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Tip #1: Note points down

The entire 4 question types, especially the Two-Part Analysis and the Multi-
Source Reasoning are packed with a good aount o! in!oration that you will
ha"e to ake use o!# $oting points down !ro the !irst sentence itsel! sa"es tie
Tip #2: Approximate calculations
Although the calculator is pro"ided !or this section, alost all the practice
pro%les can %e answered without using it# The questions require tie !or you to
get a hang o! the data sets# &nce you get to know that, the hard work is done# So
you need ore tie to do that rather than waste tie on calculations# 'n places
where a little aount o! calculation is required, using appro(iations is a %etter
and !aster ethod#
)ets say that you need to !ind *+#,-..,#*# The !astest way to get an answer is to
do the !ollowing/
- Appro(iate the denoinator to a nu%er which can %e an easy di"isor#
'n this case the nu%er .00 %ecoes an easy di"isor#
- Assue an appro(iate "alue !or the !raction# 'n this case, we can assue
*+#,-..,#* 1 2-,#
- Ad3ust the nuerator# '!, we"e reduced the denoinator %y a%out .,
4..,#* 5 .006, we need to reduce the nuerator %y 42-,6 (., 1 7#
- The !raction %ecoes 4*+#, 5 76-.00, i#e#, 89#,-.00 : 0#89,# The actual
answer is 0#892#
;ust a little %it o! practice will increase %oth speed and accuracy in the 'R# 't
ight see to %e a long process now# <ut when you ight ha"e to do ten such
ratios and arrange the to !ind their ean, youll reali=e that the calculator will
eat up your tie# 'n addition to this, ake it a point to practice !ast addition and
su%traction o! nu%ers#
$ow let us dig deeper into the indi"idual question types#
Tip #3: Dont approach passages like you do in an !"
The #ulti$%ource easoning types are the toughest aong all the question
types wherein you will need to synthesi=e in!oration !ro two to three
independent sources, one o! which will generally ha"e a sall, .00-.80 word
passage# The other sources ay contain additional te(t or graphical in!oration#
'n addition to the ultiple choice questions, the ultiple dichotoous choice
questions ha"e raised the le"el o! cople(ity#
The !orat o! a ultiple dichotoous choice question is shown %elow/

Do not try to ski through the te(t and try to ake sense o! the graphical
in!oration# >ach and e"ery sentence in the passage will %e hea"ily packed with
in!oration that you cannot o"erlook# Mo"e on to the other sources only i! you
ha"e copletely understood what the initial te(t eans# '! that is not ensured,
you will ha"e to coe %ack again and lose tie in the process#
Tip #&: e'resh statistics concepts
The Ta(le Analysis is the easiest o! all the di!!erent question types with
questions with ultiple dichotoous choice questions %ased on a single ta%le#
?hat helps you e"en ore is that you can sort the ta%le %y di!!erent !ields to
search !or what you need#
There is a lot o! ephasis on statistical operations in these pro%les with
!requent questions on coparisons o! central tendencies and ranges aong sets
o! data# Make it a point to strengthen your !undaentals in these concepts# The
ore di!!icult questions would in"ol"e operations on weighted eans#
Tip #): *nderstand trend lines and correlation in data sets
The +raphics ,nterpretations question type can %e considered an e(tension
o! the @ata 'nterpretation section with "arious kinds o! %ar graphs, line graphs,
scatterplots and !lowcharts added# There will %e two to three "aria%les depicted in
these graphs# The question !orat will %e ultiple choice questions in the !or o!
a drop-down list instead o! the radio %uttons#
Practicing pro%les in the data interpretation will ensure !ailiarity with a
nu%er o! "isual representations o! data# There is a lot o! ephasis on trend lines
in a data set and correlation %etween di!!erent sets in scatterplots# The key here
is to understand how ultiple data sets are related, whether an increase in one
"aria%le results in an increase or decrease in the other#
Tip #-: *nderstand argument structures in passages"
The Two$.art Analysis requires you to ha"e a good grasp o! the critical
reasoning section# There is a lot o! ephasis on the !ollowing concepts/
- Arguent structure o! passages# There are questions that ask you to
identi!y inherent assuptions, conclusions and !acts supporting or opposing
the# Auestions on cause and e!!ect relationships are !requently asked#
- )ogical reasoning pro%les on selection and arrangeent o! ites in a
group %ased on certain criteria# These are new kinds o! questions that you need to

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