Sound Resynthesis With A Genetic Algorithm: Imperial College London

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Imperial College London

Final Year Project

Sound Resynthesis with a Genetic
Adam Johnson
Dr. Iain Phillips
17th June, 2011
In music production, software synthesizers are used to create many of the sounds heard in
songs today. They present the user with many dierent parameters to control the sound
they produce. In this project we use a Genetic Algorithm to optimize a synthesizer model
to match an input sound le, in order to automate the programming of a synthesizer.
First and foremost I would like to thank Dr Iain Phillips for supervising me from the
start, supporting me throughout and helping tune my ideas into a workable project. I
also oer my gratitude to Professor Murray Shanahan for being my second marker.
I would also like to thank my Personal Tutor Professor Abbas Edalat for reading through
and providing feedback on a draft copy of my project, and for supporting me throughout
my years at Imperial.
Also thanks Dad for doing what youve always done for me reading through the project
with true interest and giving your own electrical-engineer-project-manager opinion. Its
Lastly, I would like to thank all my friends from Imperial.
1 Introduction 7
1.1 Contributions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
1.2 Report Outline . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
2 Background 9
2.1 Synthesis techniques . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
2.2 Dynamic Spectra in FM Synthesis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
2.3 ADSR envelopes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
2.4 Spectra and Spectrograms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
2.5 Genetic Algorithms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
2.6 Pre-existing Work . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
2.6.1 Tan, 1996 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
2.6.2 Lai, 2006 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
2.6.3 2007, Yong . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
3 Outline 19
3.1 Overall View . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
3.2 Synthesizer Model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
3.3 Genetic Algorithm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
3.4 Missing Detail . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
3.5 Implementing in Java . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
4 Synthesizer Model 23
4.1 Structure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
4.1.1 Universal Generators . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
4.1.2 UGen Chain . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
4.1.3 Conguration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
4.2 Recording and Analysing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
4.3 Envelope Mess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
4.4 Evolving Spectra . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
5 Genetic Algorithm 29
5.1 Genes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
5.2 Fitness Function . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
5.3 Selection Method . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
5.4 Genetic Operators . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
5.5 Regulatory Genes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
5.6 Full Genome . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34
5.7 Termination Condition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
5.8 Normalization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
6 Experimentation 39
6.1 Experimental Setup . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
6.1.1 Distribution . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
6.2 Number of Generations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41
6.2.1 Sawtooth Wave . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41
6.3 Normalization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43
6.4 Balancing the Fitness Function . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43
6.5 Finding the Optimum Tournament Size . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45
7 Evaluation 49
7.1 Resynthesizing Sounds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49
7.1.1 Statistical Dierence . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49
7.1.2 Perceptual Dierence . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49
7.1.3 Oboe . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50
7.1.4 Self-Reproduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52
7.2 Runtime . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52
7.3 Fullling Goals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53
7.3.1 Sound Reproduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53
7.3.2 Sound Exploration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53
8 Conclusion 55
8.1 Review . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55
8.2 Further work . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56
8.2.1 Optimized/Co-Evolving Fitness Function . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56
8.2.2 Evolving Fitness Formula . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57
8.2.3 More Complex Synthesizer Model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57
Bibliography 59
A Glossary 61
Chapter 1
In the world of Music production, synthesizers have become a mainstay for creating
sounds ever since the commercial release of the Moog in 1967. With the growing market of
software synthesizers there is a staggering number of synthesis techniques being explored,
giving a wide array of possible sounds.
For a producer aiming to synthesize a particular sound, the programming of each option
and parameter can take a very long time. Additionally the producer must have deep
knowledge about how the synthesizer works, which can be very hard to comprehend in
a world of so many models. There is even a market for pre-programmed synthesizer
congurations, known as presets [1].
The problem this project seeks to solve is the automatic programming of a software
synthesizer to match a recorded sound. We achieve this using a genetic algorithm to
optimize the many parameters in parallel. Our motivation is twofold:
The reproduction of sounds approximating a real life sound with a synthesizer
to avoid the painstaking sampling process. We aim to emulate both real world
instruments and other synthesizers. By recreating a sound we can resynthesize it at
other pitches, so even if only one note exists as a sample, we can recreate it across
the entire desired pitch range.
The exploration of sounds traversing the potential soundscape of a synthesizer
in a partially directed manner. In this case the algorithm does not need to provide
a 100% match to the target sound to give a useful output partial matches are
still interesting sonic material for a music producer to work with, as they may have
some features from the real world instruments whilst sounding new and fresh.
We build upon previous works that use frequency modulation synthesis to match sounds
and explore further with more features typically found in a synthesizer. Particularly,
previous works investigated only matching a steady-state sound, whilst we are interested
in now matching a sounds evolution over time.
1.1 Contributions
In this report we complement the state of the art in sound resynthesis with the following
We apply the GA technique to reproduce sounds that evolve over time, where earlier
systems did not
We present some problems encountered in the systems development and describe
how they were overcome
We show two techniques, normalization and regulatory genes, that improve the
speed at which sounds can be matched in such a system
We optimize a tness function used in previous literature by parametrizing and
then optimizing it
We evaluate our system and show its limitations, and make suggestions towards
future work that could result in a system that could match any sound
1.2 Report Outline
We start with the background in Chapter 2, detailing the state of the art in both synthesis
techniques and previous work towards resynthesizing using a genetic algorithm.
Chapter 3 then follows, presenting an overview of our entire system. We expand upon
this in detail in both the synthesizer and genetic algorithm parts in Chapters 4 and 5
respectively, also covering implementation problems that were solved.
In 6 we present the results of our experimentation to optimize the system and quantify
improvements we have made over past systems.
We provide an evaluation of the system in Chapter 7 and nish with a conclusion in
Chapter 8, with suggestions of further work to be undertaken.
A glossary is provided in Appendix 1.
Chapter 2
In this Chapter we detail some necessary background knowledge from the two key areas
synthesizers and genetic algorithms. We then outline three previous works that use a
GA to optimize a synthesizer for resynthesis and discuss their drawbacks to justify our
2.1 Synthesis techniques
The world of synthesizers has exploded in terms of technology ever since the Moog
became commercially available in 1964 [9]. Many dierent techniques have been explored,
and the digital realm has oered consideration of a wide range of models beyond those
possible in analogue. We present here a few techniques that are necessary to understand
this project.
The most basic model of synthesis is an oscillator that generates a repeating waveform
sine, sawtooth and square waves are the easiest to generate. For a sine wave, the level
of the signal x at time t can be expressed as x(t) = Asin(t), where A is the amplitude
and the frequency. Most synthesis models will use one or more oscillators as starting
Additive Synthesis is based upon the concept of the Fourier series, which states that
any sound can be represented by the summation of only sine waves, or partials. Therefore
additive synthesis focusses on creating a sound from the ground up, adding together
sine wave partials at their respective amplitudes until the desired timbre is achieved. In
theory, an exact match of any sound can be achieved, if enough partials are used. This
is similar to the way an organ works with stops, each stop representing the addition of
extra partials. An example is shown in Figure 2.1.
As real-world tones tend to vary their harmonic content over time, each partial may have
its own amplitude envelope, changing its volume over time from the onset of the note.
Any sound can be represented this way a sine wave requires just one partial, whilst
white noise would be the addition of innite partials at all frequencies.
Subtractive Synthesis is an alternative to additive synthesis, in which a complex wave-
form is taken and then ltered to remove some of its partials. An example of this would be
feeding a sawtooth generator through a low pass lter to emulate a stringed instrument,
as in Figure 2.2. The perfect sawtooth wave is an innite summation of the harmonic
Figure 2.1: Generating a tone by adding 3 partials together
Figure 2.2: Sawtooth wave with upper partials reduced by a low pass lter
series, whilst a stringed instrument is physically limited to which partials are present.
Using a low pass lter like this dampens the upper partials and removes some of the
synthetic qualities of the sound.
Often this idea of ltering the sound path is used in combination with other synthesis
techniques that generate complex waveforms, removing frequency content that is un-
pleasant/unrealistic to smooth over the sound. There are thus many dierent synthesis
techniques that can be combined with subtractive synthesis in this way.
Frequency Modulation Synthesis is based upon the combination of two waveforms
by setting one to frequency-modulate the other, such as in Figure 2.3. This produces
complex extra harmonics with a sidebanding eect.
For one sine wave frequency-modulated by another, the sample at time t is given [3]
x(t) = Asin[t + I
t)] (2.1)
For the modulator sine wave there are two parameters; its index I
and ratio
. FM
Figure 2.3: Carrier sine frequency-modulated by sine. For equation 2.1, I
= 1 and

= 2
is ecient for real time synthesis of complex spectra. Unlike additive synthesis, only a
few sine functions are required to produce many partials. Research in the Audio En-
gineering Society in 1994 states that FM has deservedly become recognized as one of
the most ecient methods of digitally generating musical sounds with rich harmonic
components [15].
Dual Frequency Modulation, or DFM, is a particular application of Frequency Mod-
ulation. A 0Hz carrier sine is modulated by two dierent sine waves with individual
frequency ratios and modulation indices.
The DFM formula can be obtained from a simplication of the FM formula for two
x(t) = Asin[I
t) + I
t)] (2.2)
As opposed to plain FM with a single modulator, much richer harmonic textures can
be produced. It is a very ecient method of obtaining complex spectra with just four
parameters: I
, I
, and
. Indeed it has been stated that Theoretically, we may
synthesize any kind of sound by tuning and tweaking these parameters [17].
2.2 Dynamic Spectra in FM Synthesis
For an FM carrier, the timbre it produces can be easily modied by changing the index of
one of its modulators (I
in Equation 2.1) [3]. By smoothing this change over time with
an envelope, we can model the natural change in timbre that most instruments produce
over the course of a note.
This harmonic change is not as nely controlled as is possible in additive synthesis, where
each harmonic may have its own amplitude envelope, but it allows complex changes to
be dened in simple terms. Experiments in imitating real-world instruments show FM
seems to provide enough control to create a good impression.
As we saw above in Equations 2.1 and 2.2, the modulation index, or I value, of each
modulator scales how much it aects the carrier. As a modulation index changes, the
partials it creates increase and decrease in accordance with the Bessel function [3]. Whilst
this would seem to give control, reected side frequencies stack up and the change of the
index becomes less predictable with some frequencies rising or decreasing in amplitude.
Figure 2.4 shows the eect of changing the modulation index on the partials present for
one carrier and one modulator.
It is this unpredictable, intuition-based behaviour of FM synthesis that we believe makes
it ideal for adaptation using a genetic algorithm.
2.3 ADSR envelopes
As explained earlier, real instruments do not generate steady-state tones, but evolve over
the duration of the note. This evolution is often imitated in synthesis using envelopes to
alter synthesis parameters in relation to time since the onset of a note.
Figure 2.4: Eect of changing the modulation index on the partials present
Figure 2.5: The general shape of an ADSR envelope over time
A simple and very popular enveloping method is the ADSR envelope model [5], standing
for Attack, Decay, Sustain, Release. It is a method of describing the evolution of a
synthesis parameter over time, most commonly applied to the amplitude. Whilst quite
simplistic, the limited control it provides is often good enough for the human ear.
Each of the four stages of the ADSR is controlled by a parameter. The attack value is
how long the attack phase takes before the envelope reaches its peak. The decay value
is how long the envelope takes to fade from peak to the sustain level, which is given as
a fraction of the peak value. The release value is how long the envelope takes to fade to
0, after the note has been released. The shape of the envelope in its four stages can be
seen in Figure 2.5.
When applied to the amplitude of a note, the envelope will start at dB and peak at
0dB, but in other applications base and amplitude parameters are added to control the
envelopes eect. Synthesizers typically oer many envelopes for control, on amplitude,
lter frequency, pitch, timbre, etc.
The ADSR model is exible at achieving a variety of dierent envelope shapes. By
setting the attack to 0 and having a low sustain level, percussive-style envelopes can be
made. With a sustain level of 100%, the decay phase can be eliminated, as is in wind
Figure 2.6: Sonic spectrum of a constant Vuvuzela note
2.4 Spectra and Spectrograms
The Fast Fourier Transform, or FFT, applied to audio signals converts a time-
amplitude sample to a frequency-amplitude sample [2], or spectrum. It eciently mea-
sures the presence of dierent frequency bands across the given sample. For speed the
sample size is normally given as a power of 2.
The spectrum of a sound at a given point in time can be considered its shape it
is a much more eective visual representation of a sound than the waveform, as two
waveforms can sound the same but look completely dissimilar due to phase dierences in
the constituent partials. An example spectrum is shown in Figure 2.6.
One thing to note about the FFT is that it is not a perfect frequency-amplitude reference
of the sound, due to the nite nature of the material analysed. A pure sine wave should
only have presence in a single frequency bin, but it will leak into the surrounding bins.
This can be seen in Figure 2.6 a Vuvuzela tone is only made of only a few distinct
partials, but these are not manifested as pure lines but instead are spikes with a wide
base. This blurring means that algorithms using the FFT are limited to the accuracy of
their detection.
To analyze the changing frequency content of a sound over time, windowing is performed.
This means dividing the sound into power-of-2 size windows and analysing their spectra
individually. A large amount of overlap is used between the windows to reduce boundary
artifacts and obtain more detail in the time domain. The dierent spectra over the
duration of the signal are combined into a spectrogram.
The spectrogram of a sound can be considered its overall ngerprint, and allows us to
examine a sounds characteristics in many ways. An example spectrogram is shown in
Figure 2.7. There is a trade-o when forming spectrograms though; the window size
aects the time and frequency resolutions. A larger window provides more accuracy in
frequency information (which frequencies are present at what magnitude), whilst a shorter
window will provide more accuracy in time (when frequencies appear in the sound).
Figure 2.7: Waveform of male voice saying Imperial College side-by-side with its spec-
2.5 Genetic Algorithms
A genetic algorithm is a search technique for problems with a large search space, abstract-
ing evolution in the natural world [12]. It is often used where a normal search algorithm
would be impractical and no straightforward approach is obvious. It does not guaran-
tee an optimal solution, but converges towards one. The general Genetic Algorithm is
outlined here, but there are many variations.
The rst step is to represent potential solutions as a Gene sequence, similar to DNA
as used in nature. This involves encoding the parameters in a concise, sensible manner
so that a single data structure can be used. At the most basic level this is done with
bitstrings long binary strings which are interpreted by splitting them up into the relevant
elds, as shown in Figure 2.8. They are only suitable for problems where there are a xed
number of parameters.
Figure 2.8: A bit string with values for 4 parameters
A population of many solutions is considered at each point in the algorithm. In this way,
many dierent values are considered for each parameter in parallel. Typically the starting
population features randomly generated individuals, but sometimes a well-known good
selection is used.
At each stage of the algorithm, all the individuals are evaluated for tness. This means
interpreting the genes to produce the real solution it represents, and then using a tness
function to calculate a tness value for that individual. The tness function must be
continuous and assign a value to any individual, as it is used to compare the popula-
Following this, a selection of the ttest individuals is performed, for example using a
roulette algorithm. This entails selecting individuals randomly in proportion to their
Figure 2.9: One-point crossover in action
tness over the sum tness of the population. Thus tter individuals have a higher
chance of being selected. Non-deterministic selection like this can be preferred in GAs
to prevent being caught in local maxima, where tness is high compared to the similar
individuals, but not at a global maximum.
The selected individuals then breed to produce the next generation. Often they are
be paired up randomly to produce ospring until the population is re-lled with new
individuals. With bitstrings this can be done with one-point crossover a random point
is selected and the bits selected from either parent on the two sides of the split point,
such as in Figure 2.9.
The problem facing a breeding strategy is that it must avoid dividing successful parts
of an individuals strategy whilst also allowing the inclusion of (possibly) better genetic
material from the other parent. Whilst one-point crossover is often used by default,
better performance often comes from more elaborate schemes [12]. There are many
other options, such as n-point crossover, probabilistic crossover, and tree-based schemes.
However, the simplest extension for the most gain is two-point crossover, as shown in
Figure 2.10.
Figure 2.10: Two-point crossover in action
After combination, mutation may be applied randomizing a few genes in order to avoid
stagnation of the gene pool. The new individuals then contain a variety of combinations
of previously successful sequences of genes, and have a chance at being even tter.
The algorithm then loops, repeating the evaluation, selection, and breeding for each
generation. Termination can be set up to occur for an application-dependent condition;
either a good enough tness is found, a maximum generation count is reached, or any
other test that can ensure the usefulness of the solution. In some applications, an optimal
solution may be easily recognizable. The overall loop can be seen in Figure 2.11.
The Genetic Algorithm is not xed, and a specialized GA can feature many dierent
problem-specic or experimental changes. Some of these include alternative represen-
tation schemes (e.g. trees), dierent selection algorithms, other breeding schemes, etc.
For example, the genes could be represented in a two-chromosome format, as in nature,
allowing each individual to carry more genetic information than it expresses.
Figure 2.11: Summary of the Genetic Algorithm
2.6 Pre-existing Work
As far we have found, there are three prior published works that use a GA to optimize a
synthesizer model for resynthesis. They are all based around FM synthesis.
2.6.1 Tan, 1996
This paper [16] describes using a modication of the basic Genetic Algorithm known as
the Genetic Annealing Algorithm to optimize a simple DFM synthesizer to match sound
spectra obtained from steady-state waveforms of real-world instruments. It shows that
resynthesis via a GA is plausible, but has some drawbacks:
Only the steady-state spectrum of the target sound is matched not its time-based
evolution as represented by its spectrogram.
The synthesizer model used features only a single DFM carrier which severely re-
stricts the types of sounds that can be matched.
Most of the evolved individuals feature too many high partials, a side eect of using
purely FM synthesis these could be eliminated by combining subtractive synthesis
with a low pass lter.
2.6.2 Lai, 2006
This paper [10] is a fresh reimagining of the concept as the authors seem unfamiliar with
the Tan paper. However it describes a very similar system with a few enhancements:
The FM synthesis model uses more waveforms than sine waves, such as a sawtooth
An enhanced tness function is used with a weighted sum of two spectrum-comparison
The GA selection and crossover methods are investigated and shown to be good for
the problem domain.
Figure 2.12: Output from Yongs program showing matching of an oboe
The work gathers inspiration from several sources in both the GA and synthesis literature
and proves it benets from the extra techniques. However it is fairly brief and the results
shown are fairly biased they present an exact match but it is for a sound that was
generated by the synthesizer to begin with. Other drawbacks include:
The synthesizer model used is very simple and uses only one FM carrier.
The tness function presented has some controlling parameters, but these are only
selected arbitrarily and not investigated.
A larger variety of sounds needs testing.
2.6.3 2007, Yong
This project [17] presents a system implemented in Matlab based upon a combination of
the Tan and Lai papers. The DFM synthesizer model used is based upon the Tan paper,
and the GA and tness functions employed from the Lai paper.
The key extension in this work is that multiple DFM carriers are used at once, enabling
richer spectra to be produced. Each DFM carrier is encoded separately in the genes, and
each individual may have between 1 and 20 such carriers. This allows a large range of
sounds to be recreated with more accuracy.
Yong has made the Matlab code available, and we have tested it and found it to be
generally eective. An example run takes a few minutes to produce a sound that nicely
approximates a tone from an input le. It also outputs the spectrum of the input and
output sounds so one can visually compare the accuracy, such as in Figure 2.12.
This work still falls under our major criticism of the other two though it is only con-
cerned with matching a single sonic spectrum, not an overall spectrogram. This step
deletes most of the information present in a wave le, and cannot match the important
evolving characteristics of a sound. At the end of the report Yong highlights this failure
by showing the matching of a cat meow sound. Whilst a cat meow has a denite tonal
quality, reducing it to a single spectrum overlays all the dierently pitched parts of the
sound at once, giving it a similar ngerprint to noise, and so the GA fails at matching
Therefore we make this one of the main targets for improvement in our project.
Chapter 3
In this Chapter we describe the basics of our system, before presenting the details in
Chapters 4 and 5. We also discuss implementation choices and recognize some draw-
3.1 Overall View
Figure 3.1 gives an overall view of the system it should look familiar as it expands the
basic GA pattern as presented in Section 2.5.
3.2 Synthesizer Model
We implement a synthesizer that combines FM and subtractive synthesis models. We
copy the Yong work by using multiple DFM carriers as the basis for the synthesis. The
subtractive side comes from adding a low pass lter in the signal path this is intended
to cut down the large number of high partials that DFM synthesis can generate.
Following the research from Chowning on Dynamic Spectra [3], we add the scope for
dynamic spectra with independent ADSR envelopes on the index of each modulator, in
each DFM carrier. This allows them to change their modulation index over time, and
with each envelope taking its own shape there is a lot of scope for complex evolving
textures that can match the target sound.
We also have ADSR envelopes applied to the lters cut-o frequency, pitch control, and
overall amplitude. This gives the synthesizer a lot of scope to produce sounds with evo-
lutions over time. Figure 3.2 summarizes the entire signal path of the synthesizer.
3.3 Genetic Algorithm
Most of the GA outline is described in Figure 3.1. We use a random initial population and
loop over evaluation, selection, and breeding until we reach the terminating generation.
We implement the tness metric and selection method suggested in the Lai paper [10],
but with extensions.
Figure 3.1: An overall view of the system
Figure 3.2: Arrangement of the components in the synthesizer model
Individuals in the population represent a synthesizer conguration by a series of 64 oat-
ing point and integer genes. We evaluate the tness of such a member by constructing
the synthesizer with the represented conguration, recording its output, and comparing
this spectrogram with the spectrogram of the target sound.
We use a spectrogram comparison function as suggested by Lai et al., which combines
two dierent metrics in a weighted sum. It produces an error value, not a tness value,
so the GA works in terms of minimization rather than maximization. We detail this in
Section 5.2, and work to optimize the weighting of the metrics in Section 6.4.
Selection is done with an n-tournament selector, again at the suggestion of the Lai paper;
however we improve it with elitism. The GA is set to terminate after a xed number of
3.4 Missing Detail
The missing detail that prevents 100% automated sound resynthesis is pitch detection.
Because the synthesizer must take an input note to work at, we need the pitch of the
target sound to properly resynthesize it but the waveform doesnt directly give us this
information. The Yong work deals with this problem by taking an argument of the pitch
to resynthesize at alongside the target waveform, meaning the user must know the pitch
the target sound is at.
Whilst there is scope for adding an automatic pitch detection algorithm, of which many
exist, we do not implement it. Fully automated resynthesis is not the focus of this
project, so it would only be a matter of convenience to add it. In most cases we have
prior knowledge of a target sounds pitch anyhow.
Therefore we take the pitch of the target sound as a second argument alongside its
3.5 Implementing in Java
The project is implemented in Java, using two high quality libraries to provide the basics
for both parts Minim [7, 6] for the synthesizer and JGAP [13] for the GA. Both provide
steady bases in their respective areas, and will be described in more detail in the respective
Whilst an implementation might run faster in a machine-code-target language such as C,
or taken less coding in a scripting language such as Python, Java was chosen based on
this rationale:
It is relatively fast in comparison to scripting languages, even audio-specic
languages such as LAPSDA. Although it runs in a virtual machine this has seen big
improvements in recent years so it can nearly match the speed of machine-specic
code on many tasks.
The object-orientated architecture is good for dealing with the many synthe-
sizer instances that need to be dealt with in parallel, plus the save/load object
capabilities would make storing congurations in les easy.
It is cross-platform so the end result is not limited to a single operating system.
The libraries available for both the synthesizer and GA parts provide ground-
level features that speed up development considerably.
Chapter 4
Synthesizer Model
In this Chapter we give a detailed description of the synthesizer model as implemented
in Section 4.1, show how we record and analyse the output sounds in Section 4.2, and
then detail diculties overcome in the synthesizer design in Sections 4.3 and 4.4.
4.1 Structure
The synthesizer can be viewed as an isolated system that converts pitch data into audio
data, as shown in Figure 4.1. To represent pitch we use a basic form of the MIDI format
a standard data type for representing musical information. For audio we write to a
oating point data buer. Minim provides the conversion from MIDI to frequency and
takes the oating point audio data to the speakers for output.
The synthesizer is implemented as a single unit with dened interfaces so that it can be
easily integrated with the GA it has no awareness of where its MIDI data comes from or
where its audio output goes to. We can easily play it live with manual keyboard control
or automatically record its output for a given note.
In the following subsections we elaborate on the internals of the audio synthesis process
as helped by the Minim library and then show the entirety of the synthesis chain.
Figure 4.1: The basics of the synthesizer system
4.1.1 Universal Generators
The Minim library presents a modular signal-generating interface using its UGen (Univer-
sal Generator ) superclass. All data passing is handled by Minim and each UGen can take
input from others by dening public inputs. A UGen only need implement the abstract
method uGenerate(float[] channels) to dene its output on a per-sample basis for
example, the most basic UGen that outputs a constant value is implemented as:
package ddf . minim. ugens ;
publ i c c l a s s Constant extends UGen {
pr i vat e f l o a t val ue ;
publ i c Constant ( f l o a t val ) {
super ( ) ;
val ue = val ;
pr ot ect ed voi d uGenerate ( f l o a t [ ] channel s ) {
f o r ( i nt i = 0; i < channel s . l engt h ; i ++) {
channel s [ i ] = val ue ;
We build our signal path out of many dierent UGen classes although there are many
provided with the library, we only use a few with adaptation and create the rest from
4.1.2 UGen Chain
The following UGens are used in the synthesizer:
1. Glide glides towards a target frequency in a given time. Designed for manual
monophonic playback of synthesizer.
2. ADSRRepeatable provides an ADSR envelope that can be restarted. Adapted
from the included ADSR code that would not allow restarting and thus prevented
the synthesizer being used to play more than one note.
3. ValuePlusADSRPercentage takes a value input and scales it percentagewise
by the amplitude of its ADSRRepeatable envelope.
4. ZeroHzFMCarrier FM class we implement to provide the DFM functionality.
The class contains a list of source UGens that it controls and then performs zero-hz
frequency modulation on their sum.
5. SinePlusADSR our own sine wave oscillator class that includes an ADSRRe-
peatable to change its amplitude.
6. Summer a built-in class that is used to add together several other UGens out-
7. MoogFilter a built-in class that implements the Moog-style low-pass lter,
providing input control for its cut-o frequency. This is a 24dB/Oct low-pass lter
that is generally considered more musical than a plain low-pass lter.
8. ValuePlusADSR our own control class that provides a constant value that
is then modied an absolute amount by the amplitude of its ADSRRepeatable
Figure 4.2 shows the total structure of the UGen chain as used in the implementa-
4.1.3 Conguration
The synthesizer has a large number of parameters to be congured a total of 64 in the
nal implementation. One of the problems faced in Java is providing values for all these
in a constructor, as it is impossible to take 64 arguments to a method.
We use a custom conguration class that provides the storage of oating point/integer
values for each parameter in a hashmap. The interface allows the discernment between
the two data types and the provision of constraints and default values for each parameter.
We can then congure the synthesizer by constructing it with such an object, and save a
conguration by saving this object using Javas ObjectOutputStream class.
Because of the genetic dependence on the parameters, it is only in section 5.6 that we
will present the entire list of parameters congurable in the synthesizer.
4.2 Recording and Analysing
To link the synthesizer with the GA we need to record its output. Minim handles passing
the output to speakers, but provides no recording method. However, the UGen interface
makes redirecting the output simple.
We use a recording class that repeatedly calls the synthesizers output UGen to uGenerate
one sample at a time and store this in a float[] array. We then have the synthesized
sound in a manipulatable form, and can save it as a wav le or analyze it.
We also implement code to generate a spectrogram from such an audio buer, so that we
can analyse both target and resynthesized sounds. We use Minims FFT code to generate
a single spectrum at a time, in power-of-2 size windows. We use a 75% window overlap to
obtain more detail in the time domain and reduce boundary artifacts. Figure 4.3 shows
an example spectrogram generated from an oboe recording.
4.3 Envelope Mess
Early versions of the system featured entirely autonomous ADSR (Attack, Decay, Sus-
tain, Release) envelopes for the amplitude, lter, pitch, and independent FM modulator
Figure 4.2: The synthesizer implementation in terms of UGens. The diagram has been
broken over three lines to make it more compact.
Figure 4.3: The spectrogram of an oboe note
Figure 4.4: Illustration of the messy eect of many randomly generated ADSR envelopes
interacting together
indices, but this proved to be a bad idea. The output sounds were extremely complex and
the GA found convergence hard, even for simple sounds such as a sine wave because of
the complexity of evolving many dierent envelopes at once, the correct attack/decay/re-
lease timings were rarely found.
Multiple unsynchronized ADSR envelopes are very messy because they create extremely
complex sounds with essentially no xed character. With many dierent envelopes being
modelled at once, the attack phase is only over after the last one nishes its attack phase
even if the others have started or passed their decay phase already, as indicated in
Figure 4.4. This also applies to the decay and release phases, leading to a single long
envelope eectively monopolizing the overall sound of the synthesizer.
As most of the real world sounds do not rely on complex harmonic evolutions in their
attack phase, we found this model to be overkill. It was simplied to the following:
There is only one value for each attack, decay, and release that cover all the en-
Each envelope maintains its own sustain value as some parameters may need to
stay high whilst others should disappear after the decay phase.
The FM modulator index envelopes were given models to select between see next
After this simplication the GA had much better performance optimizing the synthesizer
4.4 Evolving Spectra
As shown in the background section 2.2, changing the index of a modulator in FM causes
rich and varied changes in the resultant spectra. For this reason ADSR envelopes are
applied to the indices of each modulator in the synthesizer. However, the ADSR model
is enhanced to allow a wider variety of spectral evolutions.
The eect of changing a modulation index is not particularly well dened, but can be
estimated intuitively [3]; both increases and decreases can be used to model the harmonic
change of certain sounds over time. Thus the envelope applied to the modulation index
should work for both increases and decreases at any phase.
Figure 4.5: The three ADSR models applied to modulation indices
We allow each index to take one of three ADSR envelope models:
Low to High the envelope starts at 0, peaks at 1, and ends back at 0 after the
release phase.
High to Low the envelope starts at 1, peaks at 0, and ends back at 1 after the
release phase.
High to High the envelope stays at 1 for all of the start, peak, and post-release
parts however, it still falls to its sustain value.
Thus the index ADSR envelopes are controlled by only two parameters the model
(from 1 to 3), and the sustain value (from 0.0 to 1.0 amplitude). They use the global
attack/decay/release times, as xed above. The models are illustrated in Figure 4.5.
Chapter 5
Genetic Algorithm
In this Chapter we cover details of the genetic algorithm, which we implement with the
JGAP library. We detail the types of Genes in Section 5.1, the Fitness Function in Section
5.2, and genetic operations in Sections 5.3 and 5.4. We then expose the genome in Section
5.6 and detail the termination in Section 5.7. On the way, we cover two additions we
made to signicantly improve the GA over previous works, in Sections 5.5 and 5.8.
5.1 Genes
In the JGAP framework we dene a Genome for the population a template which all
individuals conform to consisting of an ordered array of gene objects. Each gene object
has a datatype (Integer, Floating Point, etc.) and constraints (e.g. a Minimum) that
JGAP uses to make sure random individuals are valid to the problem domain.
Eectively, JGAP uses a bitstring implementation with the crossover points limited to be
on the boundaries between the individual numbers, which is known to improve conver-
gence when using complex number representations such as oating points [11]. Because
of this the framework presents only a limited number of gene types, of which we use only
Floating Points and Integers, with Booleans stored as integers constrained to either 0 or
The genome is automatically derived from the synthesizer model, which exposes its pa-
rameters as either integers or oats. We have utility functions to map from synthesizer
congurations to genes and back, meaning JGAP can work with genes and the respective
synthesizer can be easily determined. An example section of the genome is presented in
Figure 5.1.
Figure 5.1: An extract of the genome
The following sections elaborate on the internals of the GA and provide justication for
design choices made for the Genome before we present the entirety of the Genome in
Section 5.6
5.2 Fitness Function
Inside the JGAP framework the tness function must accept a genome and turn it into
a tness value. We do this by comparing the spectrograms of the target and synthesized
sounds to estimate how well they match.
We pre-process the target sound and store its spectrogram. Then for each individual
genome in the population, we can calculate a tness value with a multiple-step proce-
1. Chromosome Synthesizer Conguration
The Gene values presented in an individuals Chromosome are reinterpreted as a
conguration for the synthesizer.
2. Synthesizer Conguration Synthesizer Instance
The synthesizer class is instantiated and prepared for playback.
3. Synthesizer Waveform
The synthesizer has its output redirected to a wavebuer and is played at the input
MIDI note pitch, for a length of time to match the target sound. This is done much
faster than realtime playback.
4. Waveform Spectrogram
The waveform is converted to a spectrogram using the given transform window
5. Spectrogram Fitness Value
The spectrograms of the synthesized and target sounds are compared using the
below formulto arrive at a tness value.
The tness formula itself is taken from the Lai paper [10] which was also used in the
Yong work [17]. It uses a weighted sum of two metrics that are used to compare dierent
characteristics of spectrograms Spectral Norms and Spectral Centroids.
For a spectrogram f
we dene f
(w, b) to be the magnitude of their Fourier Transform
at window w and bin b. We compare two spectrograms f
and f
, for the synthesized
and target sounds respectively. Let W be the number of Fourier Transform windows
to compare, which is the maximum number of either sound as the synthesized sound is
created to be the same length as the target. Let B be the number of bins used in the
Fourier Transform, which is half the total window length for audible sound [2].
The Spectral Norm formula is given as:
N(a, b) =


(w, b) f
(w, b)|
Which is intuitively the sum of the absolute dierence squared for each point of the
transforms. This is a typical measure of the dierence between two sounds and helps
the GA hone in on correct sounds as the error for missing or including a harmonic that
should not be present increases the with the square of the dierence.
The Spectral Centroid formula is given as:
C(a, w) =

(w, b) b

(w, b)
for a single sound a at a single window w. The centroid measure is also called the
brightness, as a larger spectral centroid corresponds to an emphasis on higher frequency
components, which results in a brighter sound. In practice we compare the sum of the
absolute dierence between the two sounds across all windows, C
(a, b).
These two metrics are added as a weighted sum:
error(a) =
N(a, b) +
(a, b) (5.3)
As this is an error term, the GA works in term of minimization rather than the traditional
maximization process.
This sum is taken at the suggestion of the Lai paper, but there is no rigorous proof as to
why it is the ideal weighting at
. We later run experiments to nd the optimum
weighting, in Section 6.4.
5.3 Selection Method
The selection mechanism used is a tournament strategy as suggested in the Lai paper [10],
but with elitism as an extension as it improves the performance of GAs [12].
The n-tournament selection method creates small tournaments between n random indi-
viduals from the population. The ttest in the tournament gains the right to breed, and
the winners from two tournaments are combined into a new individual with two-point
crossover. Tournaments continue until the new population is full again.
The method is meant to simulate real world natural selection where individuals compete
to breed, but only against a limited set of others as opposed to the global population. The
restricted tournament size means the t individuals that come out top are not necessarily
amazing relative to the entire population, but are denitely better than some. Thus fresh
combinations of genetic material are more likely than in a selection mechanism that overly
favours the globally ttest individuals.
At the suggestion of the Lai paper, the tournament size is set to 5. However they again
provide no backing as to why this is the ideal number, so we experiment with this to try
and nd the optimum in Section 6.5.
Elitism is added, copying the top individuals directly into the next population. This
preserves the best individuals, protecting their highly t traits from being deleted due to
Figure 5.2: 5-tournament selection
Figure 5.3: The combined elitism and tournament methods
crossover. This occurs before the tournament process, but the t individuals are left in
the pool so they can also be selected for tournaments.
Elitism adds a stronger forward crank to the genetic algorithm by preventing the
crossover operation from destroying the best congurations that have been discovered.
However it can also lead to local minima being exacerbated, but the mutation is designed
to deal with this.
5.4 Genetic Operators
The individuals are combined with two-point crossover, which is believed preferable to
one-point crossover as the combination of dierent carrier properties from individuals
is desired. JGAP does not manipulate raw bitstrings, but only allows crossover on the
boundaries between the independent genes, so we preserve the sanity of the values.
Mutation is applied to all individuals after the selection and crossover process, with a
mutation rate dening the chance of a particular gene being mutated and replaced with
a new random value. For each individual, each gene has a random probability evaluated
with p =

for the gene to mutate; thus about 1 in every genes is mutated. We set
to 200 at the recommendation of [12].
Figure 5.4: Unnecessary pitch envelope use in an individual that remained highly t due
to its correct second-half
5.5 Regulatory Genes
Initial runs of the GA were promising, but the generated synthesizer patches were not
very well aligned with the target sounds envelopes. This was especially clear in sounds
that have no envelope, such as a sustained synthesized pitch.
For example, Figure 5.4 shows the spectrogram of a resynthesized sound that was an
attempt to match a pure sawtooth wave. The second half is mostly correct, but the start
has a very excessive use of the pitch envelope parameter to generate a large bend which
is not present in the target sound. If the pitch envelope amount was set to 0% in this
same individual, it would be a very good match at almost twice the tness.
The problem was that the probability of the GA nding the optimum pitch envelope 0%
was low, as when mutated it could fall anywhere in the [50, 100] range. This problem
also extended to the other envelopes for the amplitude, lter, and modulation indexes.
For example, some sounds feature no attack phase for any of these parameters, but it
would still persist throughout the population due to the low probability of becoming
turned o and set to 0.
The solution was to add regulatory genes, a suggestion found in [12]. In nature, genes
form a complex network of control, with regulatory genes aecting the expression of other
genes, which is what leads to cells dierentiating their types. Adapting this concept to
our GA meant adding genes that control whether or not another gene takes eect.
The regulatory genes added were, in JGAP terms, integer genes which take either 0 or 1.
When constructing the synthesizer these are treated as a boolean value controlling the
expression of their target gene. For example, if the pitch envelope on/o regulatory gene
is o, the pitch envelope amount is set to 0; but if it is on, the pitch envelope amount is
derived from the respective gene. Two of the regulatory genes added are demonstrated
in Figure 5.5.
The following is the full list of regulatory genes implemented:
Figure 5.5: Regulatory genes in the genome
Attack Phase On/O
Release Phase On/O
Pitch Envelope On/O
Filter Envelope On/O
Number of Carriers Active
Per Carrier : Number of Modulators Active
The Number of Carriers gene is the highest-level regulatory gene, as it aects a lot of
genes at once. Whilst each individual contains conguration parameters for the maximum
of 5 carriers, only the number specied by the number of carrier genes will ever be active.
Thus a 1-carrier individual is mostly carrying junk genes which encode for the spare 5
carriers a parallel to the human genome which is estimated to be 95% junk, encoding
for unexpressed proteins.
Following this addition, accuracy improved greatly. The resynthesized sounds stopped
featuring the pitch envelope when unnecessary, as well as no attack/release phases for
non-fading sounds.
5.6 Full Genome
Table 5.6 shows the entire listing of the nal genome used. For oating point genes
we show decimal points in the value ranges, whilst for integers only round numbers are
shown. The per-carrier section is repeated for each of the ve carriers; the per-modulator
section is repeated two times for each modulator
With 4 genes per modulator, 2 modulators per carrier with an extra 2 genes each, and 5
carriers with a further 14 global genes, the genome has a total size of ((42)+2)5+14 =
64. However not all take eect in each individual as regulatory genes come into eect,
turning o modulators, carriers, and/or envelopes.
Name & Eect Range
Attack On/O regulatory gene for attack [0,1]
Attack length of attack phase [0.0,4.0] seconds
Decay On/O regulatory gene for decay [0,1]
Decay length of decay phase [0.0,4.0] seconds
Amplitude Sustain level amplitude sustains at [0.0,1.0]
Pitch Envelope On/O regulatory gene for pitch
Pitch Envelope Amount range of pitch envelope
as percentage, where -50% gives -1 octave and +100%
gives +1 octave
[-50.0,100.0] %
Filter Frequency base frequency for lter [30.0,20000.0] Hz
Filter Resonance resonance factor for lter [0.1,0.5]
Filter Envelope On/O regulatory gene for lter
Filter Envelope Amount scales the eect of the
lter envelope
[-10,000.0Hz,10,000.0] Hz
Filter Envelope Sustain the sustain value for the
lter envelope ADSR model
Number of Active Carriers out of the total pos-
sible 5, how many should be active
Per Carrier :
Carriers Amplitude volume multiplier applied
to signal generated by carrier
[0.0 to 1.0]
Carriers Active Modulators either 1 or 2, gives
the possibility to use a single modulator instead of
the 2 in the DFM model
Per Modulator (Per Carrier) :
Modulator Index denes the peak amplitude the
modulator operates at, referred to as its index in the
Modulator Ratio the multiplication ratio of the
modulators pitch from the fundamental frequency
Modulator ADSR Model selector for the ADSR
model used for this modulators index (as per Section
Modulator Sustain the sustain value for the
ADSR envelope applied to the index
Table 5.1: The full genome
Figure 5.6: Normalization applied to a waveform
5.7 Termination Condition
As explained in the background Section 2.5, the generic GA does not dene a termination
condition as it needs selecting on a per-application basis. For this system we choose to
terminate after a xed number of generations a very simple scheme, but we have a
Some sounds never converge that satisfyingly, so having a minimum error threshold
would not make sense
Some sounds slowly converge forever, so stopping after convergence stops could still
lead to very long execution times
A xed, predictable runtime is desirable which no other termination condition can
Most sounds reach a satisfying convergence after 30 generations, as we will show in
Section 6.2
We later do an experiment to nd the optimum cut-o generation, in Section 6.2.
5.8 Normalization
First iterations of the system had problems matching the sound due to the challenge of the
amplitude. Because each carriers modulators have independent amplitudes and a non-
xed number of carriers are active, the basic output of the synthesizer can fall in a wide
amplitude range. Thus a sound could be entirely correct in its frequency content but come
with the incorrect volume level which adds a lot of error due to the Spectral Norms
metric as dened in equation 5.1. This problem was overcome by adding normalization
to all waveforms present in the GA.
Normalization is the process of stretching a waveform so that its peak amplitude matches
a target amplitude; when this is set to 1.0 it will make the entire range of the sound fall
within the [-1.0,1.0] range. We implement it by scanning the waveform for its maximum
absolute value, then dividing all values throughout. This can scale a sound up or down
in amplitude, and is demonstrated in Figure 5.6.
When added to the GA this signicantly improved performance. A normalized form of
the resynthesized sound is compared with a normalized form of the target sound. This
greatly reduces the error between similar sounds as the volume ratios are not required to
accurately evolve, only the tonal quality. In addition, certain balances of partials are only
possible with low amplitude FM modulators, so the normalization process is necessary
to bring these up to the right level.
We quantify the improvement that adding normalization adds with experimental results
in Section 6.3.
After adding this to the GA, it was necessary to extend the synthesizer, as a t congu-
ration could also be excessively quiet or loud. We added a new volume scaling parameter
in the synthesizer which was set to the scaling factor from normalization so when played
back the whole synthesizer sound is itself normalized.
Chapter 6
In this Chapter we experiment with our system to optimize our parameters and prove
the new features we have added are true improvements. In Section 6.1 we describe
how we run our experiments, and then in Sections 6.2, 6.3, 6.4, and 6.5 we present our
6.1 Experimental Setup
We run several experiments in the following sections, all of which run with the same base
and then we vary a parameter. The basic constants are:
Population Size = 100
Number of Generations = 30 (this is chosen in )
Elitism Percentage = 10%
Mutation Rate = 200 (1 in 200 genes will mutate)
FFT Window Size for Spectrogram Analysis = 8192
Each experimental conguration is tested on a suite of 7 sounds which have been selected
because they are fairly approximable with the synthesizer and cover a range of complexity.
They are shown in table 6.1.
All experiments are repeated 5 times for each target sound and averaged to smooth out
the stochastic nature of the GA.
6.1.1 Distribution
Due to the circa 20 minute runtime per sound, we distribute our experiments across
multiple machines. The Java program is compiled to a JAR le and accepts parametric
arguments on the commandline. We then use a perl wrapper script to run the experiments
across the Condor distributed environment [4], performing many CPU-hours of tests at
once on the DoC computing pool.
With 7 sounds at 5 repeats, each experimental conguration takes 35 runs. With a mean
runtime of 6 minutes per 10 generations of 100 individuals, a typical experiment can
Sound & Description
Waveform Detail +
Sine Wave
continuous amplitude and pitch
Sawtooth Wave
continuous amplitude and pitch
Oboe Note
from BBC Orchestral Archive
Electric Organ Tone
produced by another FM Synthe-
Piano Note
from BBC Orchestral Archive
Detuned Synth Lead
produced by another synthesizer
Modied Square Wave
with a 2 second volume decay
Table 6.1: All the test sounds used in our experiments
easily require 9 hours of CPU time per data point. This might seem like an excess of
computing time to get our results, but a lot of averaging is required to nd trends without
being aected by the stochastic nature of the GA.
6.2 Number of Generations
As explained in Section 5.7, the GA is set to terminate after a xed number of generations.
However, choosing the cut-o point is not easy without data. We experiment by running
the GA for a long time and then choose the cut-o point from the results.
We run the standard test conguration as dened above for 100 generations. The results
for each test sound are plotted in Figure 6.1.
Analyzing the graph, we see each sound exhibiting the standard GA convergence curve
similar to an exponential decay, as we expected from background literature [12, 11]. Each
experiment tends towards the best possible resynthesis at 0 error, with each downwards
jump indicating a benecial mutation spreading throughout the population.
Most of the sounds show only a small amount of improvement over their starting point,
reaching about 50 to 100 error. However as this is mean error it is slightly misleading,
and most of the sine wave runs end with a best individual error of only 1.0, a near-perfect
match. The sawtooth wave is an outlier on the graph, and its analysis is presented in
Subsection 6.2.1 below.
The termination generation for the experiments that follow is chosen to be 30 generations,
as this is where most of the sounds reach an acceptable error value. Excluding the
sawtooth wave, the mean error of the sounds is 75.6 at generation 30, which is within
22% of the mean error of 61.8 at generation 100.
6.2.1 Sawtooth Wave
Interestingly the sawtooth wave never reaches a very good error value and has the most
continuous improvement over time, which is believed to be because of its innite series
of partials becoming slowly matched. The DFM equation 2.2 that the synthesizer model
operates upon can only generate a nite number of partials, so no exact match is ever
possible. It appears though that over time the GA nds ways to add more and more of
those partials accurately.
Figure 6.2 shows the results of one of the 100 generation runs compared with the target
sawtooth wave. The waveform and sound are very similar, but the spectra have a lot
of dierence. The blue FFT of the pure sawtooth has many artifacts due to its innite
nature reected frequencies and aliasing cause the appearance of extra features which
arent actually present in the pure tone [2].
Therefore the sawtooth is hard for the system to be matched with DFM, but this is due
to its innite nature not being easily recognized by our similarity metric.
Figure 6.2: Waveforms and spectrums of the target and resynthesized sawtooth wave
6.3 Normalization
The GA implements normalization on both the target and resynthesized sounds to im-
prove the quality of matching, as explained in Section 5.8. We show here that it is a
valuable addition to the system by measuring performance with and without it.
We test the convergence rate both with and without normalization for the standard 7
test sounds and take the average of 5 repeats. The below table summarizes the mean
tness of the population after 30 generations for both tests:
Without Normalization With Normalization
Mean error at Gen 30 176 100
Normalization clearly adds a better convergence to the GA, and the mean tness across
generations is show in Figure 6.3. The mean error starts higher with normalization, but
converges at a faster rate, indicating the GA has a better ability to discern between the
quality of individuals.
6.4 Balancing the Fitness Function
Recall that the error formula, Equation 6.1, is a two-part weighted sum of the error from
the norms and centroids formul, as taken from the Lai paper [10]. The paper shows that
a tness function summing both error metrics is better than either individually. However
it only ever uses an equal weighting of
for each metric, but there is no evidence presented
in the paper that this is the optimal weighting. We aim here to nd the perfect balance
for the weightings. We rewrite it as:
error(a) = N(a, b) + (1 )C
(a, b) (6.1)
This gives us a new parameter we vary between 0 and 1 to nd the optimal weighting
to help the convergence of the GA. We test values from 0 to 1 in increments of 0.1 and
record the minimum norms error N and centroids error C
for each conguration. Again
Tournament Size First Generation within 30% of Final Error
2 13
3 11
4 10
5 8
6 9
7 9
8 7
Table 6.2: Eect of Tournament Size on convergence
these results are averaged across the 7 sounds and 5 repeats for each. Figure 6.4 shows
our ndings.
Unsurprisingly, when = 0 and only the Centroids error is considered, the Norms error
remains very high; conversely when = 1 the Centroids error is very high. It is also
clear the optimal weighting to minimize both error measures is not around 0.5, but more
around 0.8. Thus we use = 0.8.
6.5 Finding the Optimum Tournament Size
The last parameter we experiment with is the tournament size used in the selector, as
detailed in Section 5.3. This was again copied from the Lai paper with no proof of its
optimality, where they suggest using a tournament size of 5.
We experiment with the tournament size between 2 and 10, using the optimal tness
function as achieved above. We use the same test suite of 7 sounds for 5 repeats. Figure
6.5 shows our ndings.
We note two things on this graph. Firstly a larger tournament size leads to faster con-
vergence, as the successive curves for larger tournament sizes fall underneath each other.
Secondly, the tournament size does not seem to aect the nal generations error measure,
as all the curves have approximately the same value at generation 30, and the variation
between them seems random.
Table 6.5 shows our results re-arranged to show the speed of convergence. For each
tournament size we present the number of generations it took to reach within 30% of
the nal error achieved at the 30th generation. There is a clear downwards trend as the
tournament size increases to faster convergence.
We conclude that a tournament size of 7 or 8 seems ideal. Because each individual
is evaluated independently before the tournaments, there is no performance hit from
increasing the tournament size. The main problem with increasing is that the GA becomes
more likely to converge to only local minima, rather than the globally best solution. This
is because with larger tournaments, fewer solutions can win, so the genetic material in
the population gets limited and specialized rapidly.



Chapter 7
In this Chapter we evaluate the system, questioning how well it can resynthesize sounds
in Section 7.1, discussing the runtime in Section 7.2, and evaluating against the goals we
set in the introduction in Section 7.3.
7.1 Resynthesizing Sounds
The main question we must ask when evaluating the system is: how well can it reproduce
sounds? We analyse this in two ways below, statistically and perceptually, drawing upon
mathematical and human measurement of the sonic dierence.
7.1.1 Statistical Dierence
One of the problems in drawing any statistical measure of the overall resynthesized sounds
similarity is that the only formula we have is the one used in the tness function. If there
were a better measure, we would have used that instead. This makes our measurement
circular, as it is not really surprising that the GA nds sounds which are similar by the
same tness function it uses.
Regardless, we can still draw conclusions from the mean error value the system typically
accomplishes. For our test suite we typically achieve an error between 50 and 70 for each
sound, indicating a fairly good match. Compared to early iterations of the system which
could never drop below 100, it is relatively accurate. Unfortunately, we cannot compare
our error measures with the Lai and Yong works as their implementations dier and use
a dierent scale to ours.
For the simplest sound, the sine wave, an error of around 1 can be obtained, indicating
a perfect match. However, as explored in Subsection 6.2.1, the basic sawtooth wave is
problematic to match, and at generation 30 still has an error of around 250.
7.1.2 Perceptual Dierence
The best measure for such a system is in human perception we ask: how similar are
the resynthesized sounds to a human listener? Although we cannot present any numbers
for this measure, we believe that the similarity is denitely there. For example, in the
oboe analysis below we show that the harmonic ngerprint is imitated very well, and at
a basic level they sound the same to human listener, even though one can still tell the
Most of the perceptual dierence is in the much ner details in the sound that cannot be
replicated by the synthesizer model. Sounds such as the resonance of a piano body, the
slight noise from wind instruments, or slight pitch variations due to vibrato are all missing
from the resynthesized sounds. This is typical of synthesizers though, and compared to
third party programs we believe our resynthesized sounds are favourable. Finding a
way to resynthesize perfectly would indeed be solving a large problem in synthesizers in
general making them sound realistic.
One of the things that can mask the dierence is not listening to a single note, but instead
playing back an entire melody with the resynthesized sound. When there is more motion
it is generally harder to tell the dierence, as several pitches can be overlaid at once.
We aim to show o our demonstration sounds in the presentation.
7.1.3 Oboe
If we examine a successful sonic match, the Oboe, we can see how well the system
performs. This is a sound also matched in the Yong work [17], so we can compare the
output. The harmonic prole of the oboe is fairly constant throughout, so taking the
spectrum is a useful measure. Figure 7.1 shows waveform, spectrum, and spectrogram
details for both the target sound and its resynthesis.
The waveforms for the sounds appear fairly similar, indicating the same low-partials
presence and high-partials absence. The spectrum rigorises this detail, and proves that
they have very similar harmonic proles. Indeed, it would only appear to be the slightly
noisy elements, the ller on the spectrum between the partials, that the resynthesis is
missing. This is breath noise made by the blown nature of the Oboe, sounds that the
FM synthesizer model cannot really replicate.
However, we have only considered the matching of the spectrum, which is the same
accomplishment that the three previous works achieved. To show our system has some
improvements, we must also analyse the time-based evolution of the sounds.
The amplitude envelope of resynthesis is fairly true to the original Oboe, as can be seen
in the full-scale waveform. The attack of the resynthesized sound is a little too long, but
the start of the oboe is more complex than a simple attack and we must consider that
the ADSR model only gives limited control. Overall the target sound is fairly complex
and wavey, so the smoother envelope in the resynthesis is a good approximation.
For the harmonic evolution, the resynthesis features more change than the original oboe
does, especially with a two high partials that appear and disappear. These add to the non-
oboe quality, but are fairly quiet and so do not have too much of an eect. Perceptually,
this adds a slight metallic, synthetic quality in the sound.
The oboe is one instrument in the woodwind family, and they all share the basic charac-
teristics. Because the oboe matches so well, we believe the rest of the family can also be
resynthesized well.
Figure 7.1: For both Target and Resynthesized Oboe sounds: waveform detail, total
waveform, spectrum, and spectrogram
Figure 7.2: A synthetic sound created by our synthesizer almost perfectly resynthesized
7.1.4 Self-Reproduction
As we have now noted, the DFM synthesizer model is not ideal for all sounds, and is not
even capable of accurately reproducing a sawtooth wave. However, there is one surere
set of sounds it can reproduce, and that is those sounds made with the same synthesizer
model to begin with.
After some experimentation, we nd that most sounds created by the synthesizer can be
resynthesized from their waveform in 30 generations. Often the end error measure for
the last individual is under 20. For example, Figure 7.2 shows a random sound from the
synthesizer re-produced very accurately. The harmonic proles are very similar and the
envelope matching is very accurate.
This is a slightly less useful application of the technique, but still has potential. For
example, a music producer listening to a published piece of music might want to use the
same synthesizer sound; if it was produced by this model it can be replicated very easily.
This result also promises that with a more complex synthesizer model, a wider range of
sounds could be matched to a lesser degree of error.
7.2 Runtime
A typical run of the system (a population of 100 for 30 generations) takes approximately
10-15 minutes on a laptop with an Intel Core 2 Duo processor. Note that the runtime is
linear with the length of the sound to be matched a longer sound means more frames
in the spectrogram, meaning both synthesized sound generation and comparison take
This runtime is satisfactory, especially since it needs only be done once for a target sound
and runs oine. Of course the user can choose to run for fewer generations to decrease
the runtime at the sacrice of some accuracy; conversely, as the GA seems to continue
converging beyond the 100th generation, the user could run for as long as wanted. On the
other hand, for potential commercial applications of the concept only runtimes of under
a minute would be acceptable a music producer wanting to automatically program a
synthesizer would not want a long interruption to their creative ow.
However, speed was never the primary aim of the project, as we were aiming more to
prove our concept. We believe that the system can be optimized to run a lot faster, and
provide some suggestions on how to do so in the conclusion Section 8.2.
7.3 Fullling Goals
In the introduction we stated that we are driven by two motivations both the repro-
duction and exploration of sounds. We now analyse if the end result is useful to these
7.3.1 Sound Reproduction
As we have shown throughout, some sounds are much more reproducible than others; the
oboe works well, but the sawtooth wave not so much. However this is not necessarily
due to a weakness in the overall technique, only the synthesizer model employed. We did
quote Yong earlier in 2.1, stating that DFM is theoretically able to reproduce any sound;
we have found on the way that this is not necessarily true in real-world application.
We cannot therefore reproduce any sound. As we have shown, the sounds that can be
reproduced the best are those that were produced with the synthesizer model itself to
begin with. This is not that surprising though.
Compared to the other works, we have extended sound reproduction to the time domain,
often succeeding at matching much of the harmonic evolution of sounds. This is the main
achievement of our project.
However, the sound reproduction is still limited; but usefully, the GA and tness func-
tion seem extensible to other synthesizer models. We will suggest further work in the
conclusion that could extend the system to many sounds in the soundscape. Therefore,
whilst we have not hit the mark on being able to reproduce any sound, we have shown
the same GA-synthesizer model from previous works can be extended to time-evolving
sounds, and paved the way for future work.
7.3.2 Sound Exploration
As stated in the introduction, fully accurate reproduction is not the goal when exploring,
as sounds that are only partially similar are more desirable. We have achieved this as a
side eect of aiming for full reproduction.
Some sounds do not provide a very convincing resynthesis, such as the sawtooth wave,
but the matches still have potential for use. We can also create partial matched sounds
by stopping the GA early before full convergence takes place, creating synthesizer cong-
urations that have started to match up the characteristics of the target without adding
every detail.
Additionally, the sounds reproduced are never 100% accurate either, due to limitations
from the synthesizer model.
Therefore, whilst we did not strictly aim for an exploration system, our result is useful
in this regard.
Chapter 8
In this Chapter we review all that we have covered in Section 8.1 and suggest further
work that could enhance the sound-matching capabilities in future systems in Section
8.1 Review
In this report we detailed our system that resynthesizes sounds using a Genetic Algorithm
to adapt a synthesizer model and described several innovations that we add on top of
previous work to improve convergence and quality of the sounds.
We gave background knowledge to the problem in Chapter 2, detailing concepts from
both synthesizers and genetic algorithms. We also described the three previous works on
the matter and pointed out their drawbacks upon which we wanted to build.
An outline of our system was presented in Chapter 3 with a diagram and a short descrip-
tion of both the synthesizer and GA parts. We also noted the detail that we chose to
exclude from the start automatic pitch detection.
In Chapter 4 we detailed our synthesizer model, describing our implementation and giving
a diagram showing the audio ow. We also described two major problems that were
overcome in implementation, rstly with Envelope Mess in Section 4.3, detailing how
we had to actually restrict our synthesizer so it made more sensible sounds. We then
described our innovation in controlling the evolution of the FM modulators in Section
Following this we presented the details of our GA in Chapter 5, outlining its tness func-
tion, selection method, and genetic operators. We then showed our use of regulatory
genes as an extension to the state of the art in 5.5 and described how they improve con-
vergence. We also summarized how adding Normalization improved the tness function
in Section 5.8.
In Chapter 6 we showed our experimental ndings. We rst outlined how our experiments
were run on a distributed platform consuming hundreds of hours of CPU time, before
describing how we optimized the system for rapid convergence in Sections 6.2 and 6.5. In
Section 6.3 we proved that adding Normalization denitely improves the tness function,
and in Section 6.4 we improved the tness function as drawn from the Lai paper [10].
Figure 8.1: In this spectrogram of a piano note there is little variation between frames
in the blocked-out sustain phase, so only a single comparison would be necessary for this
We provided an evaluation of our system in Chapter 7, noting where it works well and
where it fails. We noted that there is a wide scope for further work, and now present our
8.2 Further work
There are many possible lines of investigation to follow from this work here we suggest
three directions that seem promising.
8.2.1 Optimized/Co-Evolving Fitness Function
The runtime of the tness function is linear with the length of the target sound, but it
could be optimized to run faster for most sounds. As many of the matched sounds reach
a steady state in their sustain phase, it is not necessary to compare every frame of the
spectrogram at this point.
For example, the spectrogram of a piano note in Figure 8.1 shows that the blocked-out
sustain phase does not have much variance from frame-to-frame. By pre-processing the
target sound, we could save the tness function a lot of work by identifying key frames
in the sound and comparing only these. In this example, we would ignore perhaps 40%
of the frames, which cuts 40% of the runtime o of comparison.
This technique could be further improved by making the tness function a parasite in
a coevolution framework [14]. This would mean making the tness function also subject
to genetic operations, allowing it to adapt over time to prey on the weaknesses in the
general population. It could then focus on the parts of the sound that are generally badly
matched, forcing the evolution to adapt in these areas faster. The tness function would
then only need to evaluate a handful of spectrogram frames per generation, giving both
a speed increase and enhanced convergence.
8.2.2 Evolving Fitness Formula
In section 6.4 we experimented with and optimized the weighting used in the tness
formula suggested by the Lai paper [10]. It is likely that rather than using a xed
weighting but allowing it to adjust itself per generation in a second co-evolution would
yield better performance, focussing the GA on dierent characteristics in the sound in
dierent generations.
Additionally, we note that the amplitude envelope is relatively poor at being matched,
in comparison with the tonality aspect of the synthesizer. An extra error metric based
purely upon the per-window amplitude dierence of the target and resynthesized sounds
would likely help in the evolution of this and this would add another weighting to the
tness formula which would need optimizing.
8.2.3 More Complex Synthesizer Model
In Chapter 4 we outlined our synthesizer model and indicated DFM synthesis is the sole
technique used here. Whilst the Yong paper [17] indicated that Theoretically, we may
synthesize any kind of sound by tuning and tweaking these parameters, in practice it
has shown itself to not be so capable. For example, even the sawtooth wave is not very
well matched as we saw in Subsection 6.2.1.
A more complex synthesizer model is suggested for usage, although it would also bring
with it a more complex set of parameters requiring a longer time to evolve. From knowl-
edge of the commercially-available FM synthesizer Operator [1] we suggest several
Add modulator waveforms other than the sine, such as a sawtooth or square.
A sawtooth modulator on a sine carrier produces an extremely rich texture that
takes many sine modulators to reproduce.
Allow the modulator/carrier structure to vary in more complex ways. Figure
8.2 shows a comparison of possible structures of our synthesizer against Operator.
A more complex FM structure leads to a larger set of possible tonalities, but would
need a suitable genetic encoding.
Add an LFO a low frequency oscillator that can modify another parameter
at a rate typically around 1-10Hz. For example, applied to pitch this can recreate
vibrato easily a sonic feature that is unmatchable in the presented implementation.
Figure 8.2: a) The only two possible carrier/modulator structures in our synthesizer
model b) 4 of the 19 structures possible in Operator, each using 3 modulators + 1
[1] Ableton AG, Ableton Live User Manual. 2010
[2] C. Sidney Burrus, Fast Fourier Transforms. Rice University e-Book http://cnx.
org/content/col10550/latest/, Creative Commons License 2010
[3] John M Chowning, The Synthesis of Complex Audio Spectra by Means of Frequency
Modulation. Journal of the Audio Engineering Society, September 1973, Volume 21,
Number 7, page 526
[4] Condor Team, Condor Website., 2011
[5] Ralph Deutsch et al, Patent : ADSR envelope generator. G01H 102, 1978
[6] Damien Di Fede, Minim Website.,
[7] Damien Di Fede et al, Music Programming in Minim. Proceedings of the 2010 Con-
ference on New Interfaces for Musical Expression, 2010
[8] Harris, F.J., On the use of windows for harmonic analysis with the discrete Fourier
transform. Proceedings of the IEEE, Jan 1978, Volume 66, Page 51
[9] Damien Karras Sound Synthesis Theory. Wikibooks e-Book http://en.wikibooks.
org/wiki/Sound_Synthesis_Theory, 2011
[10] Yuyo Lai et al, Automated Optimization of Parameter for FM Sound Synthesis with
Genetic Algorithms. 2006 International Workshop on Computer Music and Audio
[11] Zbigniew Michalewicz, Genetic Algorithms + Data Structures = Evolution Programs.
ISBN 3-540-60676-9, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg, 1992
[12] Melanie Mitchell, An Introduction to Genetic Algorithms. ISBN 0262133164, MIT
Press, 1996
[13] Klaus Meert et al, JGAP (Java Genetic Algorithms Package). http://jgap., 2011
[14] W. Rand, Genetic Algorithms in Dynamic and Coevolving Environments. Thesis
2006, University of Michigan
[15] B.T.G. Tan, S.L. Gan, S.M. Lim, and S.H. Tang, Real-Time Implementation of
Double Frequency Modulation (DFM) Synthesis. Journal of the Audio Engineering
Society, November 1994, Volume 42, Number 11, page 918
[16] B.T.G. Tan, and S.M. Lim, Automated Parameter Optimization for DFM Synthesis
using the Genetic Annealling Algorithm. Journal of the Audio Engineering Society,
January/February 1996, Volume 44, Number 1/2, page 3
[17] Shi Yong, Automatic FM Synthesis Based On Genetic Algorithm. Music Technol-
ogy, McGill University, April 2007,
Appendix A
ADSR - Attack / Decay / Sustain / Release envelope model. Explained in Section
DFM - Dual Frequency Modulation synthesis technique. Explained in Section 2.1.
FFT - Fast Fourier Transform. Explained in Section 2.4.
FM - Frequency Modulation synthesis. Explained in Section 2.1.
GA - Genetic Algorithm. Explained in Section 2.5.
JGAP - Java Genetic Algorithms Package - library used for basis of genetic algorithm.
Explained in Chapter 5.
LFO - Low Frequency Oscillator - a method used to add subtle modulation to a synthe-
sizer parameter. Explained in Subsection 8.2.3.
MIDI - Musical Instrument Digital Interface - format used to represent musical notes.
Explained in Section 4.1.
Minim - Java-based audio library used for basis of synthesizer. Explained in Chapter

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