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Teachei's Name: Bate:


Title of Lesson:
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Fiank Abiahams, 2u14
- Have you ever been to a tropical place? What kind of trees/plants are there?
- Rhythm/Melody of the Day
- Review all school song
- Papaya trees are mostly found in South America and grow in trees. Very healthy.
- Have students circle around while playing music to Shake the Papaya Down
- pg. 90: look at small map to see locations where papayas are
- Sing song while class tracks music in book
- Break song down phrase by phrase. Create larger chunks. Practice. Sing all.
- "What do you notice about the first 3 notes of each measure?" (Notes & Rhythm)
- "This rhythm pattern is called syncopation. It goes, short long short. Say that with
me. How many times do we see syncopation in this song?"
- Clap each note of the music with text
- Clap and only speak 'syn-co-pa' on syncopated rhythms
- (Personalize: Create movements)
- Practice song with movements
- Teach ost. on xylophones
- Tam. on 3 & 4
- Drum syncopation
2nd Grade
Joel Michalchuk 4/27/2014
Shake the Papaya Down: Syncopation, Movement, and Instruments
- Papaya Personalize: Students choose movements to go along with each measure
- Movements should match text

- clap a syncopated rhythm
- identify a syncopated rhythm
- creating meaningful movement to text
Watch for students clapping 'syn-co-pa'
Examine small groups in performance
- Class is divided into 4 groups
- Ost. / Tam. / Drum / Movements
- Intro: music and movements (no singing)
- Chorus: music, movements, and singing
- Outro: music and movements (no singing)
- note values of syncopation

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