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BBA 2K11 -B


Saman pulled her sweater high over her head, took a deep breath, and jogged across the wet
parking lot. Keeping her head down against the relentless rain, she sighed thankfully as she
ducked into what she thought was the Rahat Bakery entrance. Her mind on the project she
had to complete later in the day, Saman quickly ordered the customary Sunday morning
breakfast for her family, a loaf of bread, 4 donuts and croissants. The salesperson quickly
processed her order, and she glanced into the basket as she took it to the checkout counter.
Inside were two bakery boxes- one labelled Rahat, and the other- Tehzeeb.
"Wait, so this is what Tehzeeb is? she muttered to herself as she walked up to the counter.
She had seen posters of "Tehzeeb" all over the city for the past couple of days, and yet she
had always thought that it was a new clothing line, trying to incite interest in the public. What
were the two boxes doing here? Her face betrayed some confusion, and the checkout person
dispelled it by saying, "Yes Ma'am, Rahat Islamabad is Tehzeeb Bakers now. I think you
accidentally got an old box as well." Confused and uncertain Saman glanced around to see if
anything had changed since she was last here. The dcor was the same but she could see an
increase in the staff members and their chef hats had changed too. The colours all around
were the same yellow red and orange. Automatically Saman took one last round of the bakery
just to see if there was something new on the menu too, but she couldnt find anything out of
the ordinary. She walked over to the pizza counter, her favourite thing in Rahat Bakers, her
cousins from Lahore used to come to Islamabad just to have their pizza. She asked the person
at the counter to pack a small pizza to take along too, just to check if her favourite thing had
had changes like the name.
Saman got home quickly to break the news to her family but before she could get to it her
brother greeted her at the door and took the shoppers from her complaining that she had taken
a long time at the Bakery. She went into the dining room where everyone was gathered about
to start their weekend breakfast. In the midst of the entire hustle bustle a scream rang through,
Saman, you know I dont like donuts from anywhere else but Rahat. You just ruined my
breakfast. It was Samans younger sister Sarah who refused to eat donuts from anywhere
else but Rahat. Before giving Saman a chance to explain Sarah left the dining room. Her
parents glared at Saman but before she could say anything, her brother Usman came to her
rescue. Its not Samans fault, Dad. Rahat has changed their name to Tehzeeb now. He went
ahead to show his parents the two different boxes. Puzzled their Dad looked at the boxes in
confusion as if the boxes themselves would explain the name change. Did someone else buy
the franchise of Rahat Bakers? asked their Dad. Usman shrugged shaking his head indicating
a no. Sarah overhearing from the living room jumped into the conversation You are telling
me that the Rahat Bakers which has an investment of about 100 years and has been awarded
the brand ambassador of Islamabad and Rawalpindi suddenly woke up one day to change its
name and logo. Dad replied I still think someone else has bought it. I remember something
in the news about the Chaudhary associates selling illegal franchises to people for a large sum
of money. Apparently all the five brothers owned the franchise of Rahat Bakers and no one
among them can sell them off to the others. Chaudhary Arshad along with his brothers started
the Chaudhary Associates in 2003 by betraying his family members. They were attempting to
transfer the Trade Mark of Rahat Bakers which was owned by the family as a whole. But as
far as I know they were not able to do it and they were hindered. Maybe then few people did
get their hands on the franchise and to avoid the legal complications they have changed the
Then that settles it this Rahat or Tehzeeb is fake, declared Sarah.
I saw it myself it seems the same except for the chef hats. Even the menu is the same. I
brought the pizza to test, said Saman. Mom brought out the pizza with plates for everyone to
eat. A moment of silence passed where everyone took a bite to test the thing they loved the
most about Rahat Bakers. Recognition registered on everyones faces as they tasted the pizza.
The sheepish look on Sarah confirmed that indeed it was the pizza they loved, the original
Rahat Bakers pizza.
Well, that is the pizza we love, said Dad.
Then why change the name and honestly Tehzeeb doesnt even sound like a bakery. To me it
sounds like an Islamic Centre for youth or even a grooming centre, said Sarah
Seriously you are right. I heard the advertisements on the radio and with slogans like
weddings with Tehzeeb, birthdays with Tehzeeb; I thought it was a wedding or event
There is a jewellery store in Lahore of the same name. My friend got her wedding jewellery
from there; I thought they were branching out to Islamabad.
Usman who had been on the computer for a long time interrupted saying that apparently the
Rahat Bakers in Islamabad were facing a lawsuit from the Rahat Bakers in Lahore and the
Bakers in Lahore won the case. So they get to keep their name while the Rahat Bakers in
Islamabad had to change their name. Tehzeeb Bakers is the original Rahat Bakers and they
say that as so many bakeries by the name of Rahat had opened up to avoid confusion they
went for something original. The only branches in Islamabad are the ones in Blue Area,
Karachi Company G-9 Markaz and a branch in F-11 is opening soon while in Rawalpindi the
original are the ones in Bank Road Saddar, Chaklala Scheme 111 and Satellite Town.
I think its good that they have specified the branches because there are a lot of Rahat Bakers
and now we can clearly identify which ones are the original ones. A recent branch that
opened in Rawalpindi on Peshawar Road had caused a lot of popularity for all the people who
live near it. It had the same boxes, menu and everything. But you can clearly see a difference
in the quality of the stuff. I bought chicken sandwiches from there last time and they were not
at all like the ones we have in Rahat. I think the new name change will help differentiate,
said Saman.
Yeah you are right. But couldnt they think of a better name. The name Tehzeeb doesnt
bring a bakery to mind, said Sarah.
Everyone agreed.
Tehzeeb swept the twin cities by surprise. Everywhere on the radio and billboards there was
Tehzeeb. Cinepax was filled with its Hoarding, Moppy displays and Standees. But nobody
knew what it really meant. About 50% of the people thought it was a boutique while 26% of
the people thought it was an Islamic Centre for grooming, 19% of the people thought it was a
jewellery store the one which is already present in Lahore. While the rest 5 % had mixed
views some relating it to the Tehzeeb restaurant in F-8 while others relating it to a sweets and
diary shop. Tehzeeb launched its marketing campaign targeting audience through radio,
Facebook, newspapers and billboards. Radio being the main campaigner with jingles and
slogans like weddings with Tehzeeb, birthdays with Tehzeeb, while about 35% people got to
know about it from the billboards as they could be seen everywhere in Islamabad. A big one
on the toll plaza before entering Islamabad was an eye catcher for people who huddle their
daily before going on for work. Majority of the people heard it from their friends and family
where one family member might listen to radio in the morning and has carried the
information to others. Only 9 % of the people had read about Tehzeeb in the newspaper and
only 6% got to know about it from Facebook where the Orange Media group highlighted
Rahats activities. Majority of the twin cities population said that the name Tehzeeb has
failed to make an impact. Some doubt the authenticity of this Rahat since it became Tehzeeb
because they feel the services might have changed.
People who have visited Tehzeeb have acknowledged the fact that the services have not
changed in fact the staff is greater in number. But they would have liked to see a change in
the menu with a change in the name. They want new things to be introduced, something that
would add to the flavour of the New Year.

There have been mixed reviews about Tehzeeb majority acknowledging the services but
declining the names impact confusing it for an Islamic Centre, Boutique or a Wedding
Planner. Tehzeebs main marketing was done through radio which failed to reach the people
as people do not listen to radio nowadays. Tehzeeb should use television for marketing, this
way targeting a greater number of people. The advertisements should specifically mention the
branches of Tehzeeb in Islamabad and Rawalpindi clearly showing people which ones to
shop at otherwise people would mistake it for the fake ones. The residents of the twin cities
are still confused over which Rahats are the original ones as they have the same boxes, and
the same logos. By changing their name Rahat may be onto something good as this would
differentiate them from all the other fake bakeries that have opened up in response. It would
give them a chance to try new endeavours and to grasp their customers back. Many people
say that the change in name is a fresh start and it will soon grow on like Rahat. As someone
said, In light of the growing numerous copies this change was inevitable.
The name should be publicized more specifically mentioning their branches. Tehzeeb should
introduce something new to their menu thereby offering something new to the customers and
thereby attracting them. It has also been noted that with the new trend of decorative cakes in
Pakistan Tehzeeb does lack behind. They are not skilled in making decorative cakes which
are also good to taste. Their stand up cakes are mostly dry and the cake itself is a normal
black forest cake. While other bakeries like Funky bake and Buttercream cupcakes are
offering more variety. Tehzeeb should improve its cakes so as to satisfy the people who go to
the competitors for cakes. People are also not satisfied with the new logo. Many people think
the logo represents a bank, Tehzeeb could specify a new beginning with it. To attract their
attention Tehzeeb could attach special meaning to the logo by giving a tag line that explains
the logo rather than leaving it on the people to find out what it really is.
While Tehzeeb is a new name if marketed in a proper manner it can grow on people as Rahat
is one of the best bakeries of the twin cities. It just needs to attract the people it has lost and
think about what how they want to have an upper edge above the fake Rahats that have crept
all over Islamabad and Rawalpindi and even Wah.

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