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Syahdiva Zaki Moezbar

Comparison/Contrast Paragraph - Exercise 2
There are many differences between my grandmother and me. I think the
first and greatest difference is our age. She is 70 years old, while I am only 25.
Second, my grandmother has blue eyes; my eyes, however, are brown. In addition,
my grandmother is very fat. In fact, she weighs about 200 pounds. On the other
hand, I weigh only 120 pounds. We also have different personalities. In contrast,
my grandmother is always happy. I am often angry. She smiles all the time, even at
people on the street. Unlike her, I smile only when I feel very happy. Finally, my
grandmother talks so much that her sons say, "Don't talk all the time because it is
very boring," and she always answers, "It's good for you to hear me." On the other
hand, I don't talk much. I prefer to think. Even though my grandmother and I are
very different, I am fortunate because we are good friends.

1. Age, color of their eyes, their weight, their personalities, and how her
grandmother always talks while she prefers to think.
2. Yes. This paragraph has both topic sentence, supporting sentences, and also
it's conclusion and all three of those aspects are arranged clearly so it makes
the reader understand the passage easily and understand the comparisons
the writer is trying to emphasize in the paragraph.

Definition/Clarification Paragraph - Exercise 1
I. The Mango Tree
The mango tree is big, beautiful, and useful. Its height is 4-8 meters, its trunk is very
fat and strong, and its roots are deep. The leaves are small and light green, and the
tiny flowers are white and yellow. Mango trees grow in the hot, humid areas of the
tropics. For example, they grow near the equator in countries like Colombia,
Venezuela, and Brazil. Usually these trees grow wild (in other words, uncultivated).
Moreover, there are two kinds of mango trees. One is mango-manga (also known
as, the mango-female). The mango-manga produces fruit twice a year. The mango
fruits are delicious; they also have high protein and many vitamins. The other kind
of mango tree is the mango male; it is smaller than the mango-female, and it doesn't
produce mango fruit. However, it has flowers with male cells that fertilize the
mango-manga. In conclusion, mango trees are plentiful and beautiful throughout
the tropics, and their fruit is eaten by millions of people.

II. Monfort Feedlot
American beef cattle feeding is mechanized and computerized. Cattlemen feed
thousands of cattle in a single feedlot; as a matter of fact at the Monfort Feedlot in
Greeley, Colorado, 14,000 steers are fattened for market at the same time. These
cattle are kept in large pens rather than in barns, and they are fed by trucks. The
forage (in other words, the food) consists of corn, silage, and hay; it is mixed by
machine according to a formula made by a computer. In addition, specific amounts
of vitamins and minerals are mixed into the forage to keep the cattle healthy. The
amount of nutrients, and even the amount of water, is determined by machines; in
fact even the cleaning of waste products from the feedlots is done by machine.

Syahdiva Zaki Moezbar
In summary, after I saw the Monfort Feedlot, one of the largest feedlots in the
world, I believe that American beef cattle feeding practices are very efficient.

Cause/Effect Paragraph - Exercise 1
Some students fail in college because their academic background is weak. For
example, one student might not have had an adequate mathematics course,
therefore he fails his university math class. Another student may not attend classes
regularly since he has never learned the importance of attendance. As a result, he
may not be able to pass the tests in class since he does not know the answers.
Because of financial problems, other students may fail university classes. For
example, students who have to take jobs don't have as much time to study.
Consequently, they may fail their classes. Others may worry because they have too
little money, and, as a result they may not be able to concentrate on their studies.
Finally there are students who fail because their energies are not directed toward
their classes. Some of these students are not interested in college, as a result they
spend their days doing other things. For example other students are distracted by
other activities-parties, movies, etc.- they do not study enough. Therefore, they fail.
Because of all these problems, numerous students fail in college every year.

Argumentative Paragraph - Exercise 3
1. Proposal: Prostitution should not be legalized
Would eliminate the occupation some people have and thus eliminating the
income their having.
The statement that prostitution should not be legalized is partially right because
it could minimize the spreading of sexually transmitted diseases.

2. Proposal: Religion and government should be separate
If government and religion is separated, deciding laws and regulations would be
difficult because it has to be done twice knowing that religion and government is
managed differently.
The proposal is partially right because not every people is believing the same
religion and their customs are different. Differentiating both of them will do
justice to people.

3. Proposal: The world would be better with one language
There will be no unique aspects to different parts of the world and as we know
that differences is what brings color to this world.
With only one language in this world, trading and cooperating with other people
would be easier and there will be no misinterpretation in giving and receiving

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