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MDIHS English Department

Sophomore Year
Favorite Poems Project
CC Standard
Does not meet the
Try again!
Partially meets the standard:
Almost there!
Meets the standard:
Solid work!
Exceeds the standard:
Excellent work!
RL 9-10: 1. Cite strong
and thorough textual
evidence to support
analysis of what the text
says explicitly as well as
inferences drawn from the
Discussion of meaning
and inferences is
missing or not
While present, evidence for
discussion of meaning and/
or inferences is invalid,
general, and/or insufcient.
Discussions and close reads
focus on specic, valid
evidence for inferences and
Discussions and close reads
offer sophisticated, developed
evidence for subtle
interpretations of inferences
and meaning.
L 9-10: 5. Demonstrate
understanding of
gurative language, word
relationships, and nuances
in word meanings.
Close reads and/or
discussion show show
no evidence of
understanding of
language and poetic
Close reads and/or
discussion show some
understanding of language
and poetic devices, but
signicant gaps remain, or
understanding is awed.
Close reads and discussion
clearly illustrate an effective
understanding of poetic
language and devices.
Close reads and discussion
reveal sophisticated
understanding of poetic
language and devices that
goes beyond the obvious.
SL 9-10: 1. Initiate and
participate effectively in
one-on-one discussions
building on others ideas
and expressing their own
clearly and persuasively.
Interviewees parts of
project are missing or
Project gives a partial or
confusing view of
interviewees and/or
students own choices.
Project clearly reects both
interviewees and students
own opinions and motivation
in discussion, close reads, or
Project goes beyond mere
presentation to celebrate both
students own and
interviewees choices through
insightful, developed
discussion, close reads, and
CC Standard
Does not meet the
Try again!
Partially meets the standard:
Almost there!
Meets the standard:
Solid work!
Exceeds the standard:
Excellent work!
W 9- 10: 5. Develop and
strengthen writing as
needed by planning,
revising, editing,
rewriting, or trying a new
approach, focusing on
addressing what is most
signicant for a specic
purpose and audience.
No drafts are included,
or nal draft reveals
sustained, uncorrected
errors and weaknesses.
Students work reveals
some drafting and editing,
but nal product is still in
need of attention and
improvements noted
Students work reveals
careful use of drafting and
editor input through a
sequence of drafts resulting
in a complete, polished draft.
Students work reveals
especially thorough and/or
attentive use of editing,
revising, and drafting; nal
draft is distinguished by its
quality and craftsmanship.
Created 10/26/10; edited 8/11 for CCSS

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