Self Assesment Taask 2

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atwo types of workers on a business.

Theory X says that workers are lazy,

workers dislike working. And theory Y says workers enjoy working. This
can explain the labour turnover because Hothob is going to start paying the
workers for the amount of work they do, and in most of the workers fall
under theory X they will earn less money and that may cause an increase in
labour turnover. Another theory of motivation is Maslows hierarchy of
needs. This theory consists of five levels. This can explain the increase in
labour turnover because workers will not feel safe. Safety is the second
thing in Maslow pyramid this means that workers will not feel that they are
improving and they will not feel happy this means a grater labour turnover

b) The management style used by this new team is a autocratic style. This means
that all decisions are made by the leaders based on their own ideas and judgments
and rarely accept advice from other workers. We can see this when the team target
is to raise market share and doubling current profit margins. To achieve this new
work practices were introduced with no consultations. Here we can see that the
new team just makes decisions with out asking for opinions of other workers.

c) One advantage of performance related pay is that you will increase productivity
and save money at the same time because you only pay for the amoint of products
the workers do. Also workers will make more because theyll see that by making
more and working harder they will receive more money. On the other hand the
quality of the product may decrease because worker want to make as much money
as they can, so they will try to make the most things as possible in the less time
possible and that might affect the quality of the product.

d) In order to decrease labour turnover you will need to make the workers feel like
they are part of the company. For example ask them for opinions when making a
decision. Also you will need to keep them motivated that way they will like to go to
work. You can also improve their working area making it a nicer place to work.


a) The firm must make a test to see what are the capabilities of the worker and
that way they could assign that worker to the correct place. It says that the
firm recruits internally that way they save a lot of time because they will
not have to give time to workers to adapt to the working environment.

b) One advantage of a flat structure is that communication is faster and more
effective. Another advantage is that every employee is delegated as much as
possible this means that they make the worker feel part of the company and
that will keep the worker motivated. One disadvantage might be that there
will be loose of control because there might be to many people under one
manager, and he cant deal with to many people. Another disadvantage can
be that there will be problems when doing teamwork due to the fact that
there is only one manager for to many workers.

c) One merit of delegation responsibility is that you make the worker feel
important and part of the company because you are giving some work to
him. That way they will be motivated without the need of giving them more
money. That way they you will teach them not only to work for more
money, and you will have more responsible workers.

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