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Colegio Madre M Rosa Molas

Unidad 5 Leccin 2 (2 ESO)



A. La forma afirmativa del past simple de los verbos regulares se forma aadiendo -ed a la forma
base del verbo.
Work worked
B. Los verbos terminados en -e aaden slo -d.
Love loved
C. Los verbos terminados en -y precedida de consonante, cambian la -y por -i antes de aadir -ed.
Carry carried
Los verbos terminados en -y precedida de vocal, no cambian antes de aadir -ed.
Play played
D. Casos en los que se duplica la ltima consonante antes de aadir -ed.
-los verbos monoslabos terminados en consonante-vocal-consonante
stop stopped
-los verbos terminados en -l
cancel cancelled
-los verbos bislabos agudos.
AdMIT admitted
1. Write the Past Simple of the following verbs.
1. watch
7. Walk
13. Play
2. clean
8. visit
14. Study
3. stop
9. Work
15. Love
4. arrive
10. Look
16. Open
11. Like
17. Start
12. Iron
18. Water

19. Climb
20. stay
21. call
22. kiss
23. tidy
24. Wash

2. Put the verbs into the Simple Past.

Yesterday my family and I(1) .......................(visit) my grandparents. My mother (2) ........................
(help) my grandmother with the housework. My father (3).........................(clean) the windows outside.
My brother and I(4)..........................(watch) cartoons on television and later we (5).............................
(play) outside in the garden. We (6)..............................(climb) the tree to our tree house. We
(7)...........................(stay) there all afternoon. Then our mother (8)............................(call) us because
it was time to go home. Our grandparents (9) .........................(kiss) us goodbye and we
(10).............................(return) home. We (11) ...........................(arrive) home at 8 o'clock. Father
(12) ................................(look) for the key, (13) ................................(open) our front door and we all
(14)..............................(walk) inside.

Colegio Madre M Rosa Molas

Unidad 5 Leccin 2 (2 ESO)

3. Fill in the blanks with the Simple Past of the verbs in brackets.
Last Saturday my father(1) .................(take) my friends and me to the circus. We(2) ...................(see)
lots of things. My father (3) .................(buy) us some popcorn and orange juice. We (4) ...............(eat)
the popcorn and (5)..................(drink) the orange juice. We (6)...................(laugh) at the funny
clowns. There (7)...........................(be) a lion-tamer. The lions (8).........................(do) tricks;
they(9) ..........................(jump) through hoops. A girl (10).........................(ride) an elephant around the
ring. We all (11).....................(have) a wonderful time.
4. Choose the right verb, put it in the Simple Past and fill in the blanks.
Write, drink, do, see, buy, sit, meet, drive, be, tell, come, take, cost, go.
Yesterday morning we 1) the market. We 2) ........................our shopping baskets.
Father 3) there in the car. At the market, Mother 4) ..........................some fruit and
vegetables. I 5) .............................some birds that I wanted to buy. They 6) ..................................a lot
of money. Mother 7) they 8) ...........................too expensive. Then we 9) ................
some friends and we all 10) a caf. We 11) a table outside
and 12) juice. Then Mother and I 13) ...............................home. In the
afternoon I 14) homework and 15) ..........................a letter to my grandmother.
1. Add -(e)d to the verbs and put them in the correct column, then read them out.
Arrive, close, help, want, hurry, look, watch, clean, cook, regret, rob, visit, add, push, start, live, end,
wait, count, like, travel, tidy, laugh, finish, kiss, post, change, open.
After /t/, /d/

After /k/,/s/,/t /, /f/, /p/, / /

After other sounds

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