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!"#$%&'() )" )+, -./,0)'1'(2 3)&(.&0.1 -4)+"0')5 6"(6,0('(2 )+, '114'(2 "7 &( '(&6640&), &(.

#'1%,&.'(2 &(. 16&0,#"(2,0'(2 8'(7"0#&)'"(9 %,&7%,): ; 7,,% ') <0,&6+,1 )+, 04%,1 "( +"(,1)5=
.,6,(65= '(),20')5= &(. )04)+74%(,11
0n the 26
of Feb 2u14, I visiteu an event that was iun by 'Fiack Fiee Someiset' in the Wells Town
Ball, fiom 7pm to 9 pm. This was poitiayeu as a scientific infoimation meeting, foi the public. I am
conceineu about the inaccuiate anu misleauing infoimation uisplayeu on the infoimation leaflet that
they uistiibuteu. The leaflet appeais to piesent fiacking as it woulu be in the 0K. Nany of the pictuies
anu statements on toxins ielate to piactice anu usage of chemicals in the 0SA oi Austialia anu as such
this is misleauing. This piactice is illegal unuei 0K law. Theie was funuiaising going on at this event
anu appeals maue foi people to assist financially. Theie is also an invitation on infoimation leaflet
encouiaging the public to join theii campaign, anu to get involveu with funuiaising, anu volunteeiing.
I uiscusseu this with one of youi auviseis anu was auviseu that this leaflet woulu fall within youi
iemit. If it is not, then coulu you please auvise me as to how to get a juugment on these false claims. I
must apologise foi the ianuom oiuei of the complaints.

; >"4%. %'?, )" 6"#$%&'( )+&)@

A: B&2, C: !%&'#D EF+, )"G'6 70&6?'(2 7%4'. 6"(1'1)1 "7 >&),0= 1&(. &(. & #&11'/, &#"4() "7
This statement incoiiectly asseits that the oveiall composition of fiacking fluius to be useu in the
0K will be toxic. In fact, all fiacking fluius must be appioveu by the Enviionment Agency piioi to
use. The EA iequiie that " only substances that have been assesseu as being non-hazaiuous within
the specifieu situation can be useu" (http:www.enviionment- In the ASA Aujuuication on Cuauiilla Resouices
piomotional mateiial (A12-2uS8u6, claim 11), the ASA iuleu that, while auuitives to the fiacking
fluiu might in themselves be classifieu as toxic, theii concentiations in the oveiall fluiu aie such
that "the fiactuiing fluiu itself" is not toxic (as iequiieu by EA iegulation). The FFS claim is cleaily
iefeiiing to the oveiall composition of the fluiu (iathei than inuiviuual components theieof), anu
as such gives a misleauing impiession iegaiuing the toxicity oi otheiwise of the injecteu fluiu.

C: B&2, C: !%&'#D EI'%%'"(1 "7 2&%%"(1 "7 >&),0 J&(. +4(.0,.1 "7 )"(1 "7 6+,#'6&%1K &0, 41,. )"
70&6? & >,%%K:H
This statement is cleaily inflammatoiy in the way it ovei-exaggeiates the volumes of chemicals
useu to hyuiaulically stimulate a well. As suppoiting mateiial we pioviue Attachments 1a-e.
These uatasheets list the numbei anu volumes of chemicals useu to stimulate typical shale wells.
These sheets have been selecteu at ianuom foi S opeiatois in the Bainett shale, Texas, via the
www.fiacfocus.oig website. Attachment 1f summaiises these uata sheets. In no case aie
"hunuieus of tons of chemicals" being useu to stimulate a well. This statement gives a misleauing
impiession of the volumes of chemicals iequiieu to fiack a well.

L: B&2, C: !%&'#D EF+, $0"6,11 +&1 )+, $"),()'&% )" 6"()&#'(&), )+, %&(. &(. >&),0 14$$%5 7"0
This claim gives the incoiiect impiession that, in the unlikely event of unconventional gas
uevelopments causing a contamination event, any pollution cannot be iemeuiateu anu will iemain
an issue foi "geneiations", implying a time peiiou of Su yeais oi moie. This statement has no
factual basis: stanuaiu techniques exist to iemeuiate suiface spills, while uownhole issues
involving well integiity can be iesolveu with woikovei methous. It also ignoies the fact that only
non toxic mateiials will be useu in fiacking. (See complaint 1)

M: B&2, L: !%&'#D E3%4005 "0 .0'%% #4. '1 &%%">,. )" 1,))%, '( %&2""(1 "(N1'),H:
This statement incoiiectly asseits that open flow-back ponus will be useu to stoie flowback waste
on site. This piactice is piohibiteu in the 0K, wheie fluius must be stoieu in uouble lineu steel
tanks. Betails foi waste fluiu stoiage anu uisposal aie pioviueu in Attachment 2. This claim is
misleauing in the way it misiepiesents stanuaiu waste-fluiu management piactices in the 0K.
Theiefoie the iisks outlineu latei in this paiagiaph (heavy iain, stoim-watei iun-off, etc.) uo not

O: B&2, L: !%&'#D E.'16+&02,. >&),0 #&5 1)'%% 6"()&'( & 0&(2, "7 $"%%4)&()1 )+&) &0, +&0#74% )"
)+, &P4&)'6 ,(/'0"(#,()H:
This claim implies that watei containing pollutants will be uischaigeu to iiveis oi the sea. The
uisposal of waste fluius fiom unconventional gas uevelopment is iegulateu by the mining waste
uiiective. 0peiatois must uispose of such waste via licenseu waste tieatment facilities that have a
pioven capability of hanuling such fluius. 0peiatois must iuentify a waste uisposal pathway piioi
to being alloweu to stimulate a well (wiitten eviuence submitteu to the Eneigy anu Climate
Change Committee by the EA:
Bischaiging of polluteu watei is not alloweu by the EA. Again the assumption is that hazaiuous
fluius aie in use yet these aie not licenceu. (See complaint 1.)

Q: B&2, L: !%&'#D E;(.41)05 0,1,&06+ 1)&),1 &%% >,%%1 %,&? &(. .,20&., "/,0 )'#,H:
This claim has been iepeateu a numbei of times by FFS, anu is a misiepiesentation of a iepoit
into well integiity issues in the uulf of Nexico by Schlumbeigei, an oilfielu seivices company. The
SLB iepoit examines inciuences of Sustaineu Casing Piessuie (SCP). A well expeiiencing SCP uoes
not mean that a well is leaking hyuiocaibons oi chemicals to the enviionment, as this claim
asseits. This claim also fails to account foi woik-ovei piactices that can be applieu to wells weie
SCP is an issue, in oiuei to iemeuiate the issue.
In fact, leakage of hyuiocaibons anuoi chemicals to the enviionment via wells is a iaie
phenomenon in the inuustiy. A ieview of ovei 2uu,uuu onshoie wells conuucteu by the
uiounuwatei Piotection Council founu this to be an issue in appioximately u.u1% of wells uiilleu
gations_optimizeu.puf). A iecent F0I iequest ieleaseu by BECC ievealeu that leakage uue to well
integiity ievealeu that wellboie integiity is not an issue foi the 2,uuu onshoie anu ~1u,uuu
offshoie wells uiilleu in the 0K.
1664.puf). Wellboie leakage is veiy iaiely an issue in the inuustiy, anu it is ceitainly incoiiect to
asseit that all wells leak.

R: B&2, L: !%&'#D E!+,#'6&% $"%%4)'"( 70"# "/,0 OSS )"G'6 6+,#'6&%1 41,. '( )+, $0"6,11H:
This claim gives the incoiiect impiession that ovei Suu chemicals aie typically useu to fiack a
well. In fact, typically only S - 2u auuitives aie useu (see attachments 1a-f). It also gives the
misleauing impiession that all the chemicals useu in the piocess aie toxic. In fact, the majoiity of
auuitives aie not toxic, in paiticulai those appioveu foi use in the 0K (see Attachment 2). (See
claim 1.)

T: B&2, L: !%&'#D E!"4()',1 "/,0 )+, U&0(,)) 3+&%,= )+&) +&/, <,,( ,G),(1'/,%5 70&6?,.= &0, "(,
"7 )+, "(%5 %"6&)'"(1 >+,0, <0,&1) 6&(6,0 0&),1 +&/, <,,( 1),,$%5 0'1'(2H:
We feel that this claim is paiticulaily insiuious, given the sensitivity anu significance of a subject
like bieast cancei. The souice foi this claim is a shoit film, The Sky Is Pink, ieleaseu by }osh Fox, a
well-known anti-fiacking activist. These claims weie investigateu by the Associateu Piess
(http:bigstoiy.ap.oigaiticleexpeits-some-fiacking-ciitics-use-bau-science), anu ciiticiseu by
numeious cancei woikeis, incluuing: Simon Ciauuock Lee, Piofessoi of Neuical Anthiopology at
the 0niveisity of Texas; Baviu Rissei, an epiuemiologist with the Texas Cancei Registiy, anu
Susan Komen of Cuie, a Ballas-baseu cancei auvocacy gioup (see quotes in AP aiticle). Bata on
cancei iates is available via anu http:www.cancei- Attachment S lists the ielevant uata foi Benton, }ohnson, Paikei, Taiiant anu Wise
Counties, which aie the main counties expeiiencing uevelopment of the Bainett shale. It is cleai
that theie is no eviuence foi a spike in cancei iates in these counties. Nickley anu Blake
(http:www.mogpef.oigPoitalsuuocsNatuialuas_BainettShale.puf) examineu a wiuei iange
of Community Bealth Status Inuicatois
(http:wwwn.cuc.govCommunityBealthhomepage.aspx) foi Benton County between 2uuu -
2uu8. They founu impiovements in eveiy majoi health measuie, uespite an ageing uemogiaphic
(Attachment 4). uiven the sensitive natuie of this claim, we finu this to be a paiticulaily giievous
attempt to misleau the public.

V: B&2, L: !%&'#D EF+,0, &0, &%1" 0'1?1 "7 6"()&#'(&)'"( )" +4#&( &(. &('#&% +,&%)+ '( "40
7"". 6+&'(1H:
Theie is no eviuence to suggest that chemicals useu in the fiacking piocess have been founu in the
foou chain. Noi is theie any possibility that this coulu happen, (see claim 1). In any event theie is
no eviuence that ueeply injecteu fluius can penetiate to much shallowei aquifeis.

AS: B&2, L: !%&'#D E;) 6&( &%1" 6&41, 14<1'.,(6,H:
Theie is no uocumenteu eviuence of unconventional gas extiaction leauing to subsiuence:
ut_shale_gas_anu_hyuiaulic_fiactuiing_Bec_2u1S.puf). 0peiations aie commonly monitoieu with
tiltmeteis, anu no compaction issues have been uocumenteu. uiven the mechanical piopeities of
unconventional iocks (theii uensities, low poiosities, low Biot coefficients, anu high stiffness),
compaction is veiy unlikely to occui uuiing gas extiaction.

AA: B&2, M: !%&'#D EW,/,%"$#,()1 &<0"&. +&/, 1+">( )+,1, '(.41)0',1 )" <, X"< (,2&)'/,H:
A numbei of assessments have been maue iegaiuing the economic impact of unconventional
uevelopment in the 0K, fiom ovei 16,uuu - S2,uuu (ANEC:
C_SEA_Enviionmental_Repoit.puf) to ovei 7u,uuu (IoB:
le_gas_woiking_NAIN_REP0RT.puf). Theie is no eviuence that unconventional gas extiaction has
leau to job losses in the touiism oi agiicultuie sectois on this scale. This means that it is
misleauing to claim that such uevelopments in the 0K woulu be job-negative.

AC: B&2, M: !%&'#D EF+,0, '1 (" 0,24%&)'"( '( )+, YZ 1$,6'7'6 )" )+, ,G)0&6)'"( "7 4(6"(/,()'"(&%
The implication of this statement is that unconventional gas is an uniegulateu activity. In fact,
eveiy stage of the piocess is coveieu by existing iegulation. The iegulations peitaining to
unconventional gas have been summaiiseu by BECC (Attachment S). The uiilling anu
constiuction of all wells (whethei onshoie oi offshoie) is coveieu by The 0ffshoie Installations
anu Wells (Besign anu Constiuction, etc.) Regulations 1996, anu by The Boiehole Sites anu
0peiations Regulations 199S. These iegulations aie auministeieu by the BSE, anu incluue the
piovision foi site inspections wheie ueemeu necessaiy. The stoiage anu uisposal of waste fluius is
iegulateu by the EA unuei the mining waste uiiective (see claim S). All of these iegulations apply
specifically to unconventional gas extiaction, anu it is incoiiect to imply that they uo not.

AL: B&2, M: !%&'#D EY%)'#&),%5= (" 0,24%&)'"(1 '( )+, YZ 6&( ,(140, )+, 1&7,)5 "7 )+,1,
"$,0&)'"(1 )+&) "$,0&), "( %&(.16&$, &(. +5.0"2,"%"2'6&% 16&%,1 >')+ '(.41)05 $0"/,(
'(&<'%')5 )" #&'()&'( >,%% '(),20')5:H
This statement iuns in uiiect contiauiction to iepoits fiom: The Royal Society anu the Royal
Acauemy of Engineeis
u6-28-Shale-gas.puf); the Chaiteieu Institute of Watei anu Enviionmental Nanagement
(http:www.ciwem.oigmeuia1uS18S2Fiacking_Feb2u14.puf); anu Public Bealth Englanu
(http:www.hpa.oig.ukwebcBPAwebFileBPAweb_C1S1714u1S87u7); all of which have
concluueu that unconventional gas can be extiacteu safely in the 0K unuei auequate iegulatoiy
iegimes. With iegaius the misleauing claim about inuustiy inability to maintain well integiity, we
iefei again to claim 6.

AM: B&2, M: !%&'#D E;) 0,P4'0,1 +'2+ ,(,025 $0'6,1 )" #&?, ') /'&<%,H:
0nconventional gas piouuction in the 0S has leau to a significant ieuuction in gas piices
(Attachment 6a). Bespite this, unconventional gas uevelopment has continueu to expanu acioss
the 0S (Attachment 6b). Theie is no uoubt that lowei piices have leau to a moie challenging
enviionment foi opeiatois. Bowevei, given the continueu giowth of the inuustiy in the 0SA
uespite low gas piices, it is cleaily misleauing to claim that it is unviable at low eneigy piices.

AO: B&2, M: !%&'#D E[0&6?'(2 '(/"%/,1 )&?'(2 ,(,025 70"# & %">N/&%4, 1"406, "7 ,(,025 \
,%,6)0'6')5 2,(,0&),. 70"# 6"&% &(. .',1,% 74,% \ &(. 60,&)'(2 & +'2+,0 /&%4, ,(,025 1"406,
\ (&)40&% 2&1:H
This claim is incoiiect on a numbei of levels. Fiistly, most uiilling iigs aie poweieu by uiesel
geneiatois. This is in fact a ielatively expensive souice of eneigy, while the natuial gas piouuceu
is cuiiently veiy cheap in the 0SA (Claim 14). So unconventional gas is not taking eneigy fiom a
low value souice to a high value one.
The unueilying implication of this claim is that unconventional gas uses a lot of eneigy to piouuce
a lowei amount eneigy - that is to say it has a low eneigy ietuin on eneigy investeu (ER0EI). In
fact, life-cycle stuuies have suggesteu that unconventional gas plays may have an ER0EI of 64:1 -
(http:onlinelibiaiy.wiley.comuoi1u.1111jiec.12u4uabstiact). This value is not substantially
uiffeient to that foi conventional gas extiaction.

AQ: B&2, M: !%&'#D E;) .",1 (")+'(2 )" '#$0"/, )+, ,77'6',(65 &(. 141)&'(&<'%')5 "7 "40 ,(,025
It is expecteu that unconventional gas piouuction will ieplace coal-fiieu powei in the electiicity
geneiation system. It is well establisheu that natuial gas powei stations have highei efficiency
that coal-fiieu powei (Su-SS%, vs 4u-Su%: see Attachment 7). Theiefoie, ieplacement of coal by
natuial gas iepiesents a cleai impiovement in efficiency in oui eneigy systems. It is theiefoie
incoiiect to asseit that unconventional gas will uo "nothing" to impiove efficiency.

AR: B&2, AD ;#&2, ]A J.0'%%'(2 1%4005 $')K:
The cleai implication of this image is that the 0K is at iisk of similai pits. In fact, these flow-back
ponus aie piohibiteu in the 0K (see claim 4). This figuie is misleauing in its implications foi 0K

AT: B&2, AD ;#&2, ]C J>,%% .,(1')5K:
This image is useu to imply typical well spacing foi 0K uevelopments. Bowevei, this image is
extiemely misleauing, because it is fiom a conventional gas fielu (the }onah Fielu, Wyoming), not
a shale oi CBN ieseivoii, anu is theiefoie uniepiesentative. This fielu was uiilleu in the late
198ueaily 199us, using uiilling technology that is now 2u yeais out of uate. The }onah fielu was
uiilleu with veitical wells, which iequiies a uense well spacing. Nouein unconventional
uevelopments use hoiizontal oi "lateial" wells, enabling a much laigei volume of iock to be
accesseu fiom a single uiilling pau. The plans in the 0K foi piouuction woulu be foi hoiizontal
uiilling fiom a hoiizontal pau, anu as such this pictuie is misleauing.
Theie is no iefeience to the 1uu wells uiilleu in Wytch faim in Boiset! #$%&' %( ')* +,'-) (./0
(1*23 1& 4/%'*-'*3 5, 6./1%7& -%8&*/6.'1%8 2.9&: 18-27318; ')* <7/.&&1- =%.&' 9%/23 )*/1'.;* &1'*:
>7/5*-? @*/1'.;* =%.&' .83 . 8705*/ %( &1'*& %( &4*-1.2 &-1*8'1(1- 18'*/*&': ./*.& %( %7'&'.8318;
8.'7/.2 5*.7', .83 8.'7/* /*&*/6*& A18-27318; B'732.83 .83 C/%98&*. D&2.83E: &% ')* ;.')*/18;
-*8'/* .83 0%&' %( ')* 9*22 &1'*& ./* &0.22 .83 9*22 &-/**8*3 5, '/**&! F1/*-'1%8.2 3/12218; ).& .2&%
-%8'/157'*3 '% /*37-18; ')* 104.-' %8 ')* 2%-.2 *861/%80*8': 91') *G'*83*3 /*.-) 3/12218; (/%0 ')*
H%.')%/8 >*818&72. .''.1818; 31&'.8-*& 18 *G-*&& %( IJ ?0K(
https:en.wikipeuia.oigwikiWytch_Faim). Nost locals aie baiely awaie of the issue anu it has
not been a souice of complaint foi ovei 4u yeais. In piesenting 'woist piactice' in an uniegulateu
ueseit in the 0SA, they aie suggesting that this is what woulu occui in the 0K, anu as such this is
misleauing. All of the latest goveinment iegulations iequiie 'best piactice'. In auuition
Enviionmental Impact Assesments aie iequiieu in many aieas, anu planning peimission is
neeueu fiom local councils. It is impossible to imagine that any uiilling company woulu piesent
plans such as this as they woulu suiely be iejecteu. Beie is a link to the public consultation
exeicise fiom Cuauiilla as an example.

AV: B&2, LD ;#&2, ]A J.0'%%'(2 $')1K:
As pei claim 17, this image is uniepiesentative of futuie 0K uiilling opeiations, as flowback
ponus aie piohibiteu.

CS: B&2, LD ;#&2, ]M J#,)+&(, 6"()&#'(&)'"(K:
This image is a still fiom the well-known anti-fiacking film uaslanu. The image puipoits to show
methane contamination causeu by uiilling cieating flammable tap watei. The Coloiauo State
iegulatoi (Coloiauo 0il anu uas Conseivation Commission) ieleaseu a statement iebutting the
claims maue in the uaslanu film, cleaily stating that investigations into the flaming tap in question
hau ievealeu the methane hau a natuial oiigin, anu "concluueu that Nike Naikham's anu Renee
NcCluie's wells containeu biogenic gas that was not ielateu to oil anu gas activity".
( The image misleaus the public by
showing an image claiming to show methane contamination uue to uiilling, when it in fact shows
a natuial phenomena unielateu to uiilling.
CA B&2, C= in the oveiview theie is iefeience to health expeiiences in Austialia. Theie then follows
a statement that Someiset is &) 0'1?. The Enviionment Agency contiol use anu uisposal of
watei, anu in a statement that constitutes 0K law, they have stateu that #L4*/.'%/& &)%723
31&-2%&*: *1')*/ %8 ')*1/ %98 9*5&1'* %/ %8 ')1/3M4./', 9*5&1'*&: ')* -)*01-.2& 7&*3 18 ')*1/
(/.-'7/18; (2713! !"#$ &'(&)*"+,& )-*) -*., (,," *&&,&&,/ *& (,0"1 "2"3-*4*5/2'& 60)-0" )-,
&7,+080,/ &0)'*)02" +*" (, '&,/9: (As pei claim 1)

CC Title page. The statement 'This leaflet intiouuces the technology anu iisks involveu while
.,<4(?'(2 6"##"( #5)+1 &<"4) 4(6"(/,()'"(&% 2&1 .,/,%"$#,()1:9 is piesenteu as fact,
yet it is thinly uisguiseu piopaganua. Refeience, all of the othei complaints piesenteu.

CL Page 2. The use of the woiu 8)"G'69 occuis in the 'Bow uoes Byuiaulic fiactuiing woik'
paiagiaph. This is incoiiect. See claim 1.

CM B&2, L= unuei '>&),0 $"%%4)'"(9 the woiu 'toxic' appeais as well as 'hazaiuous' . This watei is
iequiieu by Enviionment Agency iegulations to piopeily uealt with anu as such this uoes not
constitute a iisk to the public. This is incoiiect.

CO The infoimation leaflet says 8CSSS )" MSSS9 tiuck movements foi each well woulu be neeueu.
This assumes that all of the watei will be moveu by tiuck in ueseit iegions. This is often the
case in the 0SA fiom wheie the uata woulu appeai to come. In the 0K all of the watei souicing
woulu be uone by pipe fiom local watei companies. As such this is totally false. Please see
Cuauiilla's links as an example. The seconu link is a statement of '2 to S' tiuck movements pei
uay uuiing uiilling, moie at the stait anu finish'. (See tiaffic)

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