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Business Problem

Papa Ginos generates massive amount of data in each daily operation such as how long it
takes customer receive pizza deliveries to how well restaurants stack up against competition.
The Process was difficult and time consuming as district managers who are typically
responsible 8!" restaurants. The company wanted to more effectively leverages the large
amount of data being gather in variety of system. The e#ecutive want to improve the process$
save time and tap into the wealth information more effectively in order to generate additional
Business intelligence refers to applications and technologies for consolidating analyzing and
providing access to vast amount of data to help users make better business and strategic
decisions. There are two basic types of business intelligence
%. Those that provide data analysis tools that is$ multidimensional data analysis or online
analytical processing$ data mining$ and decision support system
!. Those that provide easily accessible information in a structured format
&ecision 'upport 'ystems (&&')
&&' combines models and data in an attempt to solve semi structured and some unstructured
problems with e#tensive user involvement. To analyze the data and make decision$ &&' have
the related capabilities of sensitivity analysis$ whatif analysis$ and goalseeking analysis.
&igital &ashboards
*t provides rapid access to timely information and direct access to management reports. *t is
also called an e#ecutive dashboard or management cockpit.
+losing case
%. Benefit that Papa Ginos is seeing from B* system,
-ess time collecting data$ the B* software can help the manager to receive data
much more .uickly. B* serves as the reporting tools and information managers want.
Therefore manager do not need a long time to collect the data and convert or allocate
to analyze it and make better decision.
/orecasting$ using B* application manager can get a better idea of how much
product they should order and how many workers they should schedule$ which
improves the overall efficiency of operation
Performance improvement$ 0sing B* system$ Papa Ginos has seen gain such as a
higher percentage of on time deliveries$ refine and improve the restaurant e#perience
and increase customer satisfaction.
Provides realtime analysis of previously unmeasured operational metrics$ helping
Papa Ginos identify and encourage more profitable customer behaviors.
1nables finetuning of marketing campaigns$ promotions and loyalty programs to
ma#imize profitability$ increasing the fre.uency of customers visits by 22 percent.
3eplaces repetitive$ manual$ spreadsheetbased reporting processes with auto
updated online reports$ allowing financial analysts to focus their efforts on analysis
rather than data collection and report
!. 4dditional analyses that Papa Ginos managers and analysts could run that would
benefit the company and its restaurants and provide competitive advantage.
'ensitivity analysis
*t is the study that the impact of changes in at least one part of a decision making
models would have on the other parts of the decision making models. 5ainly
sensitivity analysis e#amines the impact that changes on input variables would
have on changes in output variables. This type of analysis allows adaptation
of the system to the varying changes that occur to the changing re.uirements in
variousdecision making situations. *t also provides a better understanding and
increases the users confidence in the model. 'ensitivity analysis tells whether a
model is sensitive$which means that small changes can recommend a different
solution completely$ or nosensitive$ which means that changes do not recommend
a different solution.6hen a person builds a model they have to make predictions$
based on uncertain futures$ about the input data. The results of this have directly
to do with theaccuracy of these predictions or assumptions.
6hatif analysis
*t tries to predict the impact of a change in assumption regarding impact data on
the proposed solution.
Goal seeking analysis
*t is seen as a 7backward8 solution approach. *t starts with the desired level of output and
tries to find the value of the inputs that will be needed to reach that desired level
of output. *n other words the start with the end result so as to see what it will take
to get there.
Group decision support systems
They are designed specifically to support decisions that are being made by groups
of people rather than individuals. 1lectronic support for these group decisions
includes support for both one room groups$ a group of people inone location$ and
virtual groups$ in which the members of the group are in differentlocations. This
type of system is computer based that helps groups find the solutions tosemi
structured and unstructured problems with the ob9ective of eventually coming to
:rganizational decision support systems
*t focus on an organizational activity that involves a se.uence of operations and
decision makers. To complete such a task an individuals work must coincide
with other peoples work. The computer serves 9ust to assist with communication$
coordination and problem solving.

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