PTZ Camera Solutions

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PTZ Security Cameras: What Are They and Do I Want 1?

PTZ's are an awesome additon to any security camera system. The essental queston that you simply
need to ask before you obtain one partcular is... do I need to have it?
PTZ stands for Pan Tilt Zoom. PTZ cameras is usually instructed to pan back and forth tlt up or down or
!oom in or out. The cameras are controlled locally havin" a #oystck or remotely by means of the web or
wise phone applicaton.
This can be a "enuinely a "reat functon in a camera. $ut a PTZ camera doesn't resolve all of your
surveillance issues. %e've "ot observed quite a few security camera systems that rely also heavily on
their PTZs. & obvious situaton is that the functon is only useful if someone is available to monitor and
ad#ust the PTZ as necessary. 'ome installatons set up their PTZ camera to automatcally pan back and
forth. $ut that does not support si"ni(cantly if an occasion happens outdoors on the camera's (eld of
view at any distnct moment. )nother selecton to address this challen"e is an 'autotrackin"' functon
which utli!es analytcs to instruct the camera to track and focus in on movement within its (eld of view.
$ut the autotrackin" functonality is #ust not fool*proof and adds price.
'o we advise that it is best to believe of a PTZ as a bonus camera in your technique. +over all your area
appropriately with (,ed cameras then add a PTZ as the -cherry on top-. .ow you've correct covera"e of
all your locaton and nevertheless have the potental to PTZ around your home either locally or
Price of PTZs
'everal men and women feel they could save dollars usin" a PTZ since it can cover a lot more re"ion. $ut
PTZs typically cost about / or four instances that of (,ed lens camera so they do not save you funds.
Plus considerin" the fact that PTZ cameras have movin" components in them they require much more
upkeep and may not last provided that a (,ed lens camera. 0pkeep of PTZs could involve dome cleanin"
belt replacement and replacement of motor controls 1'234 informaton board or !oom module.
5e"api,el and 6i"ital PTZ
7ne partcular (nal factor to think about is me"api,el 8mp9 cameras. 5e"api,el cameras record at a
si"ni(cantly "reater resoluton than analo" cameras and present a functon known as 'di"ital PTZ'. ):er
you record a 4mp camera at ;4<=,&>;= you may have many pi,els that you simply can di"itally !oom in
on and move about like a PTZ both reside and in the course of playback. )s me"api,el cameras turn into
much more ubiquitous and cost*e?ectve the 'old' style PTZs will likely be si"ni(cantly less desirable.
If all this sounds like we're a@emptn" to speak you out of "eAn" a PTZ we're notB Cou simply need to
have to be aware on the bene(ts too as the drawbacks of utli!in" this sort of safety camera.
Det more informaton about PTZ Cameras Solutons

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