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The "Hu songs" genre
Student Name: ng Xun Trng. ID: BABAIU12216
Subject: Viet Nam History and Culture
Instructor: DR. Vo Van Sen

Table of Contents

1. Introduction............................................................................................................................ 3

2. Processes of development........................................................................................... 4

3. Typical forms of culture........................................................................................................ 5

4. Features of Content............................................................................................................... 6
5. Features the art...................................................................................................................... 7
6. Features of performing arts.................................................................................................. 9
7. Conclusion............................................................................................................................... 11


1) Introduction

Thua Thien Hue central area which is famous about The "Hu songs" genre . Days ago, they are
quite popular in all over the country, but especially in central, they are an important contribution
to Vietnam folk genre.
Ca Hue formed from stream music and folk music royal line, the music solemn majesty should
have the charisma of chamber music, can follow two major lines of rhythm and melody North
Vietnam, with over 60 works vocal and instrumental music. Animal traditional music elegant,
Civil engineering and special singing Hue Hue folk subtle but bold shades to local, arising from
the voice, the voice of the people close to them should Hue Hue, Hue Ly; as a bridge between
court music and folk music. Before and between the solo songs a traditional ensemble will play
instrumental sections to complement the singer. The ca hu ensemble should be of five excellent
instruments, ng tuyt
Based on the function, can be divided into 3 categories in Hue: Dating rituals, they play
activities, labor and professional production.
About Dating rituals, spiritual-Hue has taken shallow paddling.

On the fun activities you have coughing, they all pregnant, they all play, shop and meet all local
severe cough.
Labor and production occupations they stay, they ignored, they grind the rice, they should (or
date hui), they paint, they pulled cascade, they pushed nooc, they call a calf (or calves corn),
coughing second (or roof pushing), belt household, household rivers, lakes pounding rice (or
2) Processes of development

Through the centuries, people have created what they sing to cater to eat less burdensome way
boring . From the entrance boating , fishing on rivers and seas , to the farmer plowing , harvest ,
planting , breeding silkworms ... Hue also there to serve what they other activities . In order to
understand the condition better Hue , we can learn about geography , history, people of Thua
Thien Hue .
Thua Thien Hue is a strip of land located in the north central Vietnam, about 16 * North latitude ,
is a morphological convergence of national geographic .
Based on these relics excavated in the ground, based on the history of the past to leave , we can
assume Hue is one of Vietnam 's territory Often , one of the country's 15 at Van Lang Hung
Vuong University .

In early AD, the Han army occupied this land , after we get swept, but the next century , between
Vietnamese and Champa always happen to win the clash live land . Until 1104 Ly Thuong Kiet
has regained the three European Geography , Ma Ling and the father of Champa , then our new
land to the north of Quang Tri .

1306 Che Man offer two continents: Europe and Asia Ly O ( northern of Quang Tri and Thua
Thien Hai Van Pass includes silvicultural wedding Princess Huyen Tran , Hue new real return to
Vietnam . Throughout the Any history of the nation, the land was divided several times . place
here as those produced heroes like Duong Van An praised the " weight force in Europe ." Hue
people's diligence , integrity pure , honest and workers , eager to learn . Hue deserves a literary
land , the land of beauty and poetry of the country.
3) Typical forms of culture

Have reciprocal relationships with folk influences Nghe Tinh practices in daily life as they sing .
The process of a household in Hue rice like singing process for fabrics Nghe ward .
In terms of literature, there are a large number lullabies same or similar between the date Nghe
Tinh Hue folk songs.
Quang Tri, Quang Binh is home to many relationship than in Hue . Dating rice ( apprehensive ) ,
date of Quang Binh and Hue hui same. They are full of water is a two place . They give
flexibility both places , as well as household lime ( lime crashing ) .

Ho Quang Tri and Thua Thien Hue has a lot of the same things they like them to stay , household
rice , they ignored , they grind the rice , they should , they paint , they pulled cascade , they
pushed nooc , second coughing , coughing them. The same definition for speculation such a
correlation influence on folk in two areas . Sometimes the relevance of folk music in the depth of
time , like space width in case they push the roof ( roof or second ) . Industry studies musician
Tran Van Khe leads to inhibition hypothesis that promote coughing Central Vietnam and the
country folk of Pelog gamut of system origin England - Bahasa zien with a common origin .
About their position in Hue Vietnam folk based melodies criteria , when making comparisons to
Hue folk tunes of the northern provinces , Nghe Tinh , Quang Binh , South Central and South
according to system classification , we find the following highlights :
Dating rituals genre , Quang Binh has many best tunes , followed by Tri Thien .
Dating fun activities in Hue plentiful . over the northern region , Nghe Tinh and South.
Labor and production career in Hue richer labor in North and Nghe Tinh .
In relation to Vietnam folk , if they stay in the North melodies , emotional factors do not have
much chance to develop it in the melodies to meet at Tri Thien , emotional factors gradual
expansion on schedule time in a meet .
4) Features of Content
The content reflects the lyrical lullabies in Hue is the voice dearly , rich friendship , discreet ,
compassionate and introspective . Easy to express affection is pretty impressive landscape ,
people at home .
For younger girls affection , the closeness of the more revealing lament , corroborated means
faithful .
If boys and girls love to be in Hue so dearly expressed the feelings of the family is full of grace,
social sentiments .
Hue has a woman inner life is rich , a deep introvert , quiet , discreet . Perhaps due to heavy
influence of Confucian ideology has been the origin of the capital . Personality is very different
from the south central character .
Compared with folk Nghe Tinh , Thua Thien Hue folk touches closer . Nghe Tinh Ca knife
represents the solid and strong personality of that region .
In Hue folk lyricism , understatement steely tough but softer . The silent as to get cold . That is
the definition reconcile , trim the edges , so it shows more rigidity .

Hue Folk nature was imbued with satirical humor . Entrance in Thua Thien Hue satirical
lightness in addition , there are privately depth of thought , philosophy lies a deep and profound
humanity .
In his mind 's satirical , sarcastic folk who are dazzled by money, coins were Multimeter
dominant forget kindness , morality . There must be a life experience , a keen insight on how the
new psychopaths created the satirical folk song so deep , it features bold paint on the face and
highlight personality Thua Thien Hue people .
It is the combined result of human origin Bar Arts , the oldest living on land accumulation and
enhance cultural conditions when Hue was chosen as the capital of the Nguyen and Hue was the
capital of the country last nearly two centuries.
The contribution of Thua Thien-Hue scholar in folklore treasure is enhanced artistic content and
lullabies to a level of elegance , depth and literally . It is also a characteristic of speech " play " of
Thua Thien Hue
5) Features the art
About the art form , Hue Alexandrine still can be used but is more common variants Alexandrine
verse and song variations bowl loss record .
Through statistical folk poetry in Hue , according to the printed works , we draw the following
remarks :
In terms of quantity, Alexandrine variations may account for the highest rate of occurrence , and
the Alexandrine verse equivalent mixture , followed by lumbar Alexandrine verse variations .
The composition variations in Hue often demonstrate greater latitude in composing language
than in the northern folk . It is also a sign reflecting the nature hearts full of residents living in
the new land .
Category mixture of lullabies Hue has a significant position in comparison with Northern
lullabies . It occupies a position equivalent to continental dishes . This result reflects a
compromise between the classical model with the new liberal folk songwriting .
At the poetic structure , in terms of the structure of each sentence in Hue are any short term
brings to mind the situation at least as a whole . To express a profound way the whole situation
that , when used to various lullabies , be inspired to use , when to use ratio , which when
combined can both inspiring and diverse , inspiring and billions , billions and rich .
The usage of words, in this place , local terms are used quite popular and elegant . Many
questions Kanji interfered lullabies rustic , rustic but still natural . In their words to meet men
and women , the language knowledge is represented is rich .

To describe , express , in Hue using two basic methods : direct and indirect . There is also the
other players rhetorical approach makes the tone more vivid colors such as impersonation ,
exaggerated , have used more symbolically motif , stylized metaphor , the firewall sometimes
been Americanized .
Some icons in the pair in Hue " lan - lily " , " loan- serve " have a higher frequency than the pair
" grenade - train " , " mini - train " , " architecture - mai " , " bird - fish " .
Through statistical results , we see the creation of Hue folk songs composed in pairs of symbols (
lan - lily , pomegranate - training , loan- phoenix , lotus - dirt ) .
To build character lyrical imagery , often used in Hue describes the methodology , narrative ,
metaphor , compare and relate .
About time art in Hue date , the relationship between time -paced narrative chronology and
narrative carries a deeper meaning , great .
For lovers , time is always psychological , subjective . As shown , it was formulaic conventions
... The formula is repeated often : apart one day , two days apart , in soup night , six days carving
Time past became a separate region discreet depths to keep the memories of those who love the
memories ... Time fastened subjective psychological time past and present as a mass not
removed from the objective reality though , it's broken , patchwork . Over time the level of art ,
subjective psychological time occupied an important place in the expression of human emotions
Hue , it shows desire , talked earnestly looking forward expectations of Hue .
Art space , one finds the physical space close to the individual in life generally : Ben countries ,
most trees , fields , pavilion , temple , neighbors ... street bridge connecting the two shores river
became separated from a physical space meaningful fellowship , the question of convergence is
often mentioned in Hue .
Especially as rain nuanced Hue : persistent rain , rain forest dark , torrential rain , rain fly , wet sa
Local shades can also be a bold way through the colorful, lyrical lullabies that one of the factors
to enhance lyricism that association with the physical space of human emotions can host .
From the analysis and results presented in the previous section, we can highlight some of the
features in their literature Hue , which is :
- The dynamics of population in a new area , you want to change the old order and discipline in
literary texts . If in the North , can Alexandrine Alexandrine lumbar adjustments and can be used
much in Hue to be common variants and Alexandrine Alexandrine lumbar variations .

- The innovative style of how to use words in rhyme .
- Art image building , personality expression by the method described , compare , relate and
edgy narrative . Sometimes the combination of methods that together.
- Art uses time and space to highlight the art of emotional nuances , local human mind
6) Features of performing arts

I can name a number of characteristics of music and language oratorio :
According to Hoang Thi Chau comments about language partition , then Basically , Hue said "
central voice " . But " central voice " of Hue has its own characteristics , than we derive the flow
of People go to new lands . Basically Binh Tri Thien Nghe Tinh People Zone is on the way down
from the Tran osmosis . Exactly dialect dialect Nghe Tinh and Binh Tri Thien has the same
characteristics . Particularly popular new Hue nuanced dialect of the South Central and South .

On the pitch , the two researchers have observed Furniture Regions of Quang Tri and Thua Thien
sew sound kind of shallow and narrow water most .
Influenced by the voice of local as well as People nn They pronounce the rhythm of each region
. Some researchers believe Furniture Music : The North Vietnamese capital in familiar use of the

pentatonic scale ng (do , re , fa , sol , la ) , Southern familiar voice plaintive melodies in
pentatonic year ( Due to , mi , fa ( old) , sol , la ) used the pentatonic Hue " year like none" (do ,
re ( young ) , fa ( old) , sol , la ( non ) . pentatonic steam mushrooms performing arts who is
characteristic of Hue date . ceremonial It covers Dating , Dating Activities fun or productive
labor and employment . tonal It exudes a Distant , mysterious and full of lyrical melodies They
offer flexibility in the , They all pregnant , coughing second , rice Households , Households in ...
Thua Thien Hue date plentiful . Each category has a separate oratorio style .
- They offer a flexible system oratorio composed dances , singing , They can thc in one night .
- They have fun activities from children to meet ru deliberate , gentle .
- They all pregnant with Melodious tunes , insinuating , They all more fun ... This is the date the
application is accompanied by stage .
- Assume They chng what rice is a playful , flexible . Households in the menu to showcase what
They love Attention , They milled rice deliberate , monotone voice with buckets " is shouted . "
Dating painted similar intonation As They should, strong pace and Urgency . They pulled what
khi c iron cascade over the waterfall , healthy immense cheers .
- The second is what They coughing on the river , typical in Hue .
English gulf long, spreading , attachment on the River Furniture charmed to hear , what They
need to shove two roof layers . Coughing can push fast cadence , better meet the second roof ,
and no long- budget , fly .
About cng folk artists need to Pay Attention to two types arising from Artisans and craftsmen
Sinology background absorption field .
Through anecdotes extant in Thua Thien Hue They repartee about what the between these artists
, we see the same talent to meet the wealth of knowledge of language , literature tnh .
A Different kind of artist than he absorbed a fairly technical school , the folk at heart , loves
singing lullabies . In response to these lullabies , often Do They played " Mr . Chicken " . In
Thua Thien Hue has two famous poets : Price Ung Thi Binh and Nguyen Khoa Am Thao Vy has
left many interesting anecdotes about yeast and women to meet them .
Like other genres , Thua Thien Hue They will have ups and downs , development , conversion
functioning as it has been through the past five months . When Hue was nhn as cultural heritage
of humanity , the thought Hue khi still love the traditional art facility and we have to hope
Furniture Conditions have changed though time , date tunes full of nationalist am also have the
opportunity to resurrection . Development and transformation functions to suit the modern
aesthetic , serving human life , faith Brings love life.

7) Conclusion
Ca Hue Art traits with the type of sound art Vietnam traditional music as the way Recital "the leg
- flowers " , period dance followed the voice and the tone walking free music , emotions started
to lead the music . These features demonstrate Ca Hue located in the same music system
traditions of the people of Vietnam. side Furthermore , Ca Hue characteristics are unique
distinction of the music
Other regions such as creative melodies based Hue on voice, quiet performance space in the
evening , there is a cool breeze moon , rhythm slow , sad feelings , order all the dance
arrangements from North to South tone . These characteristics contribute to cultural identity of
Hue . with values such excellent art , Ca Hue deserves one Typical forms of culture to culture
Hue in particular and Vietnam in culture general , need to be taken care of , preserve and develop
properly , in the right direction .
Ca Hu on Vietnam Wikipedia

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