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Appendix A

Feedback Form I

1. Have you taken the TOEFL test? What are the scores? (or IELTS) If you are
not sure about your score, please specify
TOEFL: ___ (your total score); or IELTS: ____ (your total score)
Reading ___; Listening ___; Speaking ___; Writing ___;
I am not sure about my score ____
If not, what are your general goals and goals for your listening part?
TOEFL: ___ (120 in total); or IELTS: ____ (9 in total)
Listening: ___ (For TOEFL: 30 in total; For IELTS: 9 in total)

2. Circle the Number to Illustrate the Difficulty for you in TOEFL Test
Assessment scale: 1=the easiest 5=medium 10=the most difficult
Reading: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Listening: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Speaking: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Writing: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
3. Which part of the TOEFL (reading, listening, speaking and writing) is the
most difficult for you? Why?

4. Which part do you want to improve the most?

5. What do you think I can help you with? (E.g. to teach you more strategies;
give you more background information about the reading material; more
time practicing speaking or writing )

6. What are the difficulties for the listening part? (e.g.: limited time to answer;
the pronunciation; lack background knowledge; lack of vocabulary)

7. Have you used any listening strategy or technique? (e.g. listen to the key
words; skim through the answer options, predicting, drawing inferences, etc)
Are they effective?

8. If you have not used strategies or very few, what kind of listening strategies
do you think will be helpful for your TOEFL listening?

9. Other comments

Any information provided and/or identifying records will remain confidential.

Appendix B
Feedback Form II
1. There are two kinds of writing in the TOEFL test. One is integrated writing
(you will read a passage, listen to a related lecture and then write an essay to
summarize the points.) while the other is independent writing (you have 30
minutes to write a four or five paragraph essay in response to a single
question). Which one do you think is more difficult?

A. Integrated Writing B. Independent Writing

2. What are the problems that you have when you do the TOEFL independent
writing? (You can circle more than one option.)
A. Lack of ideas and examples (I dont know what I can write and how to
organize my ideas.)
B. Vocabulary (I dont have enough words or phrases to express myself.)
C. Spelling (I dont know how to spell the words I want to use correctly.)
D. Grammar (I feel English grammar is very difficult when I write.)
E. Others: ________________________________(Please specify)

*Which one is the most challenging (difficult) for you? A B C D E

3. If the total point for writing is 5, what would you expect to get at this point?

A. 1 B. 2 C. 3 D. 4 E.5

4. Based on your experiences, do you have any suggestions to help you improve
writing for the TOEFL? Please specify.

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