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Shamsa Omar Hussein

Enclosed and herewith my curriculum vitae. I would like to have an opportunity to join your
team , Im Currently available, I appreciate you keeping my record on a waiting list Im thanking
you in advance, for your consideration,
(I am always ready to get your precious confidence)
Qualification :
Present in Admass University College.
(Department of development study ).
Higher secondary.
Diploma of e! designing.
Certificate of first A"D.
Certificate of training of #urodhig.
Certificate of youth leadership training
Work Experience :
2013 till 2014
Internarship Secretary assistant administration Groundhog Organization.

Personal Skills and Abilities
Basic computer programs and the Internet.
Microsoft Word, Microsoft Ece!
Microsoft "ccess, Microsoft #o$er#oint.
MS internet ep!orer.
other Personal Skills
"pri! to &'
"pri! ('%( one month of )eadership s*i!!s, "dministration and Organization
+e,e!opment. Conducted -y Gurdodhig #o,erty .eduction Organization / G#.O0
Introduction to +e,e!opment.
Organizationa! "dministration.
Introduction to Organization +e,e!opment.
)eadership S*i!!s.
Confidence Bui!ding.
#resentation S*i!!s.
#roposa! and report $riting s*i!!s.
1anuary to %2
1an ('%& in ($eee*s training on concept paper and proposa! $riting s*i!!s
Conducted -y Gurodhig #o,erty .eduction Organization / G#.O0
3Introduction to pro4ect proposa! $riting
how to prepare concept papers
ho$ to $rite proposa!s
1anuary (
5e-ruary (''2 in %( days of 6outh )eadership and Organisation
+e,e!opment 6outh 7 peer Education, conducted -y SO86O $ith 9nicef /IC+0
Introduction to youth Education and de,e!opment program
!eadership s*i!!s and functions
community participation ,mo-i!ization and Empo$erment in +e,e!opment
-ui!ding sustaina-i!ity $ithin youth pro4ects
:eam$or* and :eam -ui!ding
Conf!ict management and .eso!ution
Gender Issues
Micro faci!itation s*i!!s
!ife s*i!!s ; <I=7 "I+S
Soma!i : f!uent /reading, $riting, spea*ing0.
Eng!ish: good.
"ra-ic : good
Personal Statement:
I>m ready to !earn from others and Share their Eperiences as a :eam #!ayer, S*i!!ed, "m-itious,
5!ei-!e, .e!ia-!e, and .esponsi-!e $ith good communication s*i!!s in -oth Eng!ish and "ra-ic.
Excellent presentation skills developed for communication systems.
Strong sense of personal and professional integrity.
Very organized and tidy work habits.
I take great pride in my appearance and personal hygiene.
I will have a great honor to be Part of Your Team, share your Experience and Skills to meet
clients satisfaction.
Yours respectefull
Shamsa omar Hussein

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