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Manual Volume Dampers for

Balancing Accuracy
Correcting VAV Valve and Excess
CO2 Problems
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Alnor 8.5 x 11.qxp 4/30/2007 10:23 AM Page 1
Manual Volume Dampers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
Steve Young, TBE
Outside Air Introduction & Coil Performance Verication . . . . . 6
Michael Ziegler, TBE
Air System Improvement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
Serban Radu
Correcting an Excess C02 Problem . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
James E. Brennan, TBE
Powered Exhaust Fans . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
Charles Schwebach, TBE
Ultrasonic Method of Determining Flow Rates . . . . . . . . . . 13
Paul Thomas, TBE
Room Pressure Differentials in Critical Environments . . . . . 14
Theodore Cohen, P.E., TBE
Tech Talk . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
Minimum Outside Air Solution Dilemma . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
Dennis Aramil, TBE
Dampers and Plates Solve an Excess Airow Problem . . . . . 20
John A. Balanik, TBE
The Importance of Cooling Towers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
Istvan Frohling
j o u r n a l
From the Publisher
The Summer 2007 issue of TAB Journal focuses on a number of ways that good
test and balance companies adjust airow to provide benecial results. In Manual
Volume Dampers, The Phoenix Agencys Steve Young goes into great detail about
these unsung heroes of system balancing. Michael Ziegler of TAB Technology
discusses the importance of introducing of large quantities of outside air to evaluate
coil performance and properly temper the air, while AIRDRONICS Inc.s Serban
Radu explains how a balancing company can improve occupant comfort by making
adjustments to VAV valves. Finally, in Correcting an Excess CO2 Problem and
Dampers and Plates Solve an Excess Airow Problem, James Brennan and John
Balanik provide case studies involving specic airow adjustments needed to complete
two very different projects.
Other technical articles include Room Pressure Differentials in Critical
Environments by Ted Cohen, and others on powered exhaust fans, using ultrasonic
equipment to determine water ow rates, cooling towers, and minimum outside air.
This issues edition of Tech Talk tackles questions on DDC system monitoring,
determining total CFM, and air valve ow and calibration factors. If you have a
question about test and balance, please submit themor any other ideas, comments,
or questionsto us at

Associated Air Balance Council
Mike Young
Test and Balance Corporation
Executive Vice President
Joseph E. Baumgartner, III, P.E.
Baumgartner, Inc.
Michael Renovich
RS Analysis, Inc.
Vice President/Eastern Zone-1
Daniel J. Acri
Flood and Sterling
Vice President/Central Zone-2
Jay A. Johnson
Thermal Balance, Inc.
Vice President/Western Zone-3
Michael Delcamp
Precisionaire of Texas
Immediate Past President
Robert A. Conboy
American Air Balance Co., Inc.
Director, Canadian Chapter
Marc Desjardins, P.Eng
Kanata Air Balancing &
Engineering Services
Executive Director
Kenneth M. Sufka
TAB Journal Editor
Ray Bert
Editorial Offce
1518 K Street, N.W., Suite 503
Washington, D.C. 20005
(202) 737-0202 FAX: (202) 638-4833
TAB Journal is published quarterly by
the Associated Air Balance Council. It is
distributed free to AABC members and
by subscription to non-members at $24
per year. TAB Journal is an open forum
for the free expression of opinions and
information. The views expressed are
not necessarily those of AABC, its
ofcers, directors, or staff. Letters,
manuscripts, and other submissions
are welcome. However, TAB Journal
accepts no responsibility for
unsolicited material.
All rights reserved. Copyright 2007
by the Associated Air Balance Council.
We are pleased to introduce the AABC National Standards for Total
System Balance, 2002 Edition, which has been completely rewritten
and re-organized to reect the latest advancements in the test and
balance industry.
This comprehensive manual details the minimum standards for total
system balance. Each chapter covers a specic area in the test and
balance process, enabling the design professional to select those
items that are best suited for a particular project.
Additionally, the Standards will assist the design professional in
achieving design intent, provide a better understanding of the scope of
work required of the TAB agency, and ensure that proper methods and
procedures are followed in the test and balance process.
New features of the Standards include:
Illustrative tables and charts
Equations and examples
Sample specications
Expanded section of sample
report forms
New technologies, such as DDC
Updated testing procedures
Appendix with equations in both
English and Metric formats
The AABC National Standards
for Total System Balance
Shipping Address
City State Zip
Phone Fax
Over 350 pages of standards for total system
balancing. Order your copy of the new
AABC National Standards for Total System
Balance today!
Non-Member Cost: $75.00
AABC National Standards 2002 @ $75 each x ________= $____________
Payment Information
Payment Type (Check one)
Check Enclosed MasterCard Visa American Express
Card Number Expiration Date
Name on Card
Please complete order form and return along with payment to:
Associated Air Balance Council
1518 K Street, N.W., Suite 503 Washington, D.C. 20005
Credit card purchasers may fax orders to: (202) 638-4833
or order online at
AABC believes that by promoting the concept of Total System Balance,
the industry will be encouraged to adopt more consistent practices,
thus ensuring greater success for all parties involved in the design,
installation, start-up, operation and testing of HVAC systems.
For additional information on the Associated Air Balance Council or the
new AABC Standards, visit our website at, or contact
AABC National Headquarters at 202-737-0202.
Industry Professionals!
Manual Volume Dampers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
Steve Young, TBE
Outside Air Introduction & Coil Performance Verication . . . . . 6
Michael Ziegler, TBE
Air System Improvement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
Serban Radu
Correcting an Excess C02 Problem . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
James E. Brennan, TBE
Powered Exhaust Fans . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
Charles Schwebach, TBE
Ultrasonic Method of Determining Flow Rates . . . . . . . . . . 13
Paul Thomas, TBE
Room Pressure Differentials in Critical Environments . . . . . 14
Theodore Cohen, P.E., TBE
Tech Talk . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
Minimum Outside Air Solution Dilemma . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
Dennis Aramil, TBE
Dampers and Plates Solve an Excess Airow Problem . . . . . 20
John A. Balanik, TBE
The Importance of Cooling Towers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
Istvan Frohling
j o u r n a l
From the Publisher
The Summer 2007 issue of TAB Journal focuses on a number of ways that good
test and balance companies adjust airow to provide benecial results. In Manual
Volume Dampers, The Phoenix Agencys Steve Young goes into great detail about
these unsung heroes of system balancing. Michael Ziegler of TAB Technology
discusses the importance of introducing of large quantities of outside air to evaluate
coil performance and properly temper the air, while AIRDRONICS Inc.s Serban
Radu explains how a balancing company can improve occupant comfort by making
adjustments to VAV valves. Finally, in Correcting an Excess CO2 Problem and
Dampers and Plates Solve an Excess Airow Problem, James Brennan and John
Balanik provide case studies involving specic airow adjustments needed to complete
two very different projects.
Other technical articles include Room Pressure Differentials in Critical
Environments by Ted Cohen, and others on powered exhaust fans, using ultrasonic
equipment to determine water ow rates, cooling towers, and minimum outside air.
This issues edition of Tech Talk tackles questions on DDC system monitoring,
determining total CFM, and air valve ow and calibration factors. If you have a
question about test and balance, please submit themor any other ideas, comments,
or questionsto us at

Associated Air Balance Council
Mike Young
Test and Balance Corporation
Executive Vice President
Joseph E. Baumgartner, III, P.E.
Baumgartner, Inc.
Michael Renovich
RS Analysis, Inc.
Vice President/Eastern Zone-1
Daniel J. Acri
Flood and Sterling
Vice President/Central Zone-2
Jay A. Johnson
Thermal Balance, Inc.
Vice President/Western Zone-3
Michael Delcamp
Precisionaire of Texas
Immediate Past President
Robert A. Conboy
American Air Balance Co., Inc.
Director, Canadian Chapter
Marc Desjardins, P.Eng
Kanata Air Balancing &
Engineering Services
Executive Director
Kenneth M. Sufka
TAB Journal Editor
Ray Bert
Editorial Offce
1518 K Street, N.W., Suite 503
Washington, D.C. 20005
(202) 737-0202 FAX: (202) 638-4833
TAB Journal is published quarterly by
the Associated Air Balance Council. It is
distributed free to AABC members and
by subscription to non-members at $24
per year. TAB Journal is an open forum
for the free expression of opinions and
information. The views expressed are
not necessarily those of AABC, its
ofcers, directors, or staff. Letters,
manuscripts, and other submissions
are welcome. However, TAB Journal
accepts no responsibility for
unsolicited material.
All rights reserved. Copyright 2007
by the Associated Air Balance Council.
We are pleased to introduce the AABC National Standards for Total
System Balance, 2002 Edition, which has been completely rewritten
and re-organized to reect the latest advancements in the test and
balance industry.
This comprehensive manual details the minimum standards for total
system balance. Each chapter covers a specic area in the test and
balance process, enabling the design professional to select those
items that are best suited for a particular project.
Additionally, the Standards will assist the design professional in
achieving design intent, provide a better understanding of the scope of
work required of the TAB agency, and ensure that proper methods and
procedures are followed in the test and balance process.
New features of the Standards include:
Illustrative tables and charts
Equations and examples
Sample specications
Expanded section of sample
report forms
New technologies, such as DDC
Updated testing procedures
Appendix with equations in both
English and Metric formats
The AABC National Standards
for Total System Balance
Shipping Address
City State Zip
Phone Fax
Over 350 pages of standards for total system
balancing. Order your copy of the new
AABC National Standards for Total System
Balance today!
Non-Member Cost: $75.00
AABC National Standards 2002 @ $75 each x ________= $____________
Payment Information
Payment Type (Check one)
Check Enclosed MasterCard Visa American Express
Card Number Expiration Date
Name on Card
Please complete order form and return along with payment to:
Associated Air Balance Council
1518 K Street, N.W., Suite 503 Washington, D.C. 20005
Credit card purchasers may fax orders to: (202) 638-4833
or order online at
AABC believes that by promoting the concept of Total System Balance,
the industry will be encouraged to adopt more consistent practices,
thus ensuring greater success for all parties involved in the design,
installation, start-up, operation and testing of HVAC systems.
For additional information on the Associated Air Balance Council or the
new AABC Standards, visit our website at, or contact
AABC National Headquarters at 202-737-0202.
Industry Professionals!
2 TAB Journal
anual dampers are
adjusted in the balance
process to set the system
ow throughout the duct system,
establishing the system characteristic
curve. Manual volume dampers
should be located in every sub-main,
branch, take-off, zone and last duct
run-out. Many designers forget to
show a damper in the very last run-
out when the duct continues straight
after the last branch. Perhaps the
thinking is this will be the worse
case line and will not need a damper.
Unfortunately, this is not always the
worse case. Included with this article
are some typical details for damper
installation. The design drawings
should include details for the
damper construction and the typical
damper installation conguration.
In addition to the typical locations,
the actual locations should be
shown on the ductwork drawings.
Further, there should be verbiage
in the specications as to quality,
installation and typical location. A
number of designers do not show
damper locations on the ductwork
plans, but instead rely upon a
drawing detail. Most designers Ive
talked with indicate that they are
afraid if they miss a location on
the ductwork plan the contractor
will ask for an extra to install
the damper. While this is a valid
argument, I believe including both
the detail and the actual locations
clearly exhibit the intent of the
designer and when the specications
back up the drawings, there is
usually no argument.
In the construction of the damper,
the damper blade, pivot rod and the
hardware must be made of sufcient
strength and locking capability to
hold the damper in place without
vibration or slippage once set in the
air stream. Damper blades should
be constructed of at least two gages
heavier than the duct in which they
are installed and no lighter than
22 gauge. The pivot rod holds the
damper blade in the air stream and
without allowing the blade to move.
In a multi-blade damper, the pivots
attach to a frame through bearings
holding the dampers in place while
the frame in mounted inside the
sheet metal duct. The adjusting
hardware is connected to one shaft
through the duct wall that moves all
of the damper blades simultaneously.
Multiblade dampers are either
opposed blade or parallel (louver)
type. Opposed blade dampers are
used for balancing since the leaving
air stream is more evenly distributed
in the duct. The parallel blade
damper deects the air stream and
is not suitable for uniform ow.
Parallel blade dampers are used for
two position duty.
With single blade damper installation, the
damper is usually installed in a duct sleeve that
becomes part of the duct system. The pivot
extends through the wall of the duct with a
pivot bearing at each duct wall penetration.
Economical dampers use just the duct wall
for the pivot bearing without a sleeve between
the rod and the wall. For shop built dampers the
pivot rods, and more importantly, the fastening
of the rod to the damper blade, are very often
one of the weak links in the damper construction.
Pivots must be securely fastened to the damper
blade. Pivot rods for dampers over 12 should
be of X stock and continuous. Dampers
12and less can have non-continuous pivot
rods. Where the rod penetrates the duct, a seal
should be included, but this is rarely seen on low
pressure duct. The details in the SMACNA Duct
Construction Manual Plate 2- are a very good
guide to construction of the damper.
Adjustment and locking hardware should be
substantial enough to adjust the damper without
vibration and to permanently lock the damper
in position. There are two basic types of damper
adjustment and locking hardware. The rst
kind is the locking quadrant. This type of
hardware has the pivot rod extending through
one end of the adjustment lever with a setscrew
in a 90 arc channel about half way from the
pivot rod to the other end of the adjustment
lever. This allows only for a 90 open-
close action and gives a positive lock of the
adjustment lever, offset from the pivot rod. The
other type of locking hardware has a securing
nut on the pivot rod and employs two different
strategies of securing the damper blade at the
pivot rod. The rst employs a grooved locking
ring that positively locks the pivot in place when
the damper pivot shaft nut is tightened and
secured. The other type of pivot lock employs a
wing nut on a threaded pivot shaft, tightening
against a washer on the outside of the duct,
relying upon friction between the wing nut
and washer to secure the pivot and damper.
Manual Volume Dampers
St e v e Yo ung , T BE
The Phoenix Agency, Inc.
Manual volume dampers are an integral part of just about every commercial heating, ventilating and air conditioning
system designed today. They are the unsung hero in the balancing of any system. Their importance is paramount,
not only to the successful balance of the system, but also to the longevity of the balance. Anyone who has adjusted
a damper to a specific flow can tell you, the ability and accuracy of the adjustment improves with the quality of the
damper. Hopefully, this article will help the designer better select and specify the appropriate damper to improve the
accuracy and longevity of the balance for the occupants comfort and system efficiency.
Quadrant Handle
Note the locking wing nut offset
from the damper rod
Continous rod > 12"
Quadrant on
Friction lock
Non continous
rod = 12"
Quadrant on
Continous rod > 12"
End Bearing
Quadrant Handle
Note the locking wing nut offset
from the damper rod
Continous rod > 12"
Quadrant on
Friction lock
Non continous
rod = 12"
Quadrant on
Continous rod > 12"
End Bearing
Quadrant Handle
Note the locking wing nut offset
from the damper rod
Continous rod > 12"
Quadrant on
Friction lock
Non continous
rod = 12"
Quadrant on
Continous rod > 12"
End Bearing
Quadrant Handle
Note the locking wing nut offset
from the damper rod
Continous rod > 12"
Quadrant on
Friction lock
Non continous
rod = 12"
Quadrant on
Continous rod > 12"
End Bearing
Damper Hardware
Figure 2
Outside Air
Return Air
Single Zone Unit with Riser
Single Zone Unit with Riser
Manual volume dampers
should be located in every
sub-main, branch, take-off,
zone and last duct run-out.
3 TAB Journal
2 TAB Journal
anual dampers are
adjusted in the balance
process to set the system
ow throughout the duct system,
establishing the system characteristic
curve. Manual volume dampers
should be located in every sub-main,
branch, take-off, zone and last duct
run-out. Many designers forget to
show a damper in the very last run-
out when the duct continues straight
after the last branch. Perhaps the
thinking is this will be the worse
case line and will not need a damper.
Unfortunately, this is not always the
worse case. Included with this article
are some typical details for damper
installation. The design drawings
should include details for the
damper construction and the typical
damper installation conguration.
In addition to the typical locations,
the actual locations should be
shown on the ductwork drawings.
Further, there should be verbiage
in the specications as to quality,
installation and typical location. A
number of designers do not show
damper locations on the ductwork
plans, but instead rely upon a
drawing detail. Most designers Ive
talked with indicate that they are
afraid if they miss a location on
the ductwork plan the contractor
will ask for an extra to install
the damper. While this is a valid
argument, I believe including both
the detail and the actual locations
clearly exhibit the intent of the
designer and when the specications
back up the drawings, there is
usually no argument.
In the construction of the damper,
the damper blade, pivot rod and the
hardware must be made of sufcient
strength and locking capability to
hold the damper in place without
vibration or slippage once set in the
air stream. Damper blades should
be constructed of at least two gages
heavier than the duct in which they
are installed and no lighter than
22 gauge. The pivot rod holds the
damper blade in the air stream and
without allowing the blade to move.
In a multi-blade damper, the pivots
attach to a frame through bearings
holding the dampers in place while
the frame in mounted inside the
sheet metal duct. The adjusting
hardware is connected to one shaft
through the duct wall that moves all
of the damper blades simultaneously.
Multiblade dampers are either
opposed blade or parallel (louver)
type. Opposed blade dampers are
used for balancing since the leaving
air stream is more evenly distributed
in the duct. The parallel blade
damper deects the air stream and
is not suitable for uniform ow.
Parallel blade dampers are used for
two position duty.
With single blade damper installation, the
damper is usually installed in a duct sleeve that
becomes part of the duct system. The pivot
extends through the wall of the duct with a
pivot bearing at each duct wall penetration.
Economical dampers use just the duct wall
for the pivot bearing without a sleeve between
the rod and the wall. For shop built dampers the
pivot rods, and more importantly, the fastening
of the rod to the damper blade, are very often
one of the weak links in the damper construction.
Pivots must be securely fastened to the damper
blade. Pivot rods for dampers over 12 should
be of X stock and continuous. Dampers
12and less can have non-continuous pivot
rods. Where the rod penetrates the duct, a seal
should be included, but this is rarely seen on low
pressure duct. The details in the SMACNA Duct
Construction Manual Plate 2- are a very good
guide to construction of the damper.
Adjustment and locking hardware should be
substantial enough to adjust the damper without
vibration and to permanently lock the damper
in position. There are two basic types of damper
adjustment and locking hardware. The rst
kind is the locking quadrant. This type of
hardware has the pivot rod extending through
one end of the adjustment lever with a setscrew
in a 90 arc channel about half way from the
pivot rod to the other end of the adjustment
lever. This allows only for a 90 open-
close action and gives a positive lock of the
adjustment lever, offset from the pivot rod. The
other type of locking hardware has a securing
nut on the pivot rod and employs two different
strategies of securing the damper blade at the
pivot rod. The rst employs a grooved locking
ring that positively locks the pivot in place when
the damper pivot shaft nut is tightened and
secured. The other type of pivot lock employs a
wing nut on a threaded pivot shaft, tightening
against a washer on the outside of the duct,
relying upon friction between the wing nut
and washer to secure the pivot and damper.
Manual Volume Dampers
St e v e Yo ung , T BE
The Phoenix Agency, Inc.
Manual volume dampers are an integral part of just about every commercial heating, ventilating and air conditioning
system designed today. They are the unsung hero in the balancing of any system. Their importance is paramount,
not only to the successful balance of the system, but also to the longevity of the balance. Anyone who has adjusted
a damper to a specific flow can tell you, the ability and accuracy of the adjustment improves with the quality of the
damper. Hopefully, this article will help the designer better select and specify the appropriate damper to improve the
accuracy and longevity of the balance for the occupants comfort and system efficiency.
Quadrant Handle
Note the locking wing nut offset
from the damper rod
Continous rod > 12"
Quadrant on
Friction lock
Non continous
rod = 12"
Quadrant on
Continous rod > 12"
End Bearing
Quadrant Handle
Note the locking wing nut offset
from the damper rod
Continous rod > 12"
Quadrant on
Friction lock
Non continous
rod = 12"
Quadrant on
Continous rod > 12"
End Bearing
Quadrant Handle
Note the locking wing nut offset
from the damper rod
Continous rod > 12"
Quadrant on
Friction lock
Non continous
rod = 12"
Quadrant on
Continous rod > 12"
End Bearing
Quadrant Handle
Note the locking wing nut offset
from the damper rod
Continous rod > 12"
Quadrant on
Friction lock
Non continous
rod = 12"
Quadrant on
Continous rod > 12"
End Bearing
Damper Hardware
Figure 2
Outside Air
Return Air
Single Zone Unit with Riser
Single Zone Unit with Riser
Manual volume dampers
should be located in every
sub-main, branch, take-off,
zone and last duct run-out.
3 TAB Journal
The grooved locking ring offers
a positive lock that will not slip.
Friction lock dampers can slip are not
suitable for balancing systems where
a pressure drop across the damper
will exceed approximately 0.10
W.C. The functional problem in
the balance of the friction lock type
of hardware is tightening the wing
nut securely. The tightening process
may move the damper from its set
position. When balancing a single
blade damper, a small movement of
the damper blade can put the setting
outside of allowable tolerances. The
wing nut cannot be tightened before
the balance as the damper blade
cant move. Since the nut cannot be
tightened after the balance because
of possible damper movement, the
nut is usually tightened to the point
the blade is stiff. The pressure
drop across the blade, along with
any turbulence at the blade, may set
up a vibration causing movement of
the damper position on friction lock
The required quality of the damper
is dependant upon its service. The
potential pressure drop across the
damper must be considered. As stated
above, the friction lock damper should
not be used when the pressure drop
will exceed 0.10 W.C. The damper
blade does its job by restricting air
ow within the system. The restriction
causes turbulence at the damper blade
and the potential for blade vibration
is high. Minute vibration in the blade
may not be noticeable at the time of
balance, but start stop of the unit or
turbulence over this damper blade
may move the damper position,
over time, since there is no positive
locking mechanism. These dampers
are suitable for small systems such
as the low pressure side of variable
volume boxes and fan coil units where
the pressure is low and the damper
size does not exceed 12. On systems
with an external static of greater than
0.50 W.C. friction lock dampers
should not be allowed.
Dampers should be located with
adequate access for adjustment or
remote adjustment mechanisms
Figure 3
Outside Air
Return Air
Outside Air
Return Air
Zone 1
Zone 2
Zone 3
Zone 4
Zone 5
Single Zone Unit
Multizone Unit
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specied. The damper should be
located close to the branch takeoff to
minimize static pressure in the branch
and reduce any leakage potential. The
adjustment lever should be clearly
visible or agged to make identication
easy for adjustment. When exterior
duct insulation is used, the adjustment
hardware should be on a standoff
to protect the insulation and vapor
barrier. The entire handle and locking
mechanism should be accessible for
adjustment, without damaging the
insulation. Dampers should be installed
fully functional, without obstructions
and the damper should open and close
freely. All dampers should be veried
by the installing contractor as fully
functional and left in the wide open
and securely locked in preparation for
start-up. The test and balance agent
does not adjust every damper and loose
dampers will work their way closed.
By specifying properly located,
constructed and installed dampers,
accurate and long lasting balance of
any HVAC system can be obtained. By
specifying an AABC certied Agency,
quality balancing will be assured
and backed by the tried and proven
AABC National Project Warranty. For
information on Standards, Procedures
and member rms visit the AABC
website at
Single Zone Unit
Figure 3
Outside Air
Return Air
Outside Air
Return Air
Zone 1
Zone 2
Zone 3
Zone 4
Zone 5
Single Zone Unit
Multizone Unit
Multizone Unit
The grooved locking ring offers
a positive lock that will not slip.
Friction lock dampers can slip are not
suitable for balancing systems where
a pressure drop across the damper
will exceed approximately 0.10
W.C. The functional problem in
the balance of the friction lock type
of hardware is tightening the wing
nut securely. The tightening process
may move the damper from its set
position. When balancing a single
blade damper, a small movement of
the damper blade can put the setting
outside of allowable tolerances. The
wing nut cannot be tightened before
the balance as the damper blade
cant move. Since the nut cannot be
tightened after the balance because
of possible damper movement, the
nut is usually tightened to the point
the blade is stiff. The pressure
drop across the blade, along with
any turbulence at the blade, may set
up a vibration causing movement of
the damper position on friction lock
The required quality of the damper
is dependant upon its service. The
potential pressure drop across the
damper must be considered. As stated
above, the friction lock damper should
not be used when the pressure drop
will exceed 0.10 W.C. The damper
blade does its job by restricting air
ow within the system. The restriction
causes turbulence at the damper blade
and the potential for blade vibration
is high. Minute vibration in the blade
may not be noticeable at the time of
balance, but start stop of the unit or
turbulence over this damper blade
may move the damper position,
over time, since there is no positive
locking mechanism. These dampers
are suitable for small systems such
as the low pressure side of variable
volume boxes and fan coil units where
the pressure is low and the damper
size does not exceed 12. On systems
with an external static of greater than
0.50 W.C. friction lock dampers
should not be allowed.
Dampers should be located with
adequate access for adjustment or
remote adjustment mechanisms
Figure 3
Outside Air
Return Air
Outside Air
Return Air
Zone 1
Zone 2
Zone 3
Zone 4
Zone 5
Single Zone Unit
Multizone Unit
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specied. The damper should be
located close to the branch takeoff to
minimize static pressure in the branch
and reduce any leakage potential. The
adjustment lever should be clearly
visible or agged to make identication
easy for adjustment. When exterior
duct insulation is used, the adjustment
hardware should be on a standoff
to protect the insulation and vapor
barrier. The entire handle and locking
mechanism should be accessible for
adjustment, without damaging the
insulation. Dampers should be installed
fully functional, without obstructions
and the damper should open and close
freely. All dampers should be veried
by the installing contractor as fully
functional and left in the wide open
and securely locked in preparation for
start-up. The test and balance agent
does not adjust every damper and loose
dampers will work their way closed.
By specifying properly located,
constructed and installed dampers,
accurate and long lasting balance of
any HVAC system can be obtained. By
specifying an AABC certied Agency,
quality balancing will be assured
and backed by the tried and proven
AABC National Project Warranty. For
information on Standards, Procedures
and member rms visit the AABC
website at
Single Zone Unit
Figure 3
Outside Air
Return Air
Outside Air
Return Air
Zone 1
Zone 2
Zone 3
Zone 4
Zone 5
Single Zone Unit
Multizone Unit
Multizone Unit
7 TAB Journal
Figure D is the best solution for units that have higher
outside air quantities than 25% to 30%. In the desert
southwest, the extremely high ambient temperature
outside air in the summer can overwhelm a standard
Dx coil if the air is not mixed. Likewise, in parts of
the country with high dew points, stratied air will not
allow the coil to sufciently wring out the moisture in
the outside air. This can increase the dew point in the
conditioned space and make the air feel stuffy.
Stratied outside air can also cause a problem in the
winter. Certain units that have two stage cooling are
two separate coils, side by side instead of integrating the
stages in a single coil. If the outside air is not mixed and
is directed over the rst stage cooling coil, it can cause
the coil to ice up. Even in the desert southwest where we
are, this was a problem that showed up during a new
schools rst winter. The same problem occurred at a
Native American casino during its rst year of operation
as the units were at a minimum of 50% outside air.
In conclusion, the outside air introduction can be
critical to function of the heating and cooling of the
air tempering devices and the verication of these

Outside Air
Mi c hae l Z i e g l e r , T BE
TAB Technology, Inc.
he introduction of fairly large outside air
quantities to a cooling and heating system can
be critical to obtaining accurate temperatures
for calculating coil performance and for the proper
tempering of the air, whether the system is a direct
expansion package or split system, or a water coil Air
With the air conditioning industrys ongoing quest to try
to put more unit in a smaller package, there can be, and
usually is, stratication of return and outside air as the
air enters evaporator coil. See Figure A below.
There is little that can be done to mix the airow
with this conguration. It is critical for performance
calculations that the mixed air temperature be
utilized. To do this, the following outside air formula
must be used:
The outside air, Point A, and the return air, Point
B, wet bulb and dry bulb temperatures are then
located on a psychometric chart on the next page
(Chart A). A line is then drawn between the two
designated Points and the calculated mixed air
temperature is plotted on the line. The placement of
the mixed air dry bulb temperature on the line will
designate the mixed air wet bulb temperature. This
is the temperature (DB/WB) used for inlet coil. See
the AABC Technician Training Manual, Chapter
14, Equation 14.1, for a complete explanation and
examples of the outside air calculation.
The same must be done with the air leaving the
evaporator coil. In the case of Figure A, temperatures
must be taken at the top of the coil discharge for
the tempering of the outside air, Point C, and at the
bottom of the coil discharge, Point D. The same
procedure for the inlet mixed air is then followed for
the discharge air. Plot Points C and D, calculate the
mixed air discharge temperature and plot it on the line.
With the two mixed air points, coil inlet and coil
discharge, enthalpies can be determined for a more
accurate unit performance.
Many of the large Air Handlers have the same
conguration in varied form but there is almost always
stratication and uneven loads on the coil. Some very
large systems will have the outside air intake on the
A better solution is Figure C. The head on meeting of the
return and outside air will cause more mixing of the air.
The best solution is Figure D. The meeting of the return
and outside in this conguration generates the most
mixing of the airows.
MA = (RA% x Rat) + (OSA% x OSAt)
Where: MA -Mixed Air Temperature
RA% -Percentage of Outside Air
RAt -Return Air Temperature (DB)
OSA% -Percentage of Outside Air
OSAt -Outside Air Temperature (DB)
Chart A
OSA Duct
Return Air Duct
Evaporator Coil
Fan Coil
Figure B
OSA Door
Return Air Duct Return Air Duct
Evaporator Coil
Figure D
OSA Door
Return Air Duct
Evaporator Coil
Figure C
OSA Head
Point A
Point B
Point C
Point D
Return Air Duct
Evaporator Coil
Point A - Outside Air Temperature
Point B - Return Air Temperature
Point C - Outside Air Tempered
Point D - Return Air Tempered
Typical Package Unit
Figure A
Coil Performance
side. This will also allow for some stratication and
needs to be taken into consideration.
Fan coils usually have the outside air ducted to mixed air
plenum on the sideturn air is ducted straight, Figure B.
This can allow for stratication.
6 TAB Journal
7 TAB Journal
Figure D is the best solution for units that have higher
outside air quantities than 25% to 30%. In the desert
southwest, the extremely high ambient temperature
outside air in the summer can overwhelm a standard
Dx coil if the air is not mixed. Likewise, in parts of
the country with high dew points, stratied air will not
allow the coil to sufciently wring out the moisture in
the outside air. This can increase the dew point in the
conditioned space and make the air feel stuffy.
Stratied outside air can also cause a problem in the
winter. Certain units that have two stage cooling are
two separate coils, side by side instead of integrating the
stages in a single coil. If the outside air is not mixed and
is directed over the rst stage cooling coil, it can cause
the coil to ice up. Even in the desert southwest where we
are, this was a problem that showed up during a new
schools rst winter. The same problem occurred at a
Native American casino during its rst year of operation
as the units were at a minimum of 50% outside air.
In conclusion, the outside air introduction can be
critical to function of the heating and cooling of the
air tempering devices and the verication of these

Outside Air
Mi c hae l Z i e g l e r , T BE
TAB Technology, Inc.
he introduction of fairly large outside air
quantities to a cooling and heating system can
be critical to obtaining accurate temperatures
for calculating coil performance and for the proper
tempering of the air, whether the system is a direct
expansion package or split system, or a water coil Air
With the air conditioning industrys ongoing quest to try
to put more unit in a smaller package, there can be, and
usually is, stratication of return and outside air as the
air enters evaporator coil. See Figure A below.
There is little that can be done to mix the airow
with this conguration. It is critical for performance
calculations that the mixed air temperature be
utilized. To do this, the following outside air formula
must be used:
The outside air, Point A, and the return air, Point
B, wet bulb and dry bulb temperatures are then
located on a psychometric chart on the next page
(Chart A). A line is then drawn between the two
designated Points and the calculated mixed air
temperature is plotted on the line. The placement of
the mixed air dry bulb temperature on the line will
designate the mixed air wet bulb temperature. This
is the temperature (DB/WB) used for inlet coil. See
the AABC Technician Training Manual, Chapter
14, Equation 14.1, for a complete explanation and
examples of the outside air calculation.
The same must be done with the air leaving the
evaporator coil. In the case of Figure A, temperatures
must be taken at the top of the coil discharge for
the tempering of the outside air, Point C, and at the
bottom of the coil discharge, Point D. The same
procedure for the inlet mixed air is then followed for
the discharge air. Plot Points C and D, calculate the
mixed air discharge temperature and plot it on the line.
With the two mixed air points, coil inlet and coil
discharge, enthalpies can be determined for a more
accurate unit performance.
Many of the large Air Handlers have the same
conguration in varied form but there is almost always
stratication and uneven loads on the coil. Some very
large systems will have the outside air intake on the
A better solution is Figure C. The head on meeting of the
return and outside air will cause more mixing of the air.
The best solution is Figure D. The meeting of the return
and outside in this conguration generates the most
mixing of the airows.
MA = (RA% x Rat) + (OSA% x OSAt)
Where: MA -Mixed Air Temperature
RA% -Percentage of Outside Air
RAt -Return Air Temperature (DB)
OSA% -Percentage of Outside Air
OSAt -Outside Air Temperature (DB)
Chart A
OSA Duct
Return Air Duct
Evaporator Coil
Fan Coil
Figure B
OSA Door
Return Air Duct Return Air Duct
Evaporator Coil
Figure D
OSA Door
Return Air Duct
Evaporator Coil
Figure C
OSA Head
Point A
Point B
Point C
Point D
Return Air Duct
Evaporator Coil
Point A - Outside Air Temperature
Point B - Return Air Temperature
Point C - Outside Air Tempered
Point D - Return Air Tempered
Typical Package Unit
Figure A
Coil Performance
side. This will also allow for some stratication and
needs to be taken into consideration.
Fan coils usually have the outside air ducted to mixed air
plenum on the sideturn air is ducted straight, Figure B.
This can allow for stratication.
6 TAB Journal
8 TAB Journal
The particular situation to which we refer was
an addition of three VAV valves and a relief
valve (bypass valve) to an existing constant
volume system. (Diagram 1)
After the system was altered, the tenants
complained that the supply volume at their
outlets started to uctuate and be noisy with the
increasing of the airow supply volume.
Because of the complaints, a testing and
balancing contractor was called to pinpoint the
cause of malfunction.
The following deficiencies were found:
The actual location of the bypass valve was
as per Diagram 2 and not Diagram 1. The
valve was left with the bypass port closed on
normally open condition with the main gate
partially closed.
The duct static pressure sensor of the relief
valve was left hanging in the ceiling. The
control diagram supplied by the manufacturer
shows that the sensor should be installed
before the valve. (Diagram 3)
V.A.V. - 1
V.A.V. - 2
By-Pass Relief Valve

V.A.V. - 3
V.A.V. - 1
V.A.V. - 2
Relief Valve

V.A.V. - 3
Static Pressure
Tap (Optional)
Normally Closed
Rotary Actuator
Main Air
Air System
S e r b a n Ra d u
Wishing to increase the degree of comfort provided by the existing air systems, an increased number
of building owners and even tenants decided to install VAV valves on existing constant volume systems.
In some situations VAV valves were added to serve one tenant only, the rest of the system remaining to
work as a constant volume system.
In order to remedy the situation, the following
steps were taken:
1) The bypass (relief) valve controller was
reset for a Normally Closed conguration
and the bypass gate was secured on fully
closed position.
2) The duct static pressure sensor was
installed before the bypass valve, as per
manufacturers Diagram #3.
3) Following the remedial work, the three
VAV valves were balanced close to design
requirements with the bypass (relief) valve
fully close (i.e. bypass gate closed and
main gate closed). The duct static pressure
was recorded at the location of the bypass
valve sensor.
4) The relief valve was set to maintain the
duct static pressure close to previous
recorded duct static pressure while the
VAV valves were set successively to the
minimum position.
8 TAB Journal
The particular situation to which we refer was
an addition of three VAV valves and a relief
valve (bypass valve) to an existing constant
volume system. (Diagram 1)
After the system was altered, the tenants
complained that the supply volume at their
outlets started to uctuate and be noisy with the
increasing of the airow supply volume.
Because of the complaints, a testing and
balancing contractor was called to pinpoint the
cause of malfunction.
The following deficiencies were found:
The actual location of the bypass valve was
as per Diagram 2 and not Diagram 1. The
valve was left with the bypass port closed on
normally open condition with the main gate
partially closed.
The duct static pressure sensor of the relief
valve was left hanging in the ceiling. The
control diagram supplied by the manufacturer
shows that the sensor should be installed
before the valve. (Diagram 3)
V.A.V. - 1
V.A.V. - 2
By-Pass Relief Valve

V.A.V. - 3
V.A.V. - 1
V.A.V. - 2
Relief Valve

V.A.V. - 3
Static Pressure
Tap (Optional)
Normally Closed
Rotary Actuator
Main Air
Air System
S e r b a n Ra d u
Wishing to increase the degree of comfort provided by the existing air systems, an increased number
of building owners and even tenants decided to install VAV valves on existing constant volume systems.
In some situations VAV valves were added to serve one tenant only, the rest of the system remaining to
work as a constant volume system.
In order to remedy the situation, the following
steps were taken:
1) The bypass (relief) valve controller was
reset for a Normally Closed conguration
and the bypass gate was secured on fully
closed position.
2) The duct static pressure sensor was
installed before the bypass valve, as per
manufacturers Diagram #3.
3) Following the remedial work, the three
VAV valves were balanced close to design
requirements with the bypass (relief) valve
fully close (i.e. bypass gate closed and
main gate closed). The duct static pressure
was recorded at the location of the bypass
valve sensor.
4) The relief valve was set to maintain the
duct static pressure close to previous
recorded duct static pressure while the
VAV valves were set successively to the
minimum position.
10 TAB Journal
s often happens, we were
awarded the balancing
contract after the
construction of a new intermediate
school was well on its way toward
completion. We successfully
completed the majority of our
work but found a problem
regarding the computer teaching
rooms, one of which is located in
the center of each of 10 pods
for the school. The requirements
for the computer rooms were
that each would have outside
air in addition to the fan coil
units (which are 800 CFM each)
already installed. There would be
15 students per computer room,
requiring 15 CFM each of outside
air for a total of 225 CFM for
each room.
However, those in charge had
simply directed the contractor to
tap off the discharge side of the
main supply unit (16,000 CFM
with 25% fresh air) for each pod.
The main units supply all the
classrooms and use VAV boxes.
We immediately advised the
engineer and contractor that the
fresh air duct that was installed
is not all fresh air, but instead
conditioned mixed air. No action
was taken, and after the school
attempted to use the rooms, it
was found that the CO2 levels
exceeded 1,000 PPM, and was
not acceptable. At that point they
closed the computer rooms until
the problem could be rectied.
We suggested two possibilities for
them to consider:
1) Re-duct the fan coil units to
outside air with the necessary
dampering to allow 225 CFM
into the rooms. This, however,
would require review of the
cooling capabilities of these units
to handle this amount of outside
2) Add an 800 CFM VAV box off
the main RTU, which would then
allow 200 CFM of fresh air to
enter the computer space (800
CFM x 0.25 = 200 CFM). This
is still low but if the main RTU
fresh air intake were increased to
30%, then 240 CFM would be
delivered to each computer space
through the new VAV box.
Adding a VAV box would have
minimal effect on the RTUs
original design, since no diversity
factor was utilized, and the
building design would never
require full ow to all areas
simultaneously. A review of
cooling and heating capacities in
the RTUs should be performed to
ensure that the increased outside
air can be handled.
The owners rejected the rst
suggestion. With 10 systems to
deal with, they did not want to
penetrate the exterior walls, nor
did they want to see any grilles
on the outside walls. The second
suggestion has been given serious
This project and the problematic
situation points out clearly
the need to award the test and
balance contract early, so that a
proper review of the plans and
specications can be made. Had
that been done in this case, the
problem could have been caught
while it was much easier to x.

an Excess
CO2 Problem
J a me s E . Br e n n a n , T BE
J a me s E . Br e n n a n Co mp a n y, I n c .
Do you have a
Tech Tip that you
would like to share
with our readers?
If so, please
contact AABC at:
Associated Air
Balance Council
1518 K Street NW, Ste 503
Washington, DC 20005
Fax 202.638.4833
Powered Exhaust Fans
Charles Schwebach, TBE, Raglen System Balance, Inc.
Rooftop A/C units with custom attached powered
exhaust fans are used to control room pressure.
Room pressure in single-zone areas can be critical
for proper operation of doors or environmental
control. There are two basic types: variable speed
pressure controlled, and single speed.
School classrooms, ofce areas, and laboratories
are increasingly being designed with small
package A/C units and custom t powered
exhaust fans. The advantages are:
separate controls for individual comfort control,
and individual DDC management during non-
occupied periods. The disadvantages are increased
installation cost and maintenance.
Single Speed
During minimum outside air operation, the
powered exhaust fan will remain off. This is
accomplished by adjusting the end switch. If
the room pressure exceeds .05 W.G., it may be
necessary to lower the minimum outside air CFM
until the room pressure is acceptable. Make sure
the minimum is still within the specications.
During economizer mode, the return air damper
will move toward the closed position while the
exhaust damper will travel toward the open
position. When the end switch contacts close, the
powered exhaust fan energizes.
The end switch may be either a mercury type,
microswitch, or auxiliary contacts built into the
damper actuator. As the dampers travel toward
the economizer position, adjust the end switch
to close, and start the exhaust fan. This should
happen somewhere around 75% opening of the
outside air damper. Measure the room pressure
and return air CFM. Room pressure typically is
specied at +.03 to +.05 W.G. The nal fan
speed is adjusted with the motor sheave.
Variable Speed
If the room pressure is being maintained, run the
economizer to 100% outside air. The VFD should
increase the motor Hz to 60 Hz or less, depending
on the integrity of the room. If the fan cannot
maintain room pressure at 60 Hz, adjust the
motor sheave to achieve .03 W.G. If the room
pressure is at or below .03 W.G., record the
frequency. The frequency should be something
greater than the manufacturers minimum +10%
for varying conditions.
The last item that should be checked is the tuning
for door opening and closing. This is referred
to as the PI Loop. If PI tuning is not performed,
unnecessary VFD modulation can occur and doors
will fail to close properly. To begin, set the unit to
100% outside air and measure the room pressure
using a manometer or magnehelic. Next, open
a door and allow the VFD to low down. Now let
the door close naturally. If the PI is tuned properly
the pressure will spike high momentarily and then
go below .03 W.G., allowing the door to close.
The pressure will then return to .03 and hold
steady. If the pressure modulates up and down
the PI needs adjustingfollow the manufacturers
instructions for setting the PI loop.
When adjusted properly, the room pressure
should be maintained at a steady pressure
with little to no VFD modulation and doors will
open and close properly under all economizer

11 TAB Journal
10 TAB Journal
s often happens, we were
awarded the balancing
contract after the
construction of a new intermediate
school was well on its way toward
completion. We successfully
completed the majority of our
work but found a problem
regarding the computer teaching
rooms, one of which is located in
the center of each of 10 pods
for the school. The requirements
for the computer rooms were
that each would have outside
air in addition to the fan coil
units (which are 800 CFM each)
already installed. There would be
15 students per computer room,
requiring 15 CFM each of outside
air for a total of 225 CFM for
each room.
However, those in charge had
simply directed the contractor to
tap off the discharge side of the
main supply unit (16,000 CFM
with 25% fresh air) for each pod.
The main units supply all the
classrooms and use VAV boxes.
We immediately advised the
engineer and contractor that the
fresh air duct that was installed
is not all fresh air, but instead
conditioned mixed air. No action
was taken, and after the school
attempted to use the rooms, it
was found that the CO2 levels
exceeded 1,000 PPM, and was
not acceptable. At that point they
closed the computer rooms until
the problem could be rectied.
We suggested two possibilities for
them to consider:
1) Re-duct the fan coil units to
outside air with the necessary
dampering to allow 225 CFM
into the rooms. This, however,
would require review of the
cooling capabilities of these units
to handle this amount of outside
2) Add an 800 CFM VAV box off
the main RTU, which would then
allow 200 CFM of fresh air to
enter the computer space (800
CFM x 0.25 = 200 CFM). This
is still low but if the main RTU
fresh air intake were increased to
30%, then 240 CFM would be
delivered to each computer space
through the new VAV box.
Adding a VAV box would have
minimal effect on the RTUs
original design, since no diversity
factor was utilized, and the
building design would never
require full ow to all areas
simultaneously. A review of
cooling and heating capacities in
the RTUs should be performed to
ensure that the increased outside
air can be handled.
The owners rejected the rst
suggestion. With 10 systems to
deal with, they did not want to
penetrate the exterior walls, nor
did they want to see any grilles
on the outside walls. The second
suggestion has been given serious
This project and the problematic
situation points out clearly
the need to award the test and
balance contract early, so that a
proper review of the plans and
specications can be made. Had
that been done in this case, the
problem could have been caught
while it was much easier to x.

an Excess
CO2 Problem
J a me s E . Br e n n a n , T BE
J a me s E . Br e n n a n Co mp a n y, I n c .
Do you have a
Tech Tip that you
would like to share
with our readers?
If so, please
contact AABC at:
Associated Air
Balance Council
1518 K Street NW, Ste 503
Washington, DC 20005
Fax 202.638.4833
Powered Exhaust Fans
Charles Schwebach, TBE, Raglen System Balance, Inc.
Rooftop A/C units with custom attached powered
exhaust fans are used to control room pressure.
Room pressure in single-zone areas can be critical
for proper operation of doors or environmental
control. There are two basic types: variable speed
pressure controlled, and single speed.
School classrooms, ofce areas, and laboratories
are increasingly being designed with small
package A/C units and custom t powered
exhaust fans. The advantages are:
separate controls for individual comfort control,
and individual DDC management during non-
occupied periods. The disadvantages are increased
installation cost and maintenance.
Single Speed
During minimum outside air operation, the
powered exhaust fan will remain off. This is
accomplished by adjusting the end switch. If
the room pressure exceeds .05 W.G., it may be
necessary to lower the minimum outside air CFM
until the room pressure is acceptable. Make sure
the minimum is still within the specications.
During economizer mode, the return air damper
will move toward the closed position while the
exhaust damper will travel toward the open
position. When the end switch contacts close, the
powered exhaust fan energizes.
The end switch may be either a mercury type,
microswitch, or auxiliary contacts built into the
damper actuator. As the dampers travel toward
the economizer position, adjust the end switch
to close, and start the exhaust fan. This should
happen somewhere around 75% opening of the
outside air damper. Measure the room pressure
and return air CFM. Room pressure typically is
specied at +.03 to +.05 W.G. The nal fan
speed is adjusted with the motor sheave.
Variable Speed
If the room pressure is being maintained, run the
economizer to 100% outside air. The VFD should
increase the motor Hz to 60 Hz or less, depending
on the integrity of the room. If the fan cannot
maintain room pressure at 60 Hz, adjust the
motor sheave to achieve .03 W.G. If the room
pressure is at or below .03 W.G., record the
frequency. The frequency should be something
greater than the manufacturers minimum +10%
for varying conditions.
The last item that should be checked is the tuning
for door opening and closing. This is referred
to as the PI Loop. If PI tuning is not performed,
unnecessary VFD modulation can occur and doors
will fail to close properly. To begin, set the unit to
100% outside air and measure the room pressure
using a manometer or magnehelic. Next, open
a door and allow the VFD to low down. Now let
the door close naturally. If the PI is tuned properly
the pressure will spike high momentarily and then
go below .03 W.G., allowing the door to close.
The pressure will then return to .03 and hold
steady. If the pressure modulates up and down
the PI needs adjustingfollow the manufacturers
instructions for setting the PI loop.
When adjusted properly, the room pressure
should be maintained at a steady pressure
with little to no VFD modulation and doors will
open and close properly under all economizer

11 TAB Journal
13 TAB Journal
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provides a standardized methodology for
everyone involved with the commissioning
process to follow.

Detailed, step-by-step
methodologies for
the various types of

Roles and responsibilities

of each commissioning
team member

The scope of services

performed in commissioning

The benets of

Sample forms, specications

and RFPs for commissioning
The ACG Commissioning Guideline is designed to help ll the
industry need for a single, standardized methodology for everyone
involved with the commissioning process.
For Bui l di ng Owner s, Desi gn Pr of essi onal s
and Commi ssi oni ng Ser vi ce Pr ovi der s
One of the clearest descriptions of the commissioning
process that weve seen. Environmental Building News
1518 K Street, NW Suite 503 Washington, DC 20005
Phone: 202.737.7775 Credit card purchasers may fax orders
to (202) 638-4833 or order online at
The Commissioning Guideline includes:
local facilities manager of
an existing ve-story ofce
building had requested
that our rm perform water ow
measurements at ceiling-hung fan
coil units. The testing, which would
involve GPM ow rates at each hot
and chilled coil, was prompted by
frequent employee complaints about
uncomfortable temperatures.
The facilities manager informed
us that the building has had many
renovations. Many of the individual
ofces had been moved, been made
larger, or do not exist as per the
original design of the building. This
all was done without consideration
of the HVAC equipment and
If an ofce was made larger they
would tap off of another system
in the zone or the closest possible.
Flex duct was used with no volume
dampers. If an ofce was removed
or made smaller, the terminals
were simply removed. Most
removed terminals were runs of
ex with end caps lying above the
ceiling. Thermostats and sensors
were relocated as for where the
construction team felt necessary.
As for the hot and chilled water
system, no piping modications
were made.
We told the manager that we
suspect the temperature problems
are more than just water ow,
something that the manager already
knew. Money was a problem, as
they did not have the income to
support the changes needed to the
HVAC equipment.
Our rm mentioned that GPM ow
rates could be obtained although
airows should also be measured to
compare ow rates needed to satisfy
temperature. The manager agreed.
A few days later, we started
investigating the hydronic system
only to nd no circuit setter or
readout devices were installed. Each
coil was equipped with an ATC
valve, supply and return ball valves.
We brought the facilities manager
up to speed on the hydronic
problem we were facing. We told
him the cost to have a mechanical
company install circuit setter or
pressure taps, and he indicated he
could not consider it. We then
explained that our rm could
provide an ultrasonic ow meter,
using the clamp on method, along
with pipe/water parameters set into
the meters program, to produce
GPM readings. The manager agreed,
especially since the building was
occupied 24 hours per day, making
a systems shutdown impossible.
We explained the savings from
installing circuit setters or readout
devices could be used to hire a
design rm to help in developing
design airow and GPM ow rates
for his spaces. The manager agreed.
We proceeded in using the
ultrasonic ow meter at the fan coil
unit coils and gathered all GPMs
necessary. We generated a report
for the building and he passed it on
to a local design rm to review and
Our rm, the design team, and the
facilities management had a meeting
to evaluate the new design criteria
for the building. We had balanced
the systems using the new design for
air terminals and water terminals.
Thanks to the ultrasonic ow meter
a cost savings from installing many
readout devices was eliminated.
The use of the design rm was a
fraction of the cost of what it would
have been to install numerous
circuit setters. We were able to
set the new GPM rates and give
higher/lower rates for future simply
by stating ball valve positions on
requested mains and units.
Ultrasonic Method of
Determining Flow Rates
P a u l T h o ma s , T BE
Butler Balancing Company, Inc.
13 TAB Journal
Shipping Address
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Order your copy of the new
ACG Commissioning Guideline today!
Non-Member Cost: $50.00
ACG Commissioning Guideline @ $50 each x ________= $____________
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Please complete order form and return along with payment to:
provides a standardized methodology for
everyone involved with the commissioning
process to follow.

Detailed, step-by-step
methodologies for
the various types of

Roles and responsibilities

of each commissioning
team member

The scope of services

performed in commissioning

The benets of

Sample forms, specications

and RFPs for commissioning
The ACG Commissioning Guideline is designed to help ll the
industry need for a single, standardized methodology for everyone
involved with the commissioning process.
For Bui l di ng Owner s, Desi gn Pr of essi onal s
and Commi ssi oni ng Ser vi ce Pr ovi der s
One of the clearest descriptions of the commissioning
process that weve seen. Environmental Building News
1518 K Street, NW Suite 503 Washington, DC 20005
Phone: 202.737.7775 Credit card purchasers may fax orders
to (202) 638-4833 or order online at
The Commissioning Guideline includes:
local facilities manager of
an existing ve-story ofce
building had requested
that our rm perform water ow
measurements at ceiling-hung fan
coil units. The testing, which would
involve GPM ow rates at each hot
and chilled coil, was prompted by
frequent employee complaints about
uncomfortable temperatures.
The facilities manager informed
us that the building has had many
renovations. Many of the individual
ofces had been moved, been made
larger, or do not exist as per the
original design of the building. This
all was done without consideration
of the HVAC equipment and
If an ofce was made larger they
would tap off of another system
in the zone or the closest possible.
Flex duct was used with no volume
dampers. If an ofce was removed
or made smaller, the terminals
were simply removed. Most
removed terminals were runs of
ex with end caps lying above the
ceiling. Thermostats and sensors
were relocated as for where the
construction team felt necessary.
As for the hot and chilled water
system, no piping modications
were made.
We told the manager that we
suspect the temperature problems
are more than just water ow,
something that the manager already
knew. Money was a problem, as
they did not have the income to
support the changes needed to the
HVAC equipment.
Our rm mentioned that GPM ow
rates could be obtained although
airows should also be measured to
compare ow rates needed to satisfy
temperature. The manager agreed.
A few days later, we started
investigating the hydronic system
only to nd no circuit setter or
readout devices were installed. Each
coil was equipped with an ATC
valve, supply and return ball valves.
We brought the facilities manager
up to speed on the hydronic
problem we were facing. We told
him the cost to have a mechanical
company install circuit setter or
pressure taps, and he indicated he
could not consider it. We then
explained that our rm could
provide an ultrasonic ow meter,
using the clamp on method, along
with pipe/water parameters set into
the meters program, to produce
GPM readings. The manager agreed,
especially since the building was
occupied 24 hours per day, making
a systems shutdown impossible.
We explained the savings from
installing circuit setters or readout
devices could be used to hire a
design rm to help in developing
design airow and GPM ow rates
for his spaces. The manager agreed.
We proceeded in using the
ultrasonic ow meter at the fan coil
unit coils and gathered all GPMs
necessary. We generated a report
for the building and he passed it on
to a local design rm to review and
Our rm, the design team, and the
facilities management had a meeting
to evaluate the new design criteria
for the building. We had balanced
the systems using the new design for
air terminals and water terminals.
Thanks to the ultrasonic ow meter
a cost savings from installing many
readout devices was eliminated.
The use of the design rm was a
fraction of the cost of what it would
have been to install numerous
circuit setters. We were able to
set the new GPM rates and give
higher/lower rates for future simply
by stating ball valve positions on
requested mains and units.
Ultrasonic Method of
Determining Flow Rates
P a u l T h o ma s , T BE
Butler Balancing Company, Inc.
he committee decided
to publish this standard
with a minimum room
pressure difference for these
spaces of 0.01 in. W.C. Although
many experienced professionals
in the industry believe that the
minimum pressure difference
should be at least 0.02 or 0.03 in.
W.C., there is not as yet enough
established research to prove such
a position. Such research would
be of great benet to the industry.
The following is a case study
that uses a higher room pressure
differential to achieve the
intended air distribution between
a critical room and adjacent
In 2005, I was asked by the
Animal Institute of the Albert
Einstein College of Medicine
in New York City to prepare
a proposal to provide HVAC
and ventilation service for an
animal room. The room was to
be constructed outside of the
Animal Institute area where
the ventilation ensures a safe
atmosphere for the research
The area for the new space is
adjacent to a common corridor
where the delivery of products
and services to the buildings are
made. From the standpoint of
ventilation I considered the air in
the common corridor to be dirty,
so I decided that while the new
Room Pressure
Differentials in
Critical Environments:
T h e o d o r e Co h e n , P. E . , T BE
Air Conditioning Test and Balance Co., Inc.
Recently, the ASHRAE standards committee agreed to publish a standard for Ventilation of Healthcare Facilities (SPC-170).
During discussions, one point of contention was room pressure differentials that are to be maintained between critical
rooms and adjacent spaces such as infectious disease rooms, protective environment rooms, and operating rooms.
animal room was required to be
negative in pressure with respect
to the adjacent corridor I felt that
it would be unwise to draw dirty
air in from the corridor in order
to keep the animal room at the
required static pressure.
Based on this situation I requested
that an anteroom be added to
the design of the space, and that
was accepted. The HVAC service
to this facility, which includes
the Animal Institute facilities
and other research facilities, are
primarily 100% OAI systems
with HEPA ltration that ensure a
clean air supply.
With these services available, I
proposed to supply clean HVAC
supply air to the anteroom and
the animal room. The supply air
volumes were selected to provide
a minimum of 10 air changes per
hour to each room. The controls
were established to maintain
the anteroom at a positive static
pressure with respect to the
common corridor.
An exhaust fan that draws
air from the animal room
was selected to operate under
automatic control to maintain
the animal room at a negative
pressure with respect to the
anteroom. This combination of
air ow volumes ensures a clean
supply of air to the anteroom and
the animal room. The positive
pressure in the anteroom prevents
dirty air from the corridor from
entering the suite. The negative
pressure difference between the
anteroom and the animal room
maintains the required air ow to
be into the animal room and also
ensures that the air drawn into the
animal room is clean.
We provided a static pressure
controller to maintain the
negative room pressure difference
between the animal room and the
anteroom. The differential control
varies the exhaust air volume
drawn from the animal room
to maintain the required static
pressure difference.
The nal TAB report indicated the
following operation:
1. The animal room is negative
with respect to the anteroom
by 0.04 in.W.C.
2. The anteroom is positive in
pressure with respect to the
common corridor by 0.015 in.
3. The animal room has a supply
air change rate of 11 ACH,
and an exhaust air change rate
of 20.
We achieved the design conditions
and the room operated safely.
The area for the new
space is adjacent to
a common corridor
where the delivery of
products and services to
the buildings are made.
The corridor air was
considered dirty.
15 TAB Journal
Casework &
Equipment Plan
We provided a static
pressure controller to
maintain the negative
room pressure difference
between the animal room
and the anteroom.
The differential control
varies the exhaust air
volume drawn from the
animal room to maintain
the required static
pressure difference.
Part Plan
for Animal
Research Room
he committee decided
to publish this standard
with a minimum room
pressure difference for these
spaces of 0.01 in. W.C. Although
many experienced professionals
in the industry believe that the
minimum pressure difference
should be at least 0.02 or 0.03 in.
W.C., there is not as yet enough
established research to prove such
a position. Such research would
be of great benet to the industry.
The following is a case study
that uses a higher room pressure
differential to achieve the
intended air distribution between
a critical room and adjacent
In 2005, I was asked by the
Animal Institute of the Albert
Einstein College of Medicine
in New York City to prepare
a proposal to provide HVAC
and ventilation service for an
animal room. The room was to
be constructed outside of the
Animal Institute area where
the ventilation ensures a safe
atmosphere for the research
The area for the new space is
adjacent to a common corridor
where the delivery of products
and services to the buildings are
made. From the standpoint of
ventilation I considered the air in
the common corridor to be dirty,
so I decided that while the new
Room Pressure
Differentials in
Critical Environments:
T h e o d o r e Co h e n , P. E . , T BE
Air Conditioning Test and Balance Co., Inc.
Recently, the ASHRAE standards committee agreed to publish a standard for Ventilation of Healthcare Facilities (SPC-170).
During discussions, one point of contention was room pressure differentials that are to be maintained between critical
rooms and adjacent spaces such as infectious disease rooms, protective environment rooms, and operating rooms.
animal room was required to be
negative in pressure with respect
to the adjacent corridor I felt that
it would be unwise to draw dirty
air in from the corridor in order
to keep the animal room at the
required static pressure.
Based on this situation I requested
that an anteroom be added to
the design of the space, and that
was accepted. The HVAC service
to this facility, which includes
the Animal Institute facilities
and other research facilities, are
primarily 100% OAI systems
with HEPA ltration that ensure a
clean air supply.
With these services available, I
proposed to supply clean HVAC
supply air to the anteroom and
the animal room. The supply air
volumes were selected to provide
a minimum of 10 air changes per
hour to each room. The controls
were established to maintain
the anteroom at a positive static
pressure with respect to the
common corridor.
An exhaust fan that draws
air from the animal room
was selected to operate under
automatic control to maintain
the animal room at a negative
pressure with respect to the
anteroom. This combination of
air ow volumes ensures a clean
supply of air to the anteroom and
the animal room. The positive
pressure in the anteroom prevents
dirty air from the corridor from
entering the suite. The negative
pressure difference between the
anteroom and the animal room
maintains the required air ow to
be into the animal room and also
ensures that the air drawn into the
animal room is clean.
We provided a static pressure
controller to maintain the
negative room pressure difference
between the animal room and the
anteroom. The differential control
varies the exhaust air volume
drawn from the animal room
to maintain the required static
pressure difference.
The nal TAB report indicated the
following operation:
1. The animal room is negative
with respect to the anteroom
by 0.04 in.W.C.
2. The anteroom is positive in
pressure with respect to the
common corridor by 0.015 in.
3. The animal room has a supply
air change rate of 11 ACH,
and an exhaust air change rate
of 20.
We achieved the design conditions
and the room operated safely.
The area for the new
space is adjacent to
a common corridor
where the delivery of
products and services to
the buildings are made.
The corridor air was
considered dirty.
15 TAB Journal
Casework &
Equipment Plan
We provided a static
pressure controller to
maintain the negative
room pressure difference
between the animal room
and the anteroom.
The differential control
varies the exhaust air
volume drawn from the
animal room to maintain
the required static
pressure difference.
Part Plan
for Animal
Research Room
Tech Talk
Tech Talk is a regular feature in which AABC shares questions weve received
and the responses from the associations experts. We hope that others have
had similar questions and therefore will benet from the answers, and also
that this new feature will encourage others to submit their questions. Better
communication and understanding of proper balancing procedures has
been part of AABCs mission for more than 40 years, and helps to produce
buildings that operate as designed and intended.
Have a Question?
To submit a question for
Tech Talk, email us at, or visit the
Tech Talk section of the
AABC website at
The Associated Air Balance Council
frequently elds technical questions
from engineers, contractors, owners
and others regarding proper air and
water balancing procedures.
These questions are answered by the
most qualied people in the industry:
AABC Test & Balance Engineers
VAV Systems and DDC System Monitoring
Question: With the advent of newer variable air volume (VAV) systems
that can measure and control the airow at each zone, what is AABCs
position on balancing an air system using these electronic methods instead of
adjusting a manual damper and, say, an opposing blade damper (OBD)? It
is now possible to set and control air ow electronically without ever
touching a mechanical device. I am not sure how reliable this method is
does your organization approve balancing by these electronic methods?
AABC: VAV systems have had the capability to ascertain box ow and
adjust its damper for 30 years, dating back to mechanical controllers. DDC
systems are obviously more sophisticated; however, the approach is still the
same: Box total airow is measured and the box controls are calibrated
to maintain design via the boxs internal damper. Outlets downstream are
balanced using duct volume dampers.
The only time a duct inlet volume damper would come into play is when
the system static exceeds the box rating causing the box damper to throttle
excessively and create noise. An inlet volume damper could be used to create
additional pressure loss allowing better control with the box damper.
If you are referring to a variable volume and temperature (VVT) system, that
is essentially a method to make a constant volume system into a VAV system
by utilizing a bypass duct for capacity control.
Earlier versions did not have the capacity to measure airow. Those systems
were essentially balanced as a constant volume system with all of the VVT
dampers open and the airows adjusted via duct volume dampers. Set points
for the bypass dampers were then determined. Later versions have added the
capability to measure airow. Some work well, others do not. If duct volume
dampers are provided, we essentially balance these as constant volume
systems with all VVT dampers open, again using duct volume dampers. This
is assuming that there is no diversity in the system. Diversity complicates
matters in these VVT systems.
To be clear on one other point: DDC system monitoring is not to be used
for the balancing. Field measurements must be taken to determine VAV box
Joe Baumgartner, P.E., TBE, Baumgartner Inc.
"The airow measuring of the
unit ventilator would require
the expertise of a TBE to
review the specic installation
and determine what
instruments to use in order to
meet the AABC standards for
airow measurement."
Proper CFM Procedure for Public Schools
Question: A public school system is telling us to follow AABC
procedures for balancing oor mounted, non-ducted, packaged unit
Units are three-speed, with steam heating coil, face and bypass
dampers. The units are mounted on outside wall with no ductwork, but
using existing outside air louvers. Units get signal to start and stop from
building automation system (BAS) and individual users can change the
units speed to high/medium/low.
We are looking for an established, proven written procedure that
establishes the total CFM, outside air CFM, and return air CFM
quantities that can be veried by the commissioning agent.
AABC: The airow measuring of the unit ventilator would require the
expertise of a TBE to review the specic installation and determine what
instruments to use in order to meet the AABC standards for airow
measurement. It would also be up to the TBE to write a procedure to
produce repeatable results. AABC does not have a written procedure for
every possible combination or conguration of equipment or systems.
Steve Young, TBE, The Phoenix Agency, Inc.
Establishing Air Valve Air Flow and Calibration Factor
Question: In reference to single duct, pressure independent VAV Boxes
with or without reheat, the AABC National Standards procedure says to
record and report, among other things, Design and actual supply airow
(by Pitot tube traverse) and Air valve manufacturer size, model, total
airow (design and actual, minimum and maximum), calibration factor.
What method does AABC recommended to establish air valve air ow
and calibration factor? Is pitot traverse required for each VAV box/air
valve? Most manufacturers tout their inlet sensors as being almost
independent of inlet conditions. Do we need a calibration factor if this is
AABC: The AABC National Standards do not state specically how the
airow should be measured. However, the airow must be measured and
one cannot rely solely on the computer readout.
Generally the outlets are measured. When the outlets cannot be measured
or their accuracy is suspect, a traverse of the inlet is made to determine
the actual VAV airow. Once the actual airow is determined, the
calibration factor is applied to have the computer readout match the
actual measured airow.
16 TAB Journal 17 TAB Journal
Tech Talk
Tech Talk is a regular feature in which AABC shares questions weve received
and the responses from the associations experts. We hope that others have
had similar questions and therefore will benet from the answers, and also
that this new feature will encourage others to submit their questions. Better
communication and understanding of proper balancing procedures has
been part of AABCs mission for more than 40 years, and helps to produce
buildings that operate as designed and intended.
Have a Question?
To submit a question for
Tech Talk, email us at, or visit the
Tech Talk section of the
AABC website at
The Associated Air Balance Council
frequently elds technical questions
from engineers, contractors, owners
and others regarding proper air and
water balancing procedures.
These questions are answered by the
most qualied people in the industry:
AABC Test & Balance Engineers
VAV Systems and DDC System Monitoring
Question: With the advent of newer variable air volume (VAV) systems
that can measure and control the airow at each zone, what is AABCs
position on balancing an air system using these electronic methods instead of
adjusting a manual damper and, say, an opposing blade damper (OBD)? It
is now possible to set and control air ow electronically without ever
touching a mechanical device. I am not sure how reliable this method is
does your organization approve balancing by these electronic methods?
AABC: VAV systems have had the capability to ascertain box ow and
adjust its damper for 30 years, dating back to mechanical controllers. DDC
systems are obviously more sophisticated; however, the approach is still the
same: Box total airow is measured and the box controls are calibrated
to maintain design via the boxs internal damper. Outlets downstream are
balanced using duct volume dampers.
The only time a duct inlet volume damper would come into play is when
the system static exceeds the box rating causing the box damper to throttle
excessively and create noise. An inlet volume damper could be used to create
additional pressure loss allowing better control with the box damper.
If you are referring to a variable volume and temperature (VVT) system, that
is essentially a method to make a constant volume system into a VAV system
by utilizing a bypass duct for capacity control.
Earlier versions did not have the capacity to measure airow. Those systems
were essentially balanced as a constant volume system with all of the VVT
dampers open and the airows adjusted via duct volume dampers. Set points
for the bypass dampers were then determined. Later versions have added the
capability to measure airow. Some work well, others do not. If duct volume
dampers are provided, we essentially balance these as constant volume
systems with all VVT dampers open, again using duct volume dampers. This
is assuming that there is no diversity in the system. Diversity complicates
matters in these VVT systems.
To be clear on one other point: DDC system monitoring is not to be used
for the balancing. Field measurements must be taken to determine VAV box
Joe Baumgartner, P.E., TBE, Baumgartner Inc.
"The airow measuring of the
unit ventilator would require
the expertise of a TBE to
review the specic installation
and determine what
instruments to use in order to
meet the AABC standards for
airow measurement."
Proper CFM Procedure for Public Schools
Question: A public school system is telling us to follow AABC
procedures for balancing oor mounted, non-ducted, packaged unit
Units are three-speed, with steam heating coil, face and bypass
dampers. The units are mounted on outside wall with no ductwork, but
using existing outside air louvers. Units get signal to start and stop from
building automation system (BAS) and individual users can change the
units speed to high/medium/low.
We are looking for an established, proven written procedure that
establishes the total CFM, outside air CFM, and return air CFM
quantities that can be veried by the commissioning agent.
AABC: The airow measuring of the unit ventilator would require the
expertise of a TBE to review the specic installation and determine what
instruments to use in order to meet the AABC standards for airow
measurement. It would also be up to the TBE to write a procedure to
produce repeatable results. AABC does not have a written procedure for
every possible combination or conguration of equipment or systems.
Steve Young, TBE, The Phoenix Agency, Inc.
Establishing Air Valve Air Flow and Calibration Factor
Question: In reference to single duct, pressure independent VAV Boxes
with or without reheat, the AABC National Standards procedure says to
record and report, among other things, Design and actual supply airow
(by Pitot tube traverse) and Air valve manufacturer size, model, total
airow (design and actual, minimum and maximum), calibration factor.
What method does AABC recommended to establish air valve air ow
and calibration factor? Is pitot traverse required for each VAV box/air
valve? Most manufacturers tout their inlet sensors as being almost
independent of inlet conditions. Do we need a calibration factor if this is
AABC: The AABC National Standards do not state specically how the
airow should be measured. However, the airow must be measured and
one cannot rely solely on the computer readout.
Generally the outlets are measured. When the outlets cannot be measured
or their accuracy is suspect, a traverse of the inlet is made to determine
the actual VAV airow. Once the actual airow is determined, the
calibration factor is applied to have the computer readout match the
actual measured airow.
16 TAB Journal 17 TAB Journal
De n n i s Ar a mi l , T BE
6,020 basement cfm
3,510 1st oor cfm
5,115 2nd oor cfm
14,645 total cfm
12,565 return air cfm
2,080 outside air cfm
2,780 basement cfm
640 1st oor cfm
640 2nd oor cfm
4,060 total cfm
The owner proceeded to advise the consultant of the negative 1.980 cfm and
-0.02 w.c. building pressure condition. An attempt at a solution was made by
increasing the outside air capacity at the AHU to 4,200 cfm, which left the
building under neutral pressurization conditions during the summer months.
However this did not work very well in winter months due to minimum VAV
airow settings specied at 1,751 total cfm. Although the climate is relatively
mild during the winter months, the end user continues to contend with less
than desirable pressurization and in some areas temperature complaints for a
minimum of 60 calendar days each year.
In conclusion, we have encountered many specications requiring document
review as well as many that do not. In most cases, we have noticed a denitive
increase in owner satisfaction when we are allowed to properly prepare to
deliver TAB services. The failure to procure a TAB agent until after construction
and HVAC installation has begun results in lesser options to resolve simple
issues economically.
Although TAB ideally commences during the design phase of a project, in most
instances projects are well underway before the TAB agent is notied that they
are required at the project site. In the worst cases, the TAB agency is asked to
provide pricing and then be prepared to be onsite the next day.
On a recent project, we encountered an unsolvable pressurization condition
that could have been easily discovered by the TAB agent during the document
review phase of design, or at least have been discovered during a construction
phase inspection. However, when called upon to deliver TAB services at the
onset of owner move-in activities, there is sometimes little that can be done to
economically resolve simple deciencies satisfactorily.
On what appears to be a simple three-story project, the drawings show a
building conditioned by one air handling unit and approximately 21 variable
volume terminal units with associated supply diffusers. The following design
airow criteria were pointed out by technicians to the owner during the TAB
eld process, revealing a less than desirable pressurization condition for the
owner to contend with.
Minimum Outside
Air Solution
Order Both Today!

Call AABC at (202) 737-0202
or see
Get the skills, knowledge and confdence you need to
meet tough HVAC challenges head-on, realize your full
potential, and perform at your peak!
An Introduction to the Test and Balance Process
How to Take a Pilot Tube Traverse
Balancing a Single-zone System
Balancing a Multi-zone System
The AABC Technician Training video series consists of:
AABC Technician Training Manual
and Instructor's Guide
Newly revised and expanded, this in-depth manual
designed for training test and balance technicians covers
all aspects of total system balance, including diagrams,
illustrations and review questions. A companion Instructors
Guide is also included to facilitate the learning process and
help gauge progress.
Now Available
19 TAB Journal
De n n i s Ar a mi l , T BE
6,020 basement cfm
3,510 1st oor cfm
5,115 2nd oor cfm
14,645 total cfm
12,565 return air cfm
2,080 outside air cfm
2,780 basement cfm
640 1st oor cfm
640 2nd oor cfm
4,060 total cfm
The owner proceeded to advise the consultant of the negative 1.980 cfm and
-0.02 w.c. building pressure condition. An attempt at a solution was made by
increasing the outside air capacity at the AHU to 4,200 cfm, which left the
building under neutral pressurization conditions during the summer months.
However this did not work very well in winter months due to minimum VAV
airow settings specied at 1,751 total cfm. Although the climate is relatively
mild during the winter months, the end user continues to contend with less
than desirable pressurization and in some areas temperature complaints for a
minimum of 60 calendar days each year.
In conclusion, we have encountered many specications requiring document
review as well as many that do not. In most cases, we have noticed a denitive
increase in owner satisfaction when we are allowed to properly prepare to
deliver TAB services. The failure to procure a TAB agent until after construction
and HVAC installation has begun results in lesser options to resolve simple
issues economically.
Although TAB ideally commences during the design phase of a project, in most
instances projects are well underway before the TAB agent is notied that they
are required at the project site. In the worst cases, the TAB agency is asked to
provide pricing and then be prepared to be onsite the next day.
On a recent project, we encountered an unsolvable pressurization condition
that could have been easily discovered by the TAB agent during the document
review phase of design, or at least have been discovered during a construction
phase inspection. However, when called upon to deliver TAB services at the
onset of owner move-in activities, there is sometimes little that can be done to
economically resolve simple deciencies satisfactorily.
On what appears to be a simple three-story project, the drawings show a
building conditioned by one air handling unit and approximately 21 variable
volume terminal units with associated supply diffusers. The following design
airow criteria were pointed out by technicians to the owner during the TAB
eld process, revealing a less than desirable pressurization condition for the
owner to contend with.
Minimum Outside
Air Solution
Order Both Today!

Call AABC at (202) 737-0202
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Get the skills, knowledge and confdence you need to
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An Introduction to the Test and Balance Process
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Balancing a Single-zone System
Balancing a Multi-zone System
The AABC Technician Training video series consists of:
AABC Technician Training Manual
and Instructor's Guide
Newly revised and expanded, this in-depth manual
designed for training test and balance technicians covers
all aspects of total system balance, including diagrams,
illustrations and review questions. A companion Instructors
Guide is also included to facilitate the learning process and
help gauge progress.
Now Available
19 TAB Journal
21 TAB Journal
Our company recently balanced a
high end multi-story assisted-living
apartment building for the elderly
with two oors being renovated.
The HVAC system consisted of
vertical furnace-style water source
heat pumps installed in a utility closet
in each apartment. The ductwork was
concealed in a soft, which ran the
length of the apartment with sidewall
supply registers for each room.
Right away it became evident we were
going to have problems. The motors
for these units were multi-speed direct
drive, which at the slowest setting
resulted in the units producing 30
to 40 percent above design airow
requirements. The design engineer
had sized the heat pumps for 0.7
external static pressure. At the present
airow, most units were in the 0.4 to
0.5 w.c. range.
To make matters worse, the sheet
metal contractor had decided not
to install balance dampers in the
ductwork. By the time balancing
began, the ceilings in these apartments
were nished, which meant that even
if the dampers had been installed,
they would either not have been
accessible or a number of access
doors would have been necessary
throughout each apartment.
In their present condition the units
were already quite drafty and noisy.
We attempted to balance airow
using the opposed blade dampers at
the face of each grille. This resulted
in an extremely objectionable noise
throughout the apartment, which was
totally unacceptable to the building
owners, not to mention the new
A meeting was called for all involved
parties, which included the owner, the
engineer, the architect, the sheet metal
contractor, the unit manufacturers
representative and our company. At
the meeting, there was a large amount
of heated discussion and nger
pointing. Several possible options
were presented:
1) Installation of a main damper at
the discharge of each unitdue to
transitions and the conguration
of the discharge plenums, this was
not a viable option.
2) Installation of a speed controller
on the motorthe manufacturer
indicated that this would void the
3) Cutting access doors at each supply
grille take-off and installing a
balance damper at each location.
The third option was eventually
chosen. To ensure that this was
going to become the nal solution,
one apartment, which was not yet
occupied was used as a test suite.
The dampers were installed and we
once again returned to perform test
and balance using the newly installed
dampers. As the ductwork had a very
short distance from the main to the
supply registers (three feet or less in
most cases), the results were not much
better than had been observed with
the opposed blade dampers.
By now, a considerable amount
of time and expense had been
expended from all the meetings, duct
modications, and re-balancing. The
building owner was becoming quite
discouraged and annoyed that the
problem could not be resolved. The
design engineer was in an awkward
position, as the owner was placing
all of the blame squarely on his
shoulders. The owner was seriously
considering removing the units
entirely and installing smaller units at
the engineers expense.
In an effort to resolve this situation,
we agreed to give the engineer one
day of our services and try different
scenarios to possibly nd a viable
solution that would be acceptable to
all parties.
The engineer hired a new sheet metal
contractor and the three of us met on
the job site to put our heads together.
We nally came up with a possible
solution: The fan in these heat pumps
could be removed through the front
of the unit by loosening a couple of
screws and pulling it straight out in
one piece.
We had the sheet metal shop make
several round plates from perforated
metal. The perforations were in
several different sizes, ranging from
3/16 holes up to 1/2 holes. We then
secured these round plates over the
fan intake openings to cause enough
restriction to reduce the amount of
airow. We didnt want to just blank-
off the opening with metal for fear of
possibly over heating the motor by
reducing the airow over the motor
We interchanged these plates until the
correct airow was obtained. This
signicantly reduced the amount of
noise created by the unit. As an added
benet, we cut a hole in the discharge
plenum at the top of the unit and
installed duct lining.
What started as a simple furnace
project had turned into a true
brainteaser lasting several months, but
in the end the owner got a properly
functioning system.
Dampers and Plates
Solve an Excess Airflow Problem
J o h n A. Ba l a n i k , T BE
R.H. Cochran and Associates, Inc.
"The contractor
had decided
not to install
balance dampers
in the ductwork."
21 TAB Journal
Our company recently balanced a
high end multi-story assisted-living
apartment building for the elderly
with two oors being renovated.
The HVAC system consisted of
vertical furnace-style water source
heat pumps installed in a utility closet
in each apartment. The ductwork was
concealed in a soft, which ran the
length of the apartment with sidewall
supply registers for each room.
Right away it became evident we were
going to have problems. The motors
for these units were multi-speed direct
drive, which at the slowest setting
resulted in the units producing 30
to 40 percent above design airow
requirements. The design engineer
had sized the heat pumps for 0.7
external static pressure. At the present
airow, most units were in the 0.4 to
0.5 w.c. range.
To make matters worse, the sheet
metal contractor had decided not
to install balance dampers in the
ductwork. By the time balancing
began, the ceilings in these apartments
were nished, which meant that even
if the dampers had been installed,
they would either not have been
accessible or a number of access
doors would have been necessary
throughout each apartment.
In their present condition the units
were already quite drafty and noisy.
We attempted to balance airow
using the opposed blade dampers at
the face of each grille. This resulted
in an extremely objectionable noise
throughout the apartment, which was
totally unacceptable to the building
owners, not to mention the new
A meeting was called for all involved
parties, which included the owner, the
engineer, the architect, the sheet metal
contractor, the unit manufacturers
representative and our company. At
the meeting, there was a large amount
of heated discussion and nger
pointing. Several possible options
were presented:
1) Installation of a main damper at
the discharge of each unitdue to
transitions and the conguration
of the discharge plenums, this was
not a viable option.
2) Installation of a speed controller
on the motorthe manufacturer
indicated that this would void the
3) Cutting access doors at each supply
grille take-off and installing a
balance damper at each location.
The third option was eventually
chosen. To ensure that this was
going to become the nal solution,
one apartment, which was not yet
occupied was used as a test suite.
The dampers were installed and we
once again returned to perform test
and balance using the newly installed
dampers. As the ductwork had a very
short distance from the main to the
supply registers (three feet or less in
most cases), the results were not much
better than had been observed with
the opposed blade dampers.
By now, a considerable amount
of time and expense had been
expended from all the meetings, duct
modications, and re-balancing. The
building owner was becoming quite
discouraged and annoyed that the
problem could not be resolved. The
design engineer was in an awkward
position, as the owner was placing
all of the blame squarely on his
shoulders. The owner was seriously
considering removing the units
entirely and installing smaller units at
the engineers expense.
In an effort to resolve this situation,
we agreed to give the engineer one
day of our services and try different
scenarios to possibly nd a viable
solution that would be acceptable to
all parties.
The engineer hired a new sheet metal
contractor and the three of us met on
the job site to put our heads together.
We nally came up with a possible
solution: The fan in these heat pumps
could be removed through the front
of the unit by loosening a couple of
screws and pulling it straight out in
one piece.
We had the sheet metal shop make
several round plates from perforated
metal. The perforations were in
several different sizes, ranging from
3/16 holes up to 1/2 holes. We then
secured these round plates over the
fan intake openings to cause enough
restriction to reduce the amount of
airow. We didnt want to just blank-
off the opening with metal for fear of
possibly over heating the motor by
reducing the airow over the motor
We interchanged these plates until the
correct airow was obtained. This
signicantly reduced the amount of
noise created by the unit. As an added
benet, we cut a hole in the discharge
plenum at the top of the unit and
installed duct lining.
What started as a simple furnace
project had turned into a true
brainteaser lasting several months, but
in the end the owner got a properly
functioning system.
Dampers and Plates
Solve an Excess Airflow Problem
J o h n A. Ba l a n i k , T BE
R.H. Cochran and Associates, Inc.
"The contractor
had decided
not to install
balance dampers
in the ductwork."
22 TAB Journal 23 TAB Journal
Existing spray systems can be
greatly improved by installing non-
corroding square spray ABS plastic
The most dramatic improvement
in the performance of the tower
can be obtained by retrotting
cellular ll (available from a
number of manufacturers). Whether
it be counter ow or cross ow
conguration change to high
efciency dense-lm ll (also
known as cellular ll) can result in
improvements from 10-15 F. This
colder water could provide a 50%
increase in tower capacity.
The main reason for this
extraordinary improvement is that
with conventional splash bars, the
water must bounce from slat to slat
on its way from top to bottom of
the crossow or counterow tower
and the exterior of the droplet is
cooled. If a high enough vertical
travel is engineered, the water will
be cooled to design conditions. Bear
in mind, however, that the more
wood that is put into the tower, the
higher the static pressure loss and
the larger horsepower motor and
fan diameters will be required.
Cellular ll works on the principle
that the droplet of water is
stretched into a thin lm as
the water proceeds vertically
downward through the cells thereby
permitting the available crossow
or counterow air to cool the entire
droplet more rapidly.
Energy Conservation Strategies
Cooling towers, because they seem so simple, are
usually orphans of the facilities operation and the
neglected stepchildren of the power plant, electric power
generating station, and refrigeration systems. While
facility engineers are well convinced of the importance
of their sophisticated equipment, they take the cooling
towersand the cold water returning from themfor
Cooling towers are hidden bonanzas for energy
conservation and dollar savings when properly
engineered and maintained. In many cases, the limiting
factor of production is the quality and quantity of
cold water coming off the cooling tower. The savings
accrued in energy conservation and additional product
manufactured can be an important factor of an
operators protability.
Energy management analysis is a very important way
to compensate for todays escalating energy costs. A
thorough engineering inspection and evaluation of the
entire plant can leave no stone unturned in the search to
reduce energy consumption.
Cooling towers play a major role in waste heat removal
and should be thoroughly inspected and evaluated
by engineering specialists. This can be performed at
nominal cost and in a formal report submitted with
recommendations, budget cost, and evaluation of
thermal, structural, and mechanical conditions of the
Practically all cooling towers can be upgraded to
perform at higher efciency levels. While all cooling
tower systems might not provide a dramatic cost
payback, the return of investment through upgrading
can be a surprising factor of operation and should not
be neglected.
Design conditions are specied for the particular job
requirements before the tower is purchased. After it
is installed, the cold water temperature or volume
can becomes inadequate. While all cooling towers
are expected to function at 100% of capability in
accordance with the design, the level of operation is
often much lowersometimes even 50% for a few
Present service is greater than anticipated.
The installation originally was undersized because of
the Low bidder syndrome.
Slippage due to decient maintenance.
Plant expansion requires additional volume and
possible colder temperature of water.
The Importance of
I s t v a n F r o h l i n g
Airow Testing, Inc.
State of the Art Upgrading
Owners of cooling towers are not
particularly concerned with the
thermal analysis or checking into
information on principles of selections
of their equipment, rather they want
an investigation and report to the
biggest question which is:
We have this equipment which
is part of our facility. It is not
producing a sufcient level of cold
water. What can we do to remedy the
There are three different types of
methods offered by the industry.
The least expensive x to improve
air handling and increase the
volume is to change the pitch of the
blades to move up to a maximum
motor horsepower.
Installation of velocity regain (VR)
fan cylinders which will have an
approximate 5-7% air volume
increase. The installation of a
larger horsepower motor could
be considered to increase the air
ow to obtain a higher level of
Crossow water distribution
patterns are set by the ow
requirements and orices located
in the hot water distribution basin
which are xed in position. The
conventional orice drops the
solid column of water on a lattice
work of wood, which splashes
the water about the top of the
ll. A higher level of performance
can be obtained by removing the
splash deck and replacing it with
efcient cellular redistribution
decks or target orice nozzles. Both
procedures will provide a more
uniform distribution at the top
of the tower, thereby utilizing the
entire heights for cooling.
Cooling Towers
The role of the cooling tower
is to remove waste heat from
a process production line.
Function of Lower Temperatures
The role of the cooling tower
is to remove waste heat from
a process production line. It is
obvious that colder condensing
water temperatures will increase
unit production at a lower unit
cost. The degree of elevation of
the process temperature above
ambient condition is the sum
of the towers approach of the
cold water to the wet bulb
temperature, the cooling range
(which equals the temperature
rise in the heat exchanger),
and the terminal difference in
the exchanger. A reduction in
operating temperature always
desirable for economic reasons
may be obtained by increasing the
capability of the cooling towers
The importance of colder water
for the compression of gases is
evident, since all compressors
have one thing in common: a
major portion of the energy
(80%) is converted to heat. This
rejected heat must be removed
continuously at the same rate it
is generated, or the compressor
will overheat and eventually shut
down. Reducing the operating
temperature of the compressor
will proportionately reduce the
energy input requirements.
In other words, the colder the
water returning to the equipment,
the less energy is required to
produce the same amount of work
at a lower cost. Enthalpy charts
indicate that for every degree F
of colder water returning from
the cooling tower within the
operating range of the compressor,
3% less energy will be required
by the compressor to produce the
same cooling results.





22 TAB Journal 23 TAB Journal
Existing spray systems can be
greatly improved by installing non-
corroding square spray ABS plastic
The most dramatic improvement
in the performance of the tower
can be obtained by retrotting
cellular ll (available from a
number of manufacturers). Whether
it be counter ow or cross ow
conguration change to high
efciency dense-lm ll (also
known as cellular ll) can result in
improvements from 10-15 F. This
colder water could provide a 50%
increase in tower capacity.
The main reason for this
extraordinary improvement is that
with conventional splash bars, the
water must bounce from slat to slat
on its way from top to bottom of
the crossow or counterow tower
and the exterior of the droplet is
cooled. If a high enough vertical
travel is engineered, the water will
be cooled to design conditions. Bear
in mind, however, that the more
wood that is put into the tower, the
higher the static pressure loss and
the larger horsepower motor and
fan diameters will be required.
Cellular ll works on the principle
that the droplet of water is
stretched into a thin lm as
the water proceeds vertically
downward through the cells thereby
permitting the available crossow
or counterow air to cool the entire
droplet more rapidly.
Energy Conservation Strategies
Cooling towers, because they seem so simple, are
usually orphans of the facilities operation and the
neglected stepchildren of the power plant, electric power
generating station, and refrigeration systems. While
facility engineers are well convinced of the importance
of their sophisticated equipment, they take the cooling
towersand the cold water returning from themfor
Cooling towers are hidden bonanzas for energy
conservation and dollar savings when properly
engineered and maintained. In many cases, the limiting
factor of production is the quality and quantity of
cold water coming off the cooling tower. The savings
accrued in energy conservation and additional product
manufactured can be an important factor of an
operators protability.
Energy management analysis is a very important way
to compensate for todays escalating energy costs. A
thorough engineering inspection and evaluation of the
entire plant can leave no stone unturned in the search to
reduce energy consumption.
Cooling towers play a major role in waste heat removal
and should be thoroughly inspected and evaluated
by engineering specialists. This can be performed at
nominal cost and in a formal report submitted with
recommendations, budget cost, and evaluation of
thermal, structural, and mechanical conditions of the
Practically all cooling towers can be upgraded to
perform at higher efciency levels. While all cooling
tower systems might not provide a dramatic cost
payback, the return of investment through upgrading
can be a surprising factor of operation and should not
be neglected.
Design conditions are specied for the particular job
requirements before the tower is purchased. After it
is installed, the cold water temperature or volume
can becomes inadequate. While all cooling towers
are expected to function at 100% of capability in
accordance with the design, the level of operation is
often much lowersometimes even 50% for a few
Present service is greater than anticipated.
The installation originally was undersized because of
the Low bidder syndrome.
Slippage due to decient maintenance.
Plant expansion requires additional volume and
possible colder temperature of water.
The Importance of
I s t v a n F r o h l i n g
Airow Testing, Inc.
State of the Art Upgrading
Owners of cooling towers are not
particularly concerned with the
thermal analysis or checking into
information on principles of selections
of their equipment, rather they want
an investigation and report to the
biggest question which is:
We have this equipment which
is part of our facility. It is not
producing a sufcient level of cold
water. What can we do to remedy the
There are three different types of
methods offered by the industry.
The least expensive x to improve
air handling and increase the
volume is to change the pitch of the
blades to move up to a maximum
motor horsepower.
Installation of velocity regain (VR)
fan cylinders which will have an
approximate 5-7% air volume
increase. The installation of a
larger horsepower motor could
be considered to increase the air
ow to obtain a higher level of
Crossow water distribution
patterns are set by the ow
requirements and orices located
in the hot water distribution basin
which are xed in position. The
conventional orice drops the
solid column of water on a lattice
work of wood, which splashes
the water about the top of the
ll. A higher level of performance
can be obtained by removing the
splash deck and replacing it with
efcient cellular redistribution
decks or target orice nozzles. Both
procedures will provide a more
uniform distribution at the top
of the tower, thereby utilizing the
entire heights for cooling.
Cooling Towers
The role of the cooling tower
is to remove waste heat from
a process production line.
Function of Lower Temperatures
The role of the cooling tower
is to remove waste heat from
a process production line. It is
obvious that colder condensing
water temperatures will increase
unit production at a lower unit
cost. The degree of elevation of
the process temperature above
ambient condition is the sum
of the towers approach of the
cold water to the wet bulb
temperature, the cooling range
(which equals the temperature
rise in the heat exchanger),
and the terminal difference in
the exchanger. A reduction in
operating temperature always
desirable for economic reasons
may be obtained by increasing the
capability of the cooling towers
The importance of colder water
for the compression of gases is
evident, since all compressors
have one thing in common: a
major portion of the energy
(80%) is converted to heat. This
rejected heat must be removed
continuously at the same rate it
is generated, or the compressor
will overheat and eventually shut
down. Reducing the operating
temperature of the compressor
will proportionately reduce the
energy input requirements.
In other words, the colder the
water returning to the equipment,
the less energy is required to
produce the same amount of work
at a lower cost. Enthalpy charts
indicate that for every degree F
of colder water returning from
the cooling tower within the
operating range of the compressor,
3% less energy will be required
by the compressor to produce the
same cooling results.





24 TAB Journal
Performance Testing &
Cleveland, Alabama
(205) 274-4889
Southeast Test and Balance
Cleveland, Alabama
(205) 559-7151
Superior Tabs International, Inc.
Pelham, Alabama
(205) 620-2801
Systems Analysis, Inc.
Birmingham, Alabama
(205) 802-7850
Arizona Air Balance Company
Tempe, Arizona
(480) 966-2001
Bal-Tec Test and Balance, LLC
Phoenix, Arizona
(480) 540-1665
Environmental Testing &
Balancing, Inc.
Phoenix, Arizona
(602) 861-1458
General Air Control, Inc.
Tucson, Arizona
(520) 887-8850
Precisionaire of Arizona, Inc.
Phoenix, Arizona
(623) 580-1644
Systems Commissioning &
Testing, Inc.
Tucson, Arizona
(520) 884-4792
Tab Technology, Inc.
Mesa, Arizona
(480) 964-0187
Technical Air Balance SW, Inc.
Scottsdale, Arizona
(623) 492-0831
(ABCO) Air Balance
Company, Inc.
Diamond Bar, California
(909) 861-5434
American Air Balance Co., Inc.
Anaheim, California
(714) 693-3700
American Air Balance Co., Inc.
Poway, California
(760) 737-0190
Los Angeles Air Balance
Company, Inc.
Upland, California
(800) 429-6880
National Air Balance Co., Inc.
Fremont, California
(510) 623-7000
Penn Air Control, Inc.
Cypress, California
(714) 220-9091
Penn Air Control, Inc.
Fallbrook, California
(760) 451-2025
Penn Air Control, Inc.
Petaluma, California
(707) 763-7155
RSAnalysis, Inc.
El Dorado Hills, California
(916) 358-5672
RSAnalysis, Inc.
Belmont, California
(650) 654-1340
San Diego Air Balance
Escondido, California
(760) 741-5401
Winaire, Inc.
Huntington Beach, California
(714) 901-2747
AirDronics, Inc.
Parker, Colorado
(720) 220-1062
Plamondon Balancing
Company, LLC
Arvada, Colorado
(303) 870-0249
CFM Test & Balance
Bethel, Connecticut
(203) 778-1900
James E. Brennan Company, Inc.
Wallingford, Connecticut
(203) 269-1454
Air Balance Unlimited, Inc.
Altamonte Springs, Florida
(407) 383-8259
Bay to Bay Balancing, Inc.
Lutz, Florida
(813) 971-4545
Bay to Bay Balancing, Inc.
Orlando, Florida
(407) 947-9996
Environmental Balance
Jacksonville, Florida
(904) 724-7881
Gregor Hartenhoff, Inc.
Pompano Beach, Florida
(954) 786-3420
Perfect Balance, Inc.
Jacksonville, Florida
(904) 332-8533
Perfect Balance, Inc.
Jupiter, Florida
(561) 575-4919
Perfect Balance, Inc.
Orlando, FL
(407) 947-8057
Precision Balance
Orlando, Florida
(407) 876-4112
Southern Balance, Inc.
Pensacola, Florida
(850) 478-3059
Southern Independent Testing
Agency, Inc.
Lutz, Florida
(813) 949-1999
Tamiami Air Balancing &
Fort Meyers, Florida
(239) 243-6793
Test and Balance Corporation
Lutz, Florida
(813) 909-8809
Test & Balance Corporation
of Orlando
Orlando, Florida
(407) 894-8181
The Phoenix Agency, Inc.
Lutz, Florida
(813) 908-7701
Thermocline Corp.
Merritt Island, Florida
(321) 453-3499
Hydro-Air Associates, Inc.
Norcross, Georgia
(770) 448-9858
TAB Services, Inc.
Atlanta, Georgia
(404) 329-1001
Test and Balance Corporation
Roswell, Georgia
(678) 393-9401
Penn Air Control, Inc.
Tamuning, Guam
(671) 477-0325
Penn Air Control, Inc.
Kapolei, Hawaii
(808) 485-8880
Test and Balance Corporation
of the Pacic
Honolulu, Hawaii
(808) 593-1924
United Test and Balance
Service, Inc.
Glen Ellyn, Illinois
(630) 790-4940
Fluid Dynamics, Inc.
Fort Wayne, Indiana
(260) 490-8011
Systems Management &
Balancing, Inc.
Des Moines, Iowa
(515) 270-8755
Thermal Balance, Inc.
Ashland, Kentucky
(606) 929-9929
Thermal Balance, Inc.
Lexington, Kentucky
(859) 277-6158
Thermal Balance, Inc.
Paducah, Kentucky
(270) 744-9723
Coastal Air Balance, Inc.
Jefferson, Louisiana
(504) 834-4537
Tech Test Inc. of Louisiana
Baton Rouge, Louisiana
(225) 752-1664
American Testing Inc.
Ellicott City, Maryland
(800) 535-5594
Baltimore Air Balance
Bowie, Maryland
(301) 262-2705
Baumgartner, Inc.
Baltimore, Maryland
(410) 661-2515
Baumgartner, Inc.
Easton, Maryland
(410) 770-9277
Chesapeake Testing &
Easton, Maryland
(410) 820-9791
Environmental Balancing
Clinton, Maryland
(301) 868-6334
Test & Balancing, Inc.
Laurel, Maryland
(301) 953-0120
Weisman, Inc.
Towson, Maryland
(410) 296-9070
Thomas-Young Associates, Inc.
Marion, Massachusetts
(508) 748-0204
Aerodynamics Inspecting
Dearborn, Michigan
(313) 584-7450
Airow Testing, Inc.
Lincoln Park, Michigan
(313) 382-TEST
Air Systems Engineering, Inc.
Minnetonka, Minnesota
(952) 807-6744
Mechanical Data Corporation
Bloomington, Minnesota
(952) 473-1176
Mechanical Test and Balance
Maple Plain, Minnesota
(763) 479-6300
Systems Management &
Balancing, of Minnesota, Inc.
Center City, Minnesota
(651) 257-7380
Capital Air Balance, Inc.
Terry, Mississippi
(601) 878-6701
Coastal Air Balance, Inc.
Terry, Mississippi
(601) 834-4537
Envirosystem Analysis, Inc.
St. Charles, Missouri
(636) 661-5252
Miller Certied Air
St. Louis, Missouri
(314) 352-8981
Precisionaire of the Midwest, Inc.
Grain Valley, Missouri
(816) 228-3271
Systems Testing and Analysis
St. Louis, Missouri
(314) 567-6011
Testing & Balance Co. of the
Ozarks, LLC
Saddlebrook, Missouri
(417) 443-4430
American Air Balance Co., Inc.
Las Vegas, Nevada
(702) 255-7331
Environmental Testing and
Balancing, Inc.
Las Vegas, Nevada
(702) 227-6950
Land Air Balance Technology
Las Vegas, Nevada
(702) 385-5227
Mechanical Test & Balance
Las Vegas, Nevada
(702) 737-3030
Penn Air Control, Inc.
Las Vegas, Nevada
(702) 221-9877
Raglen System Balance, Inc.
Las Vegas, Nevada
(702) 740-5537
Raglen System Balance, Inc.
Reno, Nevada
(775) 747-0100
RSAnalysis, Inc.
Las Vegas, Nevada
(702) 524-3699
RSAnalysis, Inc.
Reno, Nevada
(775) 323-8866
Winaire, Inc.
Las Vegas, Nevada
(702) 262-9606
Effective Air Balance, Inc.
Totowa, New Jersey
(973) 790-6748
National Air Balance Co., Inc.
Paramus, New Jersey
(201) 444-8777
Air Conditioning Test &
Balance Co.
Great Neck, New York
(516) 487-6724
Mechanical Testing, Inc.
Schenectady, New York
(518) 374-9440
Precision Testing & Balancing, Inc.
Bronx, New York
(718) 994-2300
Air Balance Corporation
Greensboro, North Carolina
(336) 275-6678
e-n Tech Independent Testing
Services, Inc.
Winston-Salem, NC
(336) 896-0090
Palmetto Air and Water
Asheville, North Carolina
(828) 277-2256
Palmetto Air and Water Balance
Charlotte, North Carolina
(704) 494-4750
Palmetto Air and Water Balance
Raleigh, North Carolina
(919) 460-7730
The Phoenix Agency of North
Carolina, Inc.
Winston-Salem, North
(336) 744-1998
Test and Balance Corporation
Winston-Salem, North
(336) 714-6173
Design Control, Inc.
Fargo, ND
(701) 237-3037
Air Balance Unlimited, Inc.
Gahanna, Ohio
(614) 595-9619
Heat Transfarr, Inc.
Columbus, Ohio
(614) 262-6093
Kahoe Air Balance Company
Eastlake, Ohio
(440) 946-4300
Kahoe Air Balance
Milford, Ohio
(513) 248-4141
Kahoe Air Balance
Lewis Center, Ohio
(740) 548-7411
PBC, Inc. (Professional
Balance Company)
Willoughby, Ohio
(440) 975-9494
Precision Air Balance
Company, Inc.
Cleveland, OH
(216) 362-7727
R.H. Cochran and
Associates, Inc.
Wickliffe, Ohio
(440) 585-5940
Eagle Test & Balance
Cushing, Oklahoma
(918) 225-1668
Pacic Coast Air
Balance Co.
Newberg, Oregon
(503) 537-0826
Butler Balancing Company
Thorndale, Pennsylvania
(610) 873-6905
Flood & Sterling
New Cumberland,
(717) 232-0529
Kahoe Air Balance (Pittsburgh)
McMurray, Pennsylvania
(724) 941-3335
WAE Balancing, Inc.
Mercer, Pennsylvania
(724) 662-5743
Penn Air Control, Inc.
Naguabo, Puerto Rico
(787) 504-8118
Palmetto Air and Water Balance
Greenville, South Carolina
(864) 877-6832
Environmental Test & Balance
Memphis, Tennessee
(901) 373-9946
Systems Analysis, Inc.
Hermitage, Tennessee
(615) 883-9199
United Testing & Balancing, Inc.
Nashville, Tennessee
(615) 331-1294
United Testing & Balancing,
Knoxville, Tennessee
(423) 922-5754
Aerodynamics Inspecting
McAllen, Texas
(956) 631-2166
Air Balancing Company, Ltd.
Fort Worth, Texas
(817) 572-6994
AIR Engineering and Testing, Inc.
Dallas, Texas
(972) 386-0144
Austin Air Balancing
Austin, Texas
(512) 477-7247
Delta-T, Ltd.
Garland, Texas
(972) 494-2300
Engineered Air Balance
Co., Inc.
Addison, Texas
(972) 818-9000
Engineered Air Balance
Co., Inc.
Houston, Texas
(281) 873-7084
Engineered Air Balance
Co., Inc.
San Antonio, Texas
(210) 736-9494
On-Line Air Balancing
Houston, TX
(713) 453-5497
PHI Service Agency, Inc.
San Antonio, Texas
(210) 224-1665
PHI Service Agency, Inc.
Austin, Texas
(512) 339-4757
PHI Service Agency, Inc.
Donna, Texas
(956) 464-1234
Precisionaire of Texas
Houston, Texas
(281) 449-0961
Professional Balancing
Services, Inc.
Dallas, Texas
(214) 349-4644
Technical Air Balance, Inc.
Spring, Texas
(281) 651-1844
Texas Test and Balance
Kingwood, Texas
(281) 358-2118
Danis Test and Balance
New Harmony, Utah
(435) 867-0158
RSAnalysis, Inc.
Sandy, Utah
(801) 255-5015
AITB, Inc.
Suffolk, Virginia
(757) 238-8144
Arian Tab Services, Inc.
Herndon, Virginia
(703) 319-1000
Richmond, Virginia
(804) 379-9345
HVAC Balancing &
Lynchburg, Virginia
(434) 525-5283
Mid-Atlantic Test and Balance,
South Boston, Virginia
(434) 572-4025
Eagle Test & Balance Company
Bellevue, Washington
(425) 747-9256
Penn Air Control, Inc.
Vancouver, Washington
(253) 472-6804
TAC Systems, LLC
Blaine, Washington
(360) 332-4789
Professional System
Analysis, Inc.
Germantown, Wisconsin
(262) 253-4146
A.H.S. Testing and Balancing Ltd.
Winnipeg, Manitoba
(204) 224-1416
Accu-Air Balance Co.
(1991) Inc.
Windsor, Ontario
(519) 256-4543
Air Movement Services, Ltd.
Winnipeg, Manitoba
(204) 233-7456
Airdronics, Inc.
Winnipeg, Manitoba
(204) 253-6647
Airwaso, Ltd.
London, Ontario
(519) 657-4968
Airwaso Canada, Inc.
London, Ontario
(519) 657-4968
Caltab Air Balance Inc.
Tecumseh, Ontario
(519) 259-1581
Controlled Air
Management Ltd.
Moncton, New Brunswick
(506) 852-3529
D.F.C. Mechanical Testing &
Balancing, Ltd.
Winnipeg, Manitoba
(204) 694-4901
Designtest & Balance Co. Ltd.
Richmond Hill, Ontario
(905) 886-6513
Dynamic Flow Balancing Ltd.
Oakville, Ontario
(905) 338-0808
Groupe Danco Televac, Inc.
Sherbrooke, Quebec
(819) 823-2092
Kanata Air Balancing &
Engineering Services
Ottawa, Ontario
(613) 592-4991
Pro-Air Testing, Ltd.
Toronto, Ontario
(416) 252-3232
Scan Air Balance 1998 Ltd.
Moncton, New Brunswick
(506) 857-9100
Scotia Air Balance 1996 Ltd.
Antigonish Co., Nova Scotia
(902) 232-2491
VPG Associates Limited
King City, Ontario
(905) 833-4334
West Rockies Services
Abbotsford, British Columbia
(604) 859-9797
Energy 2000 Technical
Engineering Co., Ltd.
Songpa-gu, Seoul
South Korea
Penn Air Control, Inc.
Kangbuk-gu, Seoul
South Korea
Have an Opinion?
An interesting case study? A new method?
Tell us about it.
TAB Journal welcomes submissions for publication. TAB Journal is published quarterly by
the Associated Air Balance Council. Send letters or articles to:
Editor TAB Journal
1518 K Street, NW, Suite 503 Washington, DC 20005
24 TAB Journal
Performance Testing &
Cleveland, Alabama
(205) 274-4889
Southeast Test and Balance
Cleveland, Alabama
(205) 559-7151
Superior Tabs International, Inc.
Pelham, Alabama
(205) 620-2801
Systems Analysis, Inc.
Birmingham, Alabama
(205) 802-7850
Arizona Air Balance Company
Tempe, Arizona
(480) 966-2001
Bal-Tec Test and Balance, LLC
Phoenix, Arizona
(480) 540-1665
Environmental Testing &
Balancing, Inc.
Phoenix, Arizona
(602) 861-1458
General Air Control, Inc.
Tucson, Arizona
(520) 887-8850
Precisionaire of Arizona, Inc.
Phoenix, Arizona
(623) 580-1644
Systems Commissioning &
Testing, Inc.
Tucson, Arizona
(520) 884-4792
Tab Technology, Inc.
Mesa, Arizona
(480) 964-0187
Technical Air Balance SW, Inc.
Scottsdale, Arizona
(623) 492-0831
(ABCO) Air Balance
Company, Inc.
Diamond Bar, California
(909) 861-5434
American Air Balance Co., Inc.
Anaheim, California
(714) 693-3700
American Air Balance Co., Inc.
Poway, California
(760) 737-0190
Los Angeles Air Balance
Company, Inc.
Upland, California
(800) 429-6880
National Air Balance Co., Inc.
Fremont, California
(510) 623-7000
Penn Air Control, Inc.
Cypress, California
(714) 220-9091
Penn Air Control, Inc.
Fallbrook, California
(760) 451-2025
Penn Air Control, Inc.
Petaluma, California
(707) 763-7155
RSAnalysis, Inc.
El Dorado Hills, California
(916) 358-5672
RSAnalysis, Inc.
Belmont, California
(650) 654-1340
San Diego Air Balance
Escondido, California
(760) 741-5401
Winaire, Inc.
Huntington Beach, California
(714) 901-2747
AirDronics, Inc.
Parker, Colorado
(720) 220-1062
Plamondon Balancing
Company, LLC
Arvada, Colorado
(303) 870-0249
CFM Test & Balance
Bethel, Connecticut
(203) 778-1900
James E. Brennan Company, Inc.
Wallingford, Connecticut
(203) 269-1454
Air Balance Unlimited, Inc.
Altamonte Springs, Florida
(407) 383-8259
Bay to Bay Balancing, Inc.
Lutz, Florida
(813) 971-4545
Bay to Bay Balancing, Inc.
Orlando, Florida
(407) 947-9996
Environmental Balance
Jacksonville, Florida
(904) 724-7881
Gregor Hartenhoff, Inc.
Pompano Beach, Florida
(954) 786-3420
Perfect Balance, Inc.
Jacksonville, Florida
(904) 332-8533
Perfect Balance, Inc.
Jupiter, Florida
(561) 575-4919
Perfect Balance, Inc.
Orlando, FL
(407) 947-8057
Precision Balance
Orlando, Florida
(407) 876-4112
Southern Balance, Inc.
Pensacola, Florida
(850) 478-3059
Southern Independent Testing
Agency, Inc.
Lutz, Florida
(813) 949-1999
Tamiami Air Balancing &
Fort Meyers, Florida
(239) 243-6793
Test and Balance Corporation
Lutz, Florida
(813) 909-8809
Test & Balance Corporation
of Orlando
Orlando, Florida
(407) 894-8181
The Phoenix Agency, Inc.
Lutz, Florida
(813) 908-7701
Thermocline Corp.
Merritt Island, Florida
(321) 453-3499
Hydro-Air Associates, Inc.
Norcross, Georgia
(770) 448-9858
TAB Services, Inc.
Atlanta, Georgia
(404) 329-1001
Test and Balance Corporation
Roswell, Georgia
(678) 393-9401
Penn Air Control, Inc.
Tamuning, Guam
(671) 477-0325
Penn Air Control, Inc.
Kapolei, Hawaii
(808) 485-8880
Test and Balance Corporation
of the Pacic
Honolulu, Hawaii
(808) 593-1924
United Test and Balance
Service, Inc.
Glen Ellyn, Illinois
(630) 790-4940
Fluid Dynamics, Inc.
Fort Wayne, Indiana
(260) 490-8011
Systems Management &
Balancing, Inc.
Des Moines, Iowa
(515) 270-8755
Thermal Balance, Inc.
Ashland, Kentucky
(606) 929-9929
Thermal Balance, Inc.
Lexington, Kentucky
(859) 277-6158
Thermal Balance, Inc.
Paducah, Kentucky
(270) 744-9723
Coastal Air Balance, Inc.
Jefferson, Louisiana
(504) 834-4537
Tech Test Inc. of Louisiana
Baton Rouge, Louisiana
(225) 752-1664
American Testing Inc.
Ellicott City, Maryland
(800) 535-5594
Baltimore Air Balance
Bowie, Maryland
(301) 262-2705
Baumgartner, Inc.
Baltimore, Maryland
(410) 661-2515
Baumgartner, Inc.
Easton, Maryland
(410) 770-9277
Chesapeake Testing &
Easton, Maryland
(410) 820-9791
Environmental Balancing
Clinton, Maryland
(301) 868-6334
Test & Balancing, Inc.
Laurel, Maryland
(301) 953-0120
Weisman, Inc.
Towson, Maryland
(410) 296-9070
Thomas-Young Associates, Inc.
Marion, Massachusetts
(508) 748-0204
Aerodynamics Inspecting
Dearborn, Michigan
(313) 584-7450
Airow Testing, Inc.
Lincoln Park, Michigan
(313) 382-TEST
Air Systems Engineering, Inc.
Minnetonka, Minnesota
(952) 807-6744
Mechanical Data Corporation
Bloomington, Minnesota
(952) 473-1176
Mechanical Test and Balance
Maple Plain, Minnesota
(763) 479-6300
Systems Management &
Balancing, of Minnesota, Inc.
Center City, Minnesota
(651) 257-7380
Capital Air Balance, Inc.
Terry, Mississippi
(601) 878-6701
Coastal Air Balance, Inc.
Terry, Mississippi
(601) 834-4537
Envirosystem Analysis, Inc.
St. Charles, Missouri
(636) 661-5252
Miller Certied Air
St. Louis, Missouri
(314) 352-8981
Precisionaire of the Midwest, Inc.
Grain Valley, Missouri
(816) 228-3271
Systems Testing and Analysis
St. Louis, Missouri
(314) 567-6011
Testing & Balance Co. of the
Ozarks, LLC
Saddlebrook, Missouri
(417) 443-4430
American Air Balance Co., Inc.
Las Vegas, Nevada
(702) 255-7331
Environmental Testing and
Balancing, Inc.
Las Vegas, Nevada
(702) 227-6950
Land Air Balance Technology
Las Vegas, Nevada
(702) 385-5227
Mechanical Test & Balance
Las Vegas, Nevada
(702) 737-3030
Penn Air Control, Inc.
Las Vegas, Nevada
(702) 221-9877
Raglen System Balance, Inc.
Las Vegas, Nevada
(702) 740-5537
Raglen System Balance, Inc.
Reno, Nevada
(775) 747-0100
RSAnalysis, Inc.
Las Vegas, Nevada
(702) 524-3699
RSAnalysis, Inc.
Reno, Nevada
(775) 323-8866
Winaire, Inc.
Las Vegas, Nevada
(702) 262-9606
Effective Air Balance, Inc.
Totowa, New Jersey
(973) 790-6748
National Air Balance Co., Inc.
Paramus, New Jersey
(201) 444-8777
Air Conditioning Test &
Balance Co.
Great Neck, New York
(516) 487-6724
Mechanical Testing, Inc.
Schenectady, New York
(518) 374-9440
Precision Testing & Balancing, Inc.
Bronx, New York
(718) 994-2300
Air Balance Corporation
Greensboro, North Carolina
(336) 275-6678
e-n Tech Independent Testing
Services, Inc.
Winston-Salem, NC
(336) 896-0090
Palmetto Air and Water
Asheville, North Carolina
(828) 277-2256
Palmetto Air and Water Balance
Charlotte, North Carolina
(704) 494-4750
Palmetto Air and Water Balance
Raleigh, North Carolina
(919) 460-7730
The Phoenix Agency of North
Carolina, Inc.
Winston-Salem, North
(336) 744-1998
Test and Balance Corporation
Winston-Salem, North
(336) 714-6173
Design Control, Inc.
Fargo, ND
(701) 237-3037
Air Balance Unlimited, Inc.
Gahanna, Ohio
(614) 595-9619
Heat Transfarr, Inc.
Columbus, Ohio
(614) 262-6093
Kahoe Air Balance Company
Eastlake, Ohio
(440) 946-4300
Kahoe Air Balance
Milford, Ohio
(513) 248-4141
Kahoe Air Balance
Lewis Center, Ohio
(740) 548-7411
PBC, Inc. (Professional
Balance Company)
Willoughby, Ohio
(440) 975-9494
Precision Air Balance
Company, Inc.
Cleveland, OH
(216) 362-7727
R.H. Cochran and
Associates, Inc.
Wickliffe, Ohio
(440) 585-5940
Eagle Test & Balance
Cushing, Oklahoma
(918) 225-1668
Pacic Coast Air
Balance Co.
Newberg, Oregon
(503) 537-0826
Butler Balancing Company
Thorndale, Pennsylvania
(610) 873-6905
Flood & Sterling
New Cumberland,
(717) 232-0529
Kahoe Air Balance (Pittsburgh)
McMurray, Pennsylvania
(724) 941-3335
WAE Balancing, Inc.
Mercer, Pennsylvania
(724) 662-5743
Penn Air Control, Inc.
Naguabo, Puerto Rico
(787) 504-8118
Palmetto Air and Water Balance
Greenville, South Carolina
(864) 877-6832
Environmental Test & Balance
Memphis, Tennessee
(901) 373-9946
Systems Analysis, Inc.
Hermitage, Tennessee
(615) 883-9199
United Testing & Balancing, Inc.
Nashville, Tennessee
(615) 331-1294
United Testing & Balancing,
Knoxville, Tennessee
(423) 922-5754
Aerodynamics Inspecting
McAllen, Texas
(956) 631-2166
Air Balancing Company, Ltd.
Fort Worth, Texas
(817) 572-6994
AIR Engineering and Testing, Inc.
Dallas, Texas
(972) 386-0144
Austin Air Balancing
Austin, Texas
(512) 477-7247
Delta-T, Ltd.
Garland, Texas
(972) 494-2300
Engineered Air Balance
Co., Inc.
Addison, Texas
(972) 818-9000
Engineered Air Balance
Co., Inc.
Houston, Texas
(281) 873-7084
Engineered Air Balance
Co., Inc.
San Antonio, Texas
(210) 736-9494
On-Line Air Balancing
Houston, TX
(713) 453-5497
PHI Service Agency, Inc.
San Antonio, Texas
(210) 224-1665
PHI Service Agency, Inc.
Austin, Texas
(512) 339-4757
PHI Service Agency, Inc.
Donna, Texas
(956) 464-1234
Precisionaire of Texas
Houston, Texas
(281) 449-0961
Professional Balancing
Services, Inc.
Dallas, Texas
(214) 349-4644
Technical Air Balance, Inc.
Spring, Texas
(281) 651-1844
Texas Test and Balance
Kingwood, Texas
(281) 358-2118
Danis Test and Balance
New Harmony, Utah
(435) 867-0158
RSAnalysis, Inc.
Sandy, Utah
(801) 255-5015
AITB, Inc.
Suffolk, Virginia
(757) 238-8144
Arian Tab Services, Inc.
Herndon, Virginia
(703) 319-1000
Richmond, Virginia
(804) 379-9345
HVAC Balancing &
Lynchburg, Virginia
(434) 525-5283
Mid-Atlantic Test and Balance,
South Boston, Virginia
(434) 572-4025
Eagle Test & Balance Company
Bellevue, Washington
(425) 747-9256
Penn Air Control, Inc.
Vancouver, Washington
(253) 472-6804
TAC Systems, LLC
Blaine, Washington
(360) 332-4789
Professional System
Analysis, Inc.
Germantown, Wisconsin
(262) 253-4146
A.H.S. Testing and Balancing Ltd.
Winnipeg, Manitoba
(204) 224-1416
Accu-Air Balance Co.
(1991) Inc.
Windsor, Ontario
(519) 256-4543
Air Movement Services, Ltd.
Winnipeg, Manitoba
(204) 233-7456
Airdronics, Inc.
Winnipeg, Manitoba
(204) 253-6647
Airwaso, Ltd.
London, Ontario
(519) 657-4968
Airwaso Canada, Inc.
London, Ontario
(519) 657-4968
Caltab Air Balance Inc.
Tecumseh, Ontario
(519) 259-1581
Controlled Air
Management Ltd.
Moncton, New Brunswick
(506) 852-3529
D.F.C. Mechanical Testing &
Balancing, Ltd.
Winnipeg, Manitoba
(204) 694-4901
Designtest & Balance Co. Ltd.
Richmond Hill, Ontario
(905) 886-6513
Dynamic Flow Balancing Ltd.
Oakville, Ontario
(905) 338-0808
Groupe Danco Televac, Inc.
Sherbrooke, Quebec
(819) 823-2092
Kanata Air Balancing &
Engineering Services
Ottawa, Ontario
(613) 592-4991
Pro-Air Testing, Ltd.
Toronto, Ontario
(416) 252-3232
Scan Air Balance 1998 Ltd.
Moncton, New Brunswick
(506) 857-9100
Scotia Air Balance 1996 Ltd.
Antigonish Co., Nova Scotia
(902) 232-2491
VPG Associates Limited
King City, Ontario
(905) 833-4334
West Rockies Services
Abbotsford, British Columbia
(604) 859-9797
Energy 2000 Technical
Engineering Co., Ltd.
Songpa-gu, Seoul
South Korea
Penn Air Control, Inc.
Kangbuk-gu, Seoul
South Korea
Have an Opinion?
An interesting case study? A new method?
Tell us about it.
TAB Journal welcomes submissions for publication. TAB Journal is published quarterly by
the Associated Air Balance Council. Send letters or articles to:
Editor TAB Journal
1518 K Street, NW, Suite 503 Washington, DC 20005
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Alnor 8.5 x 11.qxp 4/30/2007 10:23 AM Page 1

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