Volunteer Application Form

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Volunteer application pack

May 2014



TfA is a registered charity No.1063733 and a company limited by guarantee No.3337948.


About Transport for All

London is one of the wealthiest cities in the world yet many transport services remain out
of bounds for its disabled and older citizens. Physical barriers like flights of stairs, gaps and
obstacles combined with the way services are run prevent many from living independent

Without knowing what accessible alternatives exist, these barriers at worst can condemn
people to becoming isolated, housebound and ruin health and quality of life.

Rooted in the social model of disability, Transport for All (TfA) is dedicated solely to
tackling this situation. For over two decades we have been championing the cause of
accessible transport in the capital and are widely regarded as the leading light on this vitally
important issue.

TfA has a membership of 2000 individual disabled and older people from across every
borough of London and an on-line community of over 8000 supporters across social media
platforms. Our website www.transportforall.org.uk was nominated for best not for profit
site in the NOMINET Internet Awards 2012 and has on average 13,000 visitors a month
making it one of the best on-line resources for disabled people in the U.K

Through our helpline and dedicated advice and advocacy services we advise and empower
2000 disabled and older people per annum to access alternative accessible routes, travel
concessions and take up transport related benefits.

TfA prides itself on being a grassroots organisation that transport providers and
commissioners take notice of.

Our recent successes have included:
Despite costing 14.5 billion, Crossrail was originally planned to have 7 inaccessible
stations. We are extremely proud that our high profile influencing work has resulted
in both the Dept of Transport and Transport for London (TfL) conducting a U-turn
and stating that achieving full Crossrail access is now their preferred option and
funding a feasibility to assess how this can happen.
During the London 2012 Games, manual boarding ramps were used at 16 Tube
stations to enable access onto the train. We secured a roll out to a further 16 Tube
stations, by presenting TfL with evidence of the difference they had made to
wheelchair and scooter users (collected through our helpline). The use of these
ramps has unlocked the Tube to many disabled and older people some are able to
use their local Tube station for the first time.
We used our helpline data to call for better customer service for disabled and older
people; and subsequently provide disability equality training to London
Underground trainers and front line station staff as well as bus drivers and
operational managers at Stagecoach and Arriva. This is the first time these
companies have engaged with a user led disabled peoples organisation in the
provision of staff training.


Looking forward, the rest of 2014 is set to be busy with a number of exciting campaigns and
initiatives planned. We are searching for dynamic and talented volunteers to join our team
and assist us in this important work.

Could this be you?

The role descriptions are listed on Pages 3-6. We look forward to hearing from you.

Yours for accessible transport.

Faryal Velmi

Transport for All


Volunteer roles

Communications support volunteer

This volunteer role will support our internal and external communications working across
all of our platforms including social, website, printed and e-newsletters.

A fantastic opportunity to learn more about:

Using a number of digital platforms and tools
How to use Social media to promote a cause and/or event.
Photography & Video production and editing
Graphic design

Volunteer skills required:

Experience/knowledge/interest in the issues faced by disabled people, in particular
around access to transport services.
Good/Excellent IT skills
Working knowledge of social media, i.e. Facebook, Twitter
Writing skills (desired but not essential)
Photography skills (desired and not essential)

Role description

Assist the Communications and Projects officer in a range of tasks.
Manage the photograph database.
Assist in the mailing out of printed documents to our members.
Assist in the recording testimonies and case studies (audio, video or text).
Write copy for a range of digital and printed communications including the website
and newsletters (printed and on-line).
Monitoring and recording TfAs media presence


Volunteer roles

Advice and helpline volunteer

This volunteer role will support our advice and advocacy services through advising disabled
and older people on accessible transport issues and their rights when travelling. This will be
through answering calls to our helpline, responding to email enquiries and occasionally
meeting people face to face.

Training and support will be given and the helpline will operate on a call back basis
ensuring that volunteers can look up the correct information to give to callers.

Volunteer skills required:

Experience/knowledge/interest in the issues faced by disabled people, in particular
around access to transport services.
Friendly and empathetic telephone manner
Average/Good IT skills
Attention to detail when recording calls and monitoring information.

Role description

Answering calls to TfAs helpline
Responding to email enquiries
Advising on a variety of issues including accessible journey planning, application
form assistance and general information on getting around London accessibly.
Collecting case studies from disabled and older transport users
Monitoring each call and entering details into TfAs monitoring system.
Assisting to ensure that TfAs information resources, i.e. websites and leaflets are up
to date.
Researching the websites of transport providers


Volunteer roles

Campaigns and research volunteer

This role offers a great opportunity to be a part of TfAs campaigning activities and assist in
putting together the case for support needed every time we embark on a campaign.

Volunteer skills required:

Experience/knowledge/interest in the issues faced by disabled people, in particular
around access to transport services.
Good IT skills
Good communication skills written, verbal and face to face.

Role description

Conducting research on relevant topics and issues
Compiling reports and articles
Drafting press releases and liaising with press contacts
Collecting case studies from disabled and older transport users
Drafting articles for the TfA website and for other publications and websites
Supporting preparation for meetings and campaign actions (e.g. publicity, logistics)
Attending press stunts, campaign meetings and other actions.


Volunteer roles

Office Support volunteer

This volunteering opportunity is around supporting TfAs activities and contributing
towards the smooth running of the office.

Volunteer skills required:

Experience/knowledge/interest in the issues faced by disabled people, in particular
around access to transport services.
Good IT skills
Friendly and empathetic telephone manner
Good communication skills written, verbal and face to face.

Role description

Welcoming newly joined members and introducing them to TfA.
Updating TfAs databases when required
Assisting with the organising of events and meetings
Assisting with the promotion of events through emails and telephone calls


Volunteering Terms and Conditions

1. Recruitment and Selection
Volunteer candidates will be invited to an informal meeting to discuss the volunteering
position. Transport for All will adhere to its equalities and diversity policy when recruiting
and selecting volunteers.

2. DBS Checks
Volunteers will be required to undergo a DBS check prior to commencing their volunteer
role with the organisation.

3. Probation Period
A probation period of 2 weeks will begin on the first day of volunteering. This is so both the
organisation and the volunteer can familiarise themselves with each other. After the
probation period a meeting with be held between the volunteer and their manager. If
mutually agreed the volunteer will be confirmed in the role.

4. Support, Supervision and training.
All volunteers will have an induction to their volunteering which will involve an overview of
the relevant policies and procedures. Following induction, volunteers will have regular
support and supervision meetings with a relevant manager to identify areas for
development, or to discuss any issues. Training for specific tasks will be given.

In addition, volunteers can access learning and development opportunities which are
relevant to their volunteering role throughout their time with Transport for All.
Opportunities for learning and development will form part of the discussions at support and
supervision sessions. Where a concern is highlighted either by a volunteer or about a
volunteer, this will be dealt with using the organisations Disciplinary, Grievance and
Dismissal Policy.

5. Expenses
Transport for All will pay all volunteers up to 5 for lunch expenses for a full day. Travel
expenses for zones 1 -5 will also be reimbursed on production of an expenses form and a
valid receipt. Volunteers are expected to use the most economical for of transport at all
times. Any other additional expenditure must be discussed with the relevant manager prior
to incurring it so to ensure that it can be covered by the organisation.

6. Holiday
Where volunteers have holidays or other commitments which mean that they cannot
attend their normal volunteering, they should advise the organisation in good time to
ensure that we can arrange alternative cover. If volunteers require a longer break from their
volunteering, they should discuss this with their manager. Transport for All will endeavour
to be as flexible as possible to accommodate the needs of volunteers.


Volunteer Application Form

Name: Surname:


Home no: Work no:

Mobile no: Email:

Please indicate which volunteer role(s) within TfA you are interested in:

Communications Support
Advice and helpline
Campaigns and research
Office Support
A combination of the above or something else? Please specify

Please indicate which day(s) you are available to volunteer:

Morning 10am-1pm Afternoon 2pm-5pm All day


Why would you like to volunteer with Transport for All? Tell us what skills or experience
you have which you feel may be of value to our organisation. Please include specific
reference to the volunteering role(s) you are applying for.

Continue on a separate piece of paper if needed. You may also attach your CV in addition to
answering this question.


Will you require any access aids to assist you in your volunteering role with Transport for

Please give names and address of two referees, who should be: your current or most recent
employer or from an organisation where you have previously volunteered or have known
you personally for at least three years. Please do not give the names and contact details for
people you are related to.


Job Title




Job Title



Telephone no Telephone no

How do you know this person?

How do you know this person?

Reference will be taken up prior to an offer of a Volunteer role with Transport for All.

Signature of applicant:


Please email or post your completed application form to:

Email: Faryal@transportforall.org.uk

Post: Transport for All. Weare336, 336 Brixton Road. London SW9 7AA


Equal Opportunities Monitoring Form

Monitoring the diversity of our applicants and staff is an essential part of TfAs commitment
to Equality and Diversity. Please complete this form and return it with your application
form. It is entirely confidential and will not be made available to those involved in
shortlisting or the selection process, or for any purpose other than monitoring and
statistical reporting.

1. How would you describe your ethnic origin (tick one)?

White Mixed Asian/Asian

Other Ethnic
British What & Black

Indian Caribbean Chinese
Irish White & Black

Pakistani African Vietnamese

White & Asian Bangladeshi Black other
please specify
Other please
Other please
Any other
please specify

Any other
South Asian
please specify

2. Gender: Male Female
3. Do you consider yourself to be transgender? Yes No Prefer not to say
4. Are you: Lesbian Bisexual Gay Prefer not to say
5. Do you consider yourself to be a disabled person? Yes No Prefer not to say
6. Age 18-25 26-40 41-65 65+

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