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Office of Assemblyman Luis Seplveda

District Office: 1973 Westchester Ave, Bronx NY Phone: 718-931-8620

Albany Office: Room 32, !e"#s$%t#ve &''#ce B(#$)#n", A$*%n+, NY 1228 Phone:
Assemblyman Seplveda Denounces
House Majority Leader Eric Cantors
!isit to t"e #$
Assembly District
%or &mmediate 'elease: -%+ 12, 201 Contact: .hom%s -(s#ch, 718-931-2620
(ar)c"ester* +ron,* -. / Assem*$+m%n !(#s 0e12$ve)% 34 / Bronx, NY5 res1on)e) to
6o(se -%7or#t+ !e%)er 8r#c 9%ntor:s 3R / R#chmon), ;A5 v#s#t th#s morn#n" to the
Bronx 9h%rter 0choo$ 'or 8xce$$ence< Assem*$+m%n 0e12$ve)% )#sm#sse) -r< 9%ntor:s
v#s#t %s noth#n" more th%n % 1o$#t#c%$ m%ne(ver o' someone =#th ho1es o' see>#n" h#"her
?@ h%ve seen the =or> )one *+ the Bronx 9h%rter 0choo$ 'or 8xce$$ence %n) m(st %"ree
=#th 9on"ressm%n 9%ntor th%t #t )oes "re%t =or>,A s%#) Assem*$+m%n 0e12$ve)%<
B6o=ever th%t #s =here o(r %"reement sto1s< .he v#e=s o' -r< 9%ntor %re $%r"e$+
)etr#ment%$ to res#)ents o' the 87th Assem*$+ 4#str#ct %n) to the Bronx %s % =ho$e<A
?@t #s )#s#n"en(o(s 'or -r< 9%ntor to $#ter%$$+ come #nto m+ *%c>+%r) %n) %ct $#>e he c%res
%*o(t the res#)ents =ho $#ve here< 6#s v#s#t to the 87th Assem*$+ 4#str#ct #s noth#n" more
th%n % 1o$#t#c%$ move<?
.he Bronx 9h%rter 0choo$ 'or 8xce$$ence #s $oc%te) %t 1960 Bene)#ct Ave, Bronx NY,
)#rect$+ *eh#n) Assem*$+m%n 0e12$ve)%:s )#str#ct o''#ce< Assem*$+m%n 0e12$ve)% h%s
)emonstr%te) h#s s(11ort #n the 1%st 'or *oth ch%rter %n) 1(*$#c schoo$s %n) *e$#eves th%t
*oth 1$%+ #m1ort%nt ro$es #n the e)(c%t#n" o' o(r ch#$)ren<

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