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Name: Adam Nykilchuk

Career Research Guide Worksheet

Make sure you have completed the career exploration and have a good idea of the career that interests you!
Use point form or sentences. Make sure it is in our OWN words! Do not copy
from the Internet.
Your job title (be specific): Chemist
Job oerie!"What they do (#roide a para$raph descriptio% of the job& What !ould a typical day o% the job
look like'):
A chemists day usually co%sists of $oi%$ to their lab a%d performi%$ e(perime%ts to discoer %e! chemical
structures for eeryday thi%$s such as pharmaceutical dru$s) to differe%t ki%ds of shampoo& *hey the% co%sult
!ith other chemists performi%$ similar e(perime%ts to discuss outcomes) to hypothesi+e) a%d to discuss the
future of their e(perime%ts&
Worki%$ co%ditio%s (,ours you ca% e(pect to !ork' Risk of i%juries' *ime of day"time of year'
-%doors"outdoors' Clothi%$ re.uired' /tc0):
Work lo%$ but fle(ible hours) a%d may !ork i%to the ee%i%$s to complete a% e(perime%t&
1sually !ork 2o%days to 3ridays
1sually !ork i% labs or offices i% research ce%ters) u%iersities) as !ell as chemical ma%ufacturi%$ compa%ies)
ad sometimes co%duct research or e(perime%ts i% the field&
Risk of comi%$ i%to co%tact !ith da%$erous chemicals
4alary (!hat !a$e ca% you e(pect to ear%'):
4tart arou%d a% ear%i%$s of 567)888 9 577)88 at a tech%icia% leel
*he more e(perie%ce you hae) pay could rise to about 5:68)888 or more
3uture outlook (!ill this job be i% dema%d i% the future' Why"!hy %ot'):
A chemist !ill al!ays be i% dema%d) simply because the ra%$e of specificatio%s they ca% coer) such as food
studies chemist) medici%al chemist) or$a%ic chemist) chemistry teacher) etc& *here are ma%y choices to coer)
a%d there is al!ays o%e i% dema%d&
Post-Secondary Institute!rainin" Pro"ram #$
;ka%a$a% Colle$e
%ocation and name of pro"ram& (Where the school is located& What is the %ame of the pro$ram' Also tell us !hy this
school appeals to you)
Associate of 4cie%ce <e$ree) it $ies t!o years of courses majori%$ i% your preferred scie%ce(Chemistry) a%d the%
tra%sfer to a u%iersity to complete the <e$ree& -t appeals to me because ;= Colle$e is %earby a%d it !ould $et me a
$ood first t!o years i%to !here ->m headi%$&
'ost& (first year AN< total cost of pro$ram) i%cludi%$ tuitio%) books) a%d supplies)
3irst year: 6) 7?7&@@
*otal cost: ?)ABB&@A
Pre-re(uisites of pro"ram& (courses you %eed to be taki%$ i% hi$h school i% order to $et i%) re.uired G#A)
Chemistry :: a%d :A
#re9Calculus or Calculus :: a%d :A
A%other 4cie%ce Class
What are 6 related occupatio%s you could take if this o%e did%>t !ork out for you (!hat !ould you do if you
do%>t e%d up doi%$ this career a%d !hy'):
Pharmacist *hese occupatio%s are all related to Chemistry i% o%e !ay or a%other& *hey also i%clude thi%$s -
loe such as a%imals) helpi%$ people) a%d food&
*ood Scientist
A%d most importa%tly0
Why are you i%terested i% this career' (,o! lo%$ hae you bee% i%terested i% it' What led you to !a%ti%$ this
job' ,o! does it suit"fit your perso%ality) i%terests) characteristics) stre%$ths) etc0'):
->e bee% i%terested i% Chemistry eer si%ce Grade CD because - fi$ured out - hae a $e%ui%e curiosity o% ho!
the eleme%ts react a%d !ork to$ether to create differe%t materials&

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