TBOR The width of the cable tray (this can be metric or imperial).
TREF The name of the item to which the branch tail is connected (e.g. Tref TEE 1 of BRANCH
/CTRAY_YY2/B1). If this is not set, then the branch is open.

You do not need to specify each of these attributes every time you create a branch. On most occasions
when you connect a branch to a tee, the attributes for the head or tail are set automatically.

AVEVA Plant (12 Series)
Cable Tray Modelling TM-1102

2.7 Cable Tray Branch Head / Tail Positioned Explicitly

Each new branch must have its two ends (its Head
and its Tail) positioned in the design model.

When you press OK to confirm the creation of the
branch, you will see the Branch at Explicit Position
form which lets you specify these positions.

The Branch at Explicit Position form may also be
shown by selecting Modify > Branch > Explicit.

This form lets you position and orientate the branch
head and tail explicitly and define the connection
type for each.

Set the Head / Tail option button to show the end of the branch which you want to position and orientate.

Define the Position by entering the required coordinates in the North / South, East / West and Up / Down
text boxes, using the option buttons to set the appropriate direction in each case.

Use the Width option button to change the tray width at the Head / Tail if required.

Enter the Direction in which the head / tail is to be orientated.

Use the Connection option button to select how the tray is to be terminated at the Head / Tail. The options
are Open the end will be left open for connection to another tray length (in another branch) or Boxing the
end will be closed to terminate the tray length.

Change the Head / Tail option and repeat for the other end of the current branch if required.

If you use this form to change the width of an existing branch, you must reselect all components owned
by the branch so that they are compatible with the new width. To do so, navigate to the branch and
select Modify > Branch > Reselect. You will see a Reselect Branch form. When you click Apply, all
branch components will be reselected automatically in members list order. Depending on the current
Choose options for the cable tray, you may need to choose from the available types for some
components. (Note that the Choose form applies to the component next to the one highlighted in the
Members List, not to the current element which you have just chosen).

Selecting components with different sizes in a preconfigured pipeline or cable tray network can lead to
incorrect geometry. Check the effects by studying the 3D View and, if necessary, running a Data
Consistency Check.

AVEVA Plant (12 Series)
Cable Tray Modelling TM-1102


2.8 World Co-ordinates

Position wrt World - the position with respect to the world i.e. absolute co-ordinates.

Within AVEVA Plant each element has a default orientation and lie in a particular orientation with respect to
an axis system labelled X, Y and Z. These axes relate to the World co-ordinates as follows:



Z = UP -Z = DOWN

The default setting is E, N, U but this can be changed by entering COORDINATES XYZ or COORDINATES
ENU In the Command Window

2.9 Cable Tray Branch Components (Fittings)

When you first define a head and tail for a branch, your branch will consist of one piece of cable tray running
in a straight line between the head and tail positions. This will appear as a dotted line between the two
points unless the head and tail are aligned along a common axis. (The dotted line indicates that the branch
route is geometrically incorrect.)

The next step in designing a cable tray is to create and position a series of fittings, which define the cable
tray route you require. Just as on a drawing board, you need to decide which cable tray components are
needed in order to satisfy the requirements of the process. The components must be arranged so that the
cable tray meets its design needs. However, unlike on the drawing board, you do not need to know any
fitting dimensions, as PDMS derives these automatically from the catalogue.

To create cable tray fittings, you need to select an item from the list of fittings available to you from the
associated cable tray specification. The main types of fitting available are Bends, Elbows (Risers), Tees,
Reducers, Crosses, and Fixed Tray (FTUB).

For all cable tray components, you will need to carry out the following steps:

Select the component from the cable tray specification
Position the component and set the orientation.

2.9.1 Creating Branch Components (Cable Tray Fittings)

AVEVA Plant (12 Series)
Cable Tray Modelling TM-1102

From the pull down menus select Create > Component

The Cable Tray Component form now appears.

This form shows all the component types that are
available in the current cable tray specification.

It is possible to select components from an
alternative specification by reselecting from the
Cable Tray pull down list:

Normally you will define the Branch Members in Forward mode, that is, one after the other, starting at the
Head. Sometimes it is more convenient to build your branch from the Tail first. Then you will need to work in
Backwards mode.

If the Auto Conn button is ticked, then this will ensure that components are automatically connected to the
previous component.

Components are created by selecting the required fitting from the scrollable list and then using the Create
button. The Choose form displays all available components for the bore size and specification.

2.9.2 Selecting the Component from the Specification

When you select a component, e.g. a Tee, from the catalogue, there are often a number of choices you can
make. The description of the item can be presented to you in one of three ways

AVEVA Plant (12 Series)
Cable Tray Modelling TM-1102

Basic the least amount of information is displayed
Text description and material displayed;
All all available data is shown.

This can be set by selecting Settings > Choose Options; the Choose Options form is displayed

This selection criteria setting will determine the amount of information displayed. Auto Connect can also be
set from this form.

Selection Criteria: All

Selection Criteria: Text

AVEVA Plant (12 Series)
Cable Tray Modelling TM-1102


2.9.3 Branch Component List Order

With equipment and structures, the order in which you create items is of no importance to the final outcome.
With cable tray components, the order in which they are laid out, as well as their individual positions and
orientations, determines the final cable tray route.

Below is a Design Explorer window showing the components of a typical cable tray. The current element is

Any new item in the branch will appear after the item you were at when you select Create. The new item
then becomes the current element. The only slight deviation from this is when you are at a new branch, in
which case the new item will be the first item in the branch.

List order will become second nature to you after you have created a number of branches, but for the time
being you should be aware of it and should consider carefully where your next item is going to be inserted.

2.9.4 Automatic Positioning and Orientation of New Components

When you select a component, you will notice that in many cases you do not need to go through the stages
of positioning and orientation. This is because the component is automatically connected to the previous

2.9.5 Positioning and Setting the Orientation of Components

Having created and chosen a component, the next stage is to position it. If it is the first component in the
Branch you will be asked to specify the Open Tray Direction.

On component creation, there is an option Auto Conn which automatically connects the component to the
previous component (or to the Branch Head if it is the first component).

Components can be positioned using the lower button on the Cable Tray Components form, or by using any
selection from the Modify, Position or Orientate options from the Cable Tray Application menu.
AVEVA Plant (12 Series)
Cable Tray Modelling TM-1102


2.9.6 Arrive and Leave Points

Cable tray components have Ppoints (similar to those for equipment primitives). The significance of P
points is twofold. First, they define the connection points, and second, they determine the branch flow
through the component by means of Arrive and Leave attributes.

For the reducer shown below, you will see that the large end is at P1 and the small end is at P2. If you use
this component to increase the width of the branch, the flow in the direction of the branch will be from P2 to
P1. In order to tell PDMS the flow direction you want, you set two numeric attributes, Arrive and Leave, to
the ppoint numbers you want. In this case, Arrive would be set to 2 and Leave would be set to 1. (The
default is Arrive 1 Leave 2).

Reducer Bends

Tees Elbows or Risers

2.10 Save Work

Save Work saves any changes you have made to the model, this should be done at regular intervals to suit
the design, the Model Editor Undo and Redo function buttons can be used up to the point that the design is

To save the Design, select Design > Save
Work from the pull down menu or use the
Save Work icon from the Toolbar.

A Confirm form now appears, asking if it is
ok to Savework! Are You Sure. Press Yes
to confirm and No to Cancel.








AVEVA Plant (12 Series)
Cable Tray Modelling TM-1102


2.11 Get Work

Get Work updates your current view of the AVEVA Plant databases with work saved by other users.

To Get Work, select Design > Get Work
from the pull down menu or by pressing the
Get Work icon from the Default Toolbar.

AVEVA Plant (12 Series)
Cable Tray Modelling TM-1102


Exercise 1 Create a Cable Tray

Create a new ZONE 101C-CABLEWAYS, Create the Cable Tray Main CTRAY_YY010 and set the
specification to SCTG.

Position the Head N 2000, E 45500, U15500 and the Tail N 2000, E 40000, U 14250.

Set the width as 600 for the Head and 450 for the Tail and the direction to W for the Head and E for the Tail.

Set the connection to open for both Head and Tail.

Add two Elbows as shown:



3 Positioning and Connecting Cable Tray Components

At the end of this session you will be able to:

Connect branch Head / Tail to the Tail / Head of another branch, or to a multiway component,
and to the First / Last component within the branch.
Connect adjacent components within a branch sequence.
Understand the various menu options for positioning components.

A Connect command both Orientates and Positions the current component so that its p-arrive is directed
towards, and is aligned with, the p-leave of the previous component (in forwards mode). Unless overridden,
Connect also checks that the components to be connected have compatible connection types (as defined by
the Connection Compatibility Tables in the Catalogue database).

3.1 Connecting the Branch Head or Tail

Using the Design Explorer window navigate to Branch level or below.

Select Connect > Branch, the Connect Cable Tray Branch form appears. Select Head to First Member and
then press Apply. The Head position is moved to the first member (component) in the Cable Tray.

To connect the tail, select Tail to Last Member and then press Apply

AVEVA Plant (12 Series)
Cable Tray Modelling TM-1102


3.1.1 Connecting to the Head / Tail of another Branch

Using Design Explorer, navigate to Cable tray level and from the pull down menu select Create > Branch.
The Create Cable Tray Branch form will be displayed, press OK

The Branch at Explicit Position form
appears, press the Dismiss button

AVEVA Plant (12 Series)
Cable Tray Modelling TM-1102


From the main bar menu select Connect >
Branch, the Connect Cable Tray Branch
form appears set the Head to Tee and
press Apply

The additional options on the pull down menu under Tee are as follows:

Branch Head
Branch Tail
First Member
Last Member

You will see a prompt in the bottom left corner asking you to Identify TEE. Use the cursor to
pick the item in the graphical view to be connected to and then press Dismiss

AVEVA Plant (12 Series)
Cable Tray Modelling TM-1102


3.2 Connecting a Component

Using Design Explorer, check that you are at the correct level for the components to be created, in this case
at the branch level

From the pull down menu select Create >
Component, the Cable Tray Component
form appears. In this case we are going to
add a bend to the newly created branch,
select Bend and then press Create.

The Choose form appears, select the RH
90 bend and press OK

AVEVA Plant (12 Series)
Cable Tray Modelling TM-1102

The Bend is added to the Branch, select the Model Editor icon from the Model Editor Toolbar

The Cable Tray modification Handle now appears, using the left hand mouse button drag Y directional
handle and move the bend 1000mm

Release the left hand mouse button and press the Model Editor icon once again to deactivate the Cable
Tray Modification Handle.

3.2.1 Connecting a Component to Previous / to Next

Using either the Design Explorer or the graphical view select the required component to connect to previous
or to next. From the pull down menu select Connect > Component > To Previous / To Next

By default, p-arrive of the current component will be connected to p-leave of the previous component or p-
leave of the current component will be connected to p-arrive of the next component (in Forwards mode).

AVEVA Plant (12 Series)
Cable Tray Modelling TM-1102

To Previous
With the tray Head being the previous connection the elbow is connected to the tee component which was at
the Head

To Next
With the tray Tail being the Next connection and Open a Open Tray Direction form appears, Key in the Open
Tray Direction required and press OK

3.3 Displaying Cable Tray Fill Level

While the cable tray route is being designed, it may be necessary to show the fill level of the cable tray, this
is done by changing the obstruction % against the component.

From the pull down menu select Settings > Graphics, the Graphics Settings form appears. Select the
Representation Tab, then from the Obstruction pull down select 50% and press the Apply button

3.4 Positioning Cable Tray Items

AVEVA Plant (12 Series)
Cable Tray Modelling TM-1102

The majority of positioning of cable tray items can be performed from the Cable Tray Components form.

The positioning pull down menu has the following

Thro Cursor

Thro ID Cursor

Thro Point

Thro Next

Thro Tail

Thro Previous

Thro Head


A cursor-identified 3D position

Cursor-identified item

An identified p-point

The next item in the Branch

The tail of the Branch

The previous item in the

The head of the Branch

Connects to the previous

There are many other ways to position cable tray components and these are explained in the following

3.5 Positioning Components

The Position Component options enable you to move a component without specifying a direction. The
direction of movement is the direction of the component. The options are as follows:




Plane Through

Plane Clearance

Moves the component by a
given distance.

Moves the component along a
given point.

Moves the component to
within a given clearance of a
give item or point.

Moves the component along
the line of the branches so that
the component moves until it
intersects a plane through a
given point.

Extends the arrive tube so that
the component moves until it is
within a given clearance of a
plane through a given point

3.5.1 Distance

Allows you to position the component at a given distance from a specified point. The direction of movement
and the distance are along the current components arrive / leave axis

AVEVA Plant (12 Series)
Cable Tray Modelling TM-1102

From the pull down menu select Position > Component > Distance, a positional axis appears on the
component in the graphical view.

On the Distance form key in the Distance
you need to move the component.

AVEVA Plant (12 Series)
Cable Tray Modelling TM-1102


Positioning options on the pull down menus are as follows:


Spool Only

Infront / Behind

Onto / Under

From / To
Position is relative to previous

Positions component at given
distance from next to achieve
required tube length between

Can be used for any direction in
a plan view. Distance is
measured along direction of
movement, relative to a
specified point

Can be used for any N, S, E or
W view direction. Distance is
measured along direction of
movement, relative to a
specified point.

Can be used with any direction
in an elevation view. Distance is
measured along direction of
movement, relative to a
specified point

The second pull down specifies the reference point from which the distance is measured. The choices are:


ID Cursor

ID P-Point




Next / Previous

Head / Tail


A cursor-identified 3D position

A cursor-identified item whose
origin is at the required position.

A cursor-identified p-point at the
required position

An explicit position whose
coordinates you will enter

A named item whose origin is at
the required position

A numbered construction pin at
the required position

Adjacent component in branch
members list.

Head or tail of owning branch.

Current item (used to reposition
component when previous item
in branch members list has been

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Cable Tray Modelling TM-1102

In this example we have selected Distance 1500mm From Previous, press Apply. Other combinations will
require the user to either pick with the cursor or enter data on the resulting form, depending on how you
chose to specify the position

Use the CE button if you want to move another component before dismissing the form

3.5.2 Through

Allows you to align the component with a specified point. The direction of movement is along the current
components arrive / leave axis

From the pull down menu select Position > Component > Through, the Through form appears.

On the pull down set the Through option to specify
the point with which the component is to be aligned.

In this example we have selected Through Tail, press Apply. Other combinations will require the user to
either pick with the cursor or enter data on the resulting form, depending on how you chose to specify the

Use the CE button if you want to move another component before dismissing the form
AVEVA Plant (12 Series)
Cable Tray Modelling TM-1102

3.5.3 Clearance

Allows you to move the component until it has a given clearance from a specified point. The direction of
movement is along the current components arrive / leave axis

From the pull down menu select Position > Component > Clearance, the Distance form appears.

On the Distance form key in the Clearance required.

Select Clearance 100mm Behind ID P-Point, press Apply. And then pick the P-Point with the cursor.

Use the CE button if you want to move another component before dismissing the form
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3.5.4 Plane Through

Allows you to move the component until it intersects a plane through a given point. The direction of
movement is along the current components arrive / leave axis

From the pull down menu select Position > Component > Plane Through, the Plane Through form

You define the plane by specifying its direction (defined as the direction normal to the planes surface) and a
point through which it passes.

On the Plane Through form In the Plane text-box, enter the direction of the plane and use the Through
option to show how you will specify the reference point through which the plane passes.

In this example we have selected Plane S and Through Cursor, press Apply. And then indicate with the
cursor the position.

Use the CE button if you want to move another component before dismissing the form

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Cable Tray Modelling TM-1102


3.5.5 Plane Clearance
Allows you to move the component until it has a given clearance distance from a plane through a given
point. The direction of movement is along the current components arrive / leave axis.

From the pull down menu select Position > Component > Plane Clearance, the Plane Clearance form
appears and an axis in the graphical view on the component to move.

You define the plane by specifying its direction (defined as the direction normal to the planes surface) and a
point through which it passes.

On the Plane Clearance form In the Plane text-box, enter the direction of the plane, Enter the Clearance
distance relative to the plane.

Using the two pull down menus to define how the clearance is related to the plane.

In this example we have selected Plane S with a Clearance of 1000mm From the Previous component.
press Apply.

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Cable Tray Modelling TM-1102

Exercise 2 Adding and Positioning Components

Add a Tee and a 450mm Reducer to the previously created Cable Tray CTRAY_YY010

Position the components as shown using the Position >Component and Connect > Component pull



4 Branch Re-routing and Connection References

At the end of this session you will be able to:

Modify the offline leg direction of a TEE
Change branch direction and routing
Understand how to set/modify connection references for a multiway component.

This session describes how to modify the off-leg direction of a TEE component and how to change branch
direction/routing at a TEE.

4.1 Swap Branch

Swap Branch allows the user to change the Offline leg Direction of a TEE.

To rotate a TEE through 180 degrees, so that the direction of its offline leg (P3) is reversed, navigate to the
component and select Orientate > Component > Swap Branch.

To check the orientation of P3, select Query >
General from the pull down menu. On the Query
form, select P3 from the second pull down. This
shows the direction of P3 i.e. S

Now select Orientate > Component > Swap

The Branch P3 position is swapped, if the P3 point
is queried again its direction will be North.

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Cable Tray Modelling TM-1102


In order to retain the correct orientation for the open side of the tray, this operation results in the p-
arrive (P1) and p-leave (P2) directions being reversed. To maintain connectivity, p-arrive is reset to P2
and p-leave is reset to P1 automatically.

4.2 Change Exit

Change Exit allows the user to change the Branch Direction at a Tee / Bend

By default, p-arrive for a tee is set to P1, p-leave is set to P2, and the off-leg (for connection to, say, another
branch) is set to P3.

To change the p-leave from P2 to P3, navigate to the tee and select Orientate > Component > Change
Exit. Repeated use of this operation toggles p-leave between P2 and P3.

This can also be used at a Bend to change the direction the p-leave is. It Swaps the p-arrive and p-leave, so
that P1 is p-leave, and P2 is p-arrive.

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4.3 Changing Branch Routing at a Tee

By default, the p-arrive of a tee is set to P1 and the p-leave is set to P2, so that the branch route continues
straight through. To change the p-leave so that the branch route enters or leaves the tee via P3, select
Modify > Component > Route.

Click the radio button which corresponds to the required branch routing configuration. The options are:

Route Through Branch Off Split Route

When you Apply the change, the tee will be orientated automatically to suit the new configuration.
You can use the CE button to change the branch routing at other tees before dismissing the form.

4.4 Changing a Component Connection Reference Explicitly

When you connect a multiway component within a branch to another item (such as a nozzle, or the head or
tail of another branch), the Connection Reference (CREF) attribute of the component identifies the
connected item.

To unset the component reference, or connect it to a different item, use Modify > Component >
Connection Ref.

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For a tee, the Connection Reference form shows
the item connected to the off-line leg (usually P3).

For a 4-way (or more) component, use the No. pull
down to see each connection reference in turn.

Components with more than one off-line leg have a
CRFA attribute which is used to store the
connection reference at each p-point.

To disconnect the current connection, click the Unset button.

To change the current connection to point to a different item, edit the identifier in the text-box.

Changing the connection reference does not change the position or orientation of any components, so
you must ensure that the resulting geometry makes sense.


5 Positioning Commands for Branch Head/Tail

This session covers the explicit and relative positioning of Branch Heads and Tails.

Use Position> Branch from the main bar menu.

The sub options are as follows:






Positions the Head / Tail at a given point

Moves the Head / Tail along the current branch direction until it is a given
distance from a given reference point

Moves the Head / Tail along the current branch direction until it is aligned
through a specified point

Moves the Head / Tail in a given direction by a given Distance, Through a given
point, or to within a given Clearance of another item

Allows you to move a constrained network in a given direction by a given
Distance, Through a given point, or to within a given Clearance of another item

5.1 General

From the main bar menu select:

Position > Branch > General.

The Branch at General Position form appears
together with an axis in the graphical view,

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On the Branch at General Position form, select Head or Tail, as required. Then set the At pull down menu to
define how you will specify the required position.

In the example below, we have selected the Head At ID P-Point, press Apply.

Use the CE button if you want to move the Head / Tail of another branch before dismissing the form.

5.2 Distance

From the pull down menu select Position > Branch > Distance, the Position form appears together with an
axis in the graphical view.

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Cable Tray Modelling TM-1102

On the Position form, select Head or Tail, as
required. Then key in the Distance required.

The positioning options are shown on the two
pull down menus.

On the second pull down, the options are as


ID Cursor

ID P-Point

PH of ID Branch

PT of ID Branch




A cursor-identified 3D

A cursor-identified item
whose origin is at the
required position

A cursor-identified p-
point at the required

The head of another
branch (which you will
pick with the cursor)

The tail of another
branch (which you will
pick with the cursor)

An explicit position
whose coordinates you
will enter

A named item whose
origin is at the required

A numbered construction
pin at the required

AVEVA Plant (12 Series)
Cable Tray Modelling TM-1102


In this example we have selected Distance 500mm Behind ID P-Point, press Apply.

Use the CE button if you want to move the head/tail of another branch before dismissing the form.

5.3 Through

From the pull down menu select Position > Branch > Through

On the Position form, select Head or Tail, as required. Then set the Through option to the point with which
the Head / Tail is to be aligned. In this example we have selected Head Through ID P-Point, press Apply.

Use the CE button if you want to move the head/tail of another branch before dismissing the form.

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AVEVA Plant (12 Series)
Cable Tray Modelling TM-1102


5.4 Move

Move allows you to move the Head / Tail in a given direction by a given Distance, Through a given point, or
to within a given Clearance of another item.

5.4.1 Distance

From the pull down menu select Position > Branch > Move > Distance

On the Position form, select Head or Tail, as required, enter the Required Direction and Distance of the
move, then press Apply.

In this example we have selected Head, Direction S, Distance 750mm.

Use the CE button if you want to move the head/tail of another branch before dismissing the form.

5.4.2 Through

From the pull down menu select Position > Branch > Move > Through.

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Cable Tray Modelling TM-1102

On the Move Branch Through form, select Head or Tail, as required. Then set the Direction and finally set
the Through pull down to show how you will specify the point with which the Head / Tail is to be aligned.

In this example we have selected Head, Direction N, Through ID P-Point, press Apply.

Use the CE button if you want to move the Head / Tail of another branch before dismissing the form.

5.4.3 Clearance

From the pull down menu select Position > Branch > Move > Clearance

On the Move Branch Clearance form, select Head or Tail, enter the Direction and Clearance distance
required. Pull down menu options are similar to those used in the previous examples.

Select Head, Direction S, Clearance 250 Behind ID P-Point, press Apply.

Use the CE button if you want to move the head/tail of another branch before dismissing the form.
AVEVA Plant (12 Series)
Cable Tray Modelling TM-1102


5.5 Drag

Drag allows you to move a constrained network in a given direction by a given Distance, Through a given
point, or to within a given Clearance of another item

A constrained network is a collection of cable tray components, equipment and nozzles formed automatically
during a Drag operation. The Drag action moves all items in the constrained network as a group, retaining
their relative positions and connectivity.

The network comprises all items connected to the current element in all directions up to a legal end point. A
legal end may be any of the following:

FTUBE which can be extended or shortened parallel to the move direction
A nozzle
A point between misaligned components
A point between incompatibly-connected components
A component which has not been positioned and orientated
An element which you do not have access rights to move

5.5.1 Distance

Distance drags the branch Head / Tail, together with other connected components, equipment and nozzles
within a constrained network, by a given distance in a given direction.

From the pull down menu select Position > Branch > Drag > Distance

On the Drag,Move Branch Distance form, select Head or Tail, as required, and enter the Direction and
Distance for the drag. Press Apply

In this example we have selected Head, Direction S, Distance 500mm.

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Cable Tray Modelling TM-1102

A confirm form now appears, asking if the branch should Return to Original Position, press No

Use the CE button if you want to move the Head / Tail of another branch before dismissing the form.
AVEVA Plant (12 Series)
Cable Tray Modelling TM-1102


5.5.2 Through

Allows you to drag a constrained network, along a specified direction until it is aligned with a specified point

From the pull down menu select Position > Branch > Drag > Through.

On the Drag Move Branch Through form,
select Head or Tail. Specify the Direction and
select the Through pull down menu as

In this example we have selected Head, Direction N, Through ID P-Point, press Apply. The confirm form
appears as before, press No

AVEVA Plant (12 Series)
Cable Tray Modelling TM-1102


5.5.3 Clearance

Allows you to drag a constrained network along a specified direction until it is a given clearance from a
specified point.

From the pull down menu select Position > Branch > Drag > Clearance.

On the Drag Move Branch Clearance form, select Head or Tail, enter the Direction and Clearance distance

Pull down options are similar to those used previously.

Select Head, Direction S, Clearance 250mm Behind ID P-Point, press Apply.

Use the CE button if you want to move the head/tail of another branch before dismissing the form.


6 Fixed Length Trays and Implied Straights

Implied straights in Cabletrays can be compared with implied tubing for piping. Implied straights occur where
there is a physical distance between consecutive list order components. Implied straights can be replaced
by fixed length tray (FTUB) elements.

6.1 Replacing Implied Straights with Fixed-Length Trays

To add fixed-length tray (FTUB) elements to all or part of the current branch so as to replace implied
straights, select Modify > Fill.

The Fill Cable Tray Branch form appears. Set the Fill pull
down to specify which part of the branch is to have fixed-
length trays inserted. The options are:




Head to Component

Component to Tail

replaces all implied straights with
fixed-length trays for the entire

inserts fixed-length trays
between two specified

inserts fixed-length trays
between a specified component
and the branch head.

inserts fixed-length trays
between a specified component
and the branch tail.

The fixed-length trays used are derived from the current branch specification. The number of trays used in
each location is calculated from the length of the implied straight which they replace.
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Cable Tray Modelling TM-1102


In this example we have selected Fill Branch, press OK.

6.2 Replacing Fixed-Length Trays with Implied Straights

To remove fixed-length tray (FTUB) elements from all or part of the current branch, select Modify > Unfill.

The Unfill Cable Tray Branch form appears. Set the Unfill option button to specify which part of the branch is
to have fixed-length trays deleted. The options are as for Modify>Fill. In this example we have selected Unfill
Branch, press OK.

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Cable Tray Modelling TM-1102


Exercise 3 Create Branch and Add Fixed Length Tray

Using the example form the previous exercise, Create the branch from the Tee, add the 600mm bend and
600x450mm reducer to the branch.

Position the bend and the reducer as shown. Position the tail 500mm away from the leave of the reducer.
Fill the cable tray branches with fixed length tray.



7 Quick Cable Tray Routing using the Model Editor

The Model editor allows the user to select and drag components along a specified direction and to rotate
components around their origin point. The editor uses three handles:

Extend Route Handle This is used to extend the route in the direction indicated by the handle.

Cardinal Direction Handles These are used to move components in a cardinal direction

Rotational Handles These are used to rotate components about their origin.

For cable tray components the model editor should only be used to move components within the route

The model editor can be used to quickly correct geometrical inconsistencies within the cable route.

The handle can be dragged by using either the LHS or RHS mouse buttons. By default the handle will move
in multiples of the currently defined linear increments.

If the RHS mouse button is pressed when the cursor is over the cable tray routing handle, the user will be
presented with a context sensitive menu. The menu will display the available options which relate to the
AVEVA Plant (12 Series)
Cable Tray Modelling TM-1102


7.1 Extend Handle Pop-ups

The following options are available on the Extend Handle before a drag.

Enter Offset This gives the Constrained Move form which lets you enter an offset from the
current handles position in the current routing direction.

Enter Leg Length This gives the Leg Length form which lets you enter an absolute distance of the
handle from the last previous change in the directions position.

Distance From Origin This displays the Explicit Distance form which allows you to enter an absolute
distance of the handle from the previous components origin position.

Extend Through Feature This allows you to identify features with which to align, along the current
route direction.

Orient to Point This directs the handle either directly to a point feature or rotates about the vertical
axis, maintaining horizontal offset, when a linear feature is identified.

Align with Direction This allows you to identify features with which the handle is to be aligned.

Explicit Direction This gives the Enter Direction for <direction> Axis form which lets you enter an
explicit direction for the handle.

Component Choice This allows you to select the type of Component that is created by the Routing
Handle when a change in direction occurs. The Component can be set to either
Elbows or Bends.

Distance Feedback This allows you to select how the Routing Handle displays distance feedback. This
can be set to either Offset (offset from the previous handles position), Leg Length
(distance of the handle from the last previous change in directions position), or
From Origin (distance of the handle from the previous Components origin
position). Use the D 'hotkey' to cycle through the options.

Show Rotation Handles This toggles the display of the Rotation Handles (selected by default).

Cancel This returns the handle and selection to its original state before the drag
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The following options are available on the Extend Handle on completion of a drag, i.e. when the mouse
button has been used to drag the handle and no special actions are active:

Extend Leaves the handle at the shown position.

Cancel Returns the handle and selection to its original state before the drag.

7.2 Rotation Handle Pop-ups

The following options are available on the Rotation Handle before a drag

Enter Value This gives the Rotate Selection About form, enabling you to enter a value to rotate
the graphical selection about the selected rotational axis

Orient to Point This allows you to pick a p-line through a point with which to orient the Rotation

Align with Direction This allows you to identify features with which the handle is to be aligned. Planes
will be displayed to indicate a p-point direction (pointer symbol) or a p-line direction
(symbol). Pressing and releasing the SHIFT key will reverse the direction of the

Align With This displays the Enter Direction For <direction> Axis form which allows you to align
the handle with a specified direction, or as close as possible to the given direction,
about the axis of the cable tray.

Rotate Handle Allows you to rotate the Locator Handle, using the same movement options as the
main Rotation Handle menu. These options move the Locator Handle only; they do
not move the Graphical Selection. Alternatively a 'freehand' movement of the Rotate
Handle can be accomplished by pressing the H key with the handle selected and
the left mouse button held down.
The Locator Handle may be rotated independently of the Graphical Selection in
order to change the frame of reference for the next operation on the Graphical

Rotate Handle > To World This option aligns the Locator Handle with the World co-ordinate system,
without rotating the Graphical Selection. The Locator Handle Y axis points
North and the Z axis points Up.

Cancel This removes the shortcut menu and deselects the selected Locator Handle
AVEVA Plant (12 Series)
Cable Tray Modelling TM-1102

7.3 Setting Increment Values

Select Selection > Set Increments from the main menu.

The Set Increments form is displayed, the Linear increment will change the value of the handle when
dragged, the Fine linear increment will change the value when the keyboard arrows are used, and the
Angular increment will change the value of the handle when rotated.

The Linear increment is specified in the currently active units. The Linear increment controls the step size
used when dragging a Graphical Selection using a linear or planar handle. The default step size in 50mm or
2 inches.

The Fine linear increment has the same function as the linear increment, but with a default step size in
5mm. Fine 'nudges' are achieved but using the '2' and '8' numeric keypad keys or the arrow keys with the
mouse button held down

The Angular increment controls the angular step size used when dragging a Graphical Selection using a
rotation handle. The default step size is 5 degrees

In the Fine linear increment change the default value 5 to 1 and press the OK button

Now select the pipe modification handle, press the arrows on the keyboard and the increments now should
just move 1mm at a time.

Linear increment Fine linear increment Angular increment

The default setting is 50mm and 5mm for fine adjustment
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Cable Tray Modelling TM-1102


8 Copying and Deleting Branches/Components

8.1 Copy an Inline component

From the Design Explorer or the graphical view select the inline component to copy, now from the pull down
menu select Create > Copy > Offset


The Copy with Offset form appears and in the graphical view an axis is displayed on the component. Key in
number of copies and the offset against the required direction, then press Apply

A Confirm form appears, asking if the user wants to Retain created copies? Press Yes

The inline component is now copied, if no more copies are to be made the Copy with Offset form can be
closed, press the Dismiss button.

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Cable Tray Modelling TM-1102


8.2 Copy a Branch

If you have a branch of the cable tray that contains similar components, the complete branch may be copied
and moved into another position.

To create the copy, select the branch that you require to be copied from the Design Explorer or by selecting
the items from the graphical view, select Create > Copy > Offset from the pull down menu.

As for the inline component, the Copy with Offset form appears. Key in number of copies and the offset
required, press Apply

A Confirm form appears, asking if the user wants to Retain created copies? Press Yes. The branch is now
copied, if no more copies are to be made the Copy with Offset form can be closed, press the Dismiss

The Head and Tail positions for the branch will now need to be reconnected and the branch can be
renamed using Modify>Name
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Cable Tray Modelling TM-1102


8.3 Deleting a Cable Tray / Branch

Using the Design Explorer indicate the Cable Tray / Branch to be deleted, press the right mouse button and
from the pop up menu select Delete.

Items can also be deleted by selecting Delete > CE from the pull down menu.

A confirm form appears, asking if it is Ok to delete the Branch? Press Yes. The branch is deleted and the
graphical view is updated as shown below.

If a cable tray / branch has been deleted by mistake and the changes have not yet been saved then by
pressing the Undo icon from the Model Editor Toolbar, the cable tray / branch will brought back and
visible in the Design Explorer and the graphical view once again.

8.4 Deleting individual components

Using the Design Explorer or the graphical view highlight the component to be deleted, press the right
mouse button and from the pop up menu select Delete.

Components can also be deleted by selecting Delete > CE from the pull down menu.

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Cable Tray Modelling TM-1102

A confirm form appears, asking if it is Ok to delete the component? Press Yes. The component is deleted
and the graphical view updated.

8.5 Delete a Range of Cable Tray Components

It is possible to delete a number of components in the same cable tray or branch by picking the components
in the graphical view whilst holding down the Ctrl key.

Select Edit > Delete Selection. The components are deleted and the graphical view updated. Note that a
dotted line is drawn between the remaining TEE and BEND.

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Cable Tray Modelling TM-1102


Exercise 4 Cable Tray Routing A Worked Example

The first thing to consider when using the Cable Tray application is the specification you are currently using
as default.

The following exercises will illustrate different means of cable tray routing by giving examples of many of the
situations you will encounter.

The following worked example demonstrates how to build up the cable tray component sequence illustrated
below. It assumes that you have already set your default specification to SCTG.

BRANCH /TRAY-1/B1 showing input sequence
Figure 1

AVEVA Plant (12 Series)
Cable Tray Modelling TM-1102


Create> Zone

Create the hierarchy in which the Cable tray is to be

Press OK

Create> Main

Press OK,

A Create Cable Tray Branch form is shown

When you select OK, a Branch at Explicit Position
form is shown.


Position each end of Branch to its termination point

Input these values to start the branch at the upper
penetration of the east wall at the south corner named
/EASTHOLE1. Select Apply and then Dismiss the

This form allows the HEAD and TAIL connections to be

On dismissal, a dotted line appears in the
graphical view joining the HEAD and TAIL

AVEVA Plant (12 Series)
Cable Tray Modelling TM-1102


We will now choose a Tee that will be connected to the
HEAD automatically and then repositioned.

Press the Create button

Fig 1 (Tray Ref. 1)

Because the Default button on the Cable Tray
Components form is not set, you will be shown a form
giving the available tee options. Pick one and press

If your Choose form does not have the component
description set, modify the choose options.

To do this use:

Settings>Choose Options then select ALL

Set the open tray direction to U.

The Tee will be positioned at the start of the branch
(head) because the Auto Connect button is ticked.

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Cable Tray Modelling TM-1102


Position the Tee using Through ID Cursor from the
Create Cable Tray Components form and select the
penetration in the floor near the centre of the south wall
named /FLOORHOLE1.

Create another Tee in the same way as above and
position it through the next penetration named

Fig 1 (Tray Ref 2)

Create a Bend from the Cable Tray Components List.

The Bend will be connected to the previous Tee
because Auto Conn has been switched ON.

The Cable Tray Components form will now be left on
display until the entire Cable Tray has been routed.

AVEVA Plant (12 Series)
Cable Tray Modelling TM-1102


Position the Bend through the penetration in the wall
named /INTHOLE1.

The leave side of the Bend should point North. If it
doesn't use

Orientate>Component>Change Exit

The Bends direction should be facing North, as shown
in Fig 1

Create a Riser and select the OR 90 type (90 deg.
elbow outside radius), and position it a Distance 5000
and the leave should automatically point down.

Create another Riser and select the IR 90 type (90
deg. elbow inside radius), and use Through ID Cursor
to position it through the penetration named
/INTHOLE2. The leave should automatically point

AVEVA Plant (12 Series)
Cable Tray Modelling TM-1102

Create a Bend using the Cable Tray Components
form and select the RH 45 deg. ANGLE type.

Position it a Distance 5000 from the previous

Create another Bend and select the LH 45 deg.
ANGLE type.

Position this using the Position>Component>Plane

Select a Plane E and Through ID Cursor and pick the
penetration in the wall named /INTHOLE3.

Dismiss this form.

Fig 1 (Tray ref. 7)

AVEVA Plant (12 Series)
Cable Tray Modelling TM-1102

Next, Create a Bend and select the RH 90 deg.
ANGLE type.

Use Through ID Cursor to position it through the
penetration named /INTHOLE4

Fig 1 (Tray ref. 8)

Create a Tee and select the type with PBOR3 600.

Position the Tee using Through ID Cursor from the
Create Cable Tray Components form and select the
penetration in the floor near the centre of the north wall
named /FLOORHOLE3.

Fig 1 (Tray ref. 9)

Create a Reducer and select the type PBOR1 450
CONC. Position it a distance 2500 from the previous

The tray we are now creating is 450mm wide.

Fig 1 (Tray ref. 10)

AVEVA Plant (12 Series)
Cable Tray Modelling TM-1102

Create a Bend from the Cable Tray Components form
and select the LH 45 deg. ANGLE type. Leave it
connected to the previous component.

Fig 1 (Tray ref. 11)

Create another Bend from the Cable Tray Components
List and select the RH 45 deg. ANGLE type.

Position this using the Position>Component>Plane

Select a plane N and Through ID Cursor and pick the
penetration in the wall named /INTHOLE5. Dismiss
this form.

Create a Tee and select the type with PBOR3 450.

Position the Tee using Through ID Cursor from the
Create Cable Tray Components form and select the
penetration in the floor near the centre of the north wall
named /FLOORHOLE4.

Fig 1 (Tray ref. 13)

AVEVA Plant (12 Series)
Cable Tray Modelling TM-1102


Create another Tee as above. Position the Tee
using Through ID Cursor from the Create Cable
Tray Components form and select the
penetration in the floor near the centre of the north
wall named /FLOORHOLE5.

The connection point of the tee should point south
but if it points north, change this using

Orientate>Component>Swap Branch.

Fig 1 (Tray ref. 14)

Create another Riser and select the OR 90 type
(90 deg. elbow outside radius).

Use Through ID Cursor to position it through the
penetration named /FLOORHOLE6. The leave
should automatically point Down.

Fig 1 (Tray ref. 15)

To complete the Cable Tray the Tail needs to be
positioned at the penetration named

Select Connect>Branch. This will position the
Tail at the P-leave of the last member.

This will set Tail attributes TBOR, TPOS,

To position the Tail at the penetration named
/FLOORHOLE6 select Position>Branch>Move

Select /FLOORHOLE6 when prompted.

AVEVA Plant (12 Series)
Cable Tray Modelling TM-1102

The Branch is almost finished apart from it has not
been filled.

To fill the Branch select Modify>Fill.. and select

You cannot fill a Pipe, only a Branch.

If you have made a mistake during your design, it
is best to Unfill, do the modification and then Fill

AVEVA Plant (12 Series)
Cable Tray Modelling TM-1102


Exercise 5

Navigate to the site named /CABLESITE that you should see in the members window. Add this to the
drawlist and select Limits>CE.

Build the Main Branch of the first cable tray.

Select Design>Cable Trays to load the Cable Tray application. Refer to the drawing on the next page for
positions and components required. The worked example should give enough information to allow you to
build it. (This explains how to build the upper tray of the 3. Refer to fig 1 on page 64 whilst following the
worked example as each component has an associated reference number ).

Exercise 6

Create all the branches that attach to the tees in the Main.

Hint: Select Create>Branch and OK the Create Branch form. Dismiss the Branch at Explicit Position
form that appears as you are going to connect the Branch to one of the tees in the Main Branch.

Select Connect>Branch>Head>To Tee and pick the tee. Create and position a riser (OR 90 type) and
complete the branch by positioning the tail at the hole in the floor as you did in the previous exercise.

Exercise 7

Create the lower two cable tray Main's. You can use create Copy Offset and modify the design to suit. You
will need to rename the Pipes and Branches.

If you have branches of a pipe that contain similar components you may copy a complete branch then
move it in position. To create a copy, select the pipe/branch to be copied then choose Create >Copy
>Offset . . .
AVEVA Plant (12 Series)
Cable Tray Modelling TM-1102



9 Data Consistency, Isodraft and Reporting

If you intend to use Isodraft to produce isometric plot files of cable trays, there are a number of points that
you will need to consider.

The cable tray must be data consistency checked and any errors removed before you generate an
isometric plot.
Any Branches that make up a Pipe must connect to the Main Branch. That is, you cannot have a
branch off a branch as this will cause ISODRAFT to fail.

9.1 Data Consistency

To carry out data consistency checking from
within the Cable Tray application, select Utilities
> Data Consistency.

Select Cable Tray from the Parameters panel.

Alter the tolerances as required. For this exercise,
we can use the defaults.

Navigate to the Cable Tray to be checked and
select a level of hierarchy from the pull-down
menu on the Data Consistency Check form.

Press Apply.

Review each of the diagnostic messages.

Refer to the Aveva Plant Piping reference
manual for a full description of data
consistency errors.

AVEVA Plant (12 Series)
Cable Tray Modelling TM-1102

9.2 Isodraft

Once you are satisfied with your Cable Tray Design and have reviewed any data consistency errors, it is
possible to produce an Isometric plot of your Cable Tray.

Switch modules by using Design>Modules>Isodraft. Navigate to the Cable Tray required.

Select Isometrics>Standard from the main
application menu.

Use the BASIC.MET options file and press Apply.

Refer to the Aveva Plant Isodraft reference manual for a full description of Isodraft functionality.
AVEVA Plant (12 Series)
Cable Tray Modelling TM-1102


9.3 Generating Reports

To generate a quick report, select Utilities > Quick Reports from the main bar menu.

Output can be directed to a file
or to screen.

Type can be any element type.

With allows a conditional
expression to be applied.

Columns are the headings for
the report, typically an attribute

Hierarchy is the top level
element you wish to report on.

Select Run the Report to generate a file or screen listing.

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