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abhlnavm.2014[ | +63 8619 6027

S|ngapore Management Un|vers|ty, Slngapore uecember 2014
Master of 8us|ness Adm|n|strat|on
CMA1 Score 720

n.k. Co||ege of Commerce & Lconom|cs, Un|vers|ty of Mumba|, lndla March 2012
Master of Commerce
SpeclallzaLlon ln ManagemenL SLudles

n.k. Co||ege of Commerce & Lconom|cs, Un|vers|ty of Mumba|, lndla March 2010
8ache|or of Commerce (nonors)
SpeclallzaLlon ln AccounLlng and llnance

LkNS1 & CUNG LL, lndla !anuary 2011 - CcLober 2013
Lxecut|ve Assoc|ate - 1ransact|on Adv|sory Serv|ces, Lead Adv|sory 1eam (Industr|a| & Consumer roducts D|v|s|on)
Lead analysL and execuLlve for buy slde, sell slde & [olnL venLure LransacLlons for flrms across Lhe consumer producLs, reLall,
llfe sclences and lndusLrlal producLs lndusLrles, wlLh LransacLlon slzes ranglng from $3M Lo $300M
! Analyzed lndusLry growLh drlvers and compeLlLlve landscape, subsequenLly leadlng Lo ldenLlflcaLlon of poLenLlal
buyers/LargeLs based on lndusLry and deal speclflc benchmarks
! repared and presenLed deLalled lnformaLlon memorandums LhaL encompassed lndusLry hlghllghLs, company poslLlonlng,
buslness hlghllghLs, LransacLlon and flnanclal analysls
! Analyzed and developed valuaLlon models lnLegraLlng uCl, Comparable Companles and 1ransacLlons analysls
! AsslsLed Leam leaders aL Lhe negoLlaLlon, due dlllgence and deal sLrucLurlng sLages
LxecuLed addlLlonal role of rouLlne buslness developmenL for Lhe Leam by ldenLlfylng poLenLlal cllenLs ln Lhe consumer
producL, reLall, and food and beverage servlce lndusLrles
LsLabllshed and execuLed Lhe analysL and lnLern Lralnlng program for Lhe Leam and Lralned 7 lndlvlduals
SelecLed 1ransacLlon Lxperlence:
! llexlble packaglng flrm aper roducLs lndla's uS$20M acqulslLlon of WebLech Labels
Worked wlLh LargeL company ClC Lo develop 10-year flnanclal pro[ecLlons and managed Lhe due dlllgence process
! Sun harmaceuLlcal Advanced 8esearch Company's uS$40M 8lghLs lssue for 8&u and uebL 8epaymenL
urafLed Lhe managemenL dlscusslon and analysls, lssue prlce valuaLlon and ob[ecLs secLlons of Lhe Cffer LeLLer
! ubllshlng flrm Aul 8C's uS$3M acqulslLlon of Macmlllan's lndlan unlL - MS LlmlLed
8esearched poLenLlal LransacLlon sLrucLures and asslsLed ln Lhe drafLlng of Lhe Cffer LeLLer
! oLenLlal uS$80M acqulslLlon of a leadlng lndlan wrlLlng lnsLrumenLs manufacLurer
Co-led Lhe Leam managlng Lhe LransacLlon wlLh a focus on domesLlc and global lndusLry research, cllenL
ldenLlflcaLlon, research on poLenLlal buyers for cllenL and comparable LransacLlon valuaLlon

CnIkAG INDIA kUkAL DLVLLCMLN1 ICUNDA1ICN, lndla Aprll 2010 - presenL
!"#$%& #( % $)$%* +$%,(-.$/%+#., /.01* %00$1((#,& +"1 1*12+$#-#2%+#., %,0 (.2#.312.,./#2 ,110( .- $)$%* 4,0#%
A non proflL organlzaLlon provldlng solar Lechnology based llghLlng soluLlons Lo un-elecLrlfled vlllages ln Lhe lnLerlors of lndla
LsLabllshed an lncluslve value chaln by employlng parapleglc and deaf-muLe lndlvlduals ln Lhe assembly of solar devlces
8ecrulLed and led a Leam of approx. 120 sLudenLs, Lo address Lhe Lwln challenges of provldlng a baslc amenlLy Lo Lhe rural
populaLlon and augmenLlng Lhe lncomes of Lhe dlfferenLly-abled
ConcepLuallzed and execuLed varlous markeLlng campalgns, whlch enabled Lhe pro[ecL Lo generaLe a healLhy corpus of ln8
10M [uS$180,000] from varlous corporaLes and lndlvlduals
lmpacLed 3,262 households across 141 vlllages ln four sLaLes of lndla as on SepLember 2013
CollaboraLed wlLh several educaLlonal lnsLlLuLlons and corporaLlons globally and lnsLlLuLed LhlrLeen pro[ecL chapLers
ulrecL lnLeracLlons wlLh emlnenL personallLles such as ur. 8a[endra achaurl (Chalrman - lCC, 1L8l), Mr. 8aLan 1aLa
(Chalrman - 1aLa Croup), ur. Muhammad ?unus (lounder, Crameen 8ank), P8P rlnce Andrew (uuke of ?ork) and Ms. Plllary
CllnLon (u.S. SecreLary of SLaLe) Lo dlscuss Lhe susLalnablllLy of Lhe pro[ecL
ln 2013, led negoLlaLlons wlLh Carnler lndla for Lhe adopLlon of Lhe pro[ecL under Lhelr CS8 for a perlod of 12 monLhs as Lhe
ongolng Chlef SLraLegy Cfflcer of Lhe organlzaLlon


Slngapore ManagemenL unlverslLy M8A Academlc Lxcellence Scholarshlp (2014)
LrnsL & ?oung Pall of lame Award for capablllLy bulldlng beyond currenL role and dellverlng creaLlve soluLlons (2013)
P.8. College lellowshlp (2010-2012) ln recognlLlon of excellence ln leadershlp and susLalnable soclal developmenL acLlvlLles
Sherlff of Mumbal - P.8. SupersLar Award (2007-2010) for exemplary performance ln academlc and co-currlcular acLlvlLles
Scholarshlp Lo aLLend SllL lnLernaLlonal World Cup ln 8erlln (2009) & Los Angeles (2010)

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