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Assignment Description: Article Critiques (#1 & #2 ~ 50 points each)

Due 5/20 & 5/27

Select 2 Research Articles to review and critique, relating to a topic of your choosing. 1
Quantitative and 1 Qualitative. These articles may be included as a part of your annotated
bibliography and the Literature Review for your final project. Each review should be less than 3
pages and address the following questions:

1. Purpose: What is the purpose? What are the research questions? What
were they asking?
2. Reason/rationale: What is the reason / rationale for doing this study? Why
did they study this? What does the prior literature say about their topic?
3. Theory: Is there a theoretical framework? Is there a theory for which they
are basing their research? Constructs?
4. Methodology / Research Methods: What did they do? Procedures,
methods, logic, design. What is the fit between what they ask and what they
did? Does it make sense?
5. Findings: What did they find?
6. Importance and Implications: Does anybody care / to the world / field?
Does it matter to me? Why is this important and to whom? Statistical
significance versus practical significance

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