Cisco Business Edition 6000: Ordering Guide

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2014 Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserv ed. This document is Cisco Public Information.

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Orderi ng Gui de
Cisco Business Edition 6000
Version 10.0
Ordering Guide
February 2014
This document is updated frequently. Ensure that you are using the latest version from:
For questions and comments please use Cisco Business Edition 6000 support community (

2014 Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserv ed. This document is Cisco Public Information. Page 2 of 28
1. Introduction...................................................................................................................................................................3
1.1 Cisco Business Edit ion 6000 Version 10 Highlights .............................................................................................3
1.1.1 Server Hardware and Licensing.....................................................................................................................3
1.1.2 Ease of Install and Provisioning .....................................................................................................................3
1.1.3 User Licensing Enhancements ......................................................................................................................3
1.1.4 Collaborat ion Applications ..............................................................................................................................4
1.2 Quot ing and Ordering Tools ...................................................................................................................................4
1.3 End-of -Sale and Pr oduct Code Change Bulletins .................................................................................................4
2. Getting Started .............................................................................................................................................................4
2.1 Unif ied Communicat ions Licensing Overview .......................................................................................................4
2.1.1 Cisco User Licensing ......................................................................................................................................4
2.1.2 Cisco User Connect Licensing .......................................................................................................................4
2.1.3 Cisco Unif ied Wor kspace Licensing...............................................................................................................5
2.1.4 License Control Mechanisms .........................................................................................................................6
2.2 Cisco Service and Support .....................................................................................................................................8
2.2.1 Pr oduct Support Services ...............................................................................................................................8
2.2.2 Pr oduct Warranty ............................................................................................................................................8
2.2.3 Cisco Unif ied Communications Sof tware Subscription.................................................................................8
2.2.4 Service Availability by Pr oduct .......................................................................................................................9
3. Ordering Cisco Business Edition 6000 Solutions ................................................................................................10
3.1 Ordering Overview ................................................................................................................................................10
3.1.1 New Systems ................................................................................................................................................10
3.1.2 Upgrades and Migrat ions .............................................................................................................................10
3.2 Cisco Business Edit ion 6000 Order ing Wor kf low f or New Systems ..................................................................11
3.3 Optional BE6000 Licenses and Of f ers.................................................................................................................15
3.3.1 Enable Mobile and Remote Access with Cisco Expressway......................................................................15
3.3.2 Enabling Customer Collaborat ion with Cisco Unif ied Contact Center Express.........................................16
3.3.3 Enabling Rich Online Meet ings with the WebEx Meet ing Cent er Service.................................................16
3.4 Addit ional Features and Applications...................................................................................................................17
3.4.1 Ext end Cisco Unity Connect ion Features ....................................................................................................17
3.4.2 Enable Call Management with Cisco Unif ied Attendant Console ..............................................................17
3.4.3 Enable Emergency Call Routing with Cisco Emergency Responder .........................................................18
3.4.4 Enable Advanced Notif icat ion with Cisco Paging Server ...........................................................................18
3.4.5 Ext ending t he Video Solution with Cisco TelePr esence Video Communication Server ...........................18
3.5 Ordering Examples: New Systems ......................................................................................................................19
3.6 License and Sof tware Upgrades ..........................................................................................................................21
3.6.1 Unif ied Communicat ions User License Feat ure Upgrades ........................................................................21
3.6.2 Unif ied Communicat ions Sof tware Version Upgrades ................................................................................21
3.6.3 Hypervisor License Upgrade ........................................................................................................................22
3.7 Ordering Example: License Feature Upgrade.....................................................................................................23
3.8 Ordering Example: Sof tware Version Upgrade ...................................................................................................24
3.9 Migrat ion t o Cisco Business Edit ion 6000 and User Licensing ..........................................................................24
3.9.1 Migrat ion Process With UCSS .....................................................................................................................25
3.9.2 Migrat ion Process Without UCSS ................................................................................................................25
3.9.3 Ordering Migrat ion Licenses ........................................................................................................................26
3.10 Ordering Examples: Migration............................................................................................................................27

2014 Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserv ed. This document is Cisco Public Information. Page 3 of 28
1. Introduction

Business Edition 6000 (BE6000) is designed f or organizations with up to 1000 employees. The solution
of f ers premium voice, video, mobility, messaging, presence, and contact center f eatures on a single virtualized
platf orm. These core communication capabilities allow medium-sized businesses to benef it f rom rich collaboration
tools that improve ef f iciency and productivity. For more inf ormation, please visit:
This guide describes a simple, common process f or ordering BE6000 solutions directly f rom Cisco, or through a
Cisco distributor, reducing cost of entry f or small deployments and minimizing lead time.
Bef ore proceeding, please ensure that you are using the latest version of this guide f rom the f ollowing link: A specif ic guide f or ordering Cisco
Business Edition 6000 Version 8.6 is also available on this page.
1.1 Cisco Business Edition 6000 Version 10 Highlights
1.1.1 Server Hardware and Licensing
Hardware remains available without user licensing as nonconf igurable, stockable parts.
Medium-density and high-density server options are available f or more f lexible deployment solutions.
Servers are available with export restricted, or export unrestricted sof tware.
Version 9 or 10 user licensing is available through electronic delivery using a single top-level product code
Licenses purchased using R-CBE6K-K9 may only be used with BE6000 server products. Use of BE6000
licensing with any other platf orm is expressly f orbidden.
Licensing options f or the Cisco Expressway mobile and remote access solution are now available with the
Cisco TelePresence

Video Communicat ion Server Control (VCS-C) sof tware with 10 nontraversal and 5
traversal session licenses continues to be included with each server bundle at no additional cost. Additional
session and f eature licenses may be ordered if required.
1.1.2 Ease of Install and Provisioning
Cisco Unif ied Communications Virtualization Hypervisor and license are preinstalled on the server.
Cisco Unif ied Communications Sof tware Suite (ref er to section 3.2) is preloaded on the Hypervisor
datastore to help reduce installation time.
To simplif y provisioning, Cisco Prime

Collaboration version 9.5 and version 10 Standard is included with

licensing with each server bundle at no additional cost.
1.1.3 User Licensing Enhancements
Sof tware License Starter Bundle options of f er pref erred pricing f or the f irst 25 users of a deployment.
To improve consistency between products, Cisco Unif ied Workspace Licensing Business Edition
(CUWL-BE) has now been replaced by CUWL Standard products when purchasing version 10 solutions.
CUWL-BE will remain available f or purchase with version 9.1 solutions until 22 April 2014.
Unif ied Communicat ions license orders are now subject to new license control mechanisms, see section
2.1.4 f or more inf ormation.

2014 Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserv ed. This document is Cisco Public Information. Page 4 of 28
1.1.4 Collaboration Applications
New Cisco Unif ied Contact Center Express promotional bundles are now available when ordering License
Starter Bundles.
1.2 Quoting and Ordering Tools
Cisco Quick Pricing Tool (QPT) is an installable application that may be used to generate quotes f or Cisco small
and medium-sized business solutions including the BE6000. QPT is a requirements-led tool that allows inf ormal
quotes to be built quickly and easily. Conf igurations built using QPT may be imported into Cisco Commerce
Workspace. To request access, please visit
Cisco Commerce Workspace is the online tool ( f or creating, managing, and sharing
Cisco product conf igurations and orders. Promotion registrations may also be managed using Cisco Commerce
Cisco Support Contract Center (SCC) is the online tool f or pricing, managing, and renewing service contracts
and subscriptions f or Cisco products. Visit f or more details and access to the tool.
Partner Central provides tools and resources to help position and sell the BE6000. Detailed inf ormation about
of f erings such as Not f or Resale (NFR) and f inancing f rom Cisco Capital

is also available at Partner Central:
1.3 End-of-Sale and Product Code Change Bulletins
Bef ore starting a quote, please check end-of -sale announcements related to BE6000 at the f ollowing website: ml.
Many product codes used in earlier BE6000 versions have now been announced end-of -sale. If you have ordered
the BE6000 in the past, please ensure that you understand and use the process detailed in this document.
2. Getting Started
2.1 Unified Communications Licensing Overview
2.1.1 Cisco User Licensing
From Cisco Unif ied Communications Release 9.0, applications are licensed f rom the perspective of an end user.
This model is distinct f rom earlier releases, where f eatures were licensed by device. The f ollowing sections
introduce the two available licensing types: User Connect Licensing and Unif ied Workspace Licensing, whi ch may
be mixed within a system deployment as required.
2.1.2 Cisco User Connect Licensing
User Connect Licensing (UCL) allows most Cisco Unif ied Communicat ions products to be licensed on a per -user
basis. With UCL, all client and server sof tware, right-to-use (RTU) f ees, port licenses, etc. are covered by the per-
user license, simplif ying the ordering and deployment process f or an on-premises solution.
UCL is available with the f ollowing licenses (summarized in Table 1):
Essential UCL: This license enables use of an analog telephone adaptor (ATA) port or simple IP phone f or
shared working areas. Instant messaging and presence f eatures are also included where devices are
assigned to a specif ic user.
Basic UCL: This license is suitable f or desk-based users who require a voice-centric communications
solution using an entry-level IP phone. It includes voice, instant messaging, and presence f eatures.

2014 Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserv ed. This document is Cisco Public Information. Page 5 of 28
Enhanced UCL: This license of f ers a richer collaborative experience f or either desk-based or mobile users
who require a single device. It includes voice, video, instant messaging, and presence f eatures which may
be enabled f or mobile and remote access using Cisco Expressway

Enhanced Plus UCL: This license of f ers a richer collaborative experience f or desk-based and mobile users
who require two devices. It includes voice, video, instant messaging, and presence f eatures which may be
enabled f or mobile and remote access using Cisco Expressway.
TelePresence Room: This license enables any Cisco room-based telepresence system.
Voice Messaging (voicemail): Enables voice messaging f eatures f or one user with Cisco Unity

Basic licensing. It includes advanced message access options (Internet Message Access Protocol [IMAP],
unif ied messaging, phone, and web).
2.1.3 Cisco Unified Workspace Licensing
Unif ied Workspace Licensing (UWL) of f ers an easy and af f ordable way to procure and deploy a broad range of
Cisco Unif ied Communications applications and services using per -user licensing.
UWL is available f or the BE6000 in two editions (summarized in Table 1):
Standard Edition (CUWL-Std): This license of f ers a rich collaborative experience f or desk-based and mobile
users who require multiple devices. It includes voice, video, voice messaging, instant messaging, and
presence f eatures which may be enabled f or mobile and remote access using Cisco Expressway. As an
alternative to using the on-premises instant messaging and presence server, a 1-year WebEx

service subscription may be chosen with this license. Business Edition (CUWL-BE) licensing, which of f ers
the same entitlement as CUWL-Std, will remain available f or purchase with version 9.X solutions f or a
limited period.
Prof essional Edition (CUWL-Pro): This license of f ers a comprehensive collaborative experience f or users. In
addition to the benef its of UWL Standard Edition, each license includes personal f our way video calling and
WebEx Meeting Center, either as a 1-year Named Host subscription or as a perpetual on-premises license.
Note: Although UWL-Pro licensing may be used with the BE6000, it must be ordered separately and is
subject to a minimum order of 50 users per deployment.
For more details about Cisco UWL, please visit: inalcopy.pdf .

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Table 1 and Figure 1 compare Cisco Unif ied Communicat ions version 10 license types to help determine which is
most suitable f or any set of requirements. Table 1 illustrates the f eatures that are enabled by each license type.
Figure 1 illustrates the minimum license type required f or each Cisco device or client.
Table 1. Ci sco Busi ness Edi ti on 6000 Versi on 10 Li censi ng
License Cisco UCL
Cisco UCL
Cisco UCL
Cisco UCL
Enhanced Plus
Cisco UWL
Cisco UWL
Price $40 $125 $210 $295 $325 $500
User profiles 1 1 1 1 1 1
Number of devices 1 1 1 2 Multiple

IM and presence
or WebEx or WebEx
Jabber voice/video client
Video calling

Expressway Remote Access

Voice messaging
WebEx Meeting Center
Personal Multiparty Video
Prime Collaboration Standard
Legend: Incl uded Opti onal Not Applicabl e
CUWL enabl es the fi rst 10 devi ces per user on i nstal l ation. If more devices are requi red, contact l icensi

Avai l abl e to al l users when usi ng the Uni fi ed Communications Manager IM and Presence Servi ce on the BE6000 server. One-
year WebEx Messenger subscri pti ons are avai l able as an opti on for UWL users.
Where supported by devi ce or cl i ent.
Figure 1. User Li censi ng Devi ce Support

2.1.4 License Control Mechanisms
The BE6000 now includes two license control mechanisms that should be considered when ordering licenses:

2014 Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserv ed. This document is Cisco Public Information. Page 7 of 28
a. Single Fulf illment. When purchasing a BE6000 solution, Unif ied Communications licenses are
delivered through a single Product Activation Key (PAK) f or each order. In the case of the BE6000, all
licenses in a PAK must now be f ulf illed at the same time f or use with one system.
b. Starter Pack Enf orcement. Each BE6000 solution is entitled to one license starter pack. Beginning
with version 10 licensing, it will only be possible to deploy one license starter pack per system.
Note: When ordering license starter packs, ensure that the target system does not already have a starter pack
installed. If it does, none of the licenses delivered in the same PAK will be eligible f or use with that system.

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2.2 Cisco Service and Support
2.2.1 Product Support Services
Table 2 describes the services available f or the BE6000 Server and the applications it supports.
Table 2. Ci sco Busi ness Edi ti on 6000 Service Descri pti ons
Service Description
SMARTnet (hardware support) Rapid problem resolution with 24-hour global access to the Cisco Technical Assistance Center (TAC)
Registered access to for powerful online tools and information
Next-business-day advance hardware replacement (Additional replacement service levels, some as fast
as 2 hours, are also av ailable. Use the Service Availability Matrix to check
regional av ailability.)
Proactiv e Smart Call Home capability alerts customers and Cisco TAC to potential problems before they
Cisco Unified Communications
Essential Operate Service
Software support for Unified
Communications Applications
24-hour telephone and remote technical and maintenance support services
Automated troubleshooting tools and support (Cisco TAC Case Collection, Software Bug Toolkit, and
Product Alert Tool)
Cisco TAC: Access to expertly trained engineers Access to industry-leading online support
Application maintenance and minor software updates; access to software updates
Cisco TelePresence Essential
Operate Service Software
support for VCS-C (CON-ECMU)
24-hour telephone and remote technical and maintenance support services
Automated troubleshooting tools and support (Cisco TAC Case Collection, Software Bug Toolkit, and
Product Alert Tool)
Cisco TAC: Access to expertly trained engineers Access to industry-leading online support
Ongoing sof tware updates and major software version upgrades within the licensed feature set
Cisco Unif ied Communications Operate Services Ordering Guide: pdf .
Cisco TelePresence Operate Services Ordering Guide: 72.pdf .
2.2.2 Product Warranty
The BE6000 is sold as part of the Cisco Collaboration portf olio and as such is subject to Cisco Basic Warranty
Terms. In particular, BE6000 servers are subject to the Cisco 90-Day Limited Hardware Warranty. Extended
warranty terms that apply to generic Cisco Unif ied Computing System (Cisco UCS) products do not apply. For
f urther details, ref er to:
2.2.3 Cisco Unified Communications Software Subscription
To complement Unif ied Communications Essential Operate Sof tware support, Cisco Unif ied Communicat ions
Sof tware Subscriptions (UCSS) provide access to major sof tware version upgrades. To purchase UCSS, a
subscription must be ordered f or every installed user license or application. In turn, each subscription requires a
valid Unif ied Communications Essential Operate Support (ESW) contract f or activation. Although ESW contracts
may be renewed annually within a multiyear sof tware subscription, it is strongly recommended that UCSS and
ESW be sold with congruent terms.
When ordering UWL, a minimum 3-year UCSS subscription must be purchased f or every user license (UCL and
UWL) in a deployment. One-year agreements are available f or government and education customers subject to
applicable laws regarding multiyear contracts.

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For new systems, use Cisco Commerce Workspace (CCW) to order electronic delivery, sof tware subscriptions and
support through the top-level product code R-CBE6K-K9 using the part numbers illustrated throughout this guide.
When renewing cover or adding additional licenses to an existing deployment, Cisco Support Contract Center
(Cisco SCC) should be used to quote f or and assign services. In particular, Cisco SCC allows the purchase of
prorated contract terms f or new components to ensure the convenient co-termination of cover f or the entire
solution. For more inf ormation, ref er to the guides posted at:
For additional guidance on ordering sof tware support and subscription packages, ref er to the f ollowing: .
2.2.4 Service Availability by Product
Table 3 illustrates which support product to purchase f or each component of a BE6000 solution.
Table 3. Ci sco Busi ness Edi ti on 6000 Support Servi ces by Product
Product SMARTnet

UCSS UC Essential
Operate Support
TP Essential
Operate Support
Cisco Business Edition 6000 Server Bundle
Cisco Unified Communications user licenses
Cisco Contact Center Express
Cisco Unified Attendant Consoles
Cisco Emergency Responder
Cisco TelePresence Video Communications Server
Note: Support f or promotional Video Communications Server licenses is included with SMARTnet cover f or the
BE6000 sever bundle. See section 3.4.5 f or more details.
Note: ESW and UCSS f or BE6000 Unif ied Communications User Licenses provide support and upgrades f or
the f ollowing applications:
Cisco Unif ied Communications Manager
Cisco Instant Messaging and Presence Server
Cisco Unity Connection
Cisco Expressway
Cisco Jabber

desktop and mobile clients

Cisco Prime Collaboration Standard
Cisco Unif ied Provisioning Manager Business Edition
Cisco Personal Multiparty Video

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3. Ordering Cisco Business Edition 6000 Solutions
3.1 Ordering Overview
3.1.1 New Systems
The BE6000 is orderable using a consistent three-step process (Figure 2):
Figure 2. Orderi ng a New Ci sco Busi ness Edi ti on 6000 System

Step 1. Order server bundle(s).
Each BE6000 order consists of one or more server bundles that have been prepared and loaded with
sof tware as described in section 3.2, ready f or installation. The server bundle has no conf igurable options
other than its power cable, allowing distributors to hold stock f or immediate delivery.
Step 2. Order sof tware licenses.
The f ollowing licenses f or the BE6000 are available f or order with electronic delivery using the top-level
product code R-CBE6K-K9:
Sof tware License Starter Bundle: This bundle adds the f irst 25 Unif ied Communicat ions user licenses of
a deployment at a discounted rate. Each BE6000 installation may include one License Starter Bundle
only. Unlike earlier versions of the BE6000, this of f er is not available f or each server in a deployment.
User licensing is described f urther in section 2.1.
Add-on user licenses: Additional Unif ied Communicat ions user licenses may be ordered to supplement
the 25-user License Starter Bundle.
Additional applications: Purchase of Unif ied Communications user licensing entitles the conf iguration
and use of Cisco Expressway f or mobile and remote access solutions. Additional Expressway licensing
may be purchased to enable business to business calling and interworking with Microsof t Lync
installations. Purchase of a BE6000 Sof tware License Starter Bundle includes entitlement to purchase
promotional of f ers f or WebEx Meeting Center and Cisco Unif ied Contact Center Express. Additional
Unif ied Contact Center Express licenses and WebEx services may also be purchased separately.
Step 3. Add subscriptions and services.
The BE6000 is supported by Cisco SMARTnet f or hardware and Cisco Essential Operate Support f or
applications. In addition, UCSS is recommended to keep applications up-to-date. Ref er to section 2.2 f or
more inf ormation. When purchasing Unif ied Communications ESW and UCSS, cover must be purchased
f or all licenses.
3.1.2 Upgrades and Migrations
The BE6000 ordering process may also be used to upgrade existing licenses, or migrate f rom an older system to
the BE6000. When upgrading, migrating, or just adding additional user licenses, the R-CBE6K-K9 product code
may be used with or without ordering license starter bundles or promotional bundles.
License f eature upgrades: Upgrade UCL to a more advanced entitlement or to UWL.

Order Licenses (R-CBE6K-K9)
Order Server
(See Tabl e 4)
and Service

2014 Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserv ed. This document is Cisco Public Information. Page 11 of 28
Sof tware version upgrades: Permit the cost-ef f ective migration f rom other Cisco Unif ied Communicat ions
Solutions to the BE6000. Migrations are possible f rom the f ollowing solutions:
Cisco Unif ied Communications Manager (UCM) Version 9.x or older
Cisco Business Edition 5000
Cisco Business Edition 3000
Cisco Unif ied Communications Manager Express (CME)
Cisco Unif ied Communications 500 (UC500)
Cisco Unif ied Communications 320 (UC320)
The BE6000 hardware bundles may be ordered without licensing when migrating f rom an older UCM solution with
an active UCSS contract, which allows license transf er at no cost.
3.2 Cisco Business Edition 6000 Ordering Workflow for New Systems
The f ollowing steps detail the BE6000 ordering procedure f or new systems and the options available at each step.
Step 1. Order BE6000 Server Bundle(s).
Each BE6000 Server Bundle includes:
Cisco UCS C220 M3 Rack Server, available in medium-density (MD) or high-density (HD) conf igurations
that support a provisioning application and up to 4 or 8 collaboration applications respectively
Hard disks f ormatted and initialized f or Redundant Array of Independent Disks (RAID) redundancy
Cisco Unif ied Communications Virtualization Hypervisor Sof tware (v5.1 update 1) and license preinstalled
on the server
Cisco Business Edition 6000 Sof tware Suite comprising:
Cisco Unif ied Communications Manager 9.1(2)SU1 and 10.0(1)
Cisco Unif ied Communications Manager IM and Presence Service 9.1(1)SU1 and 10.0(1)
Cisco Unity Connection 9.1(2)SU1 and 10.0(1)
Cisco Paging Server 8.5(1)
Cisco Emergency Responder 10.0(1)
Cisco Unif ied Contact Center Express and Cisco Unif ied IP Interactive Voice Response Version 10.0(1)
Cisco TelePresence Video Communication Server / Expressway X8.1(0) [7.2(2) shipped with XU servers]
Cisco TelePresence Conductor Version XC2.2.1
Cisco Prime Collaboration Provisioning 9.5 and 10.0
Sof tware install and recovery f iles are preloaded in the Hypervisor datastore ready f or use. An installation
and recovery physical media pack is no longer shipped with the server.
Export Restricted sof tware (K9) bundles include controlled cryptographic sof tware, which may not be sold in
restricted export countries as def ined by the U.S. Export Administration Regulations. For more inf ormation,
please visit: general_export/contract_compliance.h
tml. Export Unrestricted (XU) server bundles containing a limited sof tware set without export restricted
cryptographic f eatures are available f or sale without restriction in any region.
Cisco TelePresence Video Communication Server licenses f or 10 concurrent nontraversal calls and 5
concurrent traversal calls.

2014 Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserv ed. This document is Cisco Public Information. Page 12 of 28
Cisco Prime Collaboration license f iles that allow the f ull provisioning of one BE6000 system.
Use the product codes in Table 4 to order the required number and type of servers f or the deployment. Make sure
that the correct power cable type is specif ied.
Table 4. Ci sco Busi ness Edi ti on 6000 Server Bundles
Product Code Description List Price
Support Product Support Price
(USD) (1yr)
BE6K-ST-BDL-K9= Cisco Business Edition 6000 Medium Density Server, Export
Restricted SW
$9,400 CON-SNT-BE6KSTBD $239
BE6K-ST-BDL-XU= Cisco Business Edition 6000 Medium Density Server, Export
Unrestricted SW
$9,400 CON-SNT-BE6KSTBD $239
BE6K-STBDL-PLS-K9= Cisco Business Edition 6000 High Density Server, Export
Restricted SW
$20,800 CON-SNT-BE6KSTBD $239
BE6K-STBDL-PLS-XU= Cisco Business Edition 6000 High Density Server, Export
Unrestricted SW
$20,800 CON-SNT-BE6KSTBD $239
Note: BE6K-ST-BDL-XU= and BE6K-STBDL- PLS- XU= contain a limited sof tware set without export restricted
cryptographic f eatures. Only order these servers if US export restrictions apply in your region.
Note: For deployments that require high availability, order two or more server bundles f or redundancy.
Note: Pricing f or Cisco SMARTnet support with 8 x 5 x next business day (NBD) service level is illustrated.
Additional service levels are available in selected regions.
If a secondary power supply is required f or medium-density servers, order the product code given in Table 5 and a
suitable power cable as separate line items. To select the correct product code f or the power cable, use the same
item selected as an option f or the server bundle f ollowed by an equals (=) character. For example, if selecting a
North American cable, add quantity 1 of product code CAB-9K12A-NA=.
Note: The high-density server is supplied with two power supplies and cables as standard.
Table 5. Ci sco Busi ness Edi ti on 6000 Server Power Supply
Product Code Description List Price
Support Product Support Price
UCSC-PSU-650W= 650W power supply for C-series rack servers $630 Not Applicable -
Step 2. Create license order.
The BE6000 licenses may be ordered using the top-level license e-delivery product code detailed in Table 6.
Table 6. E-Del i very Software Top-Level SKU
Product Code Description List Price
Support Product Support Price
R-CBE6K-K9 Cisco Business Edition 6000 - Electronic software &
license deliv ery top level
$0 Select support for license
Step 3. Select the required system sof tware version f rom Table 7.
Table 7. Orderi ng Software Versi on
Option Code
Description List Price
Support Product Support Price
BE6K-SW-9.X Cisco Business Edition 6000 Software suite version 9.X -
export restricted image
$0 Not Applicable -

2014 Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserv ed. This document is Cisco Public Information. Page 13 of 28
BE6K-SW-9.X-XU Cisco Business Edition 6000 Software suite version 9.X -
unrestricted image
$0 Not Applicable -
BE6K-SW-10.X Cisco Business Edition 6000 Software Version 10.X $0 Not Applicable -
BE6K-SW-10.X-XU Cisco Business Edition 6000 - Export unrestricted sw 10X $0 Not Applicable -
Note: Selecting BE6K-SW-9.X-XU and BE6K-SW-10.X-XU of f er a limited sof tware set without export restricted
crypto f eatures. Only select these options if US export restrictions apply in your region. If XU sof tware is installed,
it cannot be upgraded to the crypto enabled version without a complete reinstallation.
Step 4. Choose a Sof tware License Starter Bundle.
The BE6000 License Starter Bundles detailed in Table 8 enable the f irst 25 unif ied communications user licenses
at a discounted rate. Only one License Starter Bundle may be selected and installed per UCM deployment. Unlike
earlier BE6000 bundles, this of f er is not available f or each server in a deployment.
Table 8. Software Li cense Starter Bundles
Option Code
Description List Price
Support Product Support Price
BE6K-START-UCL25 Cisco Business Edition 6000 - user license starter bundle
with 25 Enhanced UCL and 25 basic voicemail licenses
$500 CON-ESW-UCM-10X-E
$13 (1 y ear)
$14 (1 y ear)
$8 (1 y ear)
$8 (1 y ear)
BE6K-START-UWL25 Cisco Business Edition 6000 - user license starter bundle
with 25 CUWL BE licenses
$1,000 CON-ESW-UCM10XU
$21 (1 y ear)
$70 (3 y ears)
Note: Support prices illustrated in Table 8 are per-user, so 25 of each should be ordered with a Starter Bundle.
When purchasing UWL licenses, a minimum 3-year UCSS subscription must be ordered f or each user.
Step 5. Add additional user licenses.
To enable more users beyond those included in the Starter Bundle, select the appropriate quantities of licenses
f rom Table 9 to meet the total requirement.
Table 9. Orderi ng Ci sco Busi ness Edi ti on 6000 User Li censes
Option Code
Description List Price
Support Product Support Price
BE6K-UCL-ESS Cisco Business Edition 6000 - Essential User Connect
$2 (1 y ear)
$3 (1 y ear)
BE6K-UCL-BAS Cisco Business Edition 6000 - Basic User Connect
$7 (1 y ear)
$8 (1 y ear)
BE6K-UCL-ENH Cisco Business Edition 6000 - Enhanced User Connect
$210 CON-ESW-UCM-10X-E
$13 (1 y ear)
$14 (1 y ear)
BE6K-UCL-ENHP Cisco Business Edition 6000 - Enhanced Plus User
Connect License
$18 (1 y ear)
$30 (1 y ear)
BE6K-UCL-VM Cisco Business Edition 6000 Basic Voicemail/Unified
Messaging User Connect License
$8 (1 y ear)
$8 (1 y ear)
BE6K-UCL-TP-RM Cisco Business Edition 6000 - TelePresence Room
Sy stem User Connect License
$65 (1 y ear)
$65 (1 y ear)
BE6K-UWL-BE Cisco Business Edition 6000 - Workspace License
Business Edition
$21 (1 y ear)
$70 (3 y ears)
BE6K-UWL-STD Cisco Business Edition 6000 - Workspace License
$21 (1 y ear)
$70 (3 y ears)
JABBER-IM-ADDON Cisco Jabber for Everyone Additional IM Users $0 Not Applicable -
Note: UWL-BE licenses are only available f or purchase when ordering version 9.X solutions.

2014 Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserv ed. This document is Cisco Public Information. Page 14 of 28
A BE6000 deployment may include any combination of up to 1000 UCL and UWL licenses. When purchasing
licenses that allow the use of multiple devices, note that a medium-density server supports a maximum of 1200
devices. A high-density server can support up to 2500 devices.
When choosing to deploy IM and Presence on-premises, all UCL and UWL user licenses automatically include
entitlement to use these f eatures. IM and presence f eatures are also available at no cost f or other users who may
not require telephony services. In this case, order the required number of Jabber IM add-on RTU licenses. A
maximum of 1000 IM and presence users may be conf igured per deployment.
UWL Prof essional licenses are available f or order under a separate line item using the product codes in Table 10.
Please ref er to the Cisco Unif ied Workspace Licensing Ordering Guide f or more details: inalcopy.pdf .
Table 10. Ci sco Uni fi ed Workspace Li cense Professi onal Product Codes
Product Code Description List Price
Support Product Support Price
CUWL-PRO-K9 Cisco Unified Workspace Licensing - Top Lev el for PRO $0 Select Support for
license options
NEW-UWL-PRO New Cisco Unified Workspace Licensing Professional
Edition User, 1 User
$33 (1 y ear)
$120 (3 y ears)
Step 6. Order Jabber and Client Application RTU Licenses.
All client applications are now available f ree of charge with UCL Enhanced, UCL Enhanced Plus, and UWL
licenses. Select the type and quantity of required clients f rom Table 11 to ensure that the correct quantity of RTU
licenses is provided.
Cisco Jabber f or Android is available f or download only f rom Google Play. Cisco Jabber f or iPhone is available only
f rom the Apple iTunes App Store. Other client applications may be downloaded f rom tware.
Table 11. Jabber and Cl i ent Application options
Option Code
Description List Price
Support Product Support Price
JAB-ADR-CLNT-UWL Cisco Jabber for Android $0 Not Applicable -
CUCICONN-CLNT-UWL Cisco Unified Communicator Integration for WebEx Connect $0 Not Applicable -
CUCILYNC-CLNT-UWL Cisco Unified Communicator Integration for Lync $0 Not Applicable -
IPC8-CLIENT-UWL Cisco IP Communicator 8.x $0 Not Applicable -
JAB-SDK9.0-UWL Cisco Jabber for SDK 9.0 $0 Not Applicable -
JAB8-MAC-CLNT-UWL Cisco Jabber for Mac 8.x $0 Not Applicable -
JAB9-DSK-UWL Cisco Jabber for Desktop 9.x $0 Not Applicable -
JAB9-IPAD-UWL Cisco Jabber for iPad $0 Not Applicable -
UPC8-CLIENT-UWL Cisco Unified Personal Communicator 8.x $0 Not Applicable -
JAB-IPH-CLNT-UWL Cisco Jabber for iPhone $0 Not Applicable -
JAB-VOICE-IPH-UWL Cisco Jabber Voice for iPhone $0 Not Applicable -
WEBCOMM2-UWL Cisco Web Communicator Client 2.x $0 Not Applicable -
UCIST9-UWL UC Integration for IBM Sametime 9.x for UWL only $0 Not Applicable -
VXME-LINUX-UWL Cisco VXME f or Linux for UWL $0 Not Applicable -

2014 Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserv ed. This document is Cisco Public Information. Page 15 of 28
Step 7. Select sof tware subscriptions.
When adding UCSS, ensure that the number of subscriptions ordered matches the total number of UCL and UWL
user licenses conf igured f or the system (including those in the Starter Bundle). Subscriptions may not be
purchased f or a subset of user licenses only. Ref er to section 2.2.2 f or more inf ormation.
The tables in the preceding steps illustrate the UCSS product codes applicable f or each license. When ordering
through Cisco Commerce Workspace, UCSS product codes are proposed automatically.
When ordering UWL licenses, a 3- or 5-year sof tware subscription must be purchased. When ordering UCL
licenses only, a 1-, 3-, or 5-year subscription may be ordered if required.
Note: Institutions such as government entities and educational institutions that are prohibited f rom purchasing
multiyear sof tware subscription contracts must send an email message to to
receive instructions f or placing an order f or a 1-year Cisco Unif ied Communications Sof tware Subscription.
Step 8. Add product support services.
Choose Cisco branded SMARTnet support with the required service level, or an equivalent partner branded
product f or hardware server bundles. When adding Essential Operate Sof tware support, make sure that services
are added f or all licenses. If UCSS is also required, it is recommended that this purchased at the same time.
3.3 Optional BE6000 Licenses and Offers
The f ollowing section describes the additional licenses and of f ers that can be ordered with the BE6000 through the
R-CBE6K-K9 product code.
3.3.1 Enable Mobile and Remote Access with Cisco Expressway
When purchasing UCL Enhanced, Enhanced Plus or UWL licensing, Cisco Expressway licensing is of f ered at no
additional cost to enable mobile and remote access f or Jabber clients and EX/MX series Telepresence endpoints.
Order the options and sof tware version in Table 12 to receive the server licenses required f or this f eature.
Table 12. Orderi ng Ci sco Expressway
Option Code
Description List Price
Support Product Support Price
SW-EXP-8.X-K9 Sof tware Image for Expressway with Encryption, Version
$0 - -
EXPWY-VE-C-K9 Cisco Expressway-C Server, Virtual Edition $0 CON-ESW-EXPWYVEC $0
EXPWY-VE-E-K9 Cisco Expressway-E Server, Virtual Edition $0 CON-ESW-EXPWYVEE $0
In addition to mobile and remote access, Cisco Expressway may also be licensed to enable video calling with third
parties and integration with Microsof t Lync deployments. For calling third parties, ensure that both Expressway C
and E servers are ordered f rom Table 12 and then order Rich Media Session licenses in equal quantities f or each
server f rom Table 13. Each server will support up to 100 Rich Media Sessions, theref ore a maximum of 200
licenses may be selected per order.
Table 13. Orderi ng Ci sco Expressway Feature Li censes
Option Code
Description List Price
Support Product Support Price
LIC-EXP-MSFT Microsof t Interoperability Option $20,280 UCSS-U-EXPMSFT-1-1 $2,028
LIC-EXP-RMS Cisco Expressway Rich Media Session $750 UCSS-U-EXPRMS-1-1 $75

2014 Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserv ed. This document is Cisco Public Information. Page 16 of 28
3.3.2 Enabling Customer Collaboration with Cisco Unified Contact Center Express
When ordering a BE6000 solution that includes a Sof tware License Starter Bundle, one of the Cisco Unif ied
Contact Center Express (Unif ied CCX) promotional bundles listed in Table 14 may also be ordered. Each bundle
includes operating system, database, and agent seat licenses at a discounted price. Unif ied CCX version 10
bundles are now available with lower pricing f or an initial f ive agents. Version 9 bundles will remain available at
their original price f or a limited period. To order additional Cisco Unif ied CCX agent seats (up to 100 in total) or
high-availability f eatures (HA), use the top-level product code CCX-90-ADD-LIC or CCX-10-ADD-LIC. For f urther
inf ormation, ref er to the Cisco Customer Contact Solution Ordering guide, available at:
Table 14. Orderi ng Ci sco Uni fi ed Contact Center Express Li censes
Option Code
Description List Price (USD) Support Product Support Price (USD)
CCX-90-5E CCX 9.0 5 Enhanced Seat Bundle $2,995 CON-ESW-CCX90NEL
$162 (1 seat 1 y ear)
$100 (1 seat 1 y ear)
CCX-90-10E CCX 9.0 10 Enhanced Seat Bundle $7,895 CON-ESW-CCX90NEL
$162 (1 seat 1 y ear)
$100 (1 seat 1 y ear)
CCX-90-10P CCX 9.0 10 Premium Seat Bundle $13,095 CON-ESW-CCX90NPL
$205 (1 seat 1 y ear)
$148 (1 seat 1 y ear)
CCX-90-25E CCX 9.0 25 Enhanced Seat Bundle $22,395 CON-ESW-CCX90NEL
$162 (1 seat 1 y ear)
$100 (1 seat 1 y ear)
CCX-90-25P CCX 9.0 25 Premium Seat Bundle $34,495 CON-ESW-CCX90NPL
$205 (1 seat 1 y ear)
$148 (1 seat 1 y ear)
CCX-10-5E Cisco UCCX 10.0 5 Enhanced Seat Bundle $995 CON-ESW-CCX10NEL
$162 (1 seat 1 y ear)
$100 (1 seat 1 y ear)
CCX-10-5P Cisco UCCX 10.0 5 Premium Seat Bundle $2,995 CON-ESW-CCX10NPL
$205 (1 seat 1 y ear)
$148 (1 seat 1 y ear)
CCX-10-25E Cisco UCCX 10.0 25 Enhanced Seat Bundle $22,395 CON-ESW-CCX10NEL
$162 (1 seat 1 y ear)
$100 (1 seat 1 y ear)
CCX-10-25P Cisco UCCX 10.0 25 Premium Seat Bundle $34,495 CON-ESW-CCX10NPL
$205 (1 seat 1 y ear)
$148 (1 seat 1 y ear)
Note: Support prices illustrated in Table 14 are per-seat, per-year. Order the appropriate quantity of support
products to suit the selected bundle size. One-, 3-, and 5-year subscriptions are available at the time of ordering.
3.3.3 Enabling Rich Online Meetings with the WebEx Meeting Center Service
When ordering a BE6000 Sof tware License Starter Pack, the option to purchase WebEx Meeting Center at a
reduced rate is available, subject to the purchase of at least 5 and no more than 1000 named host subscriptions.
Order 1-, 3-, or 5-year subscriptions using the product codes listed in Table 15.
If additional named host subscriptions are required af ter an initial purchase, services may be purchased using
product code L-WBX-MC-NU-ADDON. In this case, services must be purchased to co-terminate with the original
At the end of the purchased subscription term, services may be renewed using options f or product code
L-WBX-MC-NU- RENEW. The service administrator will be sent an email message with renewal instructions toward
the end of the subscription period.
To purchase Meeting Center services af ter the initial BE6000 purchase, use the standard WebEx ordering process
described at: f ers_global_pricelist.html.

2014 Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserv ed. This document is Cisco Public Information. Page 17 of 28
Table 15. Orderi ng WebEx Meeting Center Promotional Bundl e
Option Code
Description List Price
Support Product Support Price
WBX-MC-BE6K-NY1 Cisco WebEx Named User Meetings Subscription - 1
$632 Not applicable -
WBX-MC-BE6K-NY3 Cisco WebEx Named User Meetings Subscription - 3
$1,708 Not applicable -
WBX-MC-BE6K-NY5 Cisco WebEx Named User Meetings Subscription - 5
$2,686 Not applicable -
3.4 Additional Features and Applications
The f ollowing section describes the additional f eatures and applications that may be ordered to complement the
BE6000 through separate top-level product codes.
3.4.1 Extend Cisco Unity Connection Features
Cisco Unity Connection includes Speech Connect and SpeechView licensed voice-recognition f eatures. Speech
Connect uses voice recognition to direct incoming calls to the spoken name of an employee. Two Speech Connect
ports are included with each BE6000 License Starter Pack. SpeechView converts voice messages to text and
delivers the transcript by email.
Survivable Remote Site Voicemail (SRSV) is also available to Enhanced Unity Connection users, allowing access
to messages at a remote site in the event of a lost connection to the central site.
To order SpeechView or additional Speech Connect port licenses, or to add or upgrade Enhanced users, use the
top-level product code L-UNITYCN10-LIC-UPG.
3.4.2 Enable Call Management with Cisco Unified Attendant Console
With version 10, Cisco Unif ied Attendant Console is available as either the Advanced, server based solution or the
Standard, standalone console. Either product may be used with the BE6000, but must be ordered separately using
the product codes listed in Table 16. A Microsof t Windows operating system must also be purchased to run the
Advanced Attendant Console server application on the BE6000.
Table 16. Orderi ng Uni fi ed Attendant Consol es
Product Code Description List Price
Support Product Support Price
L-CUAC10X Cisco Unified Attendant Consoles 10.x $0 Select support for license
L-CUAC10X-STND Cisco Unified Attendant Console Standard 10.x - 1 Lic $995 CON-ESW-CUAC10XS
$149 (1 y ear)
$100 (1 y ear)
L-CUAC10X-ADV Cisco Unified Attendant Console Advanced 10.x - 1 Lic $2,495 CON-ESW-CUAC10XA
$524 (1 y ear)
$250 (1 y ear)
L-CUAC10X-ADV-HA Cisco Unified Attendant Console Advanced 10.x Server
High Av ailability
$995 - -
For more inf ormation about ordering the Attendant Console products, ref er to the f ollowing link: ions_release_10
.0_OG.pdf .
Note: Application install f iles f or the Cisco Unif ied Attendant Console products are not included with the BE6000

2014 Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserv ed. This document is Cisco Public Information. Page 18 of 28
3.4.3 Enable Emergency Call Routing with Cisco Emergency Responder
Cisco Emergency Responder may be installed with the BE6000, but it must be ordered separately using the top-
level product code R-EMRGNCY- RSPNDR. For convenience, Cisco Emergency Responder installation f iles are
loaded in the BE6000 Server datastore.
For more inf ormation about ordering Cisco Emergency Responder, ref er to: ions_release_10
.0_OG.pdf .
3.4.4 Enable Advanced Notification with Cisco Paging Server
BE6000 ships with Cisco Paging Server Version 8.5 ( No license is
required to use Paging Server basic f eatures, which allow audio paging to groups of up to 50 phones and the
creation of an unlimited number of paging groups. An advanced license is required to use the f ollowing f eatures:
Paging groups of more than 50 phones
Paging and emergency notif ication to all users
Paging to overhead analog and IP speakers
Bell scheduling
Prioritizing emergency notif ications with the call barge option
Prerecorded and text-only pages
Integration with social media sites f or notif ication
Email and Short Message Service (SMS) mass notif ication
Call-number monitoring: Emergency services alerting
Integration with Jabber instant messaging clients
An advanced f eature set may be purchased f rom Cisco as a SolutionsPlus perpetual license, or directly f rom the
application vendor, Singlewire, as an annual subscription. Use the top-level product codes listed in Table 17 to
purchase perpetual licenses. The calculator tool at the f ollowing link can be used to calculate subscription rates: orm.php.
Table 17. Orderi ng Ci sco Pagi ng Server Perpetual Li censes
Product Code Description List Price (USD) Support Product Support Price
SP-INFORMACST-50= Inf ormaCast - 50 End Point Licenses $2,750 Av ailable from

SP-INFORMACST-250= Inf ormaCast - 250 End Point Licenses $9,000 Av ailable from

SP-INFORMACST-1000= Inf ormaCast - 1000 End Point Licenses $32,400 Av ailable from

3.4.5 Extending the Video Solution with Cisco TelePresence Video Communication Server
Each BE6000 Server Bundle includes the Cisco TelePresence Video Communicat ion Server Control (VCS-C)
virtual machine application with promotional licenses f or 10 concurrent nontraversal and 5 concurrent traversal
calls. Licensing f or additional capacityup to a maximum of 100 traversal and 100 nontraversal concurrent calls
are available f or purchase under a separate line item using the part codes listed in Table 18.

2014 Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserv ed. This document is Cisco Public Information. Page 19 of 28
Table 18. Orderi ng Ci sco Tel ePresence Vi deo Communicati on Server Software
Option Code
Description List Price
Support Product Support Price
L-VCS-PAK Cisco VCS Licenses PAK PIDs (Top Level Part Code) $0 Select support for license
LIC-VCSE-5 Cisco Video Communication Server add 5 traversal calls $9,000 CON-ECMU-LICVCSE5 $900 (1 y ear)
LIC-VCSE-10 Cisco Video Communication Server add 10 traversal calls $16,200 CON-ECMU-VCSE-10 $1,620 (1 y ear)
LIC-VCSE-20 Cisco Video Communication Server add 20 traversal calls $29,280 CON-ECMU-VCSE-20 $2,928 (1 y ear)
LIC-VCSE-50 Cisco Video Communication Server add 50 traversal calls $66,000 CON-ECMU-VCSE-50 $6,600 (1 y ear)
LIC-VCS-10 Cisco Video Comm Server add 10 Non-traversal calls $7,920 CON-ECMU-LICVCS10 $792 (1 y ear)
LIC-VCS-20 Cisco Video Comm Server add 20 Non-traversal calls $14,160 CON-ECMU-LICVCS20 $1,416 (1 y ear)
LIC-VCS-50 Cisco Video Comm Server add 50 Non-traversal calls $31,920 CON-ECMU-LICVCS50 $3,192 (1 y ear)
LIC-VCS-DI Cisco VCS Dual Network Interface and Static NAT $9,480 Not Applicable -
LIC-VCS-FINDME Cisco Video Communication Server - FindMe application $10,680 CON-ECMU-VCFINDME $1,068 (1 y ear)
LIC-VCS-OCS Cisco VCS Enhanced OCS Collaboration $20,280 Not Applicable -
The f ollowing support f or promotional VCS licenses is available to customers that purchase SMARTnet f or the
BE6000 server that included the licenses.
License upgrades f rom VCS 7.2 to x8.1 f or all PAKs originally of f ered with BE6000 hardware
TAC sof tware support f or VCS 7.2/x8.1 installations with promotional licenses
To maintain entitlement to the above support, any additional licenses selected f rom Table 18 must be covered by
an appropriate Telepresence Essential Operate Support contract.
To receive a license upgrade key, send a request to, including the BE6000 Server
serial number (FCHxxxxxxxx displayed on the server or via CIMC) and VCS System serial number (8
alphanumeric characters displayed in the VCS admin interf ace).
3.5 Ordering Examples: New Systems
Scenario 1: Table 19 shows a BE6000 ordering solution f or the f ollowing set of requirements:
Company has 450 employees.
All employees will use Cisco Unif ied IP Phone 8961G endpoints.
All employees will use Cisco Jabber f or Windows desktop clients and Jabber f or iPhone mobile clients.
The IM and presence server is used on premises f or all users.
All employees require voicemail and unif ied messaging.
Five employees require Cisco Unif ied Contact Center Express Enhanced Agent f eatures.
Redundancy is required f or Cisco Unif ied Communications Manager, instant messaging and presence, and
Cisco Unity Connection applications.
Table 19. Sol uti on for 450 Users wi th Mul tiple Devi ces, Voi cemail, and Hardware Redundancy
Cisco Business Edition 6000 Solution Product Code Unit Cost Qty
The f ollowing details the most effective proposal to meet the stated requirements. Because all
users require multiple devices and clients, UWL licensing with UCSS is required. The high-
density server is required to support the required number of clients.

Line 1: Order two BE6000 High-Density Server Bundles for redundancy. BE6K-STBDL-PLS-K9= $20,800 2
Line 1.1: Verify that the correct power cables are specified (North American variant illustrated). CAB-9K12A-NA $0 4

2014 Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserv ed. This document is Cisco Public Information. Page 20 of 28
Cisco Business Edition 6000 Solution Product Code Unit Cost Qty
Line 1.1.1: Order 3-year SMARTnet hardware support for servers. CON-SNT-BE6KSTBD $239 6
Line 2: Order sof tware licenses for electronic delivery under top-level SKU. R-CBE6K-K9 $0 1
Line 2.1: Specify the required software version. BE6K-SW-10.X $0 1
Line 2.2: Order the UWL Software License Starter Bundle, comprising 25 UWL Standard
licenses. These licenses cover 25 users using Cisco Unified IP Phone 8961G phones,
v oicemail, and all Jabber clients.
BE6K-START-UWL25 $1,000 1
Line 2.3: Order 425 UWL Standard licenses to cover the remaining user requirement. BE6K-UWL-STD $325 425
Line 2.3.1: Order 3-year UCSS for UWL BE licensing. UCSS-U-6KUWLBE-3-1 $70 450
Line 2.3.2: Order three 1-year ESW support contracts per user (required for UCSS subscription). CON-ESW-UCM9XUBE $21 1350
Line 2.4: Order starter pack for Cisco Unified Contact Center Express (CCX) f or 5 Enhanced
CCX-10-5E $995 1
Line 2.4.1: Order 3-year UCSS for each Cisco Unified CCX Enhanced seat. (UCSS subscription
must match term for UWL licenses.)
UCSS-U-CCX-E-3-1 $210 5
Line 2.4.2: Order three 1-year ESW support contracts per seat (required for UCSS subscription). CON-ESW-CCX90NEL $162 15
Line 2.5: Order 100 RTU licenses for Jabber for Windows desktop clients. JAB9-DSK-UWL $0 450
Line 2.6: Order 100 RTU licenses for Jabber for iPhone mobile clients. JAB-IPH-CLNT-UWL $0 450
Scenario 2: Table 20 shows an ordering solution f or the f ollowing set of requirements:
Company has 100 employees.
Eighty employees will use Cisco Unif ied IP Phone 8945G.
Fif ty of these 80 employees will also use Cisco Jabber f or Mac desktop clients as a secondary device.
Ten employees will use Cisco Unif ied IP Phone 6921 only.
Ten employees require IM and presence only (no telephone service).
On-premises IM and presence server is required f or all users.
Voicemail and unif ied messaging is required f or 80 users.
Redundancy is required f or Cisco Unif ied Communications Manager, IM and presence, and Cisco Unity
Connection applications.
Fif ty employees require a named host subscription to WebEx Meeting Center.
Table 20. Sol uti on for 100 Users wi th Voi cemail and Hardware Redundancy
Cisco Business Edition 6000 Solution Product Code Unit Cost Qty
The f ollowing details the most effective proposal to meet the stated requirements. Because only
a small number of users require Cisco Jabber capabilities, UCL licensing would be appropriate.
Support and sof tware subscription may also be ordered if required.

Line 1: Order two serv er bundles for redundant BE6000. BE6K-ST-BDL-K9= $9,400 2
Line 1.1: Verify that the correct power cable is specified (North American variant illustrated). CAB-9K12A-NA $0 2
Line 2: Order a secondary power supply for each server (optional, but recommended). UCSC-PSU-650W= $630 2
Line 3: Order power cables f or the secondary power supplies (North American illustrated). CAB-9K12A-NA= $25 2
Line 4: Order sof tware licenses for electronic delivery under top-level SKU. R-CBE6K-K9 $0 1
Line 4.1: Specify the required software version. BE6K-SW-10.X $0 1
Line 4.2: Order the UCL Software License Starter Bundle, comprising 25 Enhanced UCL
licenses and 25 Basic voicemail licenses. These licenses cover 25 users using Cisco Unified IP
Phone 8945G phones and v oicemail.
BE6K-START-UCL25 $500 1
Line 4.3: Order 50 Enhanced Plus UCL licenses for users that require both desk phones and
Jabber f or Mac desktop clients.
BE6K-UCL-ENHP $295 50
Line 4.4: Order 5 Enhanced UCL licenses to cover the remaining requirement for users with
Cisco Unified IP Phone 8945G endpoints.
BE6K-UCL-ENH $210 5

2014 Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserv ed. This document is Cisco Public Information. Page 21 of 28
Cisco Business Edition 6000 Solution Product Code Unit Cost Qty
Line 4.5: Order 10 Basic UCL licenses for users with Cisco Unified IP Phone 6921 endpoints. BE6K-UCL-BAS $125 10
Line 4.6: Order the balance of 55 voicemail licenses to supplement the 25 licenses included with
the Sof tware License Starter Pack.
LIC-BE6K-VM $75 55
Line 4.7: Order Add-On licenses for IM and presence only users. JABBER-IM-ADDON $0 10
Line 4.8: Order RTU licenses for Jabber for Mac desktop clients. JAB8-MAC-CLNT-UWL $0 50
Line 4.9: Order 50 WebEx Meeting Center 1-year named hosts subscriptions. WBX-MC-BE6K-NY1 $632 50
3.6 License and Software Upgrades
3.6.1 Unified Communications User License Feature Upgrades
Existing UCL licenses may be upgraded to more advanced entitlements or to UWL using the R-CBE6K-K9 options
listed in Table 21.
Table 21. User Li cense Feature Upgrade Options
Option Code
Description List Price
Support Product Support Price
BE6K-UCL-BAS2ENH Cisco Business Edition 6000 - Basic to Enhanced
$13 (1 y ear)
$14 (1 y ear)
BE6K-UCL-BAS2ENHP Cisco Business Edition 6000 - Basic to Enhanced Plus
$18 (1 y ear)
$30 (1 y ear)
BE6K-UCL-ENH2ENHP Cisco Business Edition 6000 - Enhanced to Enhanced
Plus upgrade
$18 (1 y ear)
$30 (1 y ear)
BE6K-UWL-CM2BE Cisco Business Edition 6000 - Upgrade CM only to
$21 (1 y ear)
$70 (3 y ears)
BE6K-UWL-CMAPPS2BE Cisco Business Edition 6000 - Upgrade Call control +
apps to CUWL BE
$21 (1 y ear)
$70 (3 y ears)
When upgrading UCL users without voicemail to UWL, use the BE6K-UWL-CM2BE product code. For UCL users
that also have voicemail, upgrade to UWL using the BE6K-UWL- CMAPPS2BE product code.
To upgrade f rom Basic UCL to UWL BE, the Basic license must f irst be upgraded to Enhanced (BE6K-UCL-
BAS2ENH). This license may then be upgraded to UWL BE (BE6K-UWL-CM2BE).
Note: A 3-year UCSS subscription with ESW must be ordered f or all user licenses when upgrading to UWL.
3.6.2 Unified Communications Software Version Upgrades
With a valid UCSS subscription, Cisco Unif ied Communicat ions sof tware major version upgrades are available f or
no additional charge through the Product Upgrade Tool (
If the Cisco Unif ied Communications application is not covered by a UCSS subscription, then sof tware upgrades
must be purchased f or all user licenses through one of two pricing programs:
Standard pricing: For systems using UCL licenses only, standard pricing (Table 22) may be used to
purchase an upgrade without obligation to purchase UCSS or ESW. Standard pricing part codes are
available through the R-CBE6K-K9 top-level product code.
Get Current Stay Current pricing: Of f ers discounted UCL upgrade licenses (Table 23) or UWL license
reinstatement (Table 24) when a 3-year UCSS subscription (with ESW) is purchased. UCL upgrade
options are available through the R-CBE6K-K9 top-level product code. UWL reinstatement licenses are
available with the L-CUWL-MISC top-level product code.

2014 Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserv ed. This document is Cisco Public Information. Page 22 of 28
Table 22. Software Upgrade Product Codes for Ci sco Uni fi ed Communications Manager and Ci sco Uni ty Connection
Option Code
Description List Price
Support Product Support Price
BE6K-ESS-UPG Cisco Business Edition 6000 - Essential User Connect
License upgrade w/o UCSS
$2 (1 y ear)
$3 (1 y ear)
BE6K-BAS-UPG Cisco Business Edition 6000 - Basic User Connect License
upgrade w/o UCSS
$7 (1 y ear)
$8 (1 y ear)
BE6K-ENH-UPG Cisco Business Edition 6000 - Enhanced User Connect
License upgrade w/o UCSS
$105 CON-ESW-UCM-10X-E
$13 (1 y ear)
$14 (1 y ear)
BE6K-ENHP-UPG Cisco Business Edition 6000 - Enhanced Plus User
Connect License upgrade w/o UCSS
$18 (1 y ear)
$30 (1 y ear)
BE6K-VM-UPG Cisco Business Edition 6000 - Voicemail/Unified Messaging
User Connect License upgrade w/o UCSS
$8 (1 y ear)
$8 (1 y ear)
BE6K-TP-RM-UPG Cisco Business Edition 6000 - TelePresence Room System
User Connect License upgrade w/o UCSS
$65 (1 y ear)
$65 (1 y ear)
Table 23. Software Upgrade wi th Get Current Stay Current Pri ci ng (Requires Mi nimum 3-year UCSS Purchase)
Option Code
Description List Price
Support Product Support Price
UPG-6K-ESS Cisco Business Edition 6000 - Essential User Connect
License Upgrade with UCSS
$2 (1 y ear)
$7 (3 y ears)
UPG-6K-BAS Cisco Business Edition 6000 - Basic User Connect License
upgrade with UCSS
$7 (1 y ear)
$17 (3 y ears)
UPG-6K-ENH Cisco Business Edition 6000 - Enhanced User Connect
License upgrade with UCSS
$13 (1 y ear)
$29 (3 y ears)
UPG-6K-ENHP Cisco Business Edition 6000 - Enhanced Plus User
Connect License upgrade with UCSS
$18 (1 y ear)
$62 (3 y ears)
UPG-6K-VM Cisco Business Edition 6000 - Voicemail/Unified Messaging
User Connect License upgrade with UCSS
$8 (1 y ear)
$17 (3 y ears)
UPG-6K-TP-RM Cisco Business Edition 6000 - TelePresence Room System
User Connect License upgrade with UCSS
$65 (1 y ear)
$137 (3 y ears)
Table 24. Ci sco UWL rei nstatement wi th Get Current Stay Current Pri cing (Requires Mi nimum 3-year UCSS Purchase)
Option Code
Description List Price
Support Product Support Price
L-REINST-UWL-STD Reinstate UWL Standard - 1 user (Use for UWL BE
$21 (1 y ear)
$70 (3 y ears)
L-REINST-UWL-PRO Reinstate UWL Professional - 1 User. $100 CON-ESW-LLICUWPA
$33 (1 y ear)
$120 (3 y ears)
3.6.3 Hypervisor License Upgrade
The Virtualization Hypervisor that ships with the BE6000 Server Bundle is suitable f or most system deployments. If
the server must be managed as part of a data center using VMware vCenter, the def ault license must be upgraded
to the Cisco Unif ied Communications Virtualization Foundation license. To order this license upgrade, use the top-
level product code listed in Table 25.
Note: Both the Virtualization Hypervisor and Foundation licenses are embedded, meaning that they may only be
used with permitted Cisco Unif ied Communicat ions and partner applications running on Cisco UCS server
platf orms. These licenses do not permit the use of any other applications in virtual machines, nor may they be used
to virtualize other host platf orms.

2014 Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserv ed. This document is Cisco Public Information. Page 23 of 28
Table 25. Orderi ng Uni fi ed Communications Vi rtualization Foundation License
Product Code Description List Price
Support Product Support Price
R-VMW-UC-FND5-K9 Cisco UC Virtualization Foundation 5.x (2-Socket) $2,499 CON-ESW-UCFND5
$250 (1 y ear)
$1 (1 y ear)
For more inf ormation, please visit: ied_Communications_Manager_Business_Edition_6000.
3.7 Ordering Example: License Feature Upgrade
Scenario: Table 26 shows a solution f or upgrading existing BE6000 licenses:
A business has a BE6000 Version 9.1 system and wishes to add mobility f or a group of 40 out of 100
existing users.
Ten of these users have a Cisco Unif ied IP Phone 6921 with a Basic user license and do not have a
voicemail account.
The remaining 30 users have a Cisco Unif ied IP Phone 6945 with an Enhanced user license and voicemail
All 40 users require both a Windows desktop and Android mobile Jabber client in addition to their desk
The 60 users not being upgraded have a Cisco Unif ied IP Phone 6921 with a Basic user license and do not
have a voicemail account.
There is no active sof tware support or UCSS contract.
Table 26. Sol uti on to Upgrade BE6000 User Li censes
Cisco Business Edition 6000 Solution Product Code Unit Cost Qty
The f ollowing example provides the most cost-effective way to meet the stated requirements.
To use a desk phone, soft phone, and mobile client, UCL licenses must be upgraded to UWL.
When serv ice and subscriptions have been purchased for upgrade licenses, visit the Cisco
Support Contract Center to extend support to the remaining 60 users.

Line 1: Order license upgrades under top-level SKU. R-CBE6K-K9 $0 1
Line 1.1: Specify the required software version. BE6K-SW-9.X $0 1
Line 1.2: For upgrade to UWL, Basic UCL licenses (for Cisco Unified IP Phone 6921 users)
must f irst be upgraded to Enhanced UCL. (Do not order ESW or UCSS for these upgrades as
these licenses will not be issued.)
Line 1.3: Upgrade users without voicemail to UWL. BE6K-UWL-CM2BE $120 10
Line 1.3.1: Order 3-year UCSS for UWL BE licensing. UCSS-U-6KUWLBE-3-1 $70 10
Line 1.3.2: Order three 1-year ESW support contracts (required for UCSS subscription). CON-ESW-UCM9XUBE $21 30
Line 1.4: Upgrade users with voicemail to UWL. BE6K-UWL-CMAPPS2BE $50 30
Line 1.4.1: Order 3-year UCSS for UWL BE licensing. UCSS-U-6KUWLBE-3-1 $70 30
Line 1.4.2: Order three 1-year ESW support contracts (required for UCSS subscription). CON-ESW-UCM9XUBE $21 90
Line 1.5: Order Jabber for Windows desktop clients RTU licenses. JAB9-DSK-UWL $0 40
Line 1.6: Order Jabber for Android mobile clients RTU licenses. JAB-ADR-CLNT-UWL $0 40
Once UCSS and ESW support is activated, visit CSCC to extend cover to the remaining

Add 3-y ear UCSS for Basic UCL licenses UCSS-U-6K-BAS-3-1 $17 60
Add three 1-y ear ESW support contracts (required for UCSS) CON-ESW-UCM9XBCL $7 180

2014 Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserv ed. This document is Cisco Public Information. Page 24 of 28
3.8 Ordering Example: Software Version Upgrade
Scenario: Table 27 shows a solution f or upgrading an existing system without UCSS to Version 10.0:
A business has a Version 8.6 BE6000 system without UCSS and wishes to upgrade to Version 10.0.
The system is conf igured f or 150 users.
One hundred users have a Cisco Unif ied IP Phone 6921 with a Basic user license.
Fif ty users have a Cisco Unif ied IP Phone 6945 with an Enhanced user license.
Twenty-f ive users with Cisco Unif ied IP Phone 6945 also use Cisco IP Communicator w ith an adjunct
All users have a Basic Unity Connection mailbox.
The business also has one multiscreen telepresence unit and three single-screen units.
Table 27. Sol uti on to Upgrade Ci sco Busi ness Edi ti on 6000 User Li censes
Cisco Business Edition 6000 Solution Product Code Unit Cost Qty
The f ollowing example provides the most cost-effective way to meet the stated requirements.
Because there is no requirement for UWL licensing, purchase of UCSS is optional.

Line 1: Order license upgrades under top-level SKU. R-CBE6K-K9 $0 1
Line 1.1: Specify the required software version. BE6K-SW-10.X $0 1
Line 1.2: Specify the current software version UC-8.X-OR-EARLIER $0 1
Line 1.3: Upgrade Basic licenses. BE6K-BAS-UPG $63 100
Line 1.4: Upgrade Enhanced licenses for users with one device. BE6K-ENH-UPG $105 25
Line 1.4: Upgrade Enhanced and Adjunct licenses for users with two devices. BE6K-ENHP-UPG $148 25
Line 1.5: Upgrade Basic Voicemail license. BE6K-VM-UPG $38 150
Line 1.6: Upgrade all telepresence devices (common license required in 10.0). BE6K-TP-RM-UPG $325 4
3.9 Migration to Cisco Business Edition 6000 and User Licensing
BE6000 Version 10.0 may be purchased to migrate businesses f rom any of the f ollowing Cisco Unif ied
Communicat ions solutions:
Cisco Unif ied Communications Manager (UCM) Version 8.6 or older
Cisco Business Edition 5000 (BE5000)
Cisco Business Edition 3000 (BE3000)
Cisco Unif ied Communications Manager Express (CME)
Cisco Unif ied Communications 500 (UC500)
Cisco Unif ied Communications 320 (UC320)
When migrating, components of the old system, such as Cisco IP Phones, media convergence servers (MCS), and
voice gateways may be reused, thereby maximizing the value of the original investment.
Further inf ormation regarding migration to the BE6000 is available at: ml .
The process required to migrate to a new BE6000 system is determined by whether or not the current solution has
an active UCSS. Bef ore initiating a migration, ensure that all previously purchased licenses are registered and
installed on the existing system. Licenses not applied at the time of migration will not be usable later.

2014 Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserv ed. This document is Cisco Public Information. Page 25 of 28
3.9.1 Migration Process With UCSS

Step 1. Order BE6000 Server Bundle(s) as described in section 3.1 step 1.
Step 2. Install BE6000 applications and transf er the existing conf iguration. (Strategies f or
upgrading older UCM systems and migrating data are outlined in the f ollowing
document: license_migrati
on/CUCM_BK_CBF8B56A_00_cucm-license-upgrade-guide. ht ml.)
Step 3. Transf er existing licenses to the new BE6000 installation using the license migration
tool at the Cisco Product License Registration site as f ollows:
a. Generate a License Migration Request using the BE6000 Enterprise License
Manager (ELM) License Upgrade Wizard.
b. Access the Cisco Product License Migration site
( Select Voice Products > Unified
Communications 9.x/higher, and then provide the ELM license request when
prompted. A new license f ile will be provided in an email message.
Step 4. Use the BE6000 ELM to install the new license f ile.
3.9.2 Migration Process Without UCSS

Step 1. Order BE6000 Server Bundle(s) as described in section 3.1 step 1. At the same time,
order the required quantities of UCL migration or UWL upgrade licenses (Section
3.9.3). A license Product Activation Key (PAK) will be provided f or license registration.
Step 2. Install BE6000 applications and transf er the existing conf iguration. (Strategies f or
upgrading older UCM systems and migrating data are outlined in the f ollowing
document: license_migrati
on/CUCM_BK_CBF8B56A_00_cucm-license-upgrade-guide. ht ml.)
Step 3. Register and install migration licenses to the new BE6000 installation as f ollows:
a. Use the Enterprise License Manager (ELM) on the BE6000 to generate a License
b. Access the Cisco Product License Registration site (,
select Get New > License from PAKs or Tokens, and then use the PAK and ELM
License Request to generate a new license f ile.
Step 4. Use the BE6000 ELM to install the license f ile.

2014 Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserv ed. This document is Cisco Public Information. Page 26 of 28
3.9.3 Ordering Migration Licenses
To order migration licenses, start with the top-level e-delivery product code R-CBE6K-K9 in the same way as f or
new systems, and then add the appropriate number of licenses f rom Table 28. If necessary, use the License Count
Utility (UCT; this utility was previously known as the User Count Tool [UCT]; documentation is available at: CUCM_BK_U0AE00F5_00_uct -admin-
guide.html to determine the Version 9.1 user licensing requirement based on current use and installed licenses. )
Table 28 details the UCL migration product codes available with Get Current Stay Current pricing.
Table 29 details UWL reinstatement products available with Get Current Stay Current pricing. Order these
products using the L-CUWL-MISC top-level product code.
Table 30 lists the product codes f or upgrading and migrating to UWL.
If required, any combination of these licenses may be ordered. When migrating using these products, a minimum
3-year UCSS subscription is required f or all licenses purchased. All UCSS subscriptions require a Cisco Unif ied
Communicat ions Essential Operate Support (ESW) contract.
Note: An additional R-CBE6K-K9 line item may be used in the same order to purchase a Sof tware License
Starter Bundle and promotional bundles if required.
Table 28. Software and Li cense Mi gration wi th Get Current Stay Current pri cing (Requires Mi nimum 3-year UCSS Purchase)
Option Code
Description List Price
Support Product Support Price
UPG-6K-ESS Cisco Business Edition 6000 - Essential User Connect
License Upgrade with UCSS
$2 (1 y ear)
$7 (3 y ears)
UPG-6K-BAS Cisco Business Edition 6000 - Basic User Connect License
upgrade with UCSS
$7 (1 y ear)
$17 (3 y ears)
UPG-6K-ENH Cisco Business Edition 6000 - Enhanced User Connect
License upgrade with UCSS
$13 (1 y ear)
$29 (3 y ears)
UPG-6K-ENHP Cisco Business Edition 6000 - Enhanced Plus User
Connect License upgrade with UCSS
$18 (1 y ear)
$62 (3 y ears)
UPG-6K-VM Cisco Business Edition 6000 - Voicemail/Unified Messaging
User Connect License upgrade with UCSS
$8 (1 y ear)
$17 (3 y ears)
UPG-6K-TP-RM Cisco Business Edition 6000 - TelePresence Room System
User Connect License upgrade with UCSS
$65 (1 y ear)
$137 (3 y ears)
Table 29. Ci sco Uni fi ed Workspace Li censi ng Rei nstatement wi th Get Current Stay Current Pri ci ng (Requires Mi nimum 3-
year UCSS Purchase)
Option Code
Description List Price
Support Product Support Price
L-REINST-UWL-STD Reinstate CUWL Standard - 1 user (Use for UWL BE
$21 (1 y ear)
$70 (3 y ears)
L-REINST-UWL-PRO Reinstate CUWL Professional - 1 User. $100 CON-ESW-LLICUWPA
$33 (1 y ear)
$120 (3 y ears)

2014 Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserv ed. This document is Cisco Public Information. Page 27 of 28
Table 30. Software and Li cense Upgrade to Ci sco Uni fi ed Workspace Li censi ng (Requires Mi nimum 3-year UCSS Purchase)
Option Code
Description List
Support Product Support Price
BE6K-UWL-CM2BE Cisco Business Edition 6000 - Upgrade CM only to UWL BE $120 CON-ESW-UCM10XU
$21 (1 y ear)
$70 (3 y ears)
Cisco Business Edition 6000 - Call control + apps to UWL BE $50 CON-ESW-UCM10XU
$21 (1 y ear)
$70 (3 y ears)
3.10 Ordering Examples: Migration
The f ollowing scenarios illustrate how to create an order f or migrating to the BE6000.
Scenario 1: Table 31 shows a solution f or upgrading a BE5000 with an active UCSS contract to a BE6000:
Company has 100 employees with UWL licenses and an active UCSS subscription.
All employees use Cisco Unif ied IP Phone 7942G endpoints.
All employees use Jabber clients as a secondary device.
Voicemail and unif ied messaging is provided f or all users.
Redundancy is required f or Cisco Unif ied Communications Manager, IM and presence, and Cisco Unity
Connection applications in the new BE6000 deployment.
Table 31. Sol uti on to Mi grate Ci sco Busi ness Edi ti on 5000 to Ci sco Busi ness Edi ti on 6000 wi th UCSS
Cisco Business Edition 6000 Solution Product Code Unit
The f ollowing example provides the most cost-effective way to meet the stated requirements.
The business has BE5000 UWL licenses and needs to migrate to BE6000 UWL licenses.

Line 1: Order two serv er bundles for redundant BE6000. BE6K-ST-BDL-K9= $9,400 2
Line 1.1: Verify that the correct power cable is specified (North American variant illustrated). CAB-9K12A-NA $0 2
Line 2: Order a secondary power supply for each server (optional, but recommended). UCSC-PSU-650W= $630 2
Line 3: Order power cables f or the secondary power supplies (North American illustrated). CAB-9K12A-NA= $25 2
Because the installation is covered by UCSS, licenses can be migrated free of charge.
Scenario 2: Table 32 shows a solution f or upgrading a Cisco Unif ied Communicat ions Manager with device-based
licensing and no UCSS to a BE6000 with user licensing.
Company has 100 employees.
All employees use Cisco Unif ied IP Phone 7942G endpoints.
One hundred Cisco Unity licenses provide voicemail and unif ied messaging f or all employees.
Redundancy is required f or Cisco Unif ied Communications Manager, IM and presence, and Cisco Unity
Connection applications in the new BE6000 deployment.
License Count Utility reports that existing UCM licensing may be upgraded to 100 Enhanced UCL licenses.

2014 Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserv ed. This document is Cisco Public Information. Page 28 of 28
Table 32. Sol uti on to Mi grate Ci sco Uni fi ed Communi cations Manager Devi ce-Based Li censi ng to Ci sco Busi ness Edi ti on
6000 Uni ty Connection Li cense
Cisco Business Edition 6000 Solution Product Code Unit Cost Qty
The f ollowing example provides the most cost-effective way to meet the stated requirements.
Because all users have only desk phones, UCL licensing may be used. UCSS is required
when migrating using Get Current Stay Current pricing.

Line 1: Order two serv er bundles for redundant BE6000. BE6K-ST-BDL-K9= $9,400 2
Line 1.1: Verify that the correct power cable is specified (North American variant illustrated). CAB-9K12A-NA $0 2
Line 2: Order a secondary power supply for each server (optional, but recommended). UCSC-PSU-650W= $630 2
Line 3: Order power cables f or the secondary power supplies (North American illustrated). CAB-9K12A-NA= $25 2
Line 4: Order sof tware licenses under top-level SKU. R-CBE6K-K9 $0 1
Line 4.1: Specify the required software version. BE6K-SW-10.X $0 1
Line 4.2: Specify the current software version UC-8.X-OR-EARLIER $0 1
Line 4.3: Use Get Current Stay Current promotion to migrate to UCL Enhanced licenses. UPG-6K-ENH $45 100
Line 4.3.1: Order 3-year UCSS for Enhanced UCL licensing. UCSS-6K-ENH-3-1 $29 100
Line 4.3.2: Order three 1-year ESW support contracts per user (required for UCSS
CON-ESW-UCM-9X-E $13 300
Line 4.4: Use 9 & 3 promotion to migrate Cisco Unity voicemail licenses to Cisco Unity
UPG-6K-VM $15 100
Line 4.4.1: Order 3-year UCSS for Voicemail licensing. UCSS-6K-VM-3-1 $17 100
Line 4.4.2: Order three 1-year ESW support contracts per user (required for UCSS

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