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Here is a list of topics that probably aren't very good for small talk.

Of course,
if you are meeting a close friend these topics may be excellent. Just
remember that 'small talk' is generally discussion with people you don't know
very well.
Salary - how much do you make? - That's none of your business!
Politics - wait to you get to know the person better
Intimate relationships - only for you and your partner - or maybe your best
Religion - tolerance is the key!
Death - we need to face it, but not the first time we meet someone new
Financial - related to salary above, most people prefer to keep financial
information to themselves
Sales - Don't try to sell something to someone you have just met.

1. You arrive early for a departmental meeting. A colleague you know, but not
well, is already sitting at the table.
Greet first, hello/hi, I think were a bit early! or (if you are sure of the
person) I hope this wont be a long meeting..
Can I/is it OK if I sit here/Ill just sit here
Did you get to the presentation on(related to the meeting)? What did you
How are things working out with Fred? (new boss/new colleague)
Are/Have you been involved in .. (some project, initiative in the company it
may be related to the meeting) if the answer is yes, talk about the project if
no then you could ask what they are working on and how its going. At this
point the feedback should help you to continue the conversation until other
people arrive.
If the meeting is external and the person you sit next to is a stranger you can use
the following;
Hi, Im . from .
Have you travelled far?
How do you find Manchester etc
Have you been to this .. before?
If this is a networking session then you will probably move on to your
respective jobs/businesses at this point, or others will join you. If not then
the event will begin.
2. You are at a social event. Your friend/colleague introduces you to another
friend/colleague and immediately leaves you to go and do something. You are
left with a complete stranger.
How do you know X?/Have you known X long?
What do you do?
Where do you work/which department do you work in?
Have you been here before?
What do/did you think of the band?/venue/presentation etc..
In this vein you should be able to keep the conversation going until your friend
3. You go to the office canteen for lunch and sit with some members of your
department. You know them quite well.
Hi, can I join you?
What do you make of this weather?/Isnt it stifling/freezing?/What amazing
Did you see the football/rugby/cricket last night? I think we were robbed/I
think we deserved to lose/what did you think of the penalty decision? etc..
Did you watch The Apprentice (some popular TV programme) last night?
Who do you think will win? Can you believe what they did? etc
Are you going to the meeting this afternoon/conference next week/away day
on Friday etc.
How was your holiday?/Are you going away this year?/How did you like
Malta? etc
Did you hear the announcement from Steve today? What do you
think?/Have you heard the latest about
These are people you will know something about or perhaps share a common
interest. Depending on who is in the group (dont talk about a topic in detail if this
only includes one of the group). Work talk is fine if its newsworthy but often people
want to discuss other things during these breaks.
Some useful topics for small talk strangers
Details of their journey
Experience vis--vis the event
Opinion vis--vis the event
Mutual colleagues/friends (in a purely social context)
The weather a useful fallback
Essential Introduction and Small Talk Phrases
Introductions Introductions
How do you do?
Pleased to meet you.
Nice to meet you, too.
It's a real pleasure to meet
Hi, how're you doing? (IF)
I know your voice from the
phone, but now it's great to meet
you face-to-face.
I believe we've spoken many
times on the phone, right?
It's always nice to be able to
match the voice with the face.
How are things?
Fine thanks. And you?
Just call me Denis.
I believe you are ?
You must be
Are you ?
That's right.
This is , our Marketing
I think you two met at last
month's seminar right?
Yes, that's right. I
we sat at the same table,
didn't we?
Right. You gave a
presentation on sales
techniques, I believe.
Yes, that was me. You have
an excellent memory.
Unfortunately, I'm terrible
with names.
Me, too. So I'm happy
you're wearing your name
Let me introduce you to
I'd like you to meet
Have you already met ,
our new Sales Manager?
Yes. I'm pretty sure we met
Introductions Introductions
a couple of years ago.
No, we've never had the
possibility of meeting
before, though I've heard
quite a lot about you.
On behalf of I'd like to
welcome you to ...
I'm happy to welcome you
Hi. My name's John.
Hello. I'm John.

Nice to meet you. Nice to meet
you too.
Pleased to meet you. Please to
meet you too.

Nice to meet you John. I'm
Nice to meet you Jamie. I work
for SXC Company. We install
broadband Internet services. I'm
the HR Manager.

I'm the HR Manager at SXC
Company. We install Internet
broadband services in Australia.
Jamie, have you met
Christie, our
Communications Manager?

Jamie, this is Christie
Perkins, our
Communications Manager.

Jamie, let me introduce
Christie Perkins. She's our
Communications Manager.

Jamie, can I introduce
Christie Perkins, the
Communications Manager
at GRT Corporation.
Christie, Jamie is an old
colleague of mine from
Hewlett Packard.
Well-being Questions Responding to Well-being
How are you?

How are you today?

How are you going/doing?

How have you been?

Fine thanks. And you?

Very good. Yourself?

Pretty good. What about

Introductions Introductions
How are things?
Arrival accommodation
How long have you been
Did you have a nice trip?
I'm glad to hear you had a nice
I hope you didn't have any
How did you get here today?
How was the flight?
It was a bit bumpy.
A couple of glasses of wine
Sorry that I'm a bit late but ...
The connecting flight was
I'm sorry you had to wait so long.
We got stuck in a traffic jam for
over two hours.
Did you have any trouble finding
I was a bit worried about you.

Could you recommend a
good car rental (AE)/car
hire agency? (BE)
How do you like your rental
What make is it?
Is this your first time in
Yes, this is my first time
here. It's exciting to be
I hope you're happy with
your accommodation?
How's your hotel? I think
the service is pretty good
Are you happy with your

Referring to Past Events The Weather
How was the weekend?

It's a lovely day.
Lovely day.
Introductions Introductions
How was your holiday/vacation?

How was your flight/journey?

How was the beach?

How was the meeting?

Did the meeting go well?
Lovely day, isn't it?
isn't it?

What's it like outside?
Is it still nice/rainy/cold

What's the weather like in
Madrid at the moment/this
time of year?
How's the weather in
Work and Jobs Visiting Offices
What's your job/role/position?

How long have you been in the
Have you been in the role for

How long have you been with the
Have you worked here long?

What does your role involve?
What are your responsibilities?
It's a great office/position
you have here.

Do you have other offices in
the city/country/around
the world?

And where is the Marketing

And how many staff work

Where is the
headquarters/head office?

What was the Production
Manager's name again?
Could you remind me of the
Production Manager's name
At a Conference Getting to Know the
How do like the conference so Have you read any good
Introductions Introductions

That was a fascinating
presentation, wasn't it.
Interesting talk.
Great speaker, wasn't she?

Did you see Jack Walsh's
How was the opening
presentation? I missed it, I'm

are you going to next?
Are you going to Richard
Branson's presentation?
Are you going to the conference

Are you seeing much of the city
during the conference?
Have you done any sight-seeing
while you are here?

Have you been to this conference
Did you go to last year's
What was last year's conference

Are you going to the
festival/football/beach while you
are here?

Where are you staying?

Enjoy the rest of the conference.
books lately?
Have you seen any good
films lately?

Have you ever been to

Have you been here before?

How do you like to spend
your spare time?
What do you do with
yourself in your spare time?

Where are you from Phil?
Did you grow up in New

Do you follow the

Do you read much?
Current Events/Events Family
I hear the Sydney Festival is on.
I hear the Sydney Festival starts
Do you have any
Introductions Introductions
on Friday?
Are you going to the Sydney
have you been to the Sydney
Festival before?

Are you watching the
Olympics/World Cup?
Are you keeping up with the
Olympics/World Cup/football?

Are you interested in the

Are you keeping up with
American election?

Condolences/Someone passing
My heartfelt condolences on your
Our thoughts are with you.
She/he was a lot of things to
many people and will be missed
Thinking of you in your time of
We are very saddened to hear of
your loss. With deepest
Yes, I've got two - a boy and
a girl.

How old are they? They're
five and two.

What are their names?
Sally and Jack.

I've got one son - Jeff, who's
grown up now. He's 22 and
in college/at university.

What's he studying?
He's studying engineering
at Harvard.

No, my wife and I just have
a very spoiled cat.

What about you? (return

Hi John. I just heard you
got the Senior Analyst job.
Congratulations on the new
positive work
Hi Sara. Michael just
told me you won the
ABC contract. Thats
great news. Let me
congratulate you on a
job well done.
a client gets a new
Hi Hans. I just heard
from Klara, our Account
Introductions Introductions
Manager, that you were
recently promoted to
General Manager.
Congratulations. Im
looking forward to
working with you in the
Congratulations on
your marriage! Id like to
wish you and your wife
all the best.
Congratulations on
the birth of your
Congratulations on
the new addition to your
family! I hope mother
and child are doing fine.

Offering Cards and Swapping
Please take my card.

Here's my card.

Please keep in touch.

When I'm back at the office I'll
give you a call.

When you come to London please
give me call and I'll be happy to
show you around.

Could I have your email address?
Sure/certainly, it's
Nice to meet you.
Nice talking with you.

Nice seeing you again.
Great to see you again.

Good luck with your

Have a nice day.

Enjoy your stay.

Have a good meeting.

Have a good flight
Introductions Introductions (home/back).

Hope to see you again.

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