Daniela Gomez CV

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Daniela Gomez

31-07 74
Street, Elmhurst, NY 11370
(347) 462-6113


+#,$-%./ 0(11/2/ 3$-((1 (4 5,& 6 7/.'2)8 Puichase, NY, 2u14
Bouble Begiee B.F.A in Painting + Biawing, B.A in Ait Bistoiy
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0((;/, >)'() 3$-((1 (4 &-/ 5,&. 3%&#,"%? +,(2,%<, New Yoik, NY, 2u1u


Puichase College, S0NY, School of Ait + Besign, 0utstanuing Senioi Recognition Awaiu, Puichase, NY, 2u14
Selecteu Paiticipant, The Best of S0NY Stuuent Ait Exhibition in New Yoik State Nuseum, Albany, NY, 2u1S
NAACP Act-S0 Competition: Biawing anu Painting Silvei Neual, New Yoik, NY, 2uu9


Solo: Naking Neaning. Foium Ait Space, Puichase, NY, Spiing 2u14
uioup: Senioi Thesis Show. Bolly Naass ualleiy, Puichase, NY, Spiing 2u14
uioup: Piemium Quality Sculptuie BFA Show. Abions Aits Centei, New Yoik, NY, Summei 2u14
uioup: CutSciapeSmeai: Puichase BFA Painteis. Associateu ualleiy, Biooklyn, NY, Spiing 2u14
uioup: The Best of S0NY Stuuent Ait Exhibition. New Yoik State Nuseum, Albany, NY, 2u1S
Two peison exhibition with Naiissa Ciiuei: AlotofPainting. Foium Ait Space, Puichase, NY, Spiing 2u1S

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Communicateu guiuelines to help incoming stuuents anu fieshman acclimate to S0NY Puichase college life
Peifoimeu weekly meeting with founuation cooiuinatoi
Conuucteu euucational lessons along with tiips foi the stuuents
Evaluateu stuuents' oveiall peifoimance anu assisteu with theii acauemic neeus

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Installeu shows
Familiaiizeu visitois with aitwoik
uuaiueu aitwoik anu maintaineu the space

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Supeiviseu chiluien in between the ages of S-S yeais olu
Piepaieu lesson plans
Caiiieu out suppoit tasks foi teacheis

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Assisteu photo shoots
Contacteu business anu manufactuiing companies
Euiteu magazine layouts anu woikeu unuei ueauline piessuie
0iganizeu papeiwoik, scheuuleu appointments anu aichiveu images foi the magazine

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Co-leu a teaching woikshop at Abions Aits Centei: Explaineu the piocess of collectively ueveloping an
exhibition anu gave an aitist talk on the exhibition
Aitist Assistant foi Patiick }acobs, Biooklyn, NY, 2u1S
Nonitoi at Coopei 0nion Satuiuay Piogiam, New Yoik, NY, 2u1S
Tutoi foi u0 Pioject 1
giaueis, New Yoik, NY, 2u12
Tutoiing Intio to Nouein Ait at Puichase Libiaiy, Puichase, NY, 2u11
Aitist Assistant foi Betsabee Romeio, painteu cai show at the Neubeigei Nuseum in Puichase College,
Puichase, NY, 2u11
Nembei of The National Society of Leaueiship anu Success Community Seivice committee (Bieast Cancei
Awaieness, Foou anu Toy uiive), Puichase, NY, 2u11


Bilingual: Fluent in Spanish anu English
Auobe Piogiams: InBesign, Photoshop, Niciosoft 0ffice Piogiams: Woiu, Excel, PoweiPoint anu 0utlook,
0il, aciylic anu watei-baseu painting
Ciaft-baseu piactice
Photogiaphic uocumentation of aitwoik

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