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Heroic Paragons

Floor Plan:

Kill Order:
1. Skeer
2. Rikkal
3. Korven
4. Hisek
5. Xaril
6. Kaztik
7. Kilruk
8. Iyyokok
9. Karoz

Phase 1: Bloodseeker
Activated Bugs: Skeer, Rikkal, Hisek
Dissector Tank: Wait for the first Injection to go off before using
mitigation and pull the boss off to red.
Bloodseeker Tank: Move boss to entrance.
Scorpion: Eat 1+ Parasite
Raid: Attack Dissector until sub 95% before switching to Skeer, CC
parasites, avoid Rapid Fire, Soak Aim

Phase 2: Rikkal
Activated Bugs: Rikkal, Hisek, Karoz
Dissector Tank: Stay at Red
Locust Tank: Tank beside Rikkal
Raid: CC Parasites, Soak Aim, avoid Rapid Fire/Hurl Amber/Whirl

Phase 3: Korven
Activated Bugs: Korven. Hisek, Karoz
Prime Tanks: Tank swap halfway through each Vicious Assault, tank
both bosses at the entrance.
Raid: Kill remaining Parasites, Soak Aim, avoid Rapid Fire/Hurl
Amber/Whirl, avoid standing in front of prime.
DPS: Push Prime to 60%, then Locust to 50% to begin amber heal on
locust then burn Prime.

Phase 4: Hisek
Activated Bugs: Hisek, Karoz, Iyyokok
Raid: Soak Aim, Avoid Rapid Fire/Hurl Amber/Whirl, spread 15+
yards from attached Fiery Edge Players.
Healers: Use Raid CDs for Fiery Edge

Phase 5: Xaril Will be popping Lust straight away
Activated Bugs: Xaril, Karoz, Iyyokok
rings (your own is safe)
CATALYST REACTION PURPLE: Auto-run fire path (spread far and
face away from the raid.
CATALYST REACTION GREEN: Spread and avoid pools on the
ground (they move around)
Raid: Spread 15+ yards from attached Fiery Edge Players, avoid
Rapid Fire/Hurl Amber/Whirl

Phase 6: Kaztik
Activated Bugs: Kaztik, Karoz, Iyyokok
Tank with Korven Buff: Use Master of Amber special ability on
Mesmerize target.
Raid: Stay away from Kunchongs and DPS the activated kunchong
heavily with ranged dps. Spread 15+ yards from attached Fiery Edge
Players, avoid Rapid Fire/Hurl Amber/Whirl

Phase 7: Kilruk
Activated Bugs: Kilruk, Karoz, Iyyokok
Wind Reaver Tank: Use heavy CDs and should NOT be tank
previously on Xaril.
Raid: Move rapidly when Death From Above is cast, stay far away
from Kilruk during Reave, avoid Kunchongs. Spread 15+ yards from
attached Fiery Edge Players, avoid Rapid Fire/Hurl Amber/Whirl

Phase 8: Iyyokok
Activated Bugs: Iyyokok, Karoz
Raid: Spread 15+ yards from attached Fiery Edge Players, avoid
Rapid Fire/Hurl Amber/Whirl

Phase 9 (FINALLY): Karoz
Activated Bugs: Karoz
Raid: Avoid Rapid Fire/Hurl Amber/Whirl

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