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Bailey Winters
Berryhill High School
A class valedictorian,
Winters is president
of Berryhills National
Honor Society, captain of
ship for
and ac-
tive in
She has studied dance
since 1999, including
ballet, jazz, tap and
hip-hop styles. She was
a dancer in the 2012
Macys Thanksgiving
Day Parade. Winters
is a leader in the Youth
Philanthropy Initiative,
which invests time and
money in projects serv-
ing other teens. Through
the initiative, she helped
create a program to raise
awareness about nutri-
tion. Winters plans to
attend Oklahoma State
University. Scholar-
ship sponsor: American
Heritage Bank
Yung Shu Wong
Thomas A. Edison Prepa-
ratory High School
An accomplished vio-
linist, Wong is a three-
year Oklahoma Music
and a
year concertmaster for
Northeastern Oklahoma
All-District String Or-
chestra. He has received
numerous superior rat-
ings at state and regional
music contests. Wong is
an Advanced Placement
Scholar with Distinction
and serves as president
of Orchestra Council. He
is also active in National
Honor Society and the
academic team. Wong
has volunteered for St.
John Medical Center.
He plans to study pre-
medicine in college.
Scholarship sponsor: The
Meshri Family
Kelly Woods
Westmoore High School
Woods is a National
Merit Finalist, Advanced
Placement Scholar with
Distinction and an Elea-
nor Kirk-
She is
of the
academic team, and
National Honor Society
president. As a par-
ticipate in Model United
Nations, she was named
Top Delegate on the
Security Council and Top
Delegate on the Com-
mission of Trade and De-
velopment. Woods plays
soccer and basketball
and is a volunteer for the
Pioneer Library Sum-
mer Reading Program
and the Regional Food
Bank. She plans to study
international relations
in college. Scholarship
sponsor: E.L. and Thelma
Gaylord Foundation
Landon Wright
Edmond North High
A class valedictorian,
Wright is an Advanced
Placement Scholar with
and an
He is
president of National
Honor Society and a
senator in Student Coun-
cil. He is active in Youth
Leadership Edmond
and serves as a student
adviser to the Edmond
Public Schools Founda-
tion. Wright is an Eagle
Scout who has volun-
teered more than 700
service hours. He also
runs cross country and
participates in Chesa-
peake Junior Crew row-
ing team. Wright plans
to major in engineering
at the University of
Oklahoma. Scholarship
sponsor: GableGotwals
Commemorative poster
features painting by Pea
Los Cuentos, a mixed me-
dia painting by Southwestern
artist Amado Pea Jr. of Santa
Fe, has been selected for the
commemorative poster for the
28th annual Oklahoma Founda-
tion for Excellence Academic
Awards banquet.
Los Cuentos, (The Tales),
depicts a family reading books
together. The vibrant painting
is part of Peas Colcha Series
created in 1989.
Each year, the founda-
tion creates a poster featur-
ing a Native American-themed
painting to present to its Aca-
demic All-State and Medal for
Excellence winners, said Em-
ily Stratton, executive director
of the Oklahoma Foundation
for Excellence. We are grateful
to Amado Pea for sharing his
artwork for our poster. Not only
is Amado a respected artist, but
he is also a champion for public
A native of Laredo, Texas,
Pea studied art and education
at Texas A&I (now Texas A&M,
Kingsville), where he earned
his bachelors and masters de-
For 10 years I was a teach-
er, and I could help share art
through education, said Pea,
who taught art at several Texas
high schools. Now, art is my
full-time job, my profession,
and traveling to diferent shows
has allowed me to educate and
share in a whole new and excit-
ing way.
Because of their passion for
education, Pea and his wife,
J.B., started the Art Has Heart
Foundation in 1996 to provide
need-based college scholar-
ships for students from New
Mexico, Texas, Arizona, Colo-
rado and Oklahoma. Their
scholarships have supported
more than 400 students, pri-
marily in the arts.
Today Peas distinctive style
of southwest art and Mestizo
imagery is known throughout
the world, and his work is part
of the permanent collection at
the Smithsonian Institution in
Washington, D.C. Recognized
as an artisan of the Pascua Yaqui
Tribe of Arizona, Pea is dedi-
cated to furthering the publics
knowledge and interest in the
tribe, its art, its history and its
culture. His work pays tribute
to the Native Americans who
survive by living in harmony
with an untamed environment.
Peas work is inspired by such
places as Canyon de Chelly, Spi-
der Rock, Monument Valley,
Enchanted Mesa, Acoma and
Black Mesa.
The 2014 Academic Awards
Banquet commemorative post-
er, designed by Daren Shep-
herd of Southwestern Printing,
is available for $20, including
It can be purchased at the Ac-
ademic Awards Banquet or by
contacting the Oklahoma Foun-
dation for Excellence at (405)
236-0006 after May 17.
Los Cuentos, a mixed media painting by Santa Fe artist Amado
Pea, is featured on the commemorative poster for the Oklahoma
Foundation for Excellence 2014 Academic Awards banquet.
Santa Fe artist Amado Pea cre-
ated the commemorative poster
for this years banquet.Courtesy
Los Cuentos
depicts a family
reading books

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