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Zeolite Studies and Research
Dietary supplementation with the tribomechanically activated zeolite clinoptilolite in immunodeficiency: effects on the
immune system.
Ivkovic S, Deutsch , Silberbach A, !alraph ", #annel #.
#e$amin %mb&, 'erlin, %ermany
(atural zeolites are crystalline aluminosilicates with uni)ue adsorption, cation*e+chan$e, and catalytic properties that
have multiple uses in industry and a$riculture. ,#A-, a natural zeolite clinoptilolite with enhanced physicochemical
properties, is the basis of the dietary supplements #e$amin and .ycopenomin, which have demonstrated antio+idant
activity in humans. ,he aim of this prospective, open, and controlled parallel*$roup study was to investi$ate the effects
of supplementation with ,#A- on the cellular immune system in patients under$oin$ treatment for immunodeficiency
disorder. A total of /0 patients were administered daily ,#A- doses of 0.1 $ 2.ycopenomin3 and 4./ $ 2#e$amin3 for /
to 5 weeks, durin$ which the patients6 primary medical therapy was continued unchan$ed. 'lood and lymphocyte counts
were performed at baseline and at the end of the study. 'lood count parameters were not relevantly affected in either of
the two treatment $roups. #e$amin administration resulted in si$nificantly increased 7D89, 7D0:9, and &.A*D;9
lymphocyte counts and a si$nificantly decreased 7D</9 cell count. .ycopenomin was associated with an increased
7D49 cell count and a decreased 7D</9 lymphocyte count. (o adverse reactions to the treatments were observed.
P#ID: 0<40==5/ >Pub#ed * inde+ed for #"D.I("?
"ffects on blood concentrations of certain serum fat*soluble vitamins of lon$*term feedin$ of dairy cows on a diet
supplemented with clinoptilolite.
@atsoulos PD, Panousis (, ;oubies (, 7hristaki ", @aratzias &.
7linic of Productive Animal #edicine, School of Aeterinary #edicine, Aristotle niversity of ,hessaloniki, %reece.
,he obBective of the e+periment was to investi$ate the effect of clinoptilolite 2a natural zeolite3 supplementation in the
ration of dairy cows on serum beta*carotene, vitamins A and " concentrations. Cifty*two clinically healthy &olstein cows
were randomly assi$ned to one of three $roups accordin$ to their a$e and parity. ,he first $roup 2$roup A, n D 0E3, was
offered a concentrate feed supplemented with 0.1<F clinoptilolite. ,he second $roup 2$roup ', n D 0E3, was offered a
concentrate feed supplemented with 1.<F clinoptilolite. ,he third $roup 2$roup 7, n D 053, which served as controls,
was offered the same concentrate feed without clinoptilolite supplementation. All cows were fed the above concentrates
continuously startin$ 4= days before the e+pected parturition up to the end of lactation. 'lood samples from individual
animals were collected Bust before the start of e+periment, at the day of calvin$ and, thereafter, at monthly intervals. All
samples were tested for serum beta*carotene, vitamins A and " concentrations. ,he results showed that the 0.1< and
1.<F supplementation of clinoptilolite had no adverse effect on serum concentrations of beta*carotene, vitamins A and
P#ID: 0<5514:5 >Pub#ed * inde+ed for #"D.I("?
Anticancer and antioxidative effects of micronized zeolite clinoptilolite.
-arkovic (, -arkovic @, @ralB #, 'orovic S, Sabolovic S, 'lazi #P, 7ipak A, Pavelic @.
;uder 'oskovic Institute, Division of #olecular #edicine, 'iBenicka <8, &;*0==== -a$reb, 7roatia.
'A7@%;G(D: ,reatment of cancer*bearin$ mice and do$s with micronized zeolite clinoptilolite 2#-3 led to
improvement of the overall health status, prolon$ation of life span and decrease of tumor size in some cases. It also
reduced lipid pero+idation in the liver of mice. #A,";IA.S A(D #",&GDS: ,he e+periments were performed on
various tumor cell cultures and tumor*bearin$ animals. Immunohistochemistry was used to analyze if #- could interfere
with Do+orubicin*induced lipid pero+idation and conse)uential production of 8*hydro+ynonenal 2&("3. ;"S.,S: #-
reduced the metabolic rate of cancer cells and increased bindin$ of &(" to albumin in vitro. It selectively reduced
$eneration of &(" in vivo in tumor stroma after Do+orubicin treatment leavin$ onset of lipid pero+idation intact in
mali$nant cells. 7ombined treatment with Do+orubicin and #- resulted in stron$ reduction of the pulmonary metastasis
count increasin$ anticancer effects of Do+orubicin. 7G(7.SIG(: Interference of #- with lipid pero+idation mi$ht
e+plain some of the beneficial effects of this particular zeolite in combined cancer therapy.
P#ID: 0151=81E >Pub#ed * inde+ed for #"D.I("?
Humic ingredient information
Hanuary 0=, 1==5
&umates are an accessible raw material that can be used in a$riculture and animal husbandry in the form of a humate
drink or dry feed as a source of mineral and or$anic substances for $rowth stimulation. &umates have lon$ been used as
folk remedies for a wide variety of illnesses 28/3. Gnly in recent years has serious research investi$ated this natural
material from the soil. ,hese humates are a part of soil humus and play an important role in the livin$ or$anism.
#odern farmin$ practices have stripped the soil of its humus and no replacements have been used. ,he humic
substances have not been appreciated and as a result not addressed in fertilizin$ practices. ,oday, our soils are low on
these humic substances and as a result animals and man are not receivin$ ade)uate amounts in our normal diet.
;esearch has indicated that when soil humus percenta$es fall below 1F, the soil cannot provide sufficient )uantities of
humic materials into the crops $rown for the amounts needed by the livin$ or$anism. ,his paper reviews those roles that
the humic materials play in our lives.

&umate is a safe material and e+ists in all soils, plants and animals. It is natural to the food chain and plays a role in the
compostin$ of dead matter into nutrients, transfer of minerals and other roles within the livin$ or$anism. #any
technical papers attest to humateIs safety. Scientist at the Drepropetrovish A$ricultural Institute in #oscow revealed
humate harmless with respect to blood, cardio*vascular system, endocrine system and other vitally important or$ans
usin$ patho*histolo$ical and histochemical methods. &umate does not cause aller$ic reactions, anaphyla+is 2une+pected
reactions3 to other medicinesJ it is an apyro$en. &umate does not have embryo*to+ic properties. ,he to+icity of
naturally occurrin$ humic acid is remarkably low 2003. ,he level of to+icity on an .D*<= test of =.<4/ $rams per
kilo$ram can be considered as a conformation of the harmlessness of humate 20<3. 7urrent repeat to+icity studies
presented by .aub 'iochem indicated total safety at levels up to <= m$Kk$ of body wei$ht 2153. Introduction of humates
into the feed ration of chickens has reduced unspecific deaths 4 to <F 2083. &umates bein$ fed to dairy cattle have
shown no chan$e in milk chemistry 21/3. 'roadly speakin$, concentrations in the ran$e of <=*1=== part per million
2ppm3 are usually effective, yet are not cytoto+ic 2003.
,echnically this term describes the salts of humic acid. %enerically it is the term $iven to all humic substances.
&umic Acid
&umic Acid is a lon$ chain molecule, which is hi$h in molecular wei$ht, dark brown and is soluble in an alkali solution.
,his is the portion of the soil responsible for compostin$ and transfers the nutrient from the soil to the livin$ or$anism.
,his material accompanies the nutrient into the or$anism and performs many benefits.
Culvic Acid
Culvic Acid is a short chain molecule, which has a low molecular wei$ht, yellow in color and soluble in both acid and
alkali. ,his is the portion of the soil responsible for chelatin$ 2$rabbin$ hold of metals3 minerals and transferrin$ them
to the livin$ or$anism. Culvic acid is uni)ue in its chelation ability as it captures life essential minerals and places an
electrical char$e on them for ready uptake by the or$anism. ,o+ic metals are also chelated, but are neutrally char$ed and
have difficulty in enterin$ a livin$ or$anism. Culvic acids also act to deto+ify the body of those heavy metals that may
enter it.
lmic Acid
lmic acid is that portion of the soil that is soluble in alcohol. It is a dark material semi*solid material. It is little
understood and has little research history.
&umin is that portion of the soil that is non*soluble. It is a dark brown material, e+tremely hi$h molecular wei$ht and is
responsible for the soils water holdin$ capability, crumble and electrostatic conductivity.
&umic Substance
,he portion of the soil created by decayin$ or$anic matter.
&umates e+ist in many locations around the world, but vary in composition much the same way as crude oils. ,hey are
hydrocarbons and contain aromatic and heterocyclic structures, carbo+yl $roups, and nitro$en. ,hey contain fra$ments
of D(A, ;(A and possess many active hydro$en bondin$ sites makin$ them very chemically reactive.

Nutrition Value
(utritional analyses 21E3 vary with the differin$ humates. ,hose humates used in the case studies at the end of this
paper contained the followin$.
F by !t.
Protein E.0=
Ash 5.44
Cibre 01.<=
7arbohydrates <0.1=
(itro$en 0.08
#oisture 5./=
Ammonia 0.45
&umic Acid 81 to 85F
Culvic Acid 01F of &umic Acid Aalues
,race #inerals 2ppm3
In 7helated Corm
Aluminum 0= 7hlorine 5.= &afnium =.: #olybdenum =.: ;ubidium 8.= ,erbium 0.=
Antimony =.4 7hromium =.4 &olmium =.< (eodymium 0= ;uthenium =.< ,hallium <.=
Arsenic =.5 7obalt =.: Indium =.< (ickel 1.= Samarium =.: ,horium <.=
'arium =.< 7opper 8.= Iodine =.0 (iobium 0.= Scandium =.: ,hulium =.<
'eryllium =.0 Dysprosium =.: Iridium =.: Gsmium 0.= Selenium 0.= ,in =.4
'ismuth =.< "rbium =.5 Iron 0=== Palladium =.< Silicon /= ,itanium =.0
'oron =.5 "uropium =.: .anthanum 0.= Phosphorus 4= Silver =.1 ,un$sten <.=
'romine =.1 Cluorine <.= .ead =./ Platinum =.< Sodium 4== Aanadium =.<
7admium 8.1 %adolinium =.< .ithium 0/ Potassium 0=== Strontium 8.=
Ltterbium =.0
7alcium 4== %allium 0.= .utetium =.0 Praseodymium 0= Sulfur 1=== Lttrium =.0
7erium 8.1 %ermanium =.< #an$anese 48 ;henium =.< ,antalum =./ -inc 5.=
7esium 8.1 %old =.0 #a$nesium 1=== ;hodium =.< ,ellurium <.= -irconium 0.=
Addin$ humate to the fodder of broiler chickens increases the yield mass on avera$e of < to EF 2083 2043.
Dairy cattle bein$ fed humates showed improved feed efficiencies. ,he control herd ate an avera$e of 45 lbs. of feed
daily while the test herd consumed 4/ lbs. daily. #ilk production for the test herd increased 0.: lbs. per day per animal.
Since milk production is a direct function of feed intake, the animal feed efficiency increased 21/3.
Gbservational reports from farmers usin$ the humate in their feedin$ pro$rams have reported additional wei$ht $ains
and healthy livestock on beef cattle, ho$s, chickens, emus and earthworms.

Health Value
'lood Properties
It has been found that humic acid in dose levels of 0==*4== milli$rams per kilo$ram body wei$ht has no effect on
bleedin$ time, clottin$ time, thrombin time, plate count, or induced platelet a$$re$ation 28:3. ;ed blood cells and
hemo$lobin stay on normal levels under the influence of humate in comparison with control $roups 20<3. .iterature has
indicated that the red blood cells have the capability of carryin$ hi$her percenta$es of o+y$en when in the presence of
humate. &uman subBects takin$ humate have reported feelin$s of euphoria, similar to hyperventilatin$, durin$ the first
few days of takin$ humate. ,his euphoria is a result of additional o+y$en. &ealin$ of inBuries, as a result of additional
o+y$en, is much )uicker. 7uttin$ horses have ankle inflammations fre)uently from their ri$orous trainin$ pro$rams.
&ealin$ times for these inBuries have been reduced by the usa$e of humates.
#ineral ,ransfer
&umates contain both humic and fulvic acids. ,he fulvic acid is the chelator that carries the minerals. ,he humic acid
acts as dilator increasin$ the cell wall permeability. ,his increased permeability allows easier transfer of minerals from
the blood to the bone and cells. ,estin$ on cows has indicated an increase of 0/F more calcium 2853. It has been shown
that incubation of cultured human umbilical vein endothelial cells with natural or synthetic humic acid results in an
enhanced surface e+pression of tissue factor activity. ,here are also chan$es in intracellular divalent calcium levels 203.
.iterature reports additional transport of iodine from foods into the thyroid $lands 213.
Hust as fulvic acid carries life*sustainin$ minerals to the body, it also captures and removes to+ic metals from the body.
Deto+ification takes place within first three to four days of usa$e. 'oth human and animal have reported looseness of
bowels due to deto+ification durin$ this period and return to more solid manure after the third to forth day.
Stress #ana$ement
.iterature has reported that humates block or reduce the production of stress causin$ hormones. ,his has been observed
in animal behavior, in particular with show calves first enterin$ the arena. Animals on humate are less affected by the
outside stimulus of the crowds or confinin$ areas of the arena. ,his effect has been noted on sheep, horses, cattle and
ho$s. In dairy operations, those animals not on humate a$$ressively eat their feed rations while humate animals
leisurely $raze.
.aboratory testin$ at Penn State physically restrained rats by bindin$ them to artificially create stress and measured
hormones known to cause stress. ,hose rats fed humate showed si$nificantly less amounts of those hormones.
7ell #utation
&umates within the body work with D(A and cellular division. It has been noted that the humate tends to prevent
cellular mutation durin$ reproduction. Several technical papers were noted durin$ literature research for this paper
re$ardin$ cancer research with humates.
(atural humic acid administered prophylacticly to rats can decrease si$nificantly the amount of $astric mucus dama$e
induced with ethanol. &umic acid also si$nificantly accelerated the healin$ process of e+perimentally induced ulcers
Microial !nteraction
&umates are known to stimulate microbial activity. In soil testin$ for microbial activity, levels increased 8== to <===
times with the introduction of humate 24== ppm3 into the soil. &umates added to feed rations stimulate the microbial
$rowth and the e+tent can be )uite lar$e dependin$ upon the species, the culture medium, and the environment 28<3.
&umic substances have been also known to e+hibit anti*microbial properties. Species for which natural humic
substances have been shown to be inhibitory include 7. albican, "nt. 7loacac, Prot. Aul$aris, Ps. Aeru$inosa, S.
typhimurium, St. aureus, St. epidermidis, and Str pyo$enes 2013. It seems that within the body, humates stimulate the
M$oodN microbes while suppressin$ the MbadN microbes. ,estin$ of milk durin$ field trials indicated a lar$e increase of
microbes within the milk. ,his is usually an indication to the dairyman of impendin$ mastitis 2tit infection3. ,he
opposite actually happened. #astitis cases within the milkin$ herd dropped from an avera$e of 4 to 8 cases daily to 8
cases in a month 21/3. Additional conformation of reduction of mastitis was observed in lactatin$ female $oats. ,hree
female $oats with severe mastitis were administered doses of humate over a two*week period. At the end of E days,
swellin$ of the mammary $lands had subsided and the $oats were back to normal activity allowin$ the kids to nurse
without discomfort.
Immune System
&umates boaster the immune system. Dr. Daryl See, #D, Immunolo$ist of 7.A #edical School su$$ests that the
mechanism is related to the humates ability to comple+ su$ars within the body. ,he abundance of these comple+ su$ars
allows the body to manufacture $lycoproteins that attach to the killer and , cell actin$ as a modulator or communication
link between the cells. ,his re$ulates the immune system cells and prevents either the , or @iller cells from becomin$
out of balance. "+cessive killer cells can attack bone and Boints causin$ arthritis. 7onversely, e+cessive , cells can
cause auto*immune diseases.
Alon$ this same line, burn victims and radiation sickness e+perience immune system responses that attack the bodies
dead cells creatin$ unwanted infections. &umates cause the immune system to reco$nize its own dead cells thereby
reducin$ infection. 'aylor #edical School is currently researchin$ humates both topically applied and internally dosed
for burn victims to reduce infections. ;ussian scientists are usin$ the same principle for the treatment of radiation
sickness. Sodium humate has been found to increase the lifespan of mon$rel rats e+posed to lethal doses of cobalt
radiation 253.
Anti*inflammatory Properties
&umic acids isolated from peat e+hibited si$nificant efficacy for adhesions when tested on female rats that had
standardized lesions placed on both uterine horns and the peritoneum of the anterior abdominal wall 203. &umic
substances, includin$ peat and sodium humates, are known to e+hibit anti*inflammatory properties 28E3. Inflammatory
states of the cervi+, especially cervical erosion 2$enerally known as cervicitis3 can be treated with humic preparations
(ot only does the humate relieve swellin$ from Boint inflammation, it has been shown to bond to the colla$en fibers to
aid in repair of dama$ed tendons and bone. ,endon stren$th has been shown to increase by as much as E<F 2:3 2853.
Anti*Airal Properties
&umates are effective media additives for the production of antibiotics in the soil 28<3.
&umic substances have lon$ been known to e+hibit antiviral properties 2883 in particular rhinoviruses 24<3. Airal
patho$ens for which soil*e+tract materials have been shown to be effective include in particular 7o+sackie virus A: 2483,
herpes simple+ virus type 0 and 1 20=3,2003, 2103, 21:3, 24/3, and 24E3, human immunodeficiency virus 2&IA3 2113, 24=3,
2403, 2453, and 24:3, influenza type A and ' 2113, 24<3, 2453, and 28=3, as well as other respiratory tract infections. 2443,
2483, 24<3, 24E3, and 2803.
,he mechanism whereby humic substances inhibit the cytopathicity of a number of viruses has been studied in some
depth. It is thou$ht that the materials prevent viral replicatin$ by sorbin$ onto the viral envelope protein and thereby
blockin$ the sorption of viral particles to cell surfaces 2403.
&umic acids have also been employed as veterinary medicine therapy successfully employin$ peat mull 2e+tracted
humic acid3 to prevent the transmission of foot and mouth disease in pi$s 2443. &umate is a pharmacy that raises non*
specific or$anism resistance. ,his fact was confirmed by usin$ such models as ato+ic anemia, to+ic hepatitis, peptic
ulcer and hypercholesterolemia 20<3.
.iver "ffects
,he effect of natural humic acid on the re$enerative response of liver tissue has been e+amined in rats submitted to two*
thirds hipatectomy. .on$ term application of humic acid resulted in the stimulation of omithine decarbo+ylase, an
increase in spermidine and histamine as well as D(A and ;(A levels, and in overall liver mass 2<=3. &umic as well as
fulvic acids e+tracted from peat have been shown to stimulate respiration in rat liver mitochondria when present at
concentrations of 8=*4/= micro$rams per ml. &umic substances at concentrations of 8=*8== micro$rams per ml. also
increased the efficiency of o+idative phosphorylation in mitochondria in vitro, particularly after contact periods of over 0
hour 2<03.
A lar$e part of the humate takes an active part in the liver metabolism. ,he use of humate plays a role in the liver
function and protects it somewhat from disease andKor disturbances 20<3.
Detoxif"ing #roperties
Culvic acid, a component of humate, is a stron$ chelator. It is uni)ue in its chelatin$ ability. .ife sustainin$ minerals,
when chelated by fulvic, are placed in a chemical state 2phyto*state3 such that they are readily absorbed by the cell or
or$anism. ,o+ic heavy metals are also chelated but placed in a chemical state that is difficult for cellular absorption.
Culvic acid in the soil acts as a filter for to+ic metals. It will $rab the a to+ic metal and immobilize it which prevents it
from mi$ratin$ or chemically reactin$. !hen crops are $rown on soils deficient in fulvic acid, to+ic metals can be
absorbed by the plant and passed into the food chain. #any of our foods present today are $rown under conditions of
Mworn outN soil. As a result, more to+ic metals are bein$ in$ested. Culvic acid has the capability of removin$ these
to+ic metals from the body.
Gdor ;eduction
,e+as AO# niversity System researchers have discovered that usin$ humate decreases volatile ammonia in animal
waste by /8F, reduces odor, and improves the nitro$en to phosphorus ration in the waste. Scientist are developin$
ration formulations to enhance manure characteristics while maintainin$ animal performance as well as devisin$ other
approached to maintain feedlot efficiency and mana$e waste 21<3.
Gbservations from field trials on dairy animals indicate a more complete di$estion of feed as observed from the manure
and urine. #anure from the humate test herd consisted of fine particle, low odor matter while control animals contained
lumps of corn and straw and hi$h ammonia odors. rine from the test herd was clear and odorless while the control
herd was amber with odor 21<3. A similar effect has been observed on ho$s.
&ydro$en Sulfide 2&1S3 2rotten e$$ odor3 has also been reduced by the addition of humate to the mi+. !a$ner Puarries
7ompany has demonstrated reductions in &1S by humate interaction. ,he mechanism is not fully understood, but
results indicate $ood odor reduction 2143.
#iscellaneous Properties
7hemically 2strophantinum3 induced heart stoppa$e in fro$s was e+amined. Cro$s that were $iven humate
continuously for 0= days prior to the dru$ increased the time of heart activity 85.EF in comparison with the control
$roup. Additionally the protective property of the humate was revealed when to+ic doses of strychnine 2inhibits
metabolism in the central nervous system3 were administered to test mice. ,hose mice 2E=F3 $iven humate 0= days
prior to the treatment lived while 0==F of the control died 20<3.

$ase Histories
'eef 7attle
,e+as AO# under the leader ship of Dr. 7hirase performed humate feedin$ trials on steers at a feedlot in the Amarillo
area. ;eported results of the </*day study indicated a 01F increase in feed efficiency. #anure samples were of a fine
te+ture with reduced odor. 'lood data indicated increases in hemo$lobin and antio+idants 2<43. Collow up testin$ on the
odor indicated a /8F reduction in ammonia from the animal waste when humate was mi+ed into it 2183.
A farmer in !aco, ,e+as, mi+ed humates into the rations of a mature cow and three calves. ;eports after /= days
indicated coloration and health of the animals to be e+cellent. !ei$ht $ain on the calves was reported to be above the
norm. Althou$h no usable data was collected on this test, the cattleman did report somethin$ that was si$nificant. &e
had been tryin$ to breed the cow over a three*year period without success. Durin$ the testin$ period, the cow became

Dairy ,est
7anton, ,e+as. ,his test was run on <== hi$h producin$ dairy cattle over a 15*day period. #ilk, blood and animal
waste were analyzed before, durin$ and after the testin$ period. ,he introduction of the humate into the diet produced
0.: pounds of e+tra milk daily per animal. ,he feed consumption dropped from 45 lbs. per day to 4/ lbs. per day durin$
the test. At the conclusion of the test period, consumption returned to 45 lbs. !ith these chan$es in feed )uantities, it
can be concluded that the animal was di$estin$ its nutrient more completely, thus creatin$ $reater milk production.
Additionally the humates produced a calmin$ effect on the animals as e+hibited by lowered a$$ressiveness in eatin$ and
reduced the effects of heat stresses produced by summer temperatures. .actation decline curves flattened si$nificantly
durin$ the testin$ period. ,his indicates that lon$er milkin$ periods can be achieved raisin$ the cumulative amounts of
milk received from each cow. Gdors from the animal wastes were reduced. .ess volumes of manure and reductions in
ammonia odor results in less waste and reduces the effects of potential insect born diseases 21/3.
Sunset, ,e+as. (ursin$ female $oats were e+periencin$ mastitis 2tit infection3 and would not allow the kids to nurse.
&umate was introduced into the ration and within one week all infection had cleared up.
'rady, ,e+as. An$ora $oats are bein$ fed humate to improve the )uality of the wool. ;eports from the wool buyers
indicate that the humate fed $oats have lon$er staple and more lanoline in the wool. Pricin$ on an$ora wool is based on
Dr. #att 7olvin, D#A reports that he is usin$ humates in the diet to treat scours in pi$lets. &is e+perience with the
humates indicates that it is a very effective treatment. Additionally, he is reportin$ additional wei$ht $ain with meat that
is lean with $ood te+tured and e+cellent taste. ;eproduction from the humate fed sows is e+cellent and produces lar$er
than normal pi$lets.
;attan 2Gstrich, "mus3
7layton, (ew #e+ico. A farmer raisin$ ostrich has reported pluma$e development on youn$ birds has been accelerated.
"$$shell development is e+cellent and uniform. ,he yokes are reported to be firmer. A $reater percenta$e of hatchin$s
are bein$ produced. ,he farmer also reported that hoof rotation has ceased to be a problem. &oof rotation is a problem
on lon$ le$$ed animals. It results when tendon and muscle $row faster than bone in youn$ animal and results in a
clubfoot. Prior to the humate, the farmer was e+periencin$ about <F of his youn$ birds e+periencin$ some de$ree of
hoof rotation. Since the introduction of humate, bone $rowth has kept up with muscle $rown and reduced hoof rotation
problems to below =.<F.
!aco, ,e+as. ,he farmer was raisin$ emus. Since the market price on emus had fallen, he was allowin$ the flock to
fora$e and supplementin$ with millet 2a low cost feed3. At the time the humates were introduced into the diet, the birds
were in poor to fair shape. &ot summer temperatures had taken their toll on the birds and pluma$e and skin were in poor
condition. &umate was fed over a /=*day period. ,he health of the birds $reatly improved and pluma$e became
e+cellent with bri$ht colorin$. nder hot dry conditions the females do not start the reproduction cycle until late fall
when the summer heat breaks. ,he females in this flock started the reproduction cycle in mid September 2still hot3. ,he
only way this can happen is for the bird to be in e+cellent health.
Purcell, Gklahoma. ,wo pens 21= each3 of newly hatched chicks were used for a test and control. ,he test birds were
fed humate in the diet while the control was not. Ceather development came earlier on the humate birds. ,he test $roup
was fully feathered a full week ahead of the control $roup. !ei$ht $ain of the test $roup after 4= days amounted to 0.<
pound more mass than the control $roup. Gf notice was the calmin$ factor of the humate. Gne could enter the test pen
and the birds continued with their normal peckin$ and wanderin$s while those in the control pen would became
e+tremely e+cited and run with wildness. ,he test was continued onward for a period of si+ months. ,he mature birds
were monitored for e$$ production. "$$s shells from the humate $roup were thicker and more uniform in size.
&atchlin$ chicks from the test $roup were lar$er and more active.
"+cerpt of letter from cuttin$ horse owner in 'oyd, ,e+as. MI started usin$ humate in my horses / years a$o. I have
found that even in the winter when the animalIs hair is lon$ and coarse, that my horses have a deep, rich, shinin$ coat
and bri$ht eyes. ,hey are very alert but not hyper. I havenIt had a sick horse in years and their hooves $row well and
hold a shoe e+tremely well. #y horses overall health and performance, since I have been feedin$ the humate is
!illow Sprin$s, ,e+as. !illow Sprin$s is the site of a lar$e trainin$ area for racin$ and cuttin$ horses for the Dallas
Cort !orth metrople+. ,he trainin$ re$imen for these animals is )uite intense. Cront ankle inBuries with swellin$ are
)uite common and re)uire several weeks of inactivity to heal properly. ,his inactivity e+tends the e+pensive trainin$
time. Several of the trainers tested the humates in their animals. ,hey found that healin$ times for the ankle inBuries
were reduced by one to two weeks. In timin$ trials, the humate horses were performin$ better. It is not uncommon for a
)uarter horse on humate to be able to shed a few tenths of the second on his time. In )uarter horse racin$ those few
tenths can mean the difference between winnin$ and losin$.
Cort !orth, ,e+as. ,his horse was a successful re$istered western pleasure paint that suddenly came up with severe
de$eneratin$ hooves. ,he attendin$ farrier hadnIt seen such a sever case in years. Gn all four hooves, there was
insufficient nail to place a shoe. &umate was introduced into the ration. &oof $row out was immediately outstandin$.
Shoes were able to be put on in about 8 to < months and the horse was back in the show rin$. ,he farrier was shocked at
the improvement.
"+cerpt from letter. #ale, a$ed /4, 'oyd, ,e+as. MI feel I need to respond about the wonderful )ualities I have found in
my si+ plus years use of your natural humate product. I found my skin and comple+ion to improveJ the $rayin$ in my
hair chan$ed to the deeper richer color of my ori$inal hair color and my all around health has improved $reatly. I
havenIt been to the doctor in years, no colds, aller$ies, etc.N
#ale, a$ed E1, Cort !orth, ,e+as. ,his individual has been takin$ the humate for a period of E years. 'efore and
durin$ the period he has been takin$ the humate, he has taken a yearly physical under the same doctor. ,hese physicals
re)uire two to three days in the hospital for testin$, pokin$ and probin$. ,he doctor was notified of the humate and has
watched for si$ns of body chan$e from the 4= years of history accumulated on this individual. Learly medical reports
from the doctor indicate the overall health of the individual has improved. 'lood o+y$en has increased and fatty
cholesterol levels have lowered without chan$es in diet. &eart functions have improved on a yearly basis. ,he doctor
has noted no ill effects from the humate and has advised the individual to remain on his current re$imen of humate.
Durin$ the seven years, the individual has only e+perienced one case of sinusitis and no cases of flu or colds.
Cemale, a$ed 45. ;aton, (ew #e+ico. ,his individual has had a history of anemia. After /= days on humate, the
anemia conditions went away. ,hat was five years a$o and the condition has not returned. &er doctor has confirmed
these facts and now recommends humate for his patients with anemia problems.
Cemale, a$ed 04. 7incinnati, Ghio. ,his youn$ female was e+periencin$ anemia. She had received the humate from a
friend and be$an takin$ it without her parentIs knowled$e. &er father is a medical doctor and learned of her activities
durin$ a physical e+amination. ,he anemia was not present and he )uestioned her to see what lifestyle chan$es she may
have made. ,he doctor, after researchin$, now commonly prescribes humate to help build up his patients health.
0. "ffects of humic acid on the viability and coa$ulant properties of human umbilical vein endothelial cells. Lan$,
&...J 7hiu, &. 7.J .u, C. Am H. &ematol, 0::/J Aol. <0, Issue 4, Pa$es 1==*1=/.
1. "ffect of humic acid on the availability of iodine in the food, investi$ated with the histometric assessment of the
thyroid $land. Seffner, !. 7onference Paper #en$en* und spurenelemente Q 0< Arbeltsta$und, December 0::<, Hena,
%ermany. #en$en nd Spurenelemente Pa$es 8/<*8E1.
4. In*vivo and In*vitro muta$enicity studies on natural humic acid 2&A3. 'ernacchi, C.J Ponzanelli, I.J 'arale, ;.J
'ertelli, C. 7onference Paper 4E ;iunione scientifica , Gctober 0::0, Al$hero, Italy. A,,I*Associazione %enetica
Italiana, 0::0, Aol. 4E, Pa$es 8:*<=.
8. ,he use of a processed humic acid product as a feed supplement in dairy production in the (etherlands.
,homassen, '. P. &.J Caust, ;. &. 7onference Paper ICGA#J ICGA# 1===, the world $rows or$anic international
scientific conference, Au$ust 1===, 'asle. Pa$e 44:
<. Induction of o+idative stress by humic acid throu$h increasin$ intracellular ironJ a possible mechanism leadin$ to
atherothrombotic vascular disorder in blackfoot disease. %au, ;. H.J Lan$, &. ..J Suen, H. ..J .u, C. H. 'iochem 'iophys
;es 7ommun, 1==0J Aol 154J Issue 8J Pa$es E84*E8:.
/. &umic acid induced $rowth retardation in a sertoli cell line, ,#8. 7hen, L. H.J .in*7hao, S.J &uan$, ,. S.J Lan,
#. ..J .u, C. H. .ife Sci, 1==0J Aol. /:J Issue 00J Pa$es 01/:*0158.
E. "ffect of phenol rin$ polymers on the release of plasmino$en activators. @lockin$, &. P.J @lockin$, ;.J &elbi$,
'. Carmakol ,oksikol, 0:58J Aol. 8EJ Issue 0J Pa$es :4*:<.
5. "ffect of sodium humate on animals irradiated with lethal doses. Pukhova, %. %.J Druzhina, &. A.J Stepchenko,
.. #.J 7hebotarev, ". ". ;adiobiolo$iia, 0:5EJ Aol. 1EJ Issue <J Pa$es /<=*/<4.
:. Sodium humate in the treatment of osteoarthrosis patients. Iubitskaia, (. S.J Ivanov, ". #. Aopr @urortol
Cizioter .ech Ciz @ult, 0:::J Issue <J Pa$es 11*18.
0=. ;esults of an oriented clinical trial of ammonium humate for the local treatment of herpesvirus hominis 2&A&3
infections. Schiller, C.J @lockin$, ;.J !utzler, P.J Carber, I. Dermatoi #onatsschr, 0:E:J Aol. 0/<J Issue EJ Pa$es <=<*
00. 7omparison of the in vitro activities of ammonium humate and of enzymically o+idized chloro$enic and caffeic
acids a$ainst type 0 and type 1 human herpes virus. ,hiel, @. D.J &eibi$, '.J @lochin$, ;.J Autzier, P.J Sprossi$, #.J
Schweizer, &. Pharmazie, 0:50J Aol. 4/J Issue 0J Pa$es <=*<4.
01. &umate induced activation of human $ranulocytes. ;iede, . (.J -eck*@app, %.J Creudenber$, (.J @eller, &. .J
Seubert, '. Airchows Arch ' 7ell Pathol Incl #ol Pathol, 0::0J Aol. /=J Issue 0J Pa$es 1E*48.
04. ,he content of free amino acids in the tissues of broiler chicks administered sodium humate in the ration. -horina,
.. A.J Stepchenko, .. #. (auchnye Doki Ayss Shkoly 'iol (auki, 0::0J Issue 0=J Pa$es 08E*0<=.
08. ,he effect of sodium humate on metabolism and resistance in hi$hly productive poultry. Stepchenko, .. #.J
-horina, .. A.J @ravtsova, .. A. (auchnye Doki Ayss Shkoly 'iol #auki, 0::0J Issue 0=J Pa$es :=*:<.
0<. "+perimental bases and prospects for the use of humic acid preparations from peat in medicine and a$ricultural
production. .otosh, ,. D. nauchnye Doki Ayss Shkoly 'iol (auki, 0::0J Issue 0=J Pa$es ::*0=4.
0/. ,he effect of sodium humate on cadmium deposition in the or$ans of chickens. &erzi$, I.J &ampi, H.J Docekalova,
&.J Pisarikova, '.J Aicek, H. Aet #ed, 0::8J Aol. 4:J Issue 8J Pa$es 0E<*05<.
0E. Pharmacokinetics of sodium humate in chickens. &ampi, H.J &erzi$, I.J Aicek, H. Aet #ed, 0::8J Aol 4:J Issue /J
Pa$es 4=<*404.
05. Inhibition of &IA*0 in cell culture by synthetic humate analo$ues derived from hydro)uinoneJ mechanism of
inhibition. Schneider, H.J !eis, ;.J #anner, 7.J @ary, ',J !erner, A.J Seubert, '. H.J ;eide, . (. Airolo$y, 0::/J Aol.
105J Issue 1J Pa$es 45:*4:<.
0:. 7aecal metaboliies and microbial populations in chickens consumin$ diets containin$ a mined humate compound.
Shermer, 7. ..J #aciorowski, @. %.J 'ailey, 7. A.J 'yers, C. #.J ;icke, S. 7. Hournal of the science of food and
a$riculture, 0::5J Aol. EEJ Issue 8, Pa$es 8E:*85/.
1=. se of ristocetin cofactor activity in the mana$ement of von !illebrand disease. "wenstein, '. #. &aemophilia,
1==0J Aol EJ Suppl. 0J Pa$es 0=*0<.
10. In vitro studies of the antiviral activity of ammonium humate a$ainst herpes simple+ virus type 0 and type 1.
,hiel, @. D.J @lockin$, ;.J Schweizer, &.J Sprossi$, #. -entralbl 'akteriol, 0:EEJ Aol. 14:J Issue 4J Pa$es 4=8*410.
11. .aub developin$ humate with anti*&IA, &SA, &PA and other antiviral activity. .aub, ;. 'iotechnolo$y
Information Institute, Cebruary 1===. Antiviral Dru$ and Aaccine Development Information, Aol. 01, (o. 1. IS'(
14. &1S odor control system. !a$ner Puarries 7ompany. Press ;elease, Gctober 1===, Sandusky, Ghio.
18. "ffect of chemical treatments, ration composition and feedin$ strate$ies on $aseous emissions and odor potential
of cattle feedyards. Parker, D.JAuvermann, '.J %reene, !. Pre*publication ,e+as AO# "+tension Service, December
1==0. ,A# A$ ;esearch and "+tension 7tr. Amarillo, ,+.
1<. "fficient waste and odor mana$ement for feedlots. %reene, .. !.J 7ole, A.*SDAKA;S. ,he A$riculture
Pro$ram, ,e+as AO# niversity System, A%7G# <*0*==. http:KKa$pro$ram.tamu.eduJ press release, #ay, 1===.
1/. Cield trials of dairy cattle. #osley, ;. (on*published research. "nviromate, Inc. Au$ust 0::/.
1E. &umate lab data. 'unch, %. Southwestern .aboratories, December 0:50. #idland, ,+. Cile (o. 7*0:<=*R.
15. Acute systemic to+icity studies of natural product and synthetic humates. .aub, ;. .aub 'io7hem 7orp, Au$ust
1:. ,he chemically induced inhibition of &SA infection. .aub, ;. .aub 'io7hem 7orp., Au$ust 0::5.
4=. ,he chemically induced inhibition of &IA*0 replication. .aub, ;. .aub 'io7hem 7orp., Hanuary 0::<.
40. Process for preparin$ synthetic soil*e+tract materials and medicament based thereon. .aub, ;. . S. Patient (o.
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41. Studies on the antimicrobial effect of natural and synthetic humic acids. Ansor$ ;., et al., A r+eimittelforschun$,
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44. Investi$ations on the viricidal effects of humic acids in peat. Schultz, &. ,ierarztl Aochenschr, Huly 0:/<, Aol. E1,
Issue 04, pa$es 1:8*1:E.
48. Antiviral properties of humic acids. @lockin$, ;.J et al. "+perientia, #ay 0:E1, Aol. 15, Issue <, Pa$es /=E*/=5.
4<. ,he effects of phenolic polyments on retroviruses. Sydow, %.J et al. Pharmazie, December 0:5/. Aol. 80, Issue
01, Pa$es 5/<*5/5.
4/. ,herapeutic effect of "*<*1*bromovinyl 1*deo+yuridine, caffeic acid o+idation product, and
trisodiumphosphonoformate on cutaneous herpes simple+ virus type 0 infected $uinea pi$s. &elbi$, '.J et al. #ed
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4E. Interaction of humic acids and humic acid like polymers with herpes simple+ virus type 0. @nockin$, ;. &umic
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45. Selective inhibitory activity of polyhydro+carbo+ylates derived from phenolic compounds a$ains human
immunodeficiency virus replication. Schols, D.J et al. Ac)uir Immune Defic Syndr, 0::0J Aol. 8J Issue E, pa$es /EE*
4:. &e+aprenoid hydro)uinones. (ovel inhibitors of the reverse transcriptase of human iminunodeficiency virus type
0. .oya, S.J et al. Hournal of (atural Products, December, 0::4J Aol. <1, Issue 01J pa$es 101=*101<.
8=. "ffectiveness of phenol body polymers a$ainst influenza virus. #entel, ;., et al. 'iochem Acta, 0:54J Aol.
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80. A randomized blind study on the efficacy of ,olpa ,orf preparation in the treatment of recurrin$ respiratory tract
infections. Hankowski, A.J et al. Arch Immunol ,her "+p, 0::4J Aol. 80J Issue 0J pa$es :<*:E.
81. Synthesis and characterization of humic acid like polymers. &anainen, @. ..J et al. ,he Science of the ,otal
"nvironment, 0:5EJ Aol. /1J pa$es 1=0*10=.
84. 7omparison of the effect of natural and synthetic humates and "D,A on the $rowth of escherichia coli. Hakubiec,
#.J et al. Arzneimittleforschun$, 0:E5J Aol. 15J Issue 01J pa$es 10:<*10:5.
88. ,he use of the &",*7A# test for the determination of the irritatin$ effect of humic acids. !ie$leb, @.J et al.
Dtsch ,ierarzl !ochenschr, Gctober 0::4J Aol. 0==J Issue 0=J pa$es 801*80/.
8<. "ffect of humates on microbial activity. &uck, ,. A.J Porter, (.J 'ushell, #. ". H. %en. #icrobiol., 0::0J Aol.
04EJ Issue 0=J pa$es 1410*141:.
8/. ;ich soils for cures. Achard, C. @. 7reels 7hem. Ann., 0:5/J Aol. 00J pa$es 4:0*8=4.
8E. &umates and inflammation. @uhnert, #.J et al. Arch. "*p. Aeterinarmed., 0:51J Aol. 4/J pa$es 0/:*0EE.
85. "ffects of Implanted bovine calcium hydro+yapatite with humate. @reutzJ Schlikekewey, !. Arch. Grthop.
,rauma Sur$., 0::1, Aol. 000J Issue <J pa$es 1<:*1/8.
8:. #alinowska, #. &.J Pietraszek, DJ 7habielska, ". Acta Pol. Pharm., 0::4, Aol. <=J Issue /J pa$es <=E*<00.
<=. An e+amination of humate stimulated liver functions. #aslinski, 7J Co$el, !. A.J AndrzeBewski, !. Acta Pol.
Pharm., 0::4J Aol. <=J Issue 8*<J pa$es 804*80/.
<0. Aisser, S. A. Sci. ,otal "nviron.J 0:5EJ Aol. /1J Issue 8J pa$es 48E*4<8.
<1. 'rzozowski, ,J Dembrinski, A.J @onturek, S. Acta Pol. Pharm., 0::8J Aol. <0J Issue 0J pa$es 0=4*0=E.
<4. "ffects of bovipro on performance and serum metabolite concentrations of beef steers. 7hirase, (. Amer. Soc. of
Animal Sci. Proceedin$sJ !est Section (o. <0, 1===.

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