Inspectie 7

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School: coala Gimnazial ,, Arhimandrit Chiriac Nicolau , Vntori- Neam ( Structura coala Nr. !
Teacher : "achidon Ana- "aria
Level: Grade # - cla$$e$ %er &ee'
Number of pupils: (#
Textbook: Sna%$hot- )re-*ntermediate
Date: (+.,+.,(-
Unit: ./he0 &ere deli1ered toda0
Lesson: The passive: present and past simple
ecent !ork: Student$ ha1e read the te2t . /he0 &ere deli1ered toda0 and the0 ha1e done the readin3 com%rehen$ion ta$'$ in the
unit under 4ocu$ and the0 ha1e %racticed com%lain, re5ue$t and a%olo3i$e.
Lesson aims: - to create a %lea$ant atmo%here6
- to create intere$t in the to%ic o4 the 7)a$$i1e Voice6
- to de1elo% lan3ua3e a&arene$$6
- to encoura3e interaction6
Lesson ob"ectives: 80 the end o4 the le$$on , $tudent$ &ill 8e a8le to:
- *denti40 %a$$i1e 4orm$ in the %a$t and %re$ent6
- 9e&rite $ome 5ue$tion$ u$in3 the %a$$i1e6
- :$e )a$$i1e Voice in a conte2t: a$' and an$&er 5ue$tion$ in the to%ic6
- ;rite $entence$ o4 their o&n u$in3 thi$ $tructure6
#etho$s: con1er$ation, e2%lanation, e2erci$e$, 3ame
Teachin% ai$s: the te2t8oo', handout$, chart &ith irre3ular 1er8$, the 8lac'8oard and chal'.
Time allotte$: <, minute$
)ha$e$ /ime *nteraction /eacher=$ acti1it0 Student$= acti1it0 9ationale>Comment
( ;arm-u% += /-S$
Greetin3, $mall tal'
/ a$'$ 5ue$tion$ related to their
%re1iou$ le$$on ( Com%lainin3,
re5ue$tin3 and a%olo3i$in3!
An$&er the teacher=$
/o create 3ood
atmo$%here and hel%
/o rai$e S$ intere$t
?ead-in <= /- S$
S$ - /
/ &rite$ on the 8lac'8oard t&o
$entence$: one in Acti1e Voice
and the other one in the )a$$i1e
Voice (&ith )re$ent Sim%le! and
a$'$ S$ to tell the di44erence$
8et&een them. /hen $he &rite$
t&o more $entence$ u$in3 )a$t
Sim%le, a$'in3 S$ the $ame
S$ read the $entence$
and 4ind the di44erence$
9ai$e e2%ectation$
)re%are S$ 4or the ne2t
"a'e them a&are o4
the idea o4 Acti1e and
)a$$i1e Voice
+ @licitation>
#= /- S$
S$- /
/ a$'$ S$ to remem8er the name
o4 that $tructure and $he &rite$ it
on the 8lac'8oard ( /he )a$$i1e
/hen , to3ether, the0 identi40 the
4orm o4 the %a$$i1e $entence$ ,
8oth in %re$ent and %a$t $im%le.
/ &rite$ the 4orm on the
S$ tell the name o4 the
$tructure and it$ 4orm.
/he0 &rite it on their
@licit S$= %re1iou$
'no&led3e a8out the
- /ran$ition
S$ - /
/ a$'$ S$ to loo' clo$el0 at the
e2erci$e A, %a3e # in their
te2t8oo'$. She a$'$ them to
%retend the0 are 1i$itin3 a 4arm
and the0 are 5ue$tionin3 the
S$ li$ten to the
/he0 do thi$ ta$'
indi1iduall06 i4
nece$$ar0, the0 chec'
/o %ractice the 4orm o4
the )a$$i1e.
$u%er1i$or there. S$ are a$'ed to
re&rite the 5ue$tion$ in the
e2erci$e in a more 4ormal &a0,
u$in3 the )a$$i1e Voice.
/ a$'$ S$ to %a0 attention to the
ten$e$ o4 the 1er8$.
/ chec'$ &ith the &hole cla$$.
the %a$t %artici%le
4orm$ o4 their irre3ular
1er8$ in the chart on
the 8oard.
< Semi-
(,= /-S$
)air &or'
/ a$'$ S$ to &or' in %air$ and to
do e2erci$e B# 4rom %a3e #.
She chec'$ 4or un'no&n &ord$.
/ monitor$ S$.
She a$'$ (- %air$ to act the ta$'.
S$ u$e the chart to
ma'e 5ue$tion$ and
an$&er$ a8out di44erent
cro%$ and their 4ood
/he0 re4er to the
in4ormation 3i1en at
the %a3e ((.
(- %air$ demon$trate
the ta$'.
/o hel% %ractice in a
communicati1e &a0
A ?e$$
#= /- S$
)air &or'
/ a$'$ S$ to ma'e $entence$
a8out the %roduct$ 4rom our
countr0, u$in3 the 1er8$ in
e2erci$e B, %a3e #.
/ chec'$ their an$&er$.
S$ &or' in %air$ and
ma'e $tatement$ a8out
the cro%$ in our
/he0 u$e the 1er8$
/o de1elo% lan3ua3e
a&arene$$ and
interaction amon3 S$
# Cree
( 3ame !
B= Grou%
/ or3anize$ the 3rou%$: A, D, C.,
and 3i1e$ each 3rou% a handout
( )icture!. She a$'$ S$ to ma'e
$entence$ to illu$trate the %icture
( e3. One apple was eaten. The
bread is sliced.!. She al$o tell$
S$ &or' in their 3rou%
and ma'e $entence$
/o con$olidate and
e1aluate the de3ree o4
ac5ui$ition o4 the
/o moti1ate S$ and
rai$e their in1ol1ement
them to ma'e 8oth )re$ent and
)a$t $entence$ in the )a$$i1e
/ tell$ them the 3rou% that
ma'e$ the mo$t correct $entence$
4ir$t i$ the &inner.
/ monitor$ the 3rou%$.
/ in1ite$ each 3rou% to read out
their $entence$.
in doin3 the ta$'
B @1aluation
+= /-S$ @1aluate S$ accom%li$hment,
%rai$e$ their &or' and a$'$ them
to do $imilar $entence$ u$in3 the
other %icture in the handout, a$
Note do&n the home
E1erall a$$e$$ment

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