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Ser ving the students of the University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa since 1922
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H:77° L:70° Commentary | Page 4 Sports | Page 12 Mixed Plate | Page 7 FEB. 11, 2008

SCIENTOLOGY UNDER ATTACK Masked protestors urge vigilance

ACM to West
O‘ahu Campus?
New bill enters final stages for
department relocation
By Taylor Hall the Mānoa to West O‘ahu campus
Ka Leo Features Editor and that West O‘ahu Chancellor
Gene Awakuni defers to UH
The Academy for Creative Mānoa’s position.
Media will be required to relocate However, if ACM is not
from the University of Hawai‘i at moved, “we will not fund their
Mānoa campus to the new West department, though we would
O‘ahu campus and give up its allow another entity,” said EDT
promised lease agreement with Chair Sen. Carol Fukunaga after
PBS Hawai‘i, under a bill passed the hearing on Thursday.
late last week by two Senate com- On Feb. 2 nearly a dozen
TREVOR ATKINS • KA LEO O HAWAI‘I mittees. supporters from a variety of back-
In a 4-0 vote on Thursday, the grounds urged the lawmakers to
Protestors gather in front of the Church of Scientology in Chinatown to publicize their dispute with the church’s practices Sunday move ACM to the fledgling West
Senate committee on Economic
morning. The protest was organized entirely online and executed in major cities across the globe yesterday. One protestor said, “We
Development and Tourism (EDT) O‘ahu campus.
wear these masks to hide our identity because Scientology has a policy of harassing and abusing those who speak out against it.” The
protestors urged citizens to educate themselves. passed the bill a day after it was Supporters included two key
passed by the Senate Education members of the Lingle adminis-
Committee. Senate bill 3168 will tration. Theodore E. Liu, director
Supreme Court Associate Justice visits UH Law School now advance to the Senate Ways
and Means Committee, which han-
for the Department of Business,
Economic Development and
Richardson School of Law last dition that can only be done by dles funding and budgets. Tourism, said in written testimo-
week, while also touring the women, explained the speaker. Student testimony may be sent ny: “An Academy for Creative
Justice Breyer and wife to the Ways and Means Committee Media program at UH West O‘ahu
island’s historic sites. Justice Breyer was invited
help plant an ‘ōhi‘a lehua Justice Breyer and his wife to participate in the UH Law
when it schedules its meeting at a Campus is a much needed step
later date, prior to its crossing over in expanding ACM’s reach. By
tree at law school Joanna were welcomed warmly School public forum “Doe
to the House. establishing a program at UH’s
by the Law School. They were v. Kamehameha Schools:
University of Hawai‘i officials West O‘ahu Campus, many stu-
asked to participate by plant- A ‘Discrete and Insular dents who would not otherwise
opposed the bill, objecting to mov-
By Kumari Sherreitt ing an ʻōhiʻa lehua tree in the Minority’ in Hawai‘i 70 years ing “a Board of Regent’s approved have the opportunity to participate
Ka Leo Editor In Chief
courtyard, in commemoration after Carolene Products?” program from one campus to in the ACM will be able to enroll
of their stay and the school’s in its biennium Law Review another within the UH system,” in a variety of classes and pursue
Associate Justice of the renovated planting beds of Symposium. said Linda K. Johnsrud, vice presi- careers that may not have been as
United States Supreme Court native Hawaiian fauna. Law students had a chance dent for Academic Planning and accessible to them.”
Stephen Breyer, one of nine Mrs. Breyer was asked to to hear about the day-to-day Policy, to the committees in a joint Patricia Hamamoto, super-
Supreme Court justices, was a plant a young ʻōhiʻa tree in life of a Supreme Court justice, hearing on Feb. 2. Johnsrud said intendent for the Department of
guest lecturer at the University one of the newly manicured that Mānoa Chancellor Virginia
of Hawai‘i at Mānoa’s courtyard beds, a planting tra- Hinshaw opposes the move from
See Breyer, page 2 See ACM, page 2

News 2 M O N D A Y S U R F O U T L O O K Justice Breyer interview


Mixed Plate 3
Commentary 4 6 HONOLULU TIDES NORTH 8-12 Surf from the next North-
Point your cursor to
Wave heights
WaterLog 8 HI 12:49 A.M. | 1:09 P.M. SOUTH 0-2 reported west swell will be above WWW .KALEO.ORG
RG !
Cartoons 9 LO 6:29 A.M. | 8:12 P.M.
WEST 4-8 Hawaiian style, the 12 ft. for North and and check out Ka Leo’s ?
RECYCLE 6 HALEIWA TIDES about half face West Shores.
Puzzles & Classifieds 10
HI 5:27 A.M. | 7:10 P.M. EAST 1-2+ heights.
exclusive interview

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