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Curricula for the second semester
1.Surgical semiology of the abdomen.
Surgical anatomy of the abdomen
Clinical examination of the abdomen
Rectal examination
Exploration of the liver
Exploration of the spleen
Exploration of the kidneys
Exploration of the digestive tract
2.Abdominal trauma
Mechanism of trauma
Emergency evaluation and first aid in abdominal trauma
Abdominal wall concussions and special clinical forms (hematoma of the
rectus sheet, psoas hematoma, Morell Lavallee sydrome, traumatic
rupture of the diaphragm)
Non-penetrated abdominal wounds (diagnostic criteria, mechanism,
evaluation, surgical approach and treatment)
Penetrated abdominal wounds (diagnostic criteria, mechanism,
evaluation, surgical approach and treatment)
3. Major syndromes in abdominal pathology: peritonitis, intestinal obstruction,
intra peritoneal and retroperitoneal hemorrhage, digestive bleeding, pancreatitis
Essentials for diagnostic
Clinical signs and clinical evaluation
Laboratory investigation
Differential diagnostic
3. Hernia of the antero-lateral abdominal wall.
Common manifestations of hernia
Clinical signs in uncomplicated hernia
Diagnostic: positive and differential
Natural history, progression
Principles and indications of treatment
Complications: for all of them
o Pathogenesis
o Pathology
o Clinical forms
o Clinical signs and diagnostic, including positive and differential
o Principles of treatment
Particular forms of hernia: inguinal, femoral, umbilical
o Generalities, definitions
o Regional anatomy
o Pathogenesis
o Pathology
o Clinical forms
o Clinical signs and diagnostic, including positive and differential
o Principles of treatment
Postoperative hernia and burst abdominal wall
o definitions
o generalities
o clinical forms
o clinical signs and diagnostic (including differential diagnostic)
o complications
o principles of treatment
3. Surgical pathology of the breast:
Surgical anatomy of the breast
Congenital abnormalities of the breast
Abnormalities in the shape, volume and position
Trauma of the breast: special features, clinical signs, diagnostic and
Acute inflammation of the breast: etiology; pathology and pathogenesis;
clinical forms and progression; diagnostic and treatment
Chronic inflammation of the breast: etiology; pathology and
pathogenesis; clinical forms and progression; diagnostic and treatment
Dystrophic lesions of the breast solitary cyst and Reclus diseas:
etiology; pathology and pathogenesis; clinical forms and progression;
diagnostic and treatment
Benign tumors of the breast fibroadenoma: pathogenesis, clinical signs,
examination and evaluation, treatment
Breast cancer:
o Epidemiology, risk factors, genetic counseling
o Symptoms and signs
o Positive and differential diagnostic
o Imaging if the breast
o Pathology: classification, invasion, progression, staging, hormone
receptor status
o Screening for breast cancer
o Principles for self-examination of the breast
o Multimodal treatment of breast cancer
4. Surgical pathology of the thyroid gland
Acute thyroiditis: etiology, clinical signs, evaluation, diagnostic (including
differential), complications and treatment
Subacute thyroiditis: etiology, clinical signs, evaluation, diagnostic
(including differential), complications and treatment
Chronic thyroiditis: types, etiology, clinical signs, evaluation, diagnostic
(including differential), complications and treatment
Goiter: classification, etiology, pathogeny, pathology, clinical signs,
evaluation, diagnostic (including differential), complications and treatment
Hyperthyroidism: etiology, clinical signs, evaluation, diagnostic (including
differential), complications and treatment
o Multiple nodular toxic goiter
o Toxic adenoma
o Graves disease
Hypothyroidism: etiology, clinical signs, evaluation, diagnostic (including
differential), complications and treatment
Evaluation of a thyroid nodule
Thyroid cancer: epidemiology, etiology, pathology, clinical signs,
evaluation, diagnostic, complications and principles of treatment, follow up
5. Surgical pathology of the parathyroid gland
Hyperparatyroid status: etiology, clinical signs, evaluation, diagnostic
(including differential), complications and treatment
Hypoparathyroid status: etiology, clinical signs, evaluation, diagnostic
(including differential), complications and treatment

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