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Centre-assessed work

Personal outline form

A-level History (2040)
Unit 4 Historical n!uiry (H"#4$)
This form is to be used by centres where all candidates are offering different questions. Please submit one form per candidate. "t is not
necessary for t%e candidates offerin& different !uestions to su'mit a (rou) *utline +orm,
Part A is to be completed by the candidate and Part B by the supervising teacher. The completed outline form must be sent to the
centres Coursework Adviser for approval.
nce this form has been submitted to a Coursework Adviser and the title has received approval it must 'e co)ied and attac%ed to
t%e front of eac% candidate-s Historical n!uiry. )rior to su'mission to t%e /oderator.
Centre number Centre name
!"#$% &ing 'dward () *ive +ays ,chool
Candidates full name Candidate number
livia -ayne Powell .!#/
Part A - to be completed by the candidate
0nits codes and titles that you have studied
Unit code Unit title
#. 1),#1 Tsarist 2ussia #3.#4#/#5
!. 1),!6 (ietnam and the 0, #/.#4#/5$
%. 1),%B Triumph of 'li7abeth #$8#4#."%
Title of the 1istorical 'nquiry. This must be presented in the form of a question with a clear focus. 0ou must refer to a )eriod of at
least 100 years in t%e !uestion.
)n the period #/"$4!""$9 to what e:tent were ,talin;s policies the key turning point in 2ussian economic development<
Please list below all the sources that will be used.
The 2ussian 'conomy= *rom >enin to Putin 4 ,teven 2osefielde
The 2evolutionary 2ussian 'conomy9 #3/"4#/8"= )deas9 ?ebates and Alternatives 4 (incent Barnett
2ussia #3$$4#//#= *rom Tsars to Commissars 4 Peter :ley
;The Bre7hnev @ears; = BBC 2adio 8
The Aodernisation of 2ussia9 #3$.4 #/3$B - >aver
The impact of ,talins leadership in the 0,,2B - >aver
The 'conomic transformation of the ,oviet 0nionB 2 ?avies9 1 1arrison and , +heatcroft
Popular pinion in ,talins 2ussiaB , ?avies
The +hisperers= Private life in ,talins 2ussiaB *iges
1),8CDP,* Turn over
Candidates full name Candidate number
'rror= 2eference source not found
source not
Part B - to be completed by the supervising teacher
Please complete the checklist below to confirm that the 1istorical 'nquiry meets the requirements of the specification.
C%ecklist 1ick 2 select
)s the 1istorical 'nquiry valid and in the form of a question with a clear focus<
?oes the question cover the required #"" years<
)s the question based on a different period or country from that selected for 0nit %<
?oes the question avoid substantial overlap with material studied for 0nits #9 ! and %<
Are the source materials aE accessible<
bE demonstrating a range of sources<
2ecord below any additional comments you would like to draw to the attention of the Coursework Adviser in support of this
6uestion demands clear definition of ;turning point; which will allow full synoptic analysis
Teachers full name ?ate
,- *arr !34"#4#%
Part C - to be completed by the Coursework Adviser
Advisers comments

Approved subFect to the implementation
of the advisers recommendations
2esubmission required
Advisers full name ?ate
To see how A6A complies with the ?ata Protection Act #/33 please see our Privacy ,tatement at
Copyright G !"#" A6A and its licensors. All rights reserved.
The Assessment and 6ualifications Alliance HA6AE is a company limited by guarantee registered in 'ngland and +ales Hcompany number
%.885!%E. 2egistered address= A6A9 ?evas ,treet9 Aanchester A#$ .'C

To see how A6A complies with the ?ata Protection Act #/33 please see our Privacy ,tatement at
Copyright G !"#" A6A and its licensors. All rights reserved.
The Assessment and 6ualifications Alliance HA6AE is a company limited by guarantee registered in 'ngland and +ales Hcompany number
%.885!%E. 2egistered address= A6A9 ?evas ,treet9 Aanchester A#$ .'C

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